Dark Universe & Forbidden Love (27 page)

Read Dark Universe & Forbidden Love Online

Authors: Hao Yang

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction

Chapter 74


It took Klaycon several days to
locate Gloria. Now he and his sister Kuzania was on their way to planet Tjeit.

against a huge window, Klaycon was wondering what if his father found out he
bribed an officer to borrow this combat vessel.

walked to Klaycon and asked, “What are you thinking?”

just wondering what our father will do if he found out we are doing this.”
Klaycon said in a worried tone.

“I will
worry about it when it comes.” Kuzania said easily.

“What is
your plan?”

you don’t need to know.”

Then how do I prepare? I need to make sure I can save her.” Klaycon said

if you know the plan, Gloria could sense that and she would know you are behind
this. Then what will happen?”

let out a long sigh.

Gloria in your sight and act instinctively. Follow your feeling, then you will
be fine.” Kuzania said confidently.


“Now I
have checked it out. Gloria checked in the hotel using the name Loria and she
was not alone.”

come I am not surprised?”

that Human is there.”

checked out one room?”


“So they
sleep together?” Klaycon asked angrily.

does it matter?” Kuzania said unhappily.

“You are
right. You are right. I will put myself together.” Klaycon said as he shook his

“Now our
intel shows that right now they are on their way to a dance club. This is our
perfect chance. You will go to that dance club as well.” Kuzania said calmly.

minutes later, the combat vessel landed in the forest on planet Tjeit. Klaycon
headed to the club which was sitting above the water like a leaf.

Gloria and Jason will be there in about 10 minutes.”

heard Kuzania loud and clear. He soon arrived at the club and waited in the
line. The whole area was filled with bars and nightclubs. As it started to get
dark, fireworks, torches and lasers illuminated the sky.

“Do you
have a reservation?” The guard had to yell at Klaycon because of the blaring

Klaycon yelled back.

“Do you
have a reservation?’


“That is
fine. You need to check in all your weapons.”

hesitated for a second and handed in his side arms. Then he walked into the
club. There were two enormous dance floors. One was under the water level,
surrounded by huge windows and the other was open to the sky. Different species
regardless first or second class shaked their bodies along with music, cheering
and laughing. It was Klaycon’s first time to be at a place like this. He felt
his blood was boiling. He wasn’t sure which dance floor Gloria would go to, so
he bought a drink, waiting near the entrance.

Before he
could finish the drink, he saw Gloria walking into the club. She was wearing a
low cut tank, a kerchief and short shorts which barely covered her dainty hip.
Stunned by her flawless, long and silky legs, Klaycon couldn’t believe this was
the body in the Glycan uniform he saw almost every day. If he didn’t see Jason
was holding her hand, Klaycon would grab her into his arms.

is here.” Klaycon said.

Remember, act instinctively.”

heard Kuzania and followed Gloria onto the dance floor under the water level.
He picked a far corner and observed Gloria closely.

led Jason to the center of the floor, and then she swung her sexy body around
Jason, making sure there was always some part of her body touched Jason.
Sometime she pressed her hip on Jason’s crotch and sometime she slid her breast
on Jason’s chest.

noticed quite a few males were staring at Gloria greedily. When Gloria and
Jason took a break, several of them were brave enough to ask Gloria for a
dance. But Gloria didn’t give them a damn. Klaycon wished he could kill Jason
here and now.

several rounds, Jason and Gloria found a table and ordered some drinks.

“I will
be right back.” Gloria said as she pointed at the restroom. She left Jason and
headed to the restroom. Gazing at her body, Jason felt he was the luckiest one
in the entire universe. It was he who enjoyed her body for the past several
days and he would enjoy her body again tonight.

about 10 minutes, Jason still didn’t see Gloria. He was a little worried.

two girls rushed out of the restroom with scared faces.

ran to the restroom as he swiftly took out the badge and called Gloria. She
didn’t pick it up. He got panic and darted into the restroom, looking around
for any sight of Gloria.

restroom was starkly empty.

rushed to the window and kicked it open.

Gloria!” He shouted desperately.


It was
Gloria’s voice and it was close.

jumped out of the window and ran on the roof. As he was getting close to eaves,
he saw two big guys carrying Gloria and running in a small alley. He leaped
onto another roof, following them closely.

made a sharp left into another alley. Jason hopped off the roof and landed hard
on the ground. Bearing the pain on his legs, he ran faster and faster. Soon, he
saw Gloria and the two big guys. There was also another guy following them
closely. Jason quickly caught up with the third guy and thrust a knife into
that guy’s back.

