DECEPTION - A Family Affair (9 page)

Marisol looked at him through blurry eyes, "Oh my God, O-M-G as the kids would say.  Nate, I don't know what to say besides the fact that I’m so proud of you."

"Well, it’s definitely a start in the right direction. Now figuring out how to approach my family is a whole other issue but I am taking it one step at a time. He is the first person besides you of course that I can vision myself being with for the rest of my life." 

She knew once he fully came out of the closet there was no turning back and his life will be altered forever.  He will no longer have to live life in a lie or hide from the truth. The hard part for him will be taking a risk of being chastised or disowned by his family who are not only Baptist but couldn’t be farther to the right than they were already. His whole career and achievements were based out of the family’s real estate company. She prays the love they have for him is unconditional and will feed them the strength to accept him as he is.  Marisol came and sat on his lap wrapping her arms around his neck as she rested her head on his shoulder. "I’m so happy for you but I have to admit the jealousy is kicking in. Just remember one thing buster; I’m the only
in your life." She truly cherished their special friendship; he was her rock and the only person left she held dear to her heart.

He cradled her and placed a kiss on the top of her head. "You will always be my number one.  Now tell me, why didn’t you let me tell Marco the truth about us?”  Shrugging her shoulders she didn’t want to damper the mood and disappoint him so she kept silent.  “Well, being the romantic that I’ve recently become I hope this Friday will work its magic for you both.  I would love to see you have your happily ever after too.  You deserve it more than anyone."  She couldn’t help but think if that was even possible. Maybe it wasn’t in the stars for her only time will tell.


Friday was upon her and anticipation for the evening was mixed with nervousness and excitement. She kept reminding herself it was not a date and to stay focus.  Work was incredibly busy she completed the presentation for the seminar on bullying, and the progress reports were processed and sent out. She could now breathe and what a sense of accomplishment of meeting all her deadlines.  She needed to celebrate with a nice bottle of wine.  This weekend was most welcomed.  Packing up and saying her goodbyes to her co-workers she had the urge to skip through the hallways.  Lost in her thoughts she bumped into Alex just outside the school building.  “Oh, I’m sorry I wasn’t paying much attention I guess I am too excited about the weekend.  How about you Alex, are you doing anything special?”  Alex appeared startled to see her and just wanted to avoid her at all costs. 

“Nothing special, see you around.”  Before he could escape she noticed what looked like welts along his neck. 

Grabbing his shoulder she shouted.  “Alex, wait!”  He turned to look at her with an uncertain expression.  “What happened to your neck it’s all red?”

“I don’t know maybe it was from the other day when I got jumped.  I have to go, or I will miss the bus.”  She stood frozen as she watched him dash out as fast as he could heading straight to the buses.  She knew better and that was not from the incident the other day.  She was the one who cleaned him up afterwards she would have noticed, plus these marks seem fresh so why did he lie yet again?

Marisol spent the past couple of hours running errands; she picked up a few needed items for her father.  Walking through town she stopped in front of the Prescott’s Antique Shop and gazed at the door for a minute or so.  Then on impulse she entered the shop and scoped it out until she came in eye contact with Mrs. Prescott.  Her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes but there was warmth in them when she recognized Marisol.  She tilted her chin up and approached her with cool controlled steps.  It almost felt mechanical with her brownish hair swept up in a tight braided bun and even though she carried a smile her eyes still appeared solemn.  Her face was over shadowed by all the gloomy black clothing from the high neck blouse to the polyester pants to the rubber sole slip-on shoes.  Marisol felt compassion remembering a time she too suffered and needed energy just to breathe. 

“Hello Ms. Braxton, what a surprise to see you here.”  She said extending a light hug to her. 

“Hello to you too Mrs. Prescott, I was just in town and wanted to check in and see how you and Mr. Prescott are coping.” 

Looking down at her hands while she entwined them she lifted her chin up again and replied with as much vigor she can muster.  “We are coping as well as to be expected I guess.  There are days I just want to stay in bed and wither away.  Then there are days God gives me strength and I face the day with vengeance.” 

“Well, I know it’s hard and I won’t pretend otherwise.  I lost a baby girl just after two weeks of being born it happened when I was quite young so I know what it takes just to get out of bed so I commend you for it.”

