Dark Universe & Forbidden Love (59 page)

Read Dark Universe & Forbidden Love Online

Authors: Hao Yang

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction

Chapter 172


It had been a month since Jason
started his new life on this planet. He didn’t even know where he was. The
moment he left the carrier his only thought was to run as far as possible.
After hours of flight, he saw this yellow and red planet. The red was the color
of endless forest and swamp. The air was breathable, even though it had the
rotten smell all the time. Surviving in the wild wasn’t a problem for Jason. He
captured birds, reptiles, fishes and small animals with traps or arrows. For
the reason Jason couldn’t know, they all tasted like chicken. Jason also
learned that if he ate too much meat, it gave him unstoppable gas, so he
collected fruits from time to time.

In case
of lodging, he slept in the cockpit for the first several days. Then he built a
small tent with branches and logs. The first night in the tent wasn’t a very
good experience. He found out that water seeped out of ground and it could
reach a meter high before the dawn. Jason later built another tent with a
higher base.

solving the food and lodging issues, he started to think how to get to Gloria.
He missed her all the time. Now he didn’t have the badge, so he couldn’t even
think about calling her. He missed his father and his friends as well. He could
only wish them well.

It was
just another boring day. Jason was feeding the rabbit like creatures he
captured in the traps. The slowly-approaching humming sound alerted Jason. He
looked up at the sky. The yellow clouds trod leisurely with their edges being
gold-plated by the light. He listened carefully, but there was nothing. Then he
laughed at himself for this illusion. Several minutes later, the humming sound
came again and this time it was much louder. Jason saw an enormous vessel
slowly descending through clouds. As he was wondering where this thing came
from, a small transporter left the vessel and touched down on the ground. Then
someone stepped out of the transporter.

Jason murmured in shock.

stood still for a second and then ran to Jason. At the same time, Jason ran to
her. They hugged each other like old friends.

I miss you. I miss you so much.” Lisania said emotionally.

“I miss
you too.” Jason said excitedly.

“Do you
know how difficult to find you?” Lisania whined in a naughty voice.

wasn’t expecting anyone would find me.” Jason joked.

“How are
you doing?”

“As you
can see, I am surviving. You know how difficult to kill me.”

tell me about it.”

“How about

you saved me, I took the control of the army. I am sorry it took me this long.”
Lisania said sadly. She went ahead and told Jason the battles she went through.
She killed all the generals in the central committee. It wasn’t easy and it took
her several months to finally have everything under control. She held Jason
tightly and said, “Jason, I love you. I always do. Now I have the control of
Hylocan. Come with me!”

I can’t.” Jason said firmly.

of Gloria?”


“You don’t
even know whether she is alive or not.”

“I will
find out. Actually I plan to go to see her.”

Lisania asked in confusion.

“I plan
to go to Sylareon.” Jason said calmly.

somehow think you can even get close to that planet with what you have right
now.” Lisania said seriously.

I can use some help from you.”

“I will
help you to see a girl that I hate? She is my enemy.” Lisania said in a hard

you help me or not, I will go to see her!” Jason said firmly.

please. Please come with me. Don’t you feel my love for you? I killed my own
kind so that I can come to see you. Do you have any idea how much trouble I
went through just to find you? Jason, please come with me. Please.” Lisania
said in a begging tone.

you are always my friend. I always like you. But I can’t. I love Gloria. I know
it and you know it.” Jason said emotionally.

looked into Jason’s eyes for several seconds. She didn’t need to read Jason’s
mind to know he loved Gloria.

I love you.” Lisania said as she put Jason’s hand on her chest.

“I am
sorry.” Jason said coldly and pulled his hand back.

fell into silence. Lisania cried, red tears rolling down her silk like skin,
her hands shaking out of control.

didn’t know what to say. They just sat there for several minutes.

“So this
is it.” Lisania said as she wiped away her tears.


this, we will never meet again.” Lisania said decisively.


think about your life. Coming with me is your best option. We will have
everything we want. Please.” Lisania begged again.

Jason said and turned his head away.

stood up slowly and walked to the transporter. Before she stepped into the
transporter, she looked at Jason one last time, still hoping he would change
his mind.

looked at her and let out a long sigh.

got on the transporter and left.

