Death Knows My Name (Memory Keepers) (20 page)

“What are you going to do about it, Eric?” I joined him standing. I took hold of his shirt then brushed his flat, tight stomach with my fingertips as I held on.

“Do not worry about Valience.”

“Don’t tell me who and what to worry about. It’s my choice. Now what are you going to do about what happened earlier?”

“There are some parts of my world that are best for you to not know. Valience broke an important rule and it could have ended a lot worse than it did. Lucky for him and lucky for us that the worst did not happen, but he still broke the rules and he must be dealt with.”

“He is not going to fall, is he?” My chest went tight with dread. I saw one angel fall via Eric’s dream and as much as I did not like Valience, I couldn’t bear it if it were to happen to him if I could help it. My hand clenched tighter around Eric’s shirt at the thought.

“Mayne, my love, he will not be cast out for this offense. He did endanger a human, but there are worse offenses than this for Angels.” He hugged me. “I’m touched and insanely jealous at the same time. I love that you care this much for him,” he admitted in a whisper.

“Not for him, really. Angels, period,” I assured him, and then added, “What offenses can cause a fall? Offenses like being with a human?” Like Eric was doing now. I shivered.

“Yes, that is one of the many.” He released me. “I must go now.” He nudged me toward the bathroom. “Go shower. I will return soon.”

I nodded my agreement and then he was gone. My heart pounded with fear. Did he really not worry about what would happen to him once Heaven realized what we were doing together? Did he not care? Well, I was worried and I cared. Was it too late? I had no idea what to do. In a matter of weeks, my world had changed completely. I had to figure out so many things. I needed to figure out how to save my Keepers. I needed to figure out a way to save Eric. I also needed to figure out what the hell had happened to me in Eden. And when had they become my Keepers? Though right now, I needed to get my butt in the shower and decide what to wear.

I meant to shower quickly, but while fighting the tears that threatened and stung my eyes, I let the water fall on my face, soothing all the stress that weighed heavily on me. I felt as if a panic attack hovered around the corner, just waiting to pounce if I let it. The steam fogged up the entire bathroom and I inhaled the moisture heavy air, breathing slowly to calm myself down. The water turned cooler as it washed down my skin and I took it as a sign that it might be time to get out of the shower.

I went through my closet as if I were once again in high school, pulling out clothes only to throw them aside dismissively. I decided that since this was officially the first time Eric and I would be going out together I would sex kitten myself up.

Pulling on a denim, school-girl style skirt that clung to my curves deliciously, I grinned as I towel dried my black curly hair and tried to tame it into a carefree, yet sexy, style. The fact that it didn’t poof up into a frizzy mess was enough to satisfy me, so I moved on to searching for a shirt. My eyes were drawn to a red, thin, super-tight tank top that I never wore, but I had round-toed pumps in that exact shade of red.

“Hell yeah, I am about to sexy it up!” I squealed, laughing, as I threw on the shirt and slid my feet into the 4-inch heels. I studied my reflection in the mirror and,
hell yeah
, I was ready to go. I was looking sexy, if I do say so myself, and let’s be honest, I do say so. The steamy shower gave my brown skin a fresh-looking glow, and the red made my chocolate eyes brighter. With any luck, Eric would veto going out and take me on the living room floor, again in the kitchen, and anywhere else he wanted.

I stepped out into the hallway to wait for Eric in the living room and there he was, in dark jeans, a white T-shirt, and a long leather jacket. I wasn’t sure if I had ever seen him in anything other than a dark-colored shirt, but white totally worked for him. You’d think the leather would look cliché, but he looked down right edible. In fact, my mouth watered just looking at him. His dark hair hung over his face in wet waves of soft and sexy. His eyes were pools of warm honey as he gazed at me hungrily. The tattoo on his face was partially covered by his curtain of hair, but I still knew every swirl and dip they did as they traced over his handsome face.

“Damn. Eric. You look freaking hot. I am going to have to keep the bitches away from you.”

“Like you are one to talk. Why have you never worn those shoes for me before?”

I did a fancy little turn. “You like?”

“Later tonight, keep those on.” He grinned at me wickedly, as if he were having naughty thoughts of me already. At least I hoped he was.

He took my hand and we made our way to the bar. Just as we reached the last corner before the bar, I slowed down. He slowed down as well and looked at me. I smiled at him seductively.

