Deadly Deception (12 page)

Read Deadly Deception Online

Authors: Kris Norris

She gripped the handle, wanting to leave before she made more of a fool of herself, when his fingers tightened on hers, holding her in place. She cursed her impetuous tongue, wondering why she’d broken down more times in the last several days than she had in the last twenty years, but realising it was too late to take it back. She’d told him everything, and she could only hope he didn’t throw any of it back in her face.

Sawyer’s fingers brushed along her jaw, staying clear of the swelling as he gently turned her to face him. His eyes had softened with an emotion she didn’t dare interpret. He cupped her chin, using his thumb to wipe away the tears still streaming down her face.

“Do you know why Cole and I were so angry tonight?” He placed a finger over her lips, preventing her from answering. “It wasn’t because you took off. Hell, I wouldn’t have expected any less of you, but damn…stepping onto that street, seeing you face off against four drugged-out assholes. Darling, it was all I could do not to mow them all down. But what scared me the most was watching you handle yourself. I’ve never seen you fight like that before, and I think both Cole and I realised you didn’t need us anymore. Not for a second. Shit, I only shot that guy because I was afraid you’d kill him with his own damn knife, and I figured he’d at least survive a well-placed bullet wound.” Sawyer shook his head. “You don’t need to worry about being strong enough, or about proving your father didn’t beat you. You just need to realise you’re human.”


The rest of the words wouldn’t come as the sobs she’d been holding back resurfaced, breaking through the fragile hold she had and shuddering through her. Sawyer cursed under his breath, leaning over and bodily lifting her into his lap, gathering her in his arms as he whispered soothing words in her ear. She fisted his jacket and buried her face in his shoulder, not sure whether to be happy that he was holding her, or scared shitless that he was witnessing her so vulnerable.

Sawyer pulled her close, smoothing one hand down her hair as he tried to rock her on his lap. “God, Mallory. Darling, please—”

She silenced him with a single finger, shifting in his lap until her head hovered in front of his, their noses touching. She nuzzled him, planting gentle kisses along his jaw before stopping in front of him again. “Make love to me.”

Sawyer’s brow pulled together in a vee as his gaze fell to her bruised cheek then back to her eyes. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

She gave him a lopsided smile. “You won’t.”

“Let’s go inside and—”

“Here. Now.”

He glanced around the tight space. “In the front seat of the Jeep?”

She leaned in closer, brushing her lips over his, tasting the sweet scent of desire on him. “I don’t need pillows or silk sheets. All I need is for you to love me.”

He smiled, and the tension that seemed to have plagued him since he’d arrived lifted from his eyes. “Then kiss me.”


Chapter Seven




Sawyer closed his eyes as Mallory leaned in, softly taking his lips with hers. She moved slowly, tasting his skin, testing the give of his mouth before finally pressing closer and delving her tongue inside. He didn’t rush her, allowing her to set the pace, knowing she needed to gather back some semblance of control. Her body trembled against his, sending his protective instincts into overdrive. He should have followed her sooner, had her back and kicked those fucking bastards in the ass when they’d threatened her. Instead, she’d sat next to him, holding back tears as she’d apologised for not being good enough.

Fuck. He was the one who wasn’t good enough. Undeserving of the chances she gave him. Though he’d meant every word about her not being ready, a part of him recognised the real reason he hadn’t confessed his undying love—he was stone cold scared. Scared she’d turn him away like she’d done at the hospital. That she’d suddenly realise she could do so much better than him…that Cole was a better man—hell, a better friend—than he could ever hope to be.

Guilt rolled through him as she eased back, dragging her mouth down his neck, biting at the muscle in his shoulder through his shirt. God he loved her. Loved the way she touched, the taste of her mouth. How she smiled when she caught him staring at her or how she never seemed to tire of loving him.

He should tell her. Fear or not, she needed to hear him say the words…now, not when she was ready. He cupped her face, drawing it even with his, fighting the feeling that constricted his throat and burned a hole in his gut. Fuck, she was just too damn beautiful.

She gave him one of those smiles, placing her finger across his lips again. “Don’t. You were right. You have shown me. So stop worrying about it, and show me again.”

