Defiant: 5 (Noble Passions) (15 page)

“Despite the fact he saved her life more than once on that
pirate ship and kept her safe from those villains and managed to—”


“Despite the fact he saved my life by leaping in front of a
bullet. And, might I add, thank you, Ned, but please never do that again.”

“Enough. Enough. I admit it. You are worthy of her.”

Ned’s heart stalled. “What?” He had to hear it again in case
his ears had betrayed him.

“Yer worthy,” Ewan grumbled. “And God love her, she wants
She could have been a duchess. She could have been a countess. For fuck’s sake,
she could have been a princess—”

a princess.”

Ewan glowered at him.

“I shall buy her a tiara.”

“Ach, don’t bother. She cannot be bothered by that falderal.
I want Ned
, she says.
I love Ned
,” he mimicked in a squeaky voice
that didn’t sound like Sophia in the slightest. “Bah. Women.”

“Will you come home, Ned?” Edward set a hand on his
shoulder. “Will you come home and claim her?”

“Yes. I will. But as soon as we’re married, we’re moving
back here.”

“What?” Odd, that. He’d never heard Ewan screech. “The
you are. You’re living at my house until the bairn is born.”

“The hell I am.” He would begin as he meant to go on in
their marriage. The two of them, on their own two feet. Or four feet. Whatever.
He could barely be bothered with the counting. Because he was going to marry
Sophia. And he didn’t have to wait a year. And not only was Ewan embracing the
match, he was commanding it.

“You’ll do as I say.”

Ned recognized this tone. This was not Ewan St. Andrews
barking orders at him. It was the brigand McCloud. He steeled his spine and
looked Ewan dead in the eye. “No.”

Just that. No.

Ewan’s ire rose. It was always easy to tell on him. His face
went red. The muscles of his neck bulged and a vein popped out at his temple.
Ned resolved to stare him down.

This was his life. And no man was his master. Not Edward.
And definitely not Ewan St. Andrews.

He had the sense the silent battle could have gone on for
days but Byzantium shuffled impatiently and nudged his shoulder. Ned did not
budge. Ewan did.

His gaze flickered to the stallion. He frowned. “I want
first pick of foals,” he muttered.

Ned thrust out a hand. “Done.”

Ewan nearly squeezed the life out of him in that shake but
Ned gave as good as he got. He held on until Ewan grunted and nodded and turned
away to pretend to study the rest of his cattle.

Edward sauntered up to him with a grin on his face. He
clapped Ned on the shoulder. “Well done,” he murmured softly so Ewan wouldn’t
hear. “Well done.”


Chapter Sixteen


Sophia dropped her book in her lap and stopped pretending to
read, staring out the window at the gardens instead. After Ewan stormed from
the breakfast room, he hadn’t returned. He’d been gone for three days. And with
his absence, her unease had intensified.

She’d been ill several times in the morning and at least
once during the day. She hoped to heaven their ploy had worked, that it had
shaken Ewan from his stubborn stance at least a little.

Until he came back, there was no way to know.

But he hadn’t come back.

She sighed and traced the pane with her finger. If she didn’t
hear something soon, she was going to steal that carriage and go to Kent
herself. In fact…

She leaped to her feet and shook down her skirts. Why had
she waited so long?

Ewan was

The stables were unguarded.

Surely Pippin or one of the other boys could be bribed?

A scratch at the door stalled her thoughts. “Come,” she

Violet poked her head in. “There’s a suitor to see you,” she
said with a smile. “He’s waiting in the salon.”

Oh bother.
“I thought all that stopped.”

Violet shrugged. “Apparently you are far too scintillating.
Do hurry. He won’t wait forever.”

Would he not?

Pity that.

Sophia took her time heading for the salon, strolling slowly
down the hall, taking a moment or five to study each portrait on the wall.
Fascinating composition. Beautiful colors. The one of Ewan with his firstborn
son was particularly charming, though it sent something spearing through her
heart. Something that felt like melancholy.

She moved on to study another portrait. One of her looking
young and fresh and hopeful. With a snort, she passed this one by. The next was
of Violet. A lovely rendition of her in her wedding dress. It had been a
beautiful wedding, if not somewhat rushed and—

Oh bother. She’d reached the salon.

With a sigh, she opened the door.

A man stood at the mantel, tall and strong. The familiar
profile made her heart lurch.

“Ned!” she squealed. Then she clapped her hand over her
mouth. Heaven forbid someone hear her. For surely he’d sneaked in. Bless
Violet. And damn her for not saying something.

She closed and locked the door before rushing across the
room into his arms. They closed around her in a steady grip. Ah. Heaven.

“Ned, darling!” She could barely utter the words because his
mouth came down on hers and he kissed her. It was glorious. “When did you get

“Just now,” he said, grinning down at her. “And damn, you
look beautiful.”

“You look beautiful.”

He chuckled. “Handsome? Please?”

“Yes. Very handsome.” She sighed. “How I missed you.”

“And I, you. Have you been well?”

“Yes.” A lie.

He led her to the divan, a reproving expression on his face.
They sat before he spoke. “Ewan said you’ve been ill.”

“You spoke with Ewan?” Oh dear. She checked his body for
signs of injury.

“I did speak with him. And Sophia…” The words caught in his
throat. He swallowed mightily.

“Yes, Ned?”

To her horror, and her delight, he dropped to one knee. “Would
you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

She gaped at him. “But Ewan—”

“Has given his blessings.”