“Are you sure you want us to go in there? We can always turn back and find more entertaining things to do.”

Eric backed me up to the nearby wall of the bar. His fingertips feathered down my bare arm and I shivered in response. His free hand slid around my waist and cupped my butt. I made a soft
sound at his touch. The night breeze whipped my hair forward and it looked to be dancing in the air. I leaned my head back, resting it against the wall. Eric’s fingertips reached the bottom edge of my tank and he slipped his hand under it up to my bare breast. I felt like a cat as a purr escaped. I parted my lips and wet them with the tip of my tongue. I noticed Eric watching me intently. His eyes grew smoldering and my skin grew hot under his watchful eyes. He slid the hand on my butt lower to my bare thigh and gripped it softly as he lifted up to hold it at his hip.

Excitement tingled in my belly and I had to fight back a squeal. I helped balance myself by resting my hand on the wall behind my back, not caring that the jagged brick dug into my hand. Eric was going to take me here, outside against the wall with the stars twinkling down on us. How fucking hot was this! This time I did squeal my excitement, and Eric smiled.

“You don’t ever play fair, do you?” His voice was low and rough with his arousal.

I shook my head. “Why should I, when I have this hot little bod that begs to be touched and a man who can’t resist and gives it what it wants?”

“That’s true.” And before I could say anything else, his mouth claimed mine. He reached under my short skirt with his free hand and his groan rumble through us. He broke from our kiss slightly. “Panties, you are seriously wearing panties with this naughty little getup?”

“Hey! We were going to a bar! Do you know how many germs bars have?”

“Should I call the Health Department on your bar?” He teased as his fingers stroked me through the cloth of my panties. The sensation dizzied my thoughts and it took me a second to be able to respond.

“It’s not mine.” The words didn’t come out as forceful as I intended, it was more of a pant.

Eric pushed the damp fabric of my panties aside. I held my breath in anticipation of his strong, yet gentle, touch against what was currently the most sensitive part of me.

“Hey, you two! Cut that shit out ‘fore I call the cops on your asses!” The deep, grisly voice cut through the night.

Eric let my skirt fall down into place and he turned slowly, blocking me from view as I fixed my appearance. My mind cursed angrily. Eric didn’t say anything, he only looked at whoever had intruded, though I could feel the angry frustration radiating from him.

“Buddy, just take your friend to a room or something. I can’t have you two out here—”

Suddenly I recognized the gruff voice. Great, now this was very embarrassing. When I was satisfied with how I looked, and done hiding out of shame, I peeked around Eric and cut off the rumbling, disgusted voice.

“Hey, Billy.” I gave a small wave and continued. “I’m sorry about . . . this.” I flapped my arms gesturing to this situation. “We got a little sidetracked.”

“Mayne? What the hell?” Billy shook his head. “Devon told me you were tangled up with some tattooed badass but I didn’t want to believe it. Now he’s got you out in the street—”

Eric growled low in his throat.

Uh-oh, I knew where this was heading. I had seen it earlier today and once was enough. I put my hand on Eric’s arm to get his attention. “He’s human,” I whispered as a reminder to him before I turned my attention back to Billy.

“Billy, chill out. It was more like I made him have me on the street. Jesus, you and Devon act like I’m still some innocent sixteen-year-old girl. I’m not. Hello, look at me, Billy.”

Eric rumbled his disagreement.

“Or better yet, don’t. I have a horny caveman here who is acting jealous, but here’s a newsflash: I think it’s hot up against the wall. So next time you see a couple, for goodness’ sake, leave them alone. And, Billy, don’t tell Devon.”

I pushed past Eric and grabbed his hand, forcing him to follow me. On second thought, I stopped just before we passed Billy.

“Oh yeah, and the tattooed badass’ name is Eric.” I once again started walking while pulling Eric with me, leaving Billy with his mouth wide open in shock. Electricity flowed through my body, and when we got to the door I was basically hopping up in down with excitement.

“Holy shit, Eric, did you see me? I was badass! I have never spoken to Billy like that before. Yay.” I clapped my hands together on the last word and I had to let go of Eric’s hand to do that.

“You are sort of ruining that badass effect with the bouncing and giddy clapping, but whatever.” Eric laughed loudly.

“Don’t rain on my parade, buddy, I’m on a roll. I am not you. I can’t be badass all the time.”

