Demigod Down (3 page)

Read Demigod Down Online

Authors: Kim Schubert

Tags: #demigod, #romance sex, #heroine in peril, #succubus paranormal romance, #heroine fantasy, #heroine female sleuth, #vampires and shape shifter, #shifter alpha male, #shifter alpha, #heroine strong woman

I looked at him as understanding slowly
dawned on me. Logan was the master alpha of the entire United
States. Under him there were four master beta’s that were in charge
of each point on the compass and below those were individual animal
packs. If I had turned today, depending on what animal I turned
into, one of the alphas could have claimed me as part of their pack
and I would be a huge asset and liability.

I blew out a breath, “I can’t be turned,” I
said, standing gathering my belongings into my trusty military
grade duffle bag.

Dean was still angry and I chose to ignore
it. “That’s too bad,” he said, picking up the first aid kit and
stopping by the door about to say something else. “Your eyes were
black.” Before he turned and slammed the door behind him.

Black, that was interesting.

Blowing out a breath, I was thankful my
Supernatural Council didn’t have to watch over the shifter packs.
The original design of the council was to protect those sups who
didn’t have a clan strong enough to protect them, than some idiot
let a vampire run the show.

That was a mistake of epic proportions.
However, it was one I fixed. It was a bloody, long, road, but it
was what I did best, killing. It was what I was bred for. I shook
off those memories, throwing my bag over my shoulder and out the
open door, stomping up the basement steps.

“She’s a demon,” Logan bellowed as I graced
the living room. His back was to me but every other face was
towards me. I hated being called that, even if they might be

I didn’t bother answering him and just moved
towards the door, all eyes tracking me. I made it to and out the
door when someone called. “Is it true? Is your friend is pregnant
with a demon?”

I stiffened. How dare he speak of his
sister-in-law that way! I thought. I turned in the open doorway.

The glare I leveled at Logan had a slight
twitch of my lip. I was fighting the urge to snarl and lunge at his
jugular. I wanted to tell him never to speak of one of my kind that
way and that I was not above removing his tongue. I knew, however
that if I disgraced him in front of his alphas and their mates, I
was going to have to battle him to the death. I really didn’t want
to kill him, at least not today.

Logan lifted his head, acknowledging I wasn’t
breaking the eye contact with him, which was the fastest way to
piss off an alpha before I turned and stormed out the door to my

There was so much I wanted to say. How
pathetic it was he put me down as I delivered his shifters from
suffering. Fucker, I thought, slamming my duffle bag in the back

“Olivia.” Logan’s voice boomed from the door.
Clenching my hands, I turned slowly meeting his gaze, noting that
no one had followed him out nor were they watching from the
windows. They could still hear us. I shook my head and walked away.
Second best way to piss off a shifter is not to acknowledge

I was pretty sure he wanted to bellow but
settled for growling as I made my way to the driver’s side door. At
the front of my SUV, I stopped and turned to him just to flip him
off. He bellowed as I drove away.

I was probably going to pay for that.
Whatever. I was heading home.

Chapter 3

I didn’t make it home, or really to Blake’s
house. Home was a concept I still didn’t believe in.

Exhaling, I spoke the truth. “I can’t have a
home. They told me that, drilled it into me. I don’t deserve it,” I
whispered to Logan’s grandfather’s grave. His name was Lawson.

Kneeling in the wet grass behind the crypt, I
took comfort in the shade from the weeping willows as I bowed my
own head, tears tracking down my face. “I can still smell the
cages,” I whispered, drawing in a deep breath. “I can hear the
scraping of their claws, and feel the madness pulsating through
every living thing.”

Wind blew through the trees, rustling as I
looked down at my indestructible watch checking my time. I hadn’t
been here long, I wouldn’t be missed yet and I still had much to
tell Lawson, not that he could hear me.

That was the reason I was here in the first
place. He couldn’t judge me, interrupt me, or understand, but it
helped just saying the words out loud.

