Dark Universe & Forbidden Love (22 page)

Read Dark Universe & Forbidden Love Online

Authors: Hao Yang

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction

Chapter 59


There was a debate regarding the
winner of the final. Half of the judges supported the decision that Jason
violated the rule and his team should be disqualified from the game. However,
the other half didn’t compromise and they couldn’t reach a consensus. As a
result, first class species officers stepped in and decided that Jason’s team
won the championship.

wasn’t aware any of these, because he was in hospital for several days. Right
now, Jason was sitting on the bed and eating his dinner. A nurse walked in and
asked, “How do you feel?”

better.” Jason said easily.

“By the
way, your friends are here. They have been checking on you since the day you
were hospitalized.”

them in. let them in!” Jason said hastily.

Within a
second, Lucis, Erikon and Sayilin rushed in the room, followed by Titainein,
Orizy and Idi. Each of them gave Jason a big hug.

let’s not do it again.” Titainein smiled.

didn’t get hurt, right?” Jason asked.

“She was
hanging on the camera drone. Of course not.” Sayilin said happily.

you just don’t give up, do you?” Erikon said emotionally.

Idi cried as if you were dead when she saw you lying in the water.” Sayilin

didn’t think Jason was dead. You liar.” Idi complained.

shouldn’t do that. It’s just a game. I mean, yes, we won. But what if you died?”
Orizy said in a worried tone.

other trainees wanted us to relay their concerns and……”

“And I
checked them out. There is no beautiful girls.” Erikon interrupted Sayilin.

that is not what I wanted to say.” Sayilin said.

OK.” Erikon nodded as if he knew it all.

“Man, I
gotta say. You are celebrity now. Every second species knows your name.” Lucis

“I am
quite sure some of first species know Jason’s name as well.” Titainein said

“Now we
will go to the first species game.” Idi said sadly.

won’t be easy. That is for sure.” Sayilin said seriously.

guys found anything about their games?” Jason asked.

they didn’t really care about the ball. They actually count how many stand on
their feet at the end of the game. If one side had more people, it wins. Very
straightforward. In our game, we all use the same armor suits and guns. In
their case, every species use their own weapons. In our game, if you shot
someone on the helmet, even if he isn’t injured, drones will take that person
out. In their game, they can keep fighting as long as they are not dead.” Lucis
said coldly.

“A lot
of first species get killed every year.” Idi said sadly.

treat it more like an arena to show their power and strength.” Sayilin said.

“Can we
quit now?” Idi said as she looked around at others

said a word. They all looked at Jason.

“I want
to give it a try. See how far we can go. I would rather die trying.” Jason said

somehow know you will say that.” Erikon said excitedly.

at least When I get older, I can tell my kids I fight with first species.”
Sayilin joked.

“I will
be the first Tizuee fighting with first species since the end of UWII.”
Titainein said proudly.

nodded and smiled.

“By the
way, you need this.” Erikon said as he handed Jason the badge.


“I am
quite sure Gloria watched the game, because it flashed all the time.” Erikon

“Did you
tell her I am alright?” Jason asked hastily.

“Yes, I
did. But you better call her.” Erikon said jealously.

“That is
the problem of falling in love. You know what you are doing but you just can’t
stop it, even if you know where it will lead to.” Titainein said calmly.

“That is
deep.” Orizy looked confused.

“That is
very deep.” Erikon had no idea what Titainein was talking about.

guys, let’s leave Jason for now. He needs to make the call.” Titainein said as
she gave Jason a sad smile.

guys.” Jason said. Then he immediately called Gloria. Gloria said she would go
to see him tonight.

Chapter 60


Jason sat on the edge of the
bed, looking out of the window. He knew exactly what Titainein meant. There was
no future for Gloria and him. However, he was just one of those people who
didn’t want to give it up before the game was over. Jason wished his father
could be here to give him some advice. However, he didn’t even know where his
father was now.

Just at
this moment, Gloria scurried into the room and gave Jason a big hug. She kissed
on his cheek and said, “Jason, you asshole.”


stuffed his mouth with her lips. They kissed like crazy. After a long while,
they had to break off in order for each other to catch their breath.

“I love
you. I love you. I love you.” Gloria said excitedly, pressing herself on Jason

“I love
you, too.” Jason said as he pushed Gloria on the bed.

wait, wait.” Gloria shouted.