Eric laughed again. “Am I really that bad? I think I’m a nice guy.”

“Yeah, because nice guys can pull off leather and dark clothing all the time like you do.”

“I wore white tonight!” “Are you serious? You have it under a leather jacket. Face it, handsome, you are badass, and it’s rubbing off on me.”

He pulled me into him. “Mmm, I like the rubbing part.” I pressed into him and his arms tightened around my body. “Let’s hurry up and get inside before we get in trouble again.” He pointed his head toward Billy, who was finally making his way back over to the front door after picking his jaw up from the ground.

“Ah, don’t worry about him. I obviously have Billy handled.”

Eric snorted as he opened the door for me. “Yep, just as long as he doesn’t tell Devon.”

I frowned and stepped into the loud, smoky bar. Eric mentioning Devon reminded me that we were no longer friends. My heart sank. Damn, I just couldn’t get ahead. I find the man of my dreams only to lose my best friend. Before I could think about it much longer, Tammy’s voice screeched my name over the crowd.

“Mayne, over here! We’re over here!” Tammy stood on her chair and Michael was holding up his palm against her ass so she wouldn’t fall. I’m guessing they were well on their way to tipsy town. I shook my head and waved to her so she’d know I heard her.

We made our way over and her eyes widen when she saw Eric behind me. She mouthed,
You brought him?
I tried not to get pissed off so I rolled my eyes and then tried to paste a smile on my face.

“Hey, guys, sorry we’re late.” I greeted them just as Devon walked up to the table with the next round of drinks.

“Eric, you remember Devon.” I started the introductions just to get it over with.

Eric being, well him, was nice and ignored the tension that formed when the three of us arrived. “How is it going, Devon?”

“That’s Tammy Dockson and Michael Richards. Tammy and Michael, this is Eric,” I quickly said.

Eric smiled and nodded in their direction and they smiled back.

Devon pulled up an extra chair to the booth. “You guys can take this side.” He motioned to where I assumed he had been sitting earlier. “I would have brought you guys drinks if I knew you’d be here.”

Eric sat down in the offered seat and pulled me down next to him by the waist. “No problem, I don’t drink alcohol so I’m good. And I’m sure half the bar knows what Mayne drinks and will bring it to her shortly.”

I leaned against him and he put his arm around me. “So what did we miss?” I asked after I made myself comfortable.

Michael’s face broke out in a grin. “Devon is trying to say he can get that blonde to agree to go home with him at the end of the night. But he hasn’t gone over or even looked at her yet and he only has 2 hours left.”

Devon nodded. “Dude, you can’t be too anxious, women hate that. They can smell desperation.”

“Whatever you say, man.” Michael laughed in obvious disbelief.

“Want to take bets?” Devon asked. “All of you?”

Michael jumped on the offer. “I put twenty-five bucks you crash and burn.”

They looked at Eric and me.

“I’m not betting on that poor girl’s snatch . . . but if I were to bet, I’d put one hundred on Devon’s peen any day of the week,” I proclaimed, cosigning Devon’s prowess.

Michael groaned, and Devon grinned.

“What? I don’t get it but I’ve seen it, not his peen but him in action.” I defended myself to the glaring Michael.

Eric shook his head. The guys looked to Tammy who was noticeably quieter than usual.

Devon flashed her his award-winning grin. “What about you, Tam? Do you doubt me?”

Tammy’s face was pale and she looked like she wanted to cry. Damn, I tried to warn her. Devon just wasn’t the one-woman type.

“Tammy finds it morally offensive that we’re betting on this like that poor girl is an object and not a person. It makes her sick. Leave her alone,” I scolded him.

Devon’s smile faltered.

I quickly mouthed,
. Nonchalantly, Devon placed his hand on top of Tammy’s as it rested on the table. I saw her back stiffen. Was Devon freaking clueless?

“What about you, Eric, do I have a chance with her?” Devon was now looking at Eric.

“Since she hasn’t stopped looking over here trying to get your attention since we got here, I would assume you do have a great chance of it. Her friend, too, if you want her.”

Devon grinned. “Or both? Tonight is even more promising than I thought.”

“Damn, how do you do it?” Michael asked in awe.

“It’s the eyes, man. They look all sincere and sensitive. Women love it. Do you guys want to play pool?” Devon stood up and held out the hand that had rested on Tammy’s out to her.

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