“It was pages directly from my memories,” I
whispered my tears blinding my eyes as I swallowed a sob. “I have
hidden these nightmares away, drowned them in the blood of my
enemies, but I cannot be free of them.” I gave in to gut-wrenching

Turning to lean against his headstone, wiping
my wet eyes, I blew out a breath taking in the view. “Death would
be easier, simpler, peaceful,” I muttered. “But then who would be
left to take care of everyone? It’s my job and the only thing I am
really good at.” I stood up and walked back to my car.

It was just over an hour before I was pulling
into Blake’s large estate driveway and I hesitated. I had been gone
almost a month and while we had talked almost every day, I still
felt hesitation at even being in a relationship.

Blowing out a breath, I pushed myself out of
the dirty and stinky vehicle. Grabbing my equally stinky
military-issued duffle bag from the back, I used my key to get into

Pushing open the heavy oak door, I called
out, surprised by the butterflies in my stomach, “Honey I’m

Blake’s laughter echoed and I followed that
sound with a smile of my own entering the formal dining room. I
couldn’t help my mouth falling open in shock when I saw him.

I had forgotten just how handsome he was. Jet
black hair perfectly styled with pieces draped seductively over
shockingly blue eyes, strong porcelain features and perfectly
kissable ruby lips.

Yet aside from the handsome vampire in front
of me, the usually sparse dining room had been transformed into the
definition of elegance. Thick cream ribbons hung in scallops across
the ceiling with glittering jewel accents and in the center of the
room, an impressive chandelier was lit up with matching cream

Dinner laid out on the pristine white table
cloths smelled delicious. I inhaled deeply, wrapping my arms around
Blake’s powerful shoulders.

“Everything smells divine,” I said, pulling
back smiling at him.

Blake sniffed before saying, “You have
smelled better.”

Pushing up on my toes, I pressed a kiss
against his lips, “Think the food will keep?” I asked softly as his
arm snaked around my waist.

“Absolutely,” he murmured against my

I smiled against him, feeling light as he
picked me up and I wrapped my long legs around his waist. Without
missing a step in our kiss or the flights of stairs to his bedroom,
Blake slipped me down his body with one lingering slow kiss.

Slowly opening my eyes, I smiled into his
blue gaze. “Shower?” I asked huskily.

“Yes,” He replied turning me around, “you do
need to shower.” He agreed giving me a small push.

I huffed, heading into the monstrosity of a
bathroom, opening the glass shower to start the water. Lined on the
edge was my shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and shaver.

I turned, surprised and delighted he had
thought of something so small only to find him no longer in the
door way. Stripping quickly, I made quick work of showering, being
sure to shave exceptionally well for the spicy encounter about to
rock my world.

Stepping back out, wrapped only in a towel, I
was greeted by the exquisite shirtless form of Blake lighting

“Mood lighting?” I asked sliding onto the
four poster bed.

“Ambiance,” he replied, turning back blowing
the match out.

I nodded, done with talking and throwing my
towel to the floor.

His attraction was written plainly in his
eyes as they glowed amber and his fangs descended. Approaching me
slowly, he climbed on the bed, pushing me down without touching me
as my breathing starting coming in rapid pants.

“I have a surprise for you,” he whispered
against my lips.

It took a moment for my brain to regain the
ability to speak. “What?” I asked, pushing up as he slipped to the
night stand.

“Roll over,” he whispered seductively.

I hesitated for a moment. I wasn’t one to
easily trust, but given I had allowed Blake to drain me within
inches of my life, I made an exception for him settling on my

Warm liquid dripped down my spine. “What is
that?” I asked, twisting around.

“Massage oil, Olie, stay still!” he chided
me, pushing my shoulders flat again.

“Do you not like it?” He asked, slightly

His fingers pushed into my tense shoulders,
massaging out my kinks, “No, it’s amazing. You are amazing” I said,
settling down to enjoy his strong hands.

His lips nuzzled my ear as his experienced
hands released the long kept tension, and I couldn’t help but moan
at his ministrations.

“So, want to tell me about your latest case?”
Blake asked, pushing gently against my spine.

