DECEPTION - A Family Affair (12 page)

Watching her assess his open invitation was like watching someone battling if they should pull the plug on their love one.  “Marisol, it’s an open invitation to you and I’m not reneging on it because you have all these crazy thoughts running through that pretty little head of yours.  By you spending time at the stables is also a great help to me as well.  Just say thank you and be done with it.”  He said as he watched her with that sexy smile of his.

Surrendering since it would be a give and take arrangement which she can find peace with. Oh, who is she kidding she is freaking thrilled.  Meeting his stare she smiled enthusiastically and replied.  “Thank you, I’m really grateful but I’ll only accept your invitation on one condition that I will work for my riding privileges.”

“Okay you can start earning your privileges on Wednesday afternoon when the new goats arrive.  That will be quite fun getting them acclimated and what’s a ranch without goats right?”  He laughed watching her grin at him.  “Now let’s get this car moving so I can feed you.  Where would you like to go eat?”

Excitement running through her again, she wanted to prepare dinner for him this time. “I have some grilled chicken at the house I can make a mean chicken salad and I have some fresh bread and wine.  How does that sound?”

“Sounds like a plan to me as long as I get to help out.”

She nods with agreement and teasingly confirms,”You say goats, huh?” She giggled shifting her gaze toward the road ahead, leaving them to their own amusing childhood memories. 

His cell phone rang and answering it in good humor, “Charley what’s the 411?” Marisol listened to his side of the conversation intently trying to learn anything about the life he has in Texas.  “Yeah, I know. We need to make decisions fast this isn’t Texas, the town has to approve every little detail.”  He sighed in frustration.  “You act like I’m leaving the country; you will always have my dedication so stop your worrying.  We have opportunities here we would be crazy not to take advantage of the market.”  She watched him as he rubbed his eyebrow and glanced at her apologetically.  “Listen I’m in the car with a friend I will call you in the morning and we’ll discuss further.  Give Eleanor my love and behave yourself.”  He chuckled and hung up the phone.  Turning his attention to Marisol he apologized for the call.  “My partner is getting cold feet.”

“Oh, is North Carolina the first time you venture out of Texas?”  And she wanted to add is that how you see me, just a friend?  Disappointment washed over her when he called her a friend and she knows she was being unreasonable.

“No and yes, Mr. Briggs has done business in Montana but since he passed we haven’t ventured outside of Texas.”

“Who is Eleanor?”  She blurted the question before thinking and she wished she could retract the question. 

He turned to look at her with a grin that she wished she could smack right off his face.  “I live with Eleanor for over 10 years or so.”  He said waiting for her reaction.

“Oh, I had no business to pry.  I was just curious.”  Stammering on her words since his announcement felt like she was punched in her gut.

He kept grinning and it was annoying the hell out of her.  “Marisol, you can ask me whatever you want I don’t think of it as prying.  Eleanor is 85 years old; she is Mr. Briggs’ aunt.  She had offered to rent me a room in her home ten years ago and I’ve been there since.  Once I started working for Mr. Briggs I worked long hours and my cousin who I was living with at the time was so unstable there were times I just slept at the work sites and Briggs wasn’t having it.  He saw something in me and he set me up with his aunt since she had extra rooms and lived alone.  It was the perfect scenario I needed shelter and she needed someone to mother and in return I kept an eye out for her and helped around the house and grounds.  They trusted me and that went a long way with me.  From that day on they had my dedication and loyalty.  Briggs taught me everything I know, from working the construction sites to how to invest every penny I earned to turning over real estate properties to running his development sites.”  He paused and shook his head before he added, “The guy was not only amazing but a freaking genius; when he died last year I took it hard.  He was more of a father to me than my own.”

Marisol listened fully amazed by his story and perplexed as to why she was so proud of his success and accomplishments.  “He sounds like a remarkable individual and I’m happy you guys crossed paths that lead you to your success.”  She truly meant it but somewhere inside her there was that voice again,
how can you allow yourself to be proud when he left you here alone – don’t forget all the pain he caused you.
  Ignoring the voice for now she embraced her happiness and couldn’t stop smiling.

