Dark Universe & Forbidden Love (54 page)

Read Dark Universe & Forbidden Love Online

Authors: Hao Yang

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction

Chapter 157


At the bottom of the carrier,
there was a big compartment filled with cubicles that were only big enough to
fit one bed.

Jason, Rew and Riodin got there, they could see a long line outside. Rew had
told Jason and Riodin about the brothel and they quickly joined the line. While
they were waiting in the line patiently, they saw Kiel step out of the
compartment. He walled to Jason and Riodin and said, “So you guys found it.” He
gave Rew an evil smile.

didn’t tell us.” Jason complained.

smiled in embarrassment.

on. I planned to show you guys this place when you got your first month pay.”
Kiel chuckled.

“I got
them covered, but only for this time.” Rew said proudly.

Oh, by the way, Jason. Here it counts how many kills you make. You will be able
to fuck the most beautiful one. I have faith in you.” Kiel said sincerely.

“I will
keep that in mind.” Jason said happily.

laughed and left. The line kept moving forward slowly. After about two hours,
Jason, Riodin and Rew finally reached the reception. A girl around her 20s
smiled at them nicely and said, “Hello, gentlemen.”

“Hi, I
am Rew. I am here for these two new guys. They just got here recently, so they
haven’t had their first paycheck yet. I will just pay it with mine. Is that
alright?” Rew said quickly.

Let me check your balance.” The girl quickly tapped on the screen. She soon gave
Rew a nice smile and entered Riodin Esonel’s name. But she had some problem
finding Jason’s name.

“Can you
double check it?” Rew asked.

Rew, I think I know what is going on. I will just leave.” Jason whispered.

“Oh, I
see. Do you mind going back on your own? You know, I.” Rew said hesitatingly as
he pointed at the compartment.

“Oh, no
problem.” Jason said and quickly left the queue.

up man? Run out of money?” A soldier in the queue shouted at Jason. Other
soldiers broke into laughter.

kept his head down and started to run. He soon left the bottom of the carrier.
He was running so fast that when he saw a nurse walk into the corridor, he
wasn’t able to break and rammed into her. The girl fell over on her back and
Jason fell on her.

sorry.” Jason said as he quickly stood up. 

She had
a diamond-shaped face with dark blonde hair forming a thick braid, her eyes
shining in dark green, her cute lips pursing because of the pain.

“I know
you.” The girl said in surprise.

Jason sighed. Now he couldn’t just run away.

remember me? I am the nurse in the surgery room. I am Jenny.”

yea, yea. I remember.” Jason now recalled this girl.

“I see
your leg is fine now.” Jenny joked.

Jason nodded in embarrassment.

“So what
is the rush? You are on the way to brothel?” Jenny asked curiously.

actually, I am.” Jason said quickly. He really hope to end this conversation as
soon as possible.

don’t need to go there. A lot of nurses like you. You can get sex for free.”
Jenny said as she played her braid. Her voice was soft and sweet like summer

“That is
good news.”

“I can
help you save some money.”

Jason asked in surprise, his eyes popping out.

on. Don’t give me this look. Girls can’t ask for sex?” Jenny said in a naughty
tone as she unbuttoned her uniform.

looked around carefully. There were only few guys in the distance.

slowly pulled her uniform apart. She didn’t wear any underwear and her firm
breasts jumped out like rabbits. Jason couldn’t help but grabbed one. It felt
so good that he quickly grabbed the other one. He squeezed them harshly and
Jenny flushed in red.

Marton. Jason Marton reports to hangar nine.” The blaring voice came out of the
speaker right above them.

seems we have to find another time.” Jenny said sadly.

Jason sighed.

“My room
is F2983.” Jenny whispered into Jason’s ear and kissed him on the cheek.

Jason said as he withdrew his hands.

will come, right?”

“Yea, I will.”
Jason said and ran away.


Chapter 158


When Jason ran into hangar nine,
he went directly to the hangar manager and didn’t notice there was a Tizuee
vessel in the hangar. As he saluted the manager, Erikon suddenly attacked him
from behind and choke-held him. Jason then saw Lucis and Titainein. Now he was
shocked, his jaw misplaced, his mouth wide open.

“Got you
this time!” Erikon shouted happily and let Jason go.

gave Jason a big hug and so did Erikon and Lucis.

guys are crazy. We are at war here.” Jason said emotionally.

“You are
the crazy one.” Titainein complained.

They all
laughed loudly.

they sat at a corner in the carrier dining hall. People looked at Titainein in
surprise. They weren’t used to see other species on the carrier.

“So how
is Sayilin, Orizy and Idi?” Jason asked.

are fine. They want to come as well, but you know we figured too many people
might cause some problem.” Titainein said.

“That is
true. How you guys find the fleet?” Jason asked curiously.

“I asked
my father about it and he told me.” Lucis said in a relaxed tone.

don’t forget who drove your guys here.” Titainein whined.

Titainein got a vessel.” Lucis said briefly.

“I also
asked my family to pull some string. You know I am a Tizuee princess. That is
why we can landed here.” Titainein said proudly.

“Man, I
need to get some food.” Erikon said as he left the table and rushed to the

They all
smiled and watched Erikon grab several plates and fill them with whatever
available on the counter.

I know you are thinking about Gloria. Sorry, we don’t have any news.” Titainein
said sadly.

hadn’t been to the training center since Klaycon took her away. We don’t know
what happened.” Lucis said in a low voice.

should be fine. She should be fine.” Jason murmured, casting his eyes down.

maybe it’s the time to let it go.” Titainein said caringly.