“Thank you, it’s hard when folks come in here and try to understand and I just feel like screaming YOU DON”T UNDERSTAND SO STOP TRYING!” she then looks a bit shock that she revealed such personal thoughts and recovers quickly with a shy smile.  “But I know that would be rude and they are only showing me kindness.”

Marisol smiles and bites her bottom lip contemplating then goes on impulse once again.  “Mrs. Prescott, I wanted to ask you a question, which may be out of line so please just hear me out.” 

She looks apprehensive at first then curiosity sets it.  “Okay, what is your question?” 

“Did you see Savannah acting out of the ordinary the week before she died?  Was she hanging around her cousins James and Jack at all?  I only ask because I truly believe in my heart they know something and I don’t think it was suicide.”  Okay, Marisol realizes at that very moment she went way too far to retract.

Mrs. Prescott looked bewildered her face became paler and turned quickly to gather her composure while she headed towards the back of the store.  Marisol taking her lead trying to rectify the situation stops short as Mrs. Prescott swiftly spins to face her again.  “I don’t know what you are insinuating Ms. Braxton, but I am going to ask you to leave.” 

Marisol looks down and then faces her again taking in a deep breath.  “I know I’m way out of line, and I apologize but I feel there is more to this story that is being said.  As a mother, wouldn’t you want to know the truth?” 

In total despair she answers her with a mere whisper.  “Will it bring my daughter back?” 

“No but think of it this way, it may prevent someone else from getting hurt and it may bring you a sense of closure.”  Marisol pleaded and feeling the agony penetrating through Mrs. Prescott’s eyes.

“Are you insinuating my nephews pulled the rope that hung her?  How dare you.  Good bye, Ms. Braxton.”  Dismissing her before she could better explain herself, Mrs. Prescott sauntered back to her office and closed the door gently bringing an end to their discussion.  Noticing for the first time there were a few customers who witness their encounter or more like their altercation.  Marisol kindly smiled and led herself out of the shop feeling more hopeless than ever. 

At home she tried to play the scene over in her head and was shaken over the whole mess she created.  Wishing she could retract the whole saga, why did she have to react on impulse?  “Ugh.”  Shoving her head into her sofa pillow she shifted and wish she could cancel her plans and sulk, but what good was that going to do her?  What’s done is done.  Looking at the time and seeing the darkness sneaking its way through the house she decided to get up and take her shower otherwise she will never be ready in time.  It didn’t help the fact she still had no clue on what to wear.  What did it matter anyway it wasn’t a real date but she wasn’t fooling herself, deep down she yearn to impress him and see him squirm with regret.  She long for her outfit to scream out “eat your heart out this is what you lost!”

An hour later, Mace started pacing the living room and hallway as she was putting her earrings and assessing herself quickly in the mirror and pleased with what she accomplished.  Heading towards the living room she approached her longtime companion, “What’s wrong baby boy someone out there?”  Then the doorbell rang and all her confidence seemed to escape her.  Looking out the window she noticed the Mercedes. 
Okay, Marisol game time you can do this. 
Greeting him at the door her hands began to tremble a bit while she held onto the door knob, he looked so hot no make that sizzling hot, wearing a black fitted V-neck sweater and a white t-shirt underneath with black jeans showing his muscular thighs and immense bulge.  “Hey Marco, come on in.  I just need to get my purse and we can head out.” 

As he entered inside he greeted her with a kiss on her cheek not missing her inspection of him as her eyes roamed from his face slowly trailing down to his thighs.  “No problem, take your time.  I’m in no rush.” 

Closing the door behind him she could feel the steam radiating from her cheek and not wanting to read too much into it.  “I just need a minute.  Thanks.” 

God, she looked amazing he didn’t know how he was going to make it through the night without bedding her.  Seeing her long shapely legs in skinny jeans wearing red pumps and the beige sweater outlining her perfect sized breasts with her wavy hair cascading past her shoulders put him over the edge with need and want.  Watching her leave the room definitely put him in over drive.  There was no doubt his body and mind wanted her and he knew patience was required to win her over.  Taking in his surroundings everything looked exactly the same as the last time he stood in this very room.  How strange he thought knowing she now lived here alone and there was no sign of Marisol’s presence here besides the pictures her mother had displayed. 

