Dark Universe & Forbidden Love (26 page)

Read Dark Universe & Forbidden Love Online

Authors: Hao Yang

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction

Chapter 71


Jason was on the way to meet
Gloria. Thinking about her and the trip to Tjeit, Jason could barely keep
himself from jumping around and screaming. He checked the time again, even
though he just checked it like a minute ago. When the vessel touched down on
the transportation station, Jason was the first one jumping out of the door. He
rushed to platform seven, looking around for Gloria. The platform was as big as
a football field, filled with second class species.

Just at
this moment, someone tapped his shoulder. Jason swiftly turned around. Gloria
was standing there in a knee length yellow skirt, wearing a white medium brim
round hat. Jason was shocked at her grace and beauty.

“I guess
my disguise works.” Gloria said happily as she hugged Jason.

“Yea, I
know. I guess I get used to your uniform look.” Jason said in surprise.

you like it?”

“What do
you think?” Jason said in a teasing tone.

lifted her hat a little bit and kissed Jason on his lips. Jason kissed back
passionately, but Gloria slowly pushed him away and said, “Let’s wait until we
get there.”

“I will
kiss you all day and night.” Jason said eagerly.

“We have
several days. You can take your time.” Gloria said sweetly.

held each other’s hand and sat in the waiting area.

family didn’t ask anything? You know, you didn’t go home for the holiday.”
Jason asked.

“Well, I
told them I would travel with my boyfriend.” Gloria said easily.

feels good.” Jason said happily.

about you?”

haven’t heard from my father for a while, so I guess I can do whatever I want.”

“That is
great!” Gloria said excitedly.

they boarded the vessel heading for planet Tjeit. It was a green planet with
blue spots everywhere. The entire planet was an ocean and trees grew on the
ocean and covered most of it. The vessel passed through clouds and landed on an
airborne platform. Jason, Gloria and dozens of passengers stepped out of the
vessel, bathing under the warm light and breathing the fresh air. Hundreds of
colorful birds were flying among trees, singing and playing. After the airborne
platform lowered to the ground level, Jason and Gloria walked off the platform
and strolled on the land formed by layers of leaves and roots. Soon, they
arrived at the resort. It was a gigantic underwater hotel, stretching into the
crystal clear ocean. Jason and Gloria checked in as a couple and rushed to
their room. Before Jason could take off his backpack, Gloria attacked Jason on
the lips, kissing him like an animal. Jason grabbed Gloria’s breast, squeezing
them hard and violently.

Wait. Let me take this off.” Gloria said hastily.

swiftly grappled the edge of the skirt and pulled it over her head. Jason, at
the same time, tore away his jacket and pants and jumped out of his underwear.

“I hope
there is no fire alarm this time.” Gloria said in a teasing voice as she
removed the last piece of her clothes.

held each other in arms.

“I love
you. I love you.” Jason murmured.

“I love
you, too.” Gloria replied with passion, pressing herself to him.

lifted Gloria up gently and put her on the floor. Gloria was trembling under
Jason, breathing heavily, her heart throbbing out of control. When she saw
Jason’s erection, she was wondering how Human girl could take that thing.

was busy sucking the cherries on Gloria’s tits. He even bit them several time.
Gloria scream in pain and pleasure. Then Gloria kissed Jason’s neck and solid
chest. They repeated this for a while and then both of them were not sure what
to do next.

I never try this before.” Gloria said gently as she fondled Jason’s face

“I don’t
know, either.” Jason said in embarrassment.

you ever done this with a Human girl?” Gloria asked.


“I guess
we have to try it.” Gloria smiled kindly.

put a pillow under her hip to give Jason better access to her lower body. Then
Jason felt that part of him melt into Gloria’s body. They both took a deep
breath after the first contact. Then Jason started to move slowly. The initial
anxiety was soon replaced by body pleasure. Gloria closed her eyes to savor
Jason’s every charge. She breathed heavily and started to groan. Jason felt the
warmth from his lower body started to spread and he started to pick up the
speed and charged harder and harder. Now Gloria groaned louder, her hands
grabbing Jason’s arms, her long legs winding around Jason’s hip. Jason felt a
tension was building up in his lowered body. The next 10 minutes, Jason
couldn’t think anything and lost the control of his body. He just kept charging
and charging. Then he reached the moment that he felt he was going to explode.

aaah.” Jason couldn’t help but shouted. He felt a current running through his
body, every nerve electrified and every muscle convulsing.

opened her mouth wide but didn’t make any sound. She suddenly felt so fulfilled
and then her mind just went blank. After a while, she regained her
consciousness and felt so relaxed and satisfied. Jason was lying on Gloria’s
body, catching his breath.

After a
long while, Jason slowly pushed himself up. They looked at each other happily.

“I don’t
know what happened, but that was great.” Gloria sighed.

Jason smiled.

“I love
you.” Gloria whispered into Jason’s ear.

“I love
you, too.” Jason said emotionally.

do it again.” Gloria said excitedly.

just read my mind.” Jason said happily.

vacation just started.