Marisol whipped up a delicious salad and heated the bread she picked up from the bakery this morning and opened up the bottle of Merlot making it all the perfect meal.  They were both content with the meal and Marco after his second helpings was stuffed.  She had her Pandora playing 80’s love songs from her computer and they conversed about the horses and her observations on each of them.  They were both relaxed with each other’s company.  “I have some dessert if you think you can fit it?  I have fresh strawberries and whip cream.”  She can find a lot of places on Marco’s body where she would like to lick the whip cream off of.  She flushed just thinking of him naked covered only in whip cream.  To avoid her thoughts from escaping her mouth she took another sip of wine even though her naughty thoughts were shouting out from the multiple colors on her face. 

Marco hearing the words whip cream escape her lips and seeing the heat rise within her eyes gave him an erection like no other.  He silently stood up never loosing eye contact and walked slowly over to her and extended his hands to her as an invitation she silently accepted while the song
I Can’t Fight This Feeling Anymore
, by Chicago started to play.  He gathered her into his arms wrapping one arm around her waist and steered her to meet his erection causing a burning desire within the pit of her stomach and then he captured her trembling bottom lip and slowly glazed his tongue across as he moved side to side with the music.  Now in over drive she was going along for the ride.  Gazing into each others eyes spoke volumes expressing a strong longing that can only be fulfilled with one other. She moved her hands to caress his face and feel the stubbles she so fantasized about then routed her fingers into his wavy hair as they both moaned instantaneously unable to distingquish whose moan was whose since they were mesmerized by their own desires. Taking full possession of her mouth; tasting her, drinking her, bringing intensity into pure ravenous hunger as if he was a starved man.  He couldn’t seem to gain control of himself intoxicated by her.  Gliding his hands lower to her backside and guiding her to him in sync to the music made her gasp and she felt dizzy.  The feel of him pressed across her front sent shock waves through her and an immediate response of wetness touched her lace panties.  The anticipation was causing riots within her she became incoherent.  Dragging his mouth away he put his forehead against hers and groaned, “Mi Preciosa Joya what are you doing to me?”

She is breathless and disoriented trying to come back to planet earth.  “Ah, I was going to ask you the same question,” her voice sounding hoarse.  Another song had begun to play with a faster tempo and neither realizing as they danced to their own beat. 

“I want to make love to you more than anything but I don’t want to rush you,” he said in a soft voice.  Hearing Marco say those words left her speechless.  Just yesterday she believed he wasn’t interested in her romantically leaving her with disappointment and now he shares the truth and it frightens her beyond expectation because she wants him inside her so bad it hurts.  She convinces herself what a sweeter revenge she could have if she proceeds.
make him fall so hard what better way to make him suffer along with her other planned scheme

She bravely stopped their dancing and looked into his eyes and for once in her life she was taking a risk it was all or nothing.  “I too want to make love to you and I too don’t want it rushed I want it slow and sweet then I want it fast and hard.”  Pulling her blouse over her head she dropped it to the floor never leaving eye contact until she took his hand into hers and lead him into her bedroom.  He was stumped, shocked, aroused as hell following her as if he was in a trance or a spell.  She bewitched him.  He knew this was a life changing moment for the two of them and there would be no going back.


Chapter Nine

Standing at the foot of her bed he tenderly grabbed her chin so she could look up at him as he rubs his thumb seductively guiding it up to seize her bottom lip.  “Are you sure about this? Because there will be no turning back.”  He asked her for reassurance to ensure their yearnings were reciprocated. 

“Yes,” she whispered as she captured his thumb with her mouth and lightly sucked on it seductively.  The dam is now open releasing the floods of passion.  They were both tormented with raging need, their chemistry and intensity between them was beyond anything they ever experienced.