“I can‘t
stop thinking about her.” Jason said painfully.

was about to say something, but she saw Lucis shake his head, so she stopped.

returned with five plates filled with food and said, “Guys, let’s eat first.
Man, they looked good. So you got any plan?” He quickly put the plates on the
table and started without waiting for others.

“I can’t
go back to the training center. I hope the prison thought I was dead. I will
stay low for now and see.” Jason said listlessly.

“If you
really had something to do with Hylocan, I don’t think those first species
would give up.” Titainein said in a worried voice.

Man, that is another mess.” Jason said tiredly.

want to tell us?” Titainein asked.

know its better we don’t know.” Lucis said cautiously as he winked at

thought for a second and nodded at Lucis.

species know your Hylocan story?” Titainein asked seriously.

didn’t tell them anything. They didn’t ask me before they lock me up in
Listan.” Jason said.

had the ring, so they probably figured something out. At least they know you
are important to Hylocan queen.” Titainein said.

sometime I don’t understand you. You didn’t really think much when you do
things.” Lucis said unhappily.

Gloria know the whole story?” Titainein asked.

part of it.” Jason said hesitatingly.

“I can
tell which part you told her.” Titainein sighed.

you don’t need to worry about other things. Gloria will kill you first.” Erikon

you! That is very comforting.” Jason said.

“I think
the best course of action for you is to live as a hermit, forever.” Titainein
said helplessly.

need to change your look and everything related with you.” Lucis said quietly.

said a word. Jason knew he had reached the bottom of his life.

Erikon and Lucis couldn’t stay long. Before they left, Jason asked Titainein to
leave a communicator to him so that he could call Gloria. Titainein knew it was
a bad idea, but she understood Jason’s feeling. She left Jason the only badge
she had. It was one of the two badges Gloria gave Titainein before she left for

Chapter 159


Mark made a deal with General
Kalan, but he knew better than anyone that Kalan would kill him even if he
delivered Liutein. He could live with that and he had decided to make his death
worthy. If he had to give his life to Kalan, he would give him hell before
that. But he also knew his two sons would be in danger after his death. He
transferred John to an underground clinic and now the only thing left was to
save Jason. Mark returned to the Human colony M74985 and made several calls to
Colonel Salmon, but Salmon never picked it up. He decided to talk to Salmon in

It was a
cool afternoon with stiff breeze and cloudy sky. Mark was sitting in the rental
car near a restaurant in the suburb area. The restaurant, an old fashion
building resembling the architectures of Twenty-third century, was sitting near
the campus of a refinery facility.

hours had passed and the night crept in. A car slowly flew over the restaurant
and cycled twice before it landed at the backdoor of the restaurant. Mark knew
it must be Salmon. He waited another five minutes and then got into the
restaurant. Then he saw Salmon sitting in a corner and reading the menu. Mark
walked to Salmon and said, “Is this seat taken?”

Salmon said firmly without lifting his head.

“I will
take it anyway.” Mark said as he quickly sat down.

Salmon looked up and gave Mark a shocked face.

restaurant has the best sausage.” Mark said sincerely.

should try their meatloaf as well.” Salmon said calmly as he pulled a pistol
out of the pocket.

Right at
this moment, a waiter stopped by, handed Mark a menu and said, “Whenever you
guys ready.”

“Are you
ready?” Salmon asked nervously.

“If we
shoot each other, we will both die here.” Mark said as he readied his pistol.

“That is

“I just
want to talk. You didn’t answer my call.”

“I was
hoping you could take a hint. Apparently, you are not that smart.”

“Well, I
assume they found out the tracer in my body was no longer working. Now they
wanted to cut the loose end.” Mark said easily.

always do a lot of thinking, don’t you?”

“I will
say this has something to do with my son Jason. That was why they sent me to
the prison.”

“You want
to see your son anyway.” Salmon said and gave Mark an approving smile.

“Why do
they want from Jason?”

“I don’t
know.” Salmon said coldly.

“For old
time’s sake, come on, tell me something.” Mark said in a begging voice.

stared at Mark for several seconds and said, “Originally, they put two tracers
in your body. When you touched Jason, one tracer will migrate into his body and
only his body.”

“Is that
the reason you recommended me to Cateon? You know this all along?” Mark asked

“They already
had you in mind before I even recommend you. I only learned about this after
the tracer in your body no longer worked.”

you say they, you probably don’t know it included the ousted Glycan king
Liutein. He is hiding here.” Mark said seriously.

“You are
right. I don’t know.” Salmon chuckled.

“I saw
Liutein talk with Treton London and Cateon William with my own eyes. What we
have done are not for Human but Liutein.”

don’t give me those bullshit. You know you don’t care those Human stuff. We are
all doing this for the sake of money.”

will use Human to do something big. I can feel it.” Mark said confidently.


flashed a brittle smile and asked, “Where is Jason?” 

“I don’t

“I guess
I have one minute left, right?” Mark asked.

“If I
knew you were not here to kill me, I wouldn’t call it in.”

OK. I understand. If I were you, I will do the same thing. Take care, Salmon.”
Mark said sincerely as he stood up.

you should check out the war between Dolanz and Oepttese. Kiel’s squadron on
carrier Michael Stonan.” Salmon said quietly.

nodded and swiftly left the restaurant.

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