Chapter 173


Lisania stared at the yellow and
red planet from the bridge. This wasn’t the result she expected. Outside as a
queen, she couldn’t never show any weak sign. But inside as a girl, she could
feel that her heart was breaking into pieces. The moment she saw Jason with her
own eyes, her heart almost jumped out of the chest. Now all the efforts she
dedicated was nothing but a daydream. She replayed what Jason said in her head
and cried inside. For a second, she thought about going back there and begged
Jason again. However, she knew Jason had made up his mind. Lisania sighed, a
tear leaking from her eyes. She quickly wiped it away before anyone saw it.
Then she turned around and caught the two generals standing in the distance.
She had no idea how long they had been there. She cleared her throat and said,
“We are leaving.”

“Yes, my
queen. Right away! There is just one thing.” One general said politely.

Swatwin.” Lisania asked.

queen, you are not going to believe this. While you were on that planet, you
got a visitor, a Glycan.” Swatwin said in surprise.

“How can
that be possible?” Lisania asked.

“This is
not just any Glycan. He is the ousted king Liutein.” The other general said.

is he right now?”

and I decided to bring him aboard and we locked him up in a cell.” Sawtwin said
cautiously as he glanced over at Oranka.

contact in this area after we found him?” Lisania asked.

“No, the
scope and radar is clear.” Oranka said.

“How did
he find us?” Lisania murmured.

asked him that. He said he would only talk to the queen.” Swatwin said

thought for several seconds and said, “Did you find any tracer in his body?”

Oranka said.

“I will
see him.” Lisania said and headed out.

minutes later, Lisania arrived at the cell holding Liutein, followed by Swatwin
and Oranka.

was standing leisurely behind the bar. He was young and handsome. Lisania now
believed the rumor that the then king chose him as successor because of his
face. Lisania was also surprised at how calm Liutein was.

“It’s a
pleasure to meet the Oracle.” Liutein said politely.

“How do
you know I am the Oracle?”

eyes are different.”

queen is busy and she sent me.” Lisania said calmly.

“You are
not a very good liar.”

read Liutein’s mind and she knew he was thinking she was the queen.

“Do you
want to just read my brain or we can talk?” Liutein asked politely.

“You got
a lot of balls to show up here.” Lisania said coldly.

“I have
been waiting for this moment for a while.” Lutein said in a relaxed tone.

“How did
you find us?”

Marton. I guess the queen loved him so much that she gave him the ring.”

gave Liutein an angry stare and said, “It is funny to hear a toppled king talk
like this.”

thought the queen of Hylocan should be more interested in why I am here rather
than how I get here.” Liutein said easily.

“Let me
guess what we can get from a flower boy king?” Lisania asked ironically.

about two billion army?” Liutein said confidently.

reading his mind, Lisania knew Liutein was serious and she also learned Liutein
had the control of Human president and planned to get this two billion soldiers
from Human.

dreaming.” Lisania chuckled.

“If you
read my mind, you know I am not dreaming. Three days from now, a fleet will
rescue all Hylocans on Hylocan reserve.”

suddenly grabbed Lisania’s attention.

simply think two billion Human will do anything. Kid, war is not boxing.”
Swatwin said in disgust.

true. But with the technologies to weaponize the dark energy, will that make a
difference?” Liutein asked nicely.

and the two generals knew very well that only Glycan had that technologies and
the very best example was Gaza cannon.

“So you
are here to join us? Are you really that stupid? Do you have any idea how many
Hylocans were killed by Glycan? You think we will work together?” Swatwin said

“We can
deal with that after we eliminate the nine species.”

want to kill your own kind.” Lisania said calmly.

“Once we
start it, it cannot be avoided.”

flashed a brittle smile and said, “That is your point. You want to revenge as

are no longer my people. I am no longer their king.” Liutein said slowly.

“I will
give you three days.” Lisania said and left.

Chapter 174


With Zier, Nissen and Carila on
board, Klaycon maneuvered a small space vessel, flying into a huge hole in
Sylareon. The hole was the entrance to the cavern, the cemetery of the 17
families. After descending some 50 kilometers, the vessel flew into an enormous
cavern the size of a megacity. The light emitting from countless crystals
illuminated the entire place. Each crystal in this cavern represented a dead
Glycan. In Glycan’s world, when one deceased, the body would be brought to an
underground location. As the ground absorbed flesh and bones, the crystals from
different organs merged into one. When the body was gone, the crystal started
to shine. Only the 17 families enjoyed the privileges to bury their body deep
into Sylareon.

and his friends soon found Didian’s crystal. They stood in front of it quietly.