Something inside him snapped, and he moved, planting one hand behind her head as he took her mouth with his. She didn’t resist his dominance, opening willingly, allowing him complete control. Her taste soothed some of his tension as he slipped his other hand down, popping open her button and yanking the zipper down. The hiss of metal sounded good…sounded right. He eased his hand into her pants, pushing the denim past her hips.

“Shift just a bit for me, darling.”

She complied, shimmying left and right as he shoved the fabric lower, finally ridding herself of the bloody jeans. He inched his hand up, moaning when he encountered only skin.

“Damn, Mal. You go commando at work?”

She chuckled against his ear, working the fly on his jeans. “I like the way the seam rubs over my clit sometimes. I imagine it’s your hand or your mouth. I swear I nearly came at my desk today thinking about you poised there between my thighs, licking my cleft, warning me to stay quiet.”

He growled, moving one hand up to help her push his pants and briefs down to his knees. “Fuck, girl. You know I’ll never be able to work at that desk again without imagining you shouting my name as you cream my tongue.” He groaned when she straddled his legs again, brushing her pussy over his aching shaft. “Guess I’ll have to settle for you creaming my cock, instead.”

Mallory made a second pass, coating his skin with warm, slippery fluid. She was hot and wet, and he wondered if he could convince her to bend over the top of the seat and let him lick every drop of honey from her skin.

She answered his thoughts with a slow pass of her nether lips across his shaft, building his need. He reached down and cupped her ass, loving the hiss of pleasure that escaped her clenched teeth. And as much as he wanted to lift her up and spear his cock inside her, he knew she needed more.

He moved his mouth to her neck, ridding her of her holster and gun before slipping his hands under her shirt and easing it over her head. White lace glowed in the light from the dash, accentuating the perfect symmetry of her breasts. They brushed against his chest, her hard nipples like hot brands against his shirt. He skimmed his hands up her side, cupping each firm mound as he teased her buds through the material. The nubs hardened further, poking against the fabric, drawing raspy moans from deep inside her.

He lowered his head, nipping one taut peak before sucking it into his mouth. Mallory arched her back, begging for more. He huffed and twisted the closure at the back, snapping it open and ripping it off her. He tossed it behind him, completely indifferent to whether she ever found the fucker again. Just another barrier gone as far as he was concerned.

Pale, smooth flesh rubbed against his cheek, and he turned his head just enough to slip one nipple into his mouth. He rolled the tiny bud between his tongue and teeth, drawing on it when she moaned his name. He repeated the action on the other side, tasting the combination of woman and floral soap from this morning. He’d never really been swayed by perfume or oils, but damn if her scent didn’t harden his cock, straining it against her flesh.

Another splash of light from a passing car brightened the interior, casting her body into harsh relief. Pale skin, dusky pink nipples and flowing chestnut hair comprised his view, her motions ghostlike in the wedge of light.

Mallory undulated against him, rubbing his shaft back and forth along the length of her slit, before tilting her hips and slipping the tip into her channel. A rush of heat seared his skin, and he squeezed his eyes shut to keep from coming. God, only an inch inside her and he was ready to shoot his load like a fucking teenager.

“Damn, Mal. You’re too hot for your own good.”

She chuckled, leaning in until her lips brushed his earlobe. “For my good…or yours?”

She lowered her weight, sinking him completely within her silken walls. Pressure built along his shaft, sending ripples of need into his balls. She raised her hips, sliding along the length of his cock until he thought he’d pop free, before she lowered her weight again, plunging him back inside.

He threw his head against the seat rest, knowing if he didn’t take his mind off the slow caress of her clenching channel, he’d come before he’d given her any form of release. Mallory didn’t seem to share his concern. She nipped at his earlobe, shafting him again, faster, harder than before.

“Fuck, darling. I can’t move in this goddamn seat. I’m too close…”

He grunted the last few words as she tilted her hips again, changing the angle of penetration. His cock swelled, tunnelling back and forth as she increased the pace, riding him with the sole intent of making him climax. He cursed every drop of her hips, the firm impalement sealing his fate. He tried to slip his hand between them and touch her clit, but the confined space made the feat impossible.