“Okay, I’m ready Sir.”  She announced as she entered the living room where she found him looking at a picture frame containing a picture of her from when she was about eight years old she had a pouty face an expression of sure displeasure. 

Looking up at her he gave her a smile that took her breath away.  “I remember the day this picture was taken.  This was at my aunt’s house your Mom refused to let you run around and chase the goats with us boys and you had a hissy fit.”  Waving his finger at her as he continued with his accusation; wearing a grin that sent chills right up her spine.  “You always wanted to keep up with me back then.  Sometimes you refused to acknowledge that you were merely a girl.  Too funny, this really brings me back to some great childhood memories.” 

“As I remembered it, you came and joined me saying I wasn’t missing anything that goats were dumb anyway.”  Giving him her know it all smirk folding her arms across her chest. 

Marco stared at her laughing whole heartedly, then placing the picture frame back in its place he replied.  “You always knew how to pull the strings of my heart with your puppy dog faces, even at that age.  It’s a gift you were born with.”  She dropped her arms down and turned away to avoid him from seeing her look of dismay revolving to full fledge annoyance.  Her impulse was controlled otherwise she would of asked him if she had this so called gift then why did he leave her?  If her voice could just release those words to him she’ll have her answers.

He noticed the change in her mood again.  He couldn’t figure her out with the constant mood swings he continuously said the wrong things to trigger her off.  He felt like he was walking on egg shells around her. 


Chapter Seven

Once they were seated in his car he asked if she wouldn’t mind taking a ride with him before dinner, he wanted to show her something important.  Curiosity surged through her thoughts as they rode to this so called important place.  Sticking to safe topics of conversation they found themselves laughing when comparing songs on the radio to the songs from their younger days.  Every song that happens to play on the radio the lyrics were all about sex, which created sexual tension between the two of them.  He decided to lower the radio and change the conversation to topics about the changes he noticed in the area until they finally arrived and excitement began to flow through his veins he was dying to share this moment with her.

He turned in to a dirt road and Marisol’s curiosity was getting the best of her.  “I hope you are not planning to kill me and then dump my body back here?” 

He turned to look at her with mischievous eyes and his Colgate smile.  “Trust me I wouldn’t waste such beauty but it’s a thought I’ll keep in mind in case you don’t behave.”

“Ha, ha - a man with jokes.  Where are we?”  She asked as tried to look past the darkness.

“Patience my dear, you are about to see it all.”  He parked his car and then came around to her side and guided her out onto the dirt and gravel ground.  “I guess I should have given you a dress code for footwear, I’m sorry.  I hope your heels don’t get scuffed or more importantly you don’t twist your ankle.” 

“Don’t kid yourself I’m a lot tougher than I look.” She replied with her sassy facial expression that sent electric shocks right to his groin area hoping she can’t see her effect on him.  He guided her a few feet and then released her arm.  “Wait here, I’m going to turn on the lights. I want you to close your eyes and promise me not to open them until I say.  This is really important to me and I want to share this moment with you.  So, say you promise?” 

“Yes, I promise hurry I can’t handle the anticipation any longer. I’m lousy at suspense.”  Closing her eyes she was wondering what in the world is he up to and the flutters to her stomach was causing her more anxiety.  It made her think of that show with Howie Mandell as the host where they surprise you and all these mob dancers come out and you stand there feeling mortified. 

“Okay, open your eyes.”  She slowly peeled her fingers one at a time from her face as her eyes slowly opened and the surprise in front of her made her whole body freeze.  There were spot lights introducing the sign sitting above the wooden archway as if it was on a stage for the world to see, she stared at it in awe as goose bumps ran up and down her arms. It was magical seeing the words spelled out right in front of her very own eyes "Cisco's Ranch of Miracles" then focusing past the sign following the mysterious dirt path leading you to a feeling of hope as beautiful horses were grazing in the land wondering who were the intruders interrupting their solitude of darkness her eyes began to fill with pools of tears.  It was simply beautiful no words could describe what her eyes were seeing nor the emotions she was feeling.  This was their dream they shared as teenagers to own and work their own ranch of horses but this exceeded anything she envisioned.  Her thoughts brought her back in time.

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