Help!” The guy screamed.

The two
big guy carrying Gloria stopped and hauled out pistols from pockets. Jason
threw a knife at one of them and knocked him down. The other fired one shot and
hit Jason on his left leg. Jason kept charging as if nothing happened. The guy
was just about to fire another shot, but Gloria kicked him and he lost balance.
Jason quickly grasped the guy’s pistol and stuck a knife into his neck. Purple
blood was bubbling out of the cut, dripping on Jason’s hand.

sent you?” Jason asked coldly as he pushed the knife further into the neck.


swiftly pulled out the knife. The guy slumped on the ground.

“Are you
alright?” Jason asked Gloria who was still trembling.

yea. Yourself?” Gloria asked, her voice shaking.

“I am
fine.” Jason said as he looked around. There were only a few second class
species in the alley and they were all looking at Jason in surprise. Jason saw
the first guy he attacked was still crawling. He ran to that guy and dragged
him into a dark alley.  

pulled out the knife from that guy’s back and ask, “Who sent you?”


stabbed two knives into the guy’s neck, one on each side. Before the guy could
let out a scream, Jason rotated two knives simultaneously. The guy’s head
rolled off his neck and bounced several time on the ground, his eyes still

was on the roof and witnessed what just happened. When he saw Jason running to
the restroom, he followed behind closely. Then he traced Jason until he saved
Gloria. He thought about killing him, but he left his gun at the check in. He
watched Jason and Gloria run away from the site. He was wondering whether he
would do the same thing if he were Jason.

Chapter 75


When Jason crippled back to the
hotel, the wound on his leg had stopped bleeding. Gloria bandaged the wound and
said, “Honey, we should see a doctor.”

worry. You see, the good side is there is no bullet left behind.” Jason said

forgot, you can always see the good side.”

fell into silence for several seconds.

can I ask you something?” Gloria said cautiously.

“You can
ask me anything.”

you killed those guys, I was scared. I mean, they deserved what they got, but
you know, it’s not like you.” Gloria chose the words carefully as she watched
Jason’s reaction.

for those guys, there is no mercy. They abducted you and who knows what they
planned to do. ” Jason said decisively.

“I know,
I just, I guess.” Gloria stammered.

“I am
sorry you had to see that.”

“I don’t
mean to blame you or anything. I am just scared.”

pulled Gloria in his arms, holding her tight. He was actually happy that he
killed them all.

“So what
happened in that restroom?” Jason asked caringly.

“I was
checking myself in front of a mirror. Then suddenly somebody attacked me from
behind. I fought one off, but couldn’t beat three.”

took a long time looking yourself in the mirror.” Jason said in a teasing

you like how I look today?” Gloria said in a flirting voice. She pushed away
Jason and turned several rounds. Jason was running his eyes from her long and
sexy legs to the delicate ass, then to her proudly standing breasts.

could explain why they abducted you.” Jason murmured.

yea?” Gloria said as she spanked her own ass.

Jason shouted and grabbed her ass. Gloria walked backwards and gave Jason a
naughty smile.

“I can
spank you later, after we have some fun.” Jason said as he pulled down the
short shorts Gloria was wearing.

lost a lot of blood today. Are you sure you are alright?” Gloria asked gently.

“I am
alright. You see.” Jason said and showed off his biceps.

push yourself, OK? I am yours. My soul and body. So take your time.” Gloria
said sweetly.

“I love
you.” Jason said emotionally.

“I love
you, too.” Gloria replied with a passionate kiss.

them, the whole universe didn’t exist anymore. All they care was each other.

The next
day they woke up around noon. Jason checked the wound and found the scar was
almost gone. Gloria was surprised and said, “That was impossible! How can you
recover this fast?”

not always like this. It started about three months ago.”


“I think
it started from the time when I killed a monster on Etitaeg. Later I felt
something went into my bones. Then after that, I just have strength when I fight.”

killed a monster on that planet? Really?” Gloria asked in shock.


stared at Jason for several seconds and said, “I am so proud of you. Why you
didn’t tell me before?”

“It was
disgusting and I tried to forget it actually.” Jason sighed.

“You are
the only one who can do that. Unbelievable. If it was not you, even if someone
told me this, I won’t believe it.” Gloria said in an admiring tone.

feels good.” Jason chuckled.