“I am so
sorry. I don’t know what I am doing. It’s just…I am so carried away.” Jason
said hastily in embarrassment.

“I need
to take my uniform off. It tangles my hair.” Gloria said quickly as she sat up
on the bed. She took off her uniform and threw it aside. Now she was wearing a
white tank, her smooth skin shining, her medium size breast pushing the tank

gazed at her partially exposed breasts and cupped one of them. It was so soft
and it smelled so good.

turn.” Gloria said as she enjoyed Jason fondling her body.

Jason swiftly took off his uniform and the shirt, showing Gloria his solid
chest and shoulders.

noticed a scar on Jason’s left chest. She touched the scar and asked, “Is this
the one from Klizan’s blade?”


“It was
a miracle you didn’t die.” Gloria said seriously.

“I guess
I was given a chance to see you again. This is the power of love.” Jason said

“Yes and
I will always be here for you.” Gloria said as she kissed Jason.

grappled the edge of the white tank and slowly pulled it up. Gloria obediently
lifted her arms in the air to let the tank fly away from her shoulders. Even
though Gloria’s breast was not as big as those of Lisania, they were firm and
perky. The pink nipples were lovely and cute like fresh cherries. Jason
squeezed one cherry between his thumb and index finger, watching Gloria
screaming in jest.

Just at
this moment, he heard something from the doorway. He peeked over Gloria’s
shoulder and saw Klaycon stretching his head out. For a second, Jason was
worried that Klaycon would bust into the room. But Klaycon just stood there,
staring at Jason angrily.

aaaah.” Gloria kept her eyes closed and screamed happily.

tilted Gloria so that Klaycon could see him grabbing her tits. Then he kissed
Gloria on her lips while staring at Klaycon. Jason could clearly see Klaycon’s
twisted face and bulging eyes. Klaycon was gnawing on his lower lips and
holding his fists tight, his body trembling in anger.

felt so successful and rewarded. He squeezed Gloria’s breasts harder and
grabbed her ass. Gloria covered her mouth and screamed like crazy. Suddenly
Klaycon disappeared from the doorway.

BUZZ! BUZZ! BUZZ!” The fire alarm was echoing in the entire medical complex,
accompanied by flashing red lights.

was scared. She quickly put on all her clothes and shouted, “It’s fire. Hurry!”

Jason said easily as he slowly put on his clothes. He knew who pulled the

on!” Gloria yelled and dragged Jason out of the room.

In the
hallway, dozens of second class species were running to the exit. Gloria and
Jason blended into the flow. After they reached the safe zone, Gloria left
Jason and headed back.

they found out someone pulled the fire alarm near Jason’s room. Jason didn’t
say a thing. He knew what had to be done.

Chapter 61


Mark couldn’t fall asleep. For
the past days, he kept telling himself to stay out of it, so he made no attempt
to go to that cave again. He missed his sons, Jason and John. He hadn’t
contacted Jason since he got back to Earth. Thinking about this, Mark let out a
long sigh. He put on his clothes and headed out. After climbing two stories, he
reached the ground level and saw Pennington sitting in a booth. He walked to
Pennington and acknowledged him.

sleep, huh?” Pennington said.


try this.” Pennington said as he passed Mark a small pocket hip flask.

opened the cap, smelled it and took a sip. It tasted like whiskey mixed with

“What is
it?” Mark asked, feeling his throat burning.

“It was
a mixture of chilies and the stuff we use to degrease machines.” Pennington
said with a big smile.

“I could
tell there are definitely chilies.” Mark chuckled and took another sip.

“I made
it myself.” Pennington said proudly.

“I see.
By the way, you know, how long colonel has been here?” Mark asked cautiously.

years. Why?”

“I think
he probably found that cave long ago.”

stay out of it. I know you are always the curious one. You want to keep your
job, right?” Pennington said seriously.

course. I won’t do anything stupid.” Mark said easily.