Chapter 72


The day Jason took Lisania to
the earth, she was able to read Jason’s mind for a very short period of time.
She also felt itchy at the orbits on her face. Then as days went by, the time
she could access other people’s minds increased gradually. A month after Jason
left her on the earth, Lisania’s eyes grew to the point that she started to see
things in a blurry way. At the same time, her special ability improved
dramatically. Even if a target was out of her sight, she was still able to read
its mind.

didn’t know Lisania was a Hylocan and Truck, the boy living with them, had no
clue either. Lisania exposed herself at a time when Lilen bought drug from a
dealer. Lisania told Lilen that the drug was just some clippings and it would
kill her. The dealer was shocked and reported it to the boss Tioto. Later
Tioto’s gunmen surrounded the house. Lisania saw it coming, but she couldn’t
just leave Lilen and Truck behind. She knew they would came after her and she
also knew they wanted to use her power, so she made a deal with Tioto so that
Lilen and Truck could survive. She cared about them and she also knew Jason
would be upset if anything happened to them.

The next
month, her eyesight got much better. She was able to pass her thought to others
and saved the trouble of speaking. She was also able to plant an idea into
other’s minds. This sometimes worked very well, but not always. Sometimes the
idea didn’t grow in the way she wanted.

seemingly worked out well and she helped the drug dealer make a small fortune.
But she never expected to meet Mark again. She didn’t even know Mark was the
one saving her before the flashback in Mark’s brain.

now Lisania was sitting in a pitch black tiny cell, her hands tied behind her
back and her eyes covered in thick black cloth. She wasn’t worried about her
current situation, because she knew those guys didn’t know her true potential.
They thought she was just a common Hylocan who had to see the target to read
the mind. She didn’t flee, because she knew Mark wanted to talk to her and she
wanted to ask him about Jason.

she could hear Mark’s footstep, she knew Mark was coming and he was thinking
how she ended up on Earth.

thump, thump.”

stopped outside of the cell and said, “Since you can’t see me, I guess we have
to talk to each other instead of just thinking. I never thought about meeting
you again.”

did me.” Lisania said in a low tone.

“How did
you end up on Earth?” Mark asked directly.

“You son
Jason brought me here.”

brought you to Earth?” Mark asked in surprise.

“Yes, he
left me at his grandmother-in-law’s place.”

“Then he
didn’t know you have this ability at that moment.”

Because I don’t have this ability at that moment.”

“I see.
I thought Glycan removed your eyeballs.” Mark said in confusion.

did.” Lisania said easily.

“I never
heard anything like this. I mean eye regeneration.” Mark said in surprise.

“I must
say I am surprised too.” Lisania said calmly.

did Jason bring you to Earth?”

two months ago.”


“He hid
me in the Guardian Fleet training center.”

Mark was
shocked and happy that Jason wasn’t caught hiding a Hylocan in Guardian Fleet.

you for saving me.” Lisania said sincerely.

“Well, I
have a soft heart from time to time.”

“How is

“Why do
you care about him?” Mark asked coldly. The moment he thought about Jason,
Lisania learned that Jason was fine in training center.

helped me.” Lisania said gratefully.

you get close to my boy again. You hear!” Mark said in a hard voice as he made
up his mind to kill this Hylocan girl. He was quite sure Glycan was looking for
this girl and they would find her sooner or later. He couldn’t risk letting
this girl get close to Jason.

“What if
I tell you I love him.” Lisania said sincerely. She knew Mark’s plan, but she
just wanted to let him know she cared about Jason as well.

you can forget about it.” Mark said firmly and then left. He ran to Salmon’s
room and saw Salmon speaking on the phone. Salmon motioned Mark to sit down.

“Yes, I
understand.” Salmon said and then hung up.

is alright?” Mark asked.

was the dealer. He was wondering how the deal went. It turned out that the
small guy Tioto was his old friend, something like that.”

“We can
just kill the Hylocan.” Mark said hastily.

“Yes, as
soon as possible. Before she found out the site in the cave.”


slung a rifle on his back and rushed to the cell. When he got there, he saw a
gunman lying on the ground and the cell was open.

Mark shouted and then called Pennington and Salmon.

Mark and other gunmen scoured their territory and searched every corner. Mark
even checked the cave. However, they couldn’t even find a trace of Lisania.

Chapter 73


Jason and Gloria didn’t even
leave the room for the past three days. All they did was having sex, eat and
sleep. After the first day, Jason started to exploit Gloria’s body and tested
new ideas. Gloria wasn’t shy or afraid. She did everything Jason asked, even
though some of them were painful for her. But as long as Jason enjoyed it, she
just let him do it without complaining a word. Both Jason and Gloria lost the
track of time and they didn’t even know it had been four days.