Tasting and nibbling her neck trying to feed his hunger as his hands found his way to her breast to meet her harden nipples.  He teases them through her lace bra until she freed them by unhooking her bra and letting it glide down her arms.  He was hypnotized by the divine sight before him, it was exactly how he remembered her in his dreams.  Her nipples were the color of honey and her skin felt like silk.  “Beautiful,” he whispers admiringly and takes each nipple at a time into his mouth savoring them.   His mouth consuming her she feels like she is falling as her quaking knees finally give out.  Marco lowers her to the bed sinking into the mattress she can feel his strength.  Kissing her fiercely feeling possessed with desire unable to get enough of her.  She is in full need of body contact and begins to pull his shirt over his head and quickly guides her hands all over his chest caressing each muscle memorizing each curve as if she could sculpture his body from memory.  He lowers himself back down to her seeking her luscious lips while she shift her hands slowly up his neck spreading her fingers thorough out his hair loving every inch of him.

He lifts himself up and removes her jeans effortlessly then gazes at her eyes that sparkle like treasurable gems; her swollen lips begging to be kissed; and her body yearning to be touched.  He was a drowning man.  A smile pulls at Marco’s lips jetting his eyes down her body.  Unable to wait any longer he lowers his mouth to her red lace panties and gnaws at it which penetrates right through her groin. His smile deepens knowing how wet she is for
.  His eyes seeking every inch of her mesmerized by such perfection until he notices her scar a pale thin line trailing right above her panty line and he glides his finger lightly as a feather and she quickly tensed under his touch.

“Please Marco,’ moaning with fear and need.  She is feeling tortured and burning all through her body.  Her cheeks heated up like flames and she exhaled a breath she didn’t know she was holding.

“I know baby but let’s not rush it as you requested let’s take it nice and slow.  I’ve waiting so long for this moment.” He said with a mischievous grin.  He glides the red lace unhurriedly down her legs and spreads her legs as he gazes on the beauty and perfection of his prized gem.  “My God you are gorgeous.” He whispers as he plants hot kisses up her leg until he reaches her very core.  Lightly grazing his stubble chin across her center in circular motion while blowing his breathe awaking her with sensual coolness causing multiple sensations taking her to the heavens as she screams out his name begging for release.  His tongue licking and tasting her sweetness as his finger finds her passage to the spot causing her to whimper and moan.  He started soft and slow then to a faster speed adding more pressure to her hot spot while he slightly gnaws on her center as he pushes her off the cliff of ecstasy.  Her climax came hard and fast as she floats in the air waiting to hit the ground.  He removes the remainder of his clothes never taking his eyes off of her and the sight Marisol captured left her speechless and wanting more.  The sexy slant of his hungry eyes with his dimpled devilish smile roaming down to his perfect abs as if he was photo shopped and his erection a magnificent sight so well endowed.  The vision was a fusion of a sex god if one ever existed.  Her sex god, one she wanted to cherish and memorize forever. He was beautiful and all masculine.  She watched him while he glided a condom over his long thick shaft.  He was so turned on by her hungry stare.  He immediately brought her legs up to rest them on his shoulders as he began to enter inside her and even though she was wet and ready for him the warm tightness around him caused him to move slowly bringing electrifying sensations.  “Oh baby, you are so damn tight. Ah, you feel so good our bodies were made for each other.”  He started slow until she began meeting stroke for stroke and they again danced to the beat of their own song until they both reached their peak together surpassing paradise. 

Grabbing her and rolling her on top of him he thought he died and went to heaven.  He planted kisses on top of her head wrapping his arms tightly around her as if she may disappear before his very eyes.  “You okay?” he murmured in a less than confident voice than he usually carries.

“Mmmm, I’m more than okay.”  She responded with sexual bliss.  She almost forgot what ecstasy could be like since it’s been so long.  She couldn’t believe how fast her first orgasm came.  He was incredible.  She snuggled within his arms never wanting to leave them.  Her response brought a smile to his face and he began to relax.  Reluctant to speak further they both lay in silence wondering what the other was thinking until her phone rang and the answering machine picked up an incoming call. 

“Hey how’s my girl, I haven’t heard from you in the past couple of days.  Shoot me a call and don’t forget we have a date the Friday after next, my father’s yearly banquet.  Yeah the one he invites every client and vendor he knows.  I know, I know how exciting.  Okay babes give me a call when you can.  Love you – Nate.” 
. Hearing his voice pouring endearments to her caused Marco’s body to go rigid and anger began to flow through his veins.  Marisol felt the change in his body and her face was flushed not knowing how to explain.  Their moment now lost –
Thanks Nate

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