“So, so,
what happened after?” Gloria asked excitedly.

remembered I told you I fought with those creatures on Sylareon? It was at that
time I first experienced something weird. I felt like something was coming out
of my bones and fueling my strength. Since then, I have this thing going on in
my body.”

I am not sure that is a good thing?” Gloria said in a worried tone.

“What do
you mean? I feel good about it.” Jason looked confused.

is improving your physiques must also take something from your body. You just
don’t know yet.”

certainly hope you are wrong. But I don’t know.” Jason sighed.

can I take some of your blood to run some tests?” Gloria asked carefully.

want to prove your theory?”

“I hope
I am wrong. I don’t want any bad thing happen to you.” Gloria said sincerely.

“OK. How
do you want to do this?”

thought for several seconds, and then she noticed the blood stained cloth in
the trash can. She picked it up and said, “This will do.”

smiled reluctantly. He wasn’t sure what Gloria was going to do, but he trusted
Gloria. Later he sent Gloria back to her family on Sylareon out of safety
concern. He didn’t want to do that, but he was worried that the incident in the
club was not random. It was safer for her to be around with her family.

Chapter 76


When Mark and others were busy
with securing the perimeter and scouring the ground, Lisania was on the way
back to Lilen’s house. She wanted to make sure Lilen was alright and she was
hoping to see Jason. When she finally reached the slum, she didn’t run to the
house directly. Knowing the range of her power was two kilometers, she was
hiding far away from the house and keeping an eye on Tioto’s men.

It was
close to sunset. Heylon, Tioto’s right-hand man, walked to Lilen’s house and
kicked open the door. He was a pudgy guy, five feet tall, half bald, with a
round face and jagged teeth. He walked into the living room leisurely,
accompanied by four gunmen.

by the noise, Lilen stumbled into the living room, followed by Truck.

evening, Lilen. You know who I am?” Heylon asked easily.

“You are
Heylon.” Lilen said cautiously.

“That is
right. Now sit down.” Heylon said coldly as he motioned Lilen to sit down on
the chair next to him.

was confused, but she still sat down on that chair and asked, “How can I help?”

“I am
wondering whether it is safe for us to have a conversation here. By saying
that, I mean if that Hylocan girl was around, she will surely know what we are
talking about.” Heylon said calmly.

thought she was on a trip with one of your guys.”

were right. She was on a trip with Tioto, but it turned out that she ran away.
It was a long story. But the point is she ran away.” Heylon said gently with a
evil smile on the face.

“I hope
everything is alright.”

yea, Tioto is fine. He is back now. My question is where is the girl? Did you
see Lisanial? Even though I used the word see, we all know that bitch is able
to talk to anyone without actually see them.” Heylon said in disgust.

didn’t contact me in any means. If she did run away, I don’t see why she needs
to come back here.” Lilen said slowly.

sometimes, I really hope to have that bitch’s power.” Heylon said as he took
out a pistol. “Bang!” He fired one shot at Lilen’s left leg.

Aaaaah.” Lilen screamed in pain and fell off the chair.

Grandma.” Truck shouted desperately as he ran to Lilen.

don’t be stupid. Come on, help your grandma to sit back on the chair.” Heylon
said as he flashed his gun.

lifted Lilen from the blood stained ground gently and put her on the chair.

“Now, I
am going to ask this one more time.” Heylon said as he pointed the pistol at
Lilen’s head.

doesn’t know. She really doesn’t know! Lisania didn’t contact us.” Truck

“If that
is the case, then you two are no longer useful to us.” Heylon said and pointed
the gun at Truck.

Wait! Jason can find the girl!” Truck yelled.

shut up! Shut up!” Lilen screamed.

“I don’t
want to die!” Truck cried.

“I am
listening.” Heylon said happily.

know how to find Lisania. He will be back soon.” Truck said.

“Back to

“Yes, he
will come back. He said that.” Truck said confidently.


“I don’t
know the exact time. But very soon. Now is the vacation time for all trainees
in Guardian Fleet.”

I trust you.” Heylon said casually.

He blasted Truck’s head off. Blood and skull pieces went everywhere.

won’t be here. Your mother fucker!” Lilen snarled at Heylon.

shall see.” Heylon smiled and motioned his man to take Lilen. Two gunmen
grabbed her shoulder and dragged her out of the house.

knew what just happened in Lilen’s house, even though she didn’t actually see
it. She tried to change Heylon’s mind, but it didn’t work. Now it was too late.
She thought about saving Lilen by herself, but that wouldn’t save Jason from
the incoming danger.

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