Dark Universe & Forbidden Love (58 page)

Read Dark Universe & Forbidden Love Online

Authors: Hao Yang

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction

Chapter 169


The brand new Glycan spacecraft
carrier was approaching the landing zone in the Guardian Fleet headquarter.
Lucis and some 30 teachers from the second class species were marveling at its
scale. It was so enormous that it could barely fit into the landing zone the
size of 30 football fields.

“It is
huge.” Lucis muttered.

why you were invited?” Sistyen, the history teacher, asked directly.

“I don’t
really know. Maybe they need one trainee as the representative of the rest.”
Lucis said proudly.

“That is
a theory.” Iueoto, the chemistry teacher, said carelessly.

even all the teachers received the invitation.” Sistyen said as he looked
around at the teachers.

“Well, I
am happy to be here.” Lucis said with a big grin.

“I am
sure you are.” Sistyen said coldly.

Just at
this moment, a Glycan military officer walked to the crowd and told them that
the tour would begin now. They followed the Glycan officer and walked on a long
boarding corridor.

stared at Lucis from the top deck on the carrier. Zier was standing next to
him. Nissen walked to Klaycon and asked, “What if this Lucis doesn’t talk.”

“If Zier
can’t make him talk, we will do it in my way.” Klaycon said as he patted Zier’s

“We can
always save that as the backup.” Zier said easily.

let’s get ready.” Klaycon said firmly.

and other teachers soon boarded the carrier. The smooth interior, spacious
hangars and well-organized compartments pulled a beautiful picture in front of
everyone. While Lucis was admiring the beauty of its engineering, Xwiteri, a
Lozisusis, called Lucis aside. She was teaching the class called intelligent
plants in the universe.

you want to see the bridge?” Xwiteri asked in a mysterious voice.

thought we couldn’t go there.” Lucis said quietly.

“Well, I
know some glycans.”

“I don’t
know about that. I don’t want to be caught sneaking around.” Lucis said

on. Don’t act like a kid.” Xwiteri said as she motioned Lucis to leave the

didn’t like being despised and he really wanted to see the bridge, so he left
others and followed behind Xwiteri. Ten minutes later, they walked into the
bridge that was as large as a basketball field and surrounded by huge windows.

was too busy checking out the bridge to notice Zier and Nissen walking to him

huh?” Zier said gently.

Lucis was scared and fell on his ass.

helped Lucis stand on his feet and said, “It’s OK. It’s OK.”

sorry. I was lost and got here by accident.” Lucis said in panic as he looked
around for Xwiteri. But she was no longer here.

you worry a thing. We just happened to be here. What a coincidence!” Zier said

“I am
sorry. I will leave right now.” Lucis wheezed.

hurry. You must be here for the tour. Right?” Zier said kindly.


enjoy. By the way, I am Zier.”

immediately recalled this name. He backed off slowly and said, “I should be
leaving. Thank you.”

blocked Lucis and said, “I know what you are thinking. Don’t worry. We are just

pulled a chair right in front of Lucis and motioned him to sit down.

and shaky, Lucis slowly sat down, but then sprinted out. Zier and Nissen ran
after him and caught him before he could reach the door.

OK. It’s OK. We are just talking. We won’t hurt you. Don’t worry.” Zier said
gently as he forced Lucis on the chair. He took another chair and sat right in
front of Lucis. Nissen was standing behind Lucis.

“I don’t
want to beat around the bush. You are smart. You should know what we want.”
Zier said patiently.

Lucis said in a shaking voice.

you are not that smart. Where is Jason?” Zier said patiently.

“I don’t
know. I, I, I, I really don’t know.” Lucis stammered as he shook his head.

you should know that Jason is done. He will be dead no matter what. But you
have a bright future. Do you want to end up like Jason?”

“No, no,
no.” Lucis said quickly.

see, I can tell you want to become somebody not nobody. We can help you, if you
help us.” Zier said firmly.

his eyes down, Lucis thought for several seconds and said, “I am sorry. I don’t

“You are
not a very good liar. You know that?” Zier said with a grin.

Right at
this moment, Klaycon rushed in, his uniform transforming into an armor suit. He
grasped Lucis’ neck, kicked away the chair, lifted Lucis in the air and
snarled, “Where is Jason?”

take it easy. I almost got it.” Zier said easily.

couldn’t breathe, his feet kicking around, his body trembling like a leaf in
the wind.

I think he wants to say something.” Nissen whispered into Klaycon’s ear.

smashed Lucis on the deck, grabbed his hair and pulled him up.

aaaaah.” Lucis screamed in pain.