Beep. Beep.” Pennington’s communicator was ringing.

said something to the communicator and said, “I need to take a look. See you

took several deep breath and headed back to the room. When he was walking in
the tunnel, he saw Salmon walking at the end. It was close to midnight. Mark
was wondering where he was going at this late, so he followed Salmon to the
very bottom level of the underground structure. Then Salmon just disappeared.
Mark checked the tunnel Pennington showed him last time, but he didn’t find Salmon.
He decided to wait until Salmon came back. After several hours, Mark saw a
ladder descending from the ceiling. Salmon climbed down the ladder and set the
ladder against a wall and then left. Mark never thought the entrance was on the
ceiling. He put the ladder back and climbed up into the cleft which opened to
another tunnel. It led to a cliff and there was a small hover.

hesitated for several seconds, but he couldn’t fight against his curiosity. He
climbed into the cockpit, started the engine and drove the hover into the cave,
heading to the bottom. After 10 minutes, Mark finally saw the bottom. There
were hundreds of buildings scattering in an area the size of 30 football
fields. Mark parked the hover and came closer to those buildings. Most of them
were two to three floor high and had biohazard signs on the doors. Dozens of
robots were patrolling the perimeter.

waited until patrolling robots left, and then scooted to the nearest building,
a warehouse like structure. He noticed the door had a slot right in the middle
of it. He knew Glycan had that kind of design for inserting crystal.

robots came back. Mark climbed onto the roof of the building. As Mark gazed at
those robots more carefully, he could tell they were Human made.

and Glycan work together?” Mark murmured to himself. He got into the building
from vent on the roof. Inside the building, there was a blood red field filled
with flowers growing on rocks. They were two to three centimeters high with red
petals, leaves and stems. Mark never saw anything like this.

Just at
this moment, a door opened on the ground. A robot rolled in and scanned the
whole field with rays of red light. Then it carefully picked up three black
flowers and the rocks attached to them. It held them in its chest as it headed
back to the door. Mark followed the robot to another huge warehouse. The robot
put the flowers in a field filled with black flowers. Mark waited until the
robot left, and then checked those black flowers. They were as hard as steel
with a needle like stigma and a tiny spherical black stone on top of it. Mark
remembered he traded this kind of stones for crystals before.

Mark checked several other buildings. In one of them, he saw hundreds of tubes
packed in order and each of them had a Glycan fetus inside. In another
building, there were hundreds of tubes holding adult Glycan bodies. Now Mark
had an idea what was going on. But he didn’t understand how Salmon got involved
in this. He quickly returned to the hover and flew it back to where he found

When he
just jumped out of the cockpit, he felt a sharp pain on his shoulder. He lost
his balance and slumped on the ground. Salmon walked out of the shadow and
asked, “Mark?”

it’s me.” Mark replied in pain.

are you doing here?”

“Well, I
am just about to ask you the same question.”

you are lucky. I didn’t aim at your head.” Salmon chuckled.

thought you missed.” Mark said and pressed on the bloody wound.

talk later. We need to take care of that bleeding first.” Salmon said as he
picked up Mark.

went to Salmon’s room. Salmon put a pad on Mark’s wound and said, “OK, Let’s
start with your questions first.”

“You are
in charge of that base?”

certainly hope so. I am just a guy running the security.”

whole drug dealer thing is just a cover?”

“No. We
are doing what we are doing. Only several people knew that base.”

“You are
making Glycans for what?”

“I don’t
know. The base you saw down there was only several years old. I was transferred
to here right after it was operational.” Salmon said calmly.

built that place?”

but it seems we got some help from Glycan.”

was what I thought. Why they picked us? I mean Human.”

“I don’t
know. Probably something special about that cave.”

because of those black stones.”

you really spend a lot of time thinking, don’t you? I am just running the
security.” Salmon said in a relaxed tone.

guess. Some Glycans did try to escape from time to time, but you stopped them
before they could even reach the surface.”

“You are
right about that.” Salmon said seriously.

the drug dealer know all this?”

“Nah, he
knows we are doing something down there, but he doesn’t know as much as you do

“I am
surprised he still let you stay here.”

“I asked
nicely.” Salmon said as he gave Mark an evil smile.

paused for several second and asked, “So what are we going to do now?”

“Two of
my guys got killed in the last drug deal. I need to recruit some flesh blood.
You are the smart one. I knew it. I planned to ask you to join me and I am
still considering it.”

should be paid more, right? Because I will be doing two jobs.” Mark smiled.

“No, not
really. But occasionally, we can get some good stuff like this.” Salmon said as
he hauled out a whiskey from a draw.

will work.” Mark said happily.

took out two cups from another draw and poured some wine into them. He passed
one to Mark and said, “For Human.”


both laughed and emptied the cups.

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