Sawyer clenched his jaw, holding back the fire swirling in his sac. He was dangerously close to losing it, while she didn’t seem to be remotely near the same state. Her sudden intake of breath caught him by surprise. He pried his eyelids open, captivated by the look of sheer pleasure on her face as she tilted her head back, a guttural cry passing her lips. Her channel rippled around him, a fresh wash of cream heating his cock and stealing the last of his resolve. He let go, helpless to stop the rush of pleasure through his shaft as his cock pulsed, giving her every drop of semen he had left.

His breath rasped in his chest as she fell against him, her naked body warm and soft in his arms. He gathered her close, dropping kisses along her forehead, content to simply hold her. The distinct contrast of her smooth skin against his shirt made him smile. Though they were far from boring, she’d never asked him to make love to her in the car before, and knowing she hadn’t been able, or hadn’t even wanted, to wait until they got inside loosened the tight feeling around his chest.

He inhaled, drinking in the familiar scent of sex coupled with the subtle hint of rain. “I really hope your enthusiasm means I don’t have to sleep in the damn Jeep.”

She smiled against his shirt, pulling back until their gazes locked. “I guess that depends.”

“On what?”

“On whether you have the strength to get us inside, ’cause quite honestly, baby, I don’t think I can move.”

She laid her head down again, burrowing into the crook of his shoulder. Her weight felt right against him, and he couldn’t stop from pulling her closer.

“Not sure you’ll feel that way when Cole taps on the window in the morning, especially with your ass hugging the steering wheel.”

“I can live with him seeing my ass.” She pushed upright again. “I think the question is…can you?”

Sawyer growled. She was pushing him, knowing perfectly well how possessive he got. He held her gaze, adjusting his pants before yanking open the door as he shuffled her in his lap, gaining his feet as he leant forward. Mallory gasped and grabbed the keys and her holster before wrapping her arms around his neck as they stepped into the rain.

“Damn it, Sawyer, I’m naked!”

He shrugged, heading for the door. “Better under the cover of darkness than in the morning.”

“I could have gotten dressed first.”

“Why, when I’d just strip you down the second we got through the door?” He gave her a wicked smile. “I haven’t forgotten how badly I wanted to lick that sweet pussy of yours, so don’t think you’ll be getting any sleep for a while.”

She swatted his shoulder, tensing when a passing car caught them in a spotlight. He just shifted her closer, nodding at the front door. She unlocked it and pushed it open, smiling when he slipped them both through, kicking it shut before heading for her bedroom. He pushed open the door, angling towards the bathroom. She inhaled sharply when he eased her down on the counter, knowing the cold surface would be a stark contrast to what his skin had been only moments before. He held her gaze as he ran the water, cleaning them both before picking her up again and walking to the bed.

Mallory smiled as he placed her in the middle of the bed. She set her gun on the side table then held her hand out to him. The simple gesture clenched his heart, and he reached for her, taking her gently to the bed as his lips claimed hers. She sighed contentedly into his mouth, once again giving him control. His cock nudged her sex and he closed his eyes against the rush of emotion. He was a fool to think he’d ever survive without her, and knew, regardless of his fears, he was home to stay.

She kissed his forehead, the soft whisper of his name feathering over his ear.

He drew back, looking down at her. Her hair fanned out across the sheets, the brown colour gleaming in the sporadic flashes of lightning. The blue in her eyes seemed darker, more like the dawning of night on the horizon.

“God, you’re beautiful.”

Her lips quirked slightly. “Guess I’m lucky you love the colour purple.”

He frowned at the reference to her bruise. He didn’t like being reminded of the extent to which he’d failed her. He moved one hand, lightly drawing his fingers along the welt. “Not purple…you. I love you.”

Her breathing hitched, tears welling silently behind her eyes. He smiled and dipped down for another kiss, his fear drifting away. This was where he belonged, where he needed to be, and he knew he’d wait forever just to have her say yes one more time.

He planted a chaste kiss on the tip of her nose, praying the tears tracking down her cheeks were from love, not regret. “Now as much as I want to make love to you again, I believe I have a promise to keep.”

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