“I am
going to ask one last time. If you don’t tell me, you will join Jason
eventually.” Klaycon said decisively as he flashed the dagger in front of
Lucis’s eyes.

“He is
in the Second fleet. On Carrier Michael Stonan.” Lucis said hastily.

unit?” Zier asked.

jet squadron 8.”

“If you
lied, we will be back.” Klaycon said and dropped Lucis.

two robots pulled in and carried Lucis out.

the Human Second fleet right away. Get things ready. I will ask Neiteo to come
with us.” Klaycon said firmly as he looked at Zier and Nissen.

nodded and walked out of the bridge.

Chapter 170


It was a sad night for Kiel’s
squadron. More than half of the pilots died in Dolanz’s ambush.  Rew and Riodin
were killed and Jason saw their death. Back then a Dolanz missile passed
through the countermeasures, heading directly to the carrier. Rew flew his jet
into the missile’s path and blocked the missile. He ejected himself out right
before the explosion. Jason swooped in to grab the ejection pod. The moment
Jason just touched the pod, a stream of laser passed through it. Jason watched
Rew break into pieces in the pod. Riodin was following behind Jason, when a
stray missile hit Riodin’s jet. Jason watched the jet disintegrate into pieces.

Human Second fleet sustained serious damages in this ambush. Ten combat
cruisers were shot down. Some 260 fighter jets along with pilots vanished. The
three carriers survived the ambush, but would need overhaul as soon as

useless and helpless, Jason suddenly felt he had enough. He decided to leave
the fleet today. Right now he was sitting at the edge of his bunker bed,
tapping his feet and waiting for his midnight shift.

stumbled into the room listlessly, apparently drunk. The death of Rew really
knocked him down. Jason knew Rew and Kiel had known each other since they
joined the Second fleet. Jason watched Kiel walk to Rew’s bed and sit on it.
Jason didn’t say anything to Kiel. He simply didn’t know what to say.

several minutes, Kiel stood up from the bed. He walked to Jason and said,
“There are several guys hanging around outside.”

wrong?” Jason asked.

you are a good man.” Kiel sighed.

thank you.”

risked your life to save Rew.” Kiel said sadly.

that didn’t work.” Jason shook his head.

“Yea, it

both fell into silence.

need to watch your back.” Kiel said suddenly.

Something wrong?” Jason asked in confusion.

“Just a
feeling. Those guys around the door. It’s unusual.”

Marton. Jason Marton. Report to the bridge.”  The voice from the speaker
surprised both Jason and Kiel.

“See you
later.” Jason said uneasily as he headed out. As soon as he walked out of the
door, he saw the four guys Kiel talked about. Jason didn’t pay much attention,
but after he walked several minutes, he noticed those guys were still following
him. Jason stopped at the elevator and waited. Two of guys caught up with Jason
and stood behind him.

When the
elevator arrived, Jason stepped in, followed by the two guys.

“Hold it
for a second!” Kiel’s voice echoed in the corridor.

stuck his head out of the elevator and saw Kiel running like crazy. Kiel darted
into the elevator and said, “Thanks, guys!”

The two
guys nodded at Kiel with ice cold faces.

everything OK?” Jason asked.

it’s fine. I am trying to take a look at the Glycan combat vessel. It is
closing to our fleet.” Kiel said calmly and winked at Jason.

“I will
take a look after I get off this.” Jason said easily. He sensed something was

All of a
sudden, Kiel took a swipe at the guy next to him and punched him down. Jason
kicked the other guy on the belly and hit his head with a knee, knocking the
guy unconscious.

Glycans must be here for you. Is this about your Glycan girlfriend?” Kiel said

maybe but not in a good way.” Jason said in a joking tone.

“Let me
guess she has a Glycan boyfriend?” Kiel said as he hit the button for the
hangar level.

like that.” Jason said with a bitter smile.

“I can
understand how he feels.” Kiel chuckled.

help me?” Jason asked seriously.

you know, not many human can score a Glycan girlfriend.” Kiel said easily.

When the
elevator arrived, they both dashed out, heading straight to the hangar.

listen, you need to threw away everything. I will get my jet ready.” Kiel said

hauled a dirty mechanic suit from a trash can, stripped off all his clothes and
put on the mechanic suit. Those mechanics looked at him in confusion.

“Did you
throw away everything?” Kiel asked as he ran to Jason.

one thing. My girlfriend’s badge.” Jason said hastily.

“Give it
to me.” Kiel said firmly.