“Ugh, it was terrible.” I informed him,
launching into details I usually just swept under the rug and
emotions I typically ignored and hoped I would never have to deal

“They were so terrified that the air was
thick with it - dark cages and disgusting conditions.” I exhaled,
“I have lived in some pretty terrible places in my life - been
trapped and captured in similar conditions - but I have never had
to live for an extended time as they did.”

I drew a breath, forcing myself to continue.
“The point of those cells was to drive them into pure beast forms.
They treated them so poorly, so inhumanely, it would have been
inevitable given enough time.”

Rubbing my face against the pillow, I pushed
on forcing my emotions down to the dark cervices they belonged.
“The question is who masterminded the entire operation. Why and to
what end?”

“Did you leave anyone alive to ask?” Blake
asked, his hands massaging my hips.

“No.” I growled into the pillow. “I, I was so
upset I just killed and killed…and killed.” I sighed.

“What about you?” I asked changing the topic,
done with my failures and that terrible situation. Logan could
handle this one, it was the least he could do after forcing me to
handle the nightmare of the puppet master.

Besides, I now had the Council watchdogging
the situation, unbelievable that I even had to babysit the pathetic
leader of the shifter nation. I was charging Logan double for this

Pulling my attention back to the present, I
started paying attention to Blake, “…Flame has been a nightmare,
underage drinking, fighting. Not to mention security at the
Centennial Compound has been lax since the majority of the
protestors have turned into groupies. If I have to deal with one
more obsessed fan…”

I laughed, rolling on my side peering up at
his crystal blue eyes, “Did I mention I have had to model numerous
tuxes for Kass since Darren has been busy with his new

I laughed and cringed, “I forgot about the
wedding.” I confided flopping back to my stomach.

I felt Blake’s naked flesh connect to my own
slick body, wiggling against him.

“You have your own array of dresses to try
on.” He whispered, spreading my legs with his solid thigh. Pushing
back into him, I tilted my hips welcoming his warmth inside my
tight body.

Blake panted, arms braced below my shoulders
as he slowly maneuvered his hips back before just as teasingly
slowly pushing back into me. From this position, he was hitting
every spot, perfectly.

“Did I tell you how much I missed you?” he
whispered in my ear, repeating the action.

“You know I’ve never been much for talking,”
I responded as he nipped at my shoulder, pushing my hips up against

“I missed your smell,” Blake whispered,
increasing his pace as I worked my hips against him.

Pulling in a ragged breath, my body arched
under him, while my hands made fists with his silk sheets.

“Blake,” I whispered.

“I missed your voice,” he continued, his body
driving me mad.

“I missed your body,” he whispered, fingers
digging into my hips.

Crying out, I pushed more forcefully against
his pace.

“But I missed your soul the most,” he
finished, warming my mind and body as he pushed the pace and our
bodies spiraled towards blissful climax.

The sensations were almost too much as my
body gave into him, shattering into a million pieces, screaming my

Without missing a beat, Blake flipped me
over, pulling me toward him once again, smiling. Panting, I pushed
him gently into the bed, mounting his awaiting member.

Sliding his massive girth inside of me once
again, I couldn’t help the groan of pleasure that escaped me, head
tipping back as his hands reached up to pull on my taunt

Bracing my hands on his chest, I rotated my
hips enjoying his growl of pleasure.

We spent the night and part of the morning
reconnecting. Yawning I downed the water bottle Blake handed me,
giving him a sleepy smile, resting against his plush pillows.

“You have a very satisfied smirk on those
luscious lips.” He stated, climbing back into bed.

Turning into him, I exhaled snuggling against
his porcelain skin. “Ready for bed?” Blake asked teasingly.

Yawning again, I nodded my body and soul
sedated from his ministrations.

“Thank all the Gods, you were starting to
tire me out,” he replied, teasingly holding me close.

I awoke slowly, warm under the cocoon of
blankets and determined to ignore my bladder’s demands for a few
more peaceful moments.

“This isn’t a good time,” Blake said
growling, followed by a pregnant pause. “Olivia is here, she just
got back. I am not dragging her into this mess. It’s mine.” He
finished, followed by the beep of his phone, terminating the

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