Of course he had. He thought she was with child. He would do
anything to get her safely wed before she started to show. But as much as
Sophia wanted to be Ned’s wife, she craved her brother’s true acceptance of
this match. Not some halfhearted, reluctant nod because she was increasing.
Aside from that, she didn’t want Ned to feel pressured. And she didn’t want him
was not ready. “And your quest? To make your fortune?”

His smile broadened. “I’ve already sold one foal and have
requests for several more from a man who wants to build a stable of his own.”

“You have?” Her heart sang. And then, at his slightly guilty
expression, her eyes narrowed. “



“Well, Ewan, in fact.”

Oh. Glory be.

Ewan would never spend money on an animal if he were not
entranced with it. And he would certainly never buy from Ned unless he
wanted—truly wanted—Ned to be a success.

“Oh, darling. That is wonderful.”

“It is. So will you? Will you be my wife?”

“You know I will.”

He whipped her into his arms and spun her around, kissing
her until she was breathless and dizzy.

“I cannot wait,” she said when he finally set her back on
her feet. “It will be the most magnificent wedding St. James has ever seen. Do
you like lilies and orchids? I should love to have a lace gown. Oh my. There is
so much to do—Ned? Why are you staring at me like that?” With

“It cannot be a large wedding, sweeting. They take far too
long to arrange.”

“Not so very long.”

“I was thinking of a special license.”

“Ballocks. I’ve been dreaming of this my whole life!”

His gaze fell to her waist. “We haven’t a lot of time.”

Sophia stepped back and strolled to the windows, her heart
suddenly heavy. Though he followed, she could not meet his eyes. “Ned?” She
fought to get the word out through the lump in her throat.

“Yes, Sophia?”

“Did Ewan tell you I was with child?”

“He…ah…might have mentioned something about kippers.”

“Oh, bother.”

“Darling.” He turned her ’round to face him. Looped his arms
about her and tugged her close. “What’s wrong?”

“It was a trick,” she whispered through stiff lips, “to toss
Ewan off his high horse. I’m not with child.” She peeped up just in time to see
his face fall, though he hid it quickly.

“Clever of you.”

“It was Violet’s idea.”

“It worked. That’s all that matters. We can be together now.”

She gazed up at him, unable to stay her tears. Why she felt
so weepy, she didn’t know. “I don’t want you to marry me because you feel like
you have to.”

His chuckle was gentle. As was his kiss. “Darling, I do have
to, but not the way you mean.”

She tipped her head to the side and sent him a questioning

“I have to marry you because without you, I find it
difficult to breathe. My heart aches with every thud when you are not in my
arms. In short, I love you so much I can barely stand it. Do you not love me

“You know I do.”

“Then you understand. I’m not marrying you because of any
child you may or may not be carrying. I am marrying you, my darling, because
you are the other half of me. And without you, I am lost.”

“Oh Ned.”

He kissed her.

And kissed her some more.

And still again.

Until a scratch came at the door. And then a knock. And then
a rattling pound.

It was unnecessary for Ewan to break it down as he did.

There was hardly a reason for them to be chaperoned.

The damage was already done.

* * * * *

Despite Sophia’s insistence she was not really with child,
the wedding was something of a rushed affair, though Ned, working with Violet
and Kaitlin, managed to get Sophia her lace dress and her lilies and her
orchids. And she was lovely. Breathtaking.

They said their vows surrounded by family and a few select
friends, including Cedric Savoy who had miraculously made peace with Edward.
Naturally MacDougal and Percy were there and Sophia had even insisted on
inviting Lord and Lady Billingsly.

Ewan was on his best behavior, thrusting out a hand and
gruffly welcoming Ned to the family. And then he’d hugged him. Ned could have
sworn there was a glimmer of tears in his eye, but he couldn’t be sure because
Ewan grumbled something and trudged back to his wife.

In an unexpected turn of events, his new brother-in-law
gifted him with a beautiful mare Ned had seen at Tattersall’s but could never
afford. Ewan had muttered something about yet another foal when the time came.
Ned was over the moon.

There were gifts from Edward too, gifts that assured he and
Sophia would eat far better than the occasional loaf of bread. In fact, she
could, if she wanted, have her tiara. By the end of the day he realized he was
something of a wealthy man. Certainly comfortable.

But none of it mattered next to the treasure on his arm.

His younger brothers were not so generous. They made a
circus of the wedding supper, but then they usually did. Ned ignored the live
chickens fluttering through the dining room and the flying peas and the small
explosion that occurred.

He had Sophia, his love, his princess, his cabin boy by his

She gazed up at him with wide eyes filled with hope and
adoration and faith.

And ah, he loved her beyond bearing.

Even when she threw up on his cravat.

And when eight months later she presented him with a
gurgling baby girl—with her mother’s stunning blue eyes and her father’s dark
curls—he loved her even more.


About Sabrina York


Her Royal Hotness, Sabrina York, writes naked erotic fiction
for fans who like it hot, hard and balls-to-the-wall, and erotic romance and
fantasy for readers who prefer a slow burn to passion. An award-winning author
in multiple genres, Sabrina loves writing hot, humorous stories in all kinds of


Sabrina York: Read Her Hotness, feel the heat.


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website and email addresses on her
author bio page



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Print books by Sabrina York


Passions: Dark Fancy

1: Adam’s Obsession

Wired 2: Tristan’s

Ellora’s Cave Publishing







ISBN 9781419992759


Defiant Copyright © 2014 Sabrina York


Edited by Carrie Jackson

Cover design by Dar Albert

Cover photography by © Peter Kim , © theartofphoto


Electronic book publication July 2014


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