“Give it
to me now!” Kiel interrupted Jason. 

took out the badge from the pocket and handed to Kiel hesitatingly.

take my jet and I will take yours. Good luck, my friend!” Kiel said hastily as
he took over the badge.

will die, Kiel.” Jason said emotionally.

you gotta have some faith in me. Alright?” Kiel said easily.

both climbed into the jets and headed out.

Chapter 171


Klaycon didn’t waste a second
after he learned where Jason was. He asked Neiteo for a favor and Neiteo
contacted the Human Second fleet and requested them to locate Jason. At the
same time, Klaycon and his friends took out one Glycan combat vessel from the
training center and headed to Human Second fleet. When the vessel was
approaching the Carrier Michael Stonan, Zier reported, “The commander of the
Human Second fleet just said they were bringing Jason to the bridge right now.”

well. Start the docking procedure.” Klaycon said hastily.

the vessel docked with the Carrier, Klaycon quickly made his way to the bridge
and shouted, “Where is he?” Zier and Nissen were following behind Klaycon.

“Oh, May
I ask who you are?” Aronic, the commander of the Human Second fleet, asked

“My name
is Klaycon. Now where is Jason Marton?”Klaycon asked impatiently.

received a transmission from the deputy chief of Glycan Seventh fleet. He asked
us for assistance to find Jason Marton. Before we proceed, I need to know what
your business with him is.”

personal.” Klaycon said coldly.

“In this
case, I need to know this personal matter.” Aronic said in a hard voice.

me get this straight. You probably don’t understand your position here. We are
first species and we are not here to negotiate with you. If you don’t take our
order, we have to do it in a hard way.” Klaycon said firmly.

“I see.
Well, I have to point out that you only have one combat vessel which is now
docked with this carrier. I like to see how you do it in a hard way.” Aronic
said casually.

them to get closer so that Human can see them.” Klaycon said to Zier.

relayed the order right away.

your radar now.” Klaycon said carelessly.

glanced over at the radar and saw the incoming Glycan vessels cover the entire
screen. Shocked and baffled, Aronic casted his eyes down.

see, we can attack you before you can even see us. Now do I need to ask them to
shoot something to demonstrate my resolve?” Klaycon asked in a relaxed tone.

won’t be necessary.” Aronic said sheepishly.

where the fuck is Jason Marton?” Klaycon shouted.

“We are
bringing him as we speak. I don’t know why it is taking this long.” Aronic said
in a low voice.

“I can’t
hear you.” Klaycon snarled.

“We are
bringing him here now. It takes longer than I expected.”


followed Klaycon’s order and soon found out that Jason had left the carrier.

Klaycon heard this, he punched Aronic on his face. Several officers in the
bridge jumped out of their seats and fought with Klaycon. But none of them
could match Klaycon. After several seconds, they all ended up lying on the

else?” Klaycon asked in a hard voice.

It was
dead quiet in the bridge.

“Now if
I couldn’t find Jason, everyone here will die. So?” Klaycon said coldly.

jet has a tracer on board. We can locate his jet really quick.” An officer

him down, now!” Klaycon yelled at that officer.

officer quickly logged into the system and pinpointed Jason’s location. At the
same time, Zier recorded all the information. Then Klaycon and his friends went
back to their vessel and caught up with Jason’s jet within minutes.

we have visual.” Nissen said happily.

could see the jet from the bridge. He flashed an evil smile and said, “Ready

“What if
someone else is piloting his jet?” Zier asked.

“At this
distance, can we scan the family badge?” Klaycon asked.

that is a good idea.” Nissen said and immediately scanned the jet for G family
badge. It returned with a hit.

is a G family badge on that Jet.” Nissen said excitedly.

this time we will finish him once for all. Fire everything.” Klaycon sighed.

than 50 missiles blasted off from the vessel, heading to the jet.

locked. Five seconds.”

two, one.”

missiles exploded right upon the jet. The glistening explosions lightened up
the surroundings.

watched the explosions carefully and said, “Confirm the death.”

“Hit by
that many missiles. I don’t think there will be anything left.” Zier said.

gave Zier an angry stare.

away.” Zier said quickly.

Zier was right. After hours of search, they couldn’t find a piece of flesh. But
Klayon didn’t give up. He was determined to make sure Jason was dead this time.
They spent three days collecting every debris piece.

On the
fourth day, Zier rushed to the bridge and said, “I got something.” He handed
Klaycon a defaced badge.

“This is
Gloria’s badge.” Klaycon murmured as he examined the badge carefully.

Zier said happily.

thought for several seconds and said, “Well done. Let’s go home.”

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