It was
the morning of the fourth day. Beams of light passed through crystal clear
water, landing on their naked bodies. Jason slowly lifted his hand to cover his
eyes. He opened his eyes slowly. Gloria was lying on his chest, asleep, saliva
dripping on Jason’s chest. She was so cute and lovely. Jason spent several
minutes enjoying this scene, and then he tapped on Gloria’s head and said,
“Gloria, Gloria.”

slowly opened her eyes and gave Jason a big smile. As she pushed herself up,
she noticed Jason’s chest was covered by her saliva.

“Did I
bite you when I was asleep?” Gloria asked gently.

that really hurts.” Jason said angrily.

I am so sorry.” Gloria said hastily as she offered her breast into Jason’s

“I will
never be tired of touching those.” Jason said in an admiring tone as he
squeezed Gloria’s tits.

looked at each other in the eyes and kissed passionately for several minutes.

“Do you
think I will have our baby?” Gloria asked happily.

“That will
be nice. I mean if that is possible.” Jason said in a doubting tone.

on! You know it is impossible. You just want me to feel good.” Gloria
complained in a naughty voice.

That is truth.” Jason said slowly.

should see the good side.” Gloria mimicked Jason’s tone.

“What is

don’t need to worry about protection and we can have sex anytime we want.”

thought I was crazy.” Jason faked a worried tone.

on! I am hungry. Let’s call room service.” Gloria said as she punched Jason on
his chest.

“I am
thinking we should at least leave the room. We need to get some fresh air.”
Jason said tiredly.

it’s been two days.”

days actually, or four, if you count today.”


smiled at each other happily.

They took
a shower together and dressed up. Then they had a quick breakfast, left the
hotel and went into the forests.

It was
sunny and warm. White clouds strolled in the sky leisurely. Gentle and soothing
breeze slid through trees like the caress of lovers’ hands, carrying petals of
flowers and aroma far away.

each other’s hands, Jason and Gloria were walking on a trail. Gloria checked
around and then took off her hat. Her wavy blonde hair was shining like gold

know, I saw your first before we even met.” Jason said.


“And I
knew I needed to get out before you saw me.” Jason chuckled.

didn’t work well.” Gloria smiled kindly.

“I am
happy that I didn’t make it.” Jason said and kissed Gloria’s hand.

“I was
really really really angry at that time.” Gloria said seriously.

know.” Jason said proudly.

“Now I
think about it. You didn’t even give me a chance to talk to you and just
attacked me.”

“It was

“Are you
kidding me?” Gloria laughed.

“So you
love me at the first sight?”

just say you are different. That was my first impression.” Gloria said shyly.

“I fell
in love with you at the first sight.” Jason said sincerely.

then you attacked me twice.”

on. You were very mean to me. You remember? So when did you start to love me.”

you returned the necklace.” Gloria said as she kissed Jason’s cheek.

thought it started from planet Etitaeg.”

think a girl will love a boy just because he saves her life. Good luck with
that. She will certainly be grateful, but that is not love.” Gloria smiled.

“What is
love?” Jason asked.

you say you love me, what are you thinking?”

mean except your body?” Jason said in a joking tone as he grabbed her hip.

didn’t stop him. She just looked at him kindly.

put his hand back and said, “You are my life and I will do anything to protect

haven’t seen other Glycan girls. There are girls who are more beautiful than
me.” Gloria said seriously.

“I see.
Well, I take it back.” Jason joked.

Gloria shouted and they both laughed loudly.

“Oh, I
need to ask you something. Why you guys hate Hylocan that much.” Jason asked

this comes from?” Gloria asked curiously.

“I am
just so confused. You have millions of years of civilization, but couldn’t
figure out a more civilized solution. I mean, this is something Human went
through. We kill each other for whatever reason. I thought as we move forward,
we can find something else to resolve the problem and not to turn to wars as
the last resort.” Jason said as he was wondering what if Lisania and Gloria met
one day.

you surprised me. I thought you only use your muscle.” Gloria said in a teasing

that hurts.” Jason sighed.

“OK, OK.
The hatred we have with Hylocan is a long long story. It started at least from
UWI and then went on with UWII. From my childhood, I learn that Hylocans are
evil. There is one thing I read from our history. It was during UWII. After
they conquered Rettiu, our then industrial center. They gathered all women and
girls together, raped them first. Then they dumped them in small containers and
crashed their bodies into bricks and built a monument using those bricks. Later
they completely destroyed Rettiu when they retreated.”

“If you
saw a Hylocan in person, you will kill her.”

“Why do
you say her?”

It is just...you know.” Jason said hesitatingly.

Every Glycan will do that.” Gloria said decisively.

“This is
just how it is.” Jason said in a low tone. He was happy that Gloria would never
meet Lisania.

really hope time can stop and we just stay here forever.” Gloria said as she
leaned her head on Jason’s shoulder.

lifespan is 300 years and for me, if I don’t live on the earth, I probably get
140 years.” Jason said calmly.

I am quite sure we can figure something out.”

“Yea, I

“We can
build our house there.” Gloria said as she pointed at a clearing not so far

Jason shook his head.



several minutes, when a bird was gliding over the clearing, a huge snake like
creature busted out of the sand, lunged into the air and swallowed the bird.

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