After a
while, Klaycon said, “Rest well, Didian. We all love you.”

know, I used to think he wasn’t a good fighter. Slow. Clumsy. But he saved us
in his last fight.” Zier said emotionally.

“I never
thought he would be the one to sacrifice for us.” Carila said.

thought…” Klaycon stopped to answer the ringing badge.

I figure you want to know we have finished the treatment and Gloria is waking
up.” Kalisa said.

Great! How is she?” Klaycon asked excitedly.

should be alright. We are running some tests now.”

“I will
be right there. Thank you.” Klaycon said hastily as he motioned his friends to
get back to the vessel.

“Now, we
know who you really care.” Carila said as she rolled her eyes at Klaycon.

up!” Klaycon shouted.

casted her eyes down and ran to the vessel.

An hour
later, Klaycon walked into Gloria’s ward. Kalisa and other three doctors were
taking readings from different instruments. Gloria still looked sleepy. Klaycon
walked to Gloria and asked, “How do you feel?”

Gloria said listlessly.

OK. It will take one or two days to regain your strength. You are fine.” A
doctor said kindly.

have no idea how happy I am right now.” Klaycon sighed.


“You are
very welcome.”

“Did he
call?” Gloria asked quietly.

thought for a second and said, “No, not yet.”

“Can I
have my badge back?”

want to call him?”

isn’t that obvious?” Gloria smiled kindly.

Klaycon hesitated for several seconds. Then he took out Gloria’s badge and
handed it to her.

walked to Klaycon and said, “Sorry to interrupt you guys. Klaycon, can I talk
to you for a second?”

course.” Klaycon said and walked out with Kalisa.

soon arrived at Kalisa’s office. Kalisa locked the door behind her and said,
“There is something about Gloria.”

“OK. I
am listening.” Klaycon said nervously.

is pregnant.”

paused for several seconds and said, “Come again?”

is pregnant.” Kalisa sighed.

“What do
you mean she is pregnant? She wasn’t pregnant before the treatment and after
the treatment she is pregnant?”

“I know
you didn’t expect this and I didn’t expect this either.” Kalisa said

“You are
damn right. Who is the father?” Klaycon asked angrily.

“That is
the interesting part. I have run some tests and found out the child somehow has
Human DNA.”

“I don’t
understand. That is impossible.”

theory could be Gloria had sex with a Human male and conceived the baby.”

“Are you
kidding me? Glycans are extremely differently from Human in every way. We grow
from crystal.” Klaycon said angrily.

might have something to do with the treatment. As you know, the treatment
revitalizes the body. I think the Human might left his sperm in her body and
the treatment somehow triggered some kind of reaction.”

let out a long sigh and asked, “When the baby will be due?”

after a year.”

she know?”


strolled back and forth several times and then asked, “Can you remove the

“If we
do it right now, it will run the risk of killing the mother. Besides, that is
not the point.”

“What do
you mean?”

Gloria have done is a direct violation of our general principles. I need to
report this to the selection committee.” Kalisa said seriously.

don’t even know what really happened.”

“I am
quite sure the committee will find out what happened. It can’t be good.”

“If you
reported this, they will kill Gloria.”

“You want
to hide it? You think you can hide something like this. After several months
everyone will know it. Then we will be in huge trouble. You need to understand
the seriousness of this matter, Klaycon.”

“I love
her.” Klaycon said decisively.

“I can
tell that. But this is not about you.”

looked at Kalisa in her eyes and he knew Kalisa had make up her mind. He tread
slowly to Kalisa and said, “I agree. Who else knows this?”

now, just you and me. That is why I tell you first.”

appreciate that.” Klaycon said gratefully as he walked to the door. He listened
carefully and it was quiet outside.

“I know
it’s hard for you. I can understand your feeling.” Kalisa said in an
understanding voice.

“No, you
can’t.” Klaycon said as he stabbed a dagger into Kalisa’s belly.

aaaaah.” Kalisa screamed in pain.

covered her mouth with the other hand and stabbed her again and again. Then she
went quiet and slumped on the ground, lifeless.

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