Demons Like It Hot (35 page)

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Authors: Sidney Ayers

“Even you said Salome was sneaky, but one thing may have changed. Maybe the descendant is far away from her. Maybe Kalli will have better luck now.”

“It is indeed and interesting theory.”

“Kalli grows bored at the salon. A mission like this might liven things up for her.”

“If she’s up for it.”

Serah grinned. “This is Kalli. She lives for this sort of adventure.”

He admired her willingness to help out, even after she’d discovered his dark secret. But he would not put her friends in danger. The best way to protect Serah was to protect those she cared about as well.

“I’d rather take care of my own family problems.” He reached out and took Serah’s hand in his. “You should understand that, right?”

Serah nodded. “I do.” She reached out and took his hand with her other, softly stroking. The sensation of peace washed over him. God, he loved all the feelings Serah evoked in him.

“But what do we do about Daniel?” Serah asked. “Have you talked to Rafe yet?”

“I talked to him earlier. Lucy and he are on their way. The phantoms haven’t seen anything out of the ordinary.” Matthias blew out a breath. Something about Daniel didn’t add up. He was too perfect. One thing he’d learned over the years—no one was perfect, especially those who seemed too perfect. But the vibe that Matthias got was one from someone who was clean of conscience. He’d never felt a vibe quite like that and still had doubts. “Daniel went back to his hotel. Nowhere else. It looks like he’s heading back now.”

He decided it was best to let Serah know his thoughts. “I have concerns about Daniel. I’ve heard about this before. Humans who have been influenced by the Infernati.”

“So he’s a minion?”

“Worse. Minions know the Infernati to be evil and join anyway. There are others who are led astray by lies and trickery. They’ve been taught that the Paladins are the problem and the Infernati are the ones doing the world good.” He clenched his fists. In a way, he’d been tricked the same way. Unfortunately for Salome, that plan had backfired. He never fully joined their sick and twisted cause.

“They genuinely believe they are doing the right thing.” Matthias ground his teeth. He truly hated what the Infernati had done to humans. More than ever. Especially what they were trying to do to Serah. But for some reason, even Daniel’s situation frustrated him. And he didn’t know why.

Then again, he was a Paladin now. That’s why. He was one of the good guys now—of course he’d take things more personally.

“Everything okay?”

Matthias nodded. “Sorry. It’s my first mission with the Paladins, so I guess I’m taking it a little personally.”

“Makes complete sense, actually.” Serah smiled. “I’ve noticed one thing about working with the Paladins. You all tend to take missions very personally.”

What did that mean? Then again, they had sex. You couldn’t get any more personal than that. But even Serah had said it was just sex. And he saw how she interacted with Daniel. He wanted her to act that way with him, damn it.

“We are dedicated to our cause. Is that so wrong?”

“Not in the least.” A cold blast of air swung the door open. “Looks like Rafe’s here.”

Matthias nodded. “Why don’t you go catch a quick shower and get cleaned up?” He brushed a tomato chunk from her hair. “And I was starting to get excited about that casserole too. Leave it to the Infernati to ruin my supper.”

“I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” With that, Serah pushed open a door in the far corner of the room. If only he could join her and make it up to her.

With a deep sigh of regret, Matthias strode out of the makeshift bedroom. Rafe stood in the kitchen with arms crossed, his glare penetrating. “What the hell happened here?”

“A demon got in, that’s what.”

Rafe nodded. “Marinara sauce? The Infernati get more creative as the days pass by. Has Kalli been notified?”

“Yes.” Matthias snickered. “As have Farquhar and his playmate.”

Rafe grabbed Matthias by the collar of his shirt. “How did this happen?”

“It wasn’t me.”

“Why would I think it was you?”

“I don’t know. Maybe the way you are grabbing my shirt and glaring at me?”

“Oh, sorry.” Rafe let go of the shirt and straightened the collar. “She’s Lucy’s friend, and I have yet to trust you completely.”

“With reason.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I’m surprised that Serah hasn’t told Lucy or you yet.”

“Told us what?”

Matthias knew he should tell Rafe. Of all the Paladins, he should understand. After all, he’d had his own share of familial issues. “The assassin who kidnapped Serah?”

“You know who it was?”

Matthias nodded. “I do.”


“It was me.”

“I knew I couldn’t trust you.” Rafael gritted his teeth and with the swiftness only a demon could possess, he plowed his fist into Matthias’s jaw.

Matthias reeled backwards. He would not retaliate. He would not fight back. After all, he deserved the beat-down Rafael was sure to give him.

Rafael swung again, this time catching him in the eye. “Why aren’t you fighting back?”

“I deserve it.”

Rafael growled and slammed him in the gut. “You better start explaining yourself, or I’ll send you back to the Council, one piece at a time.”

“I’d like an explanation too.”

Lucy stood there, hands on her waist. Her amber eyes flickered. “And why is there spaghetti sauce splattered across the walls? Did Serah lose control of her powers again?” She took a deep whiff of the air in the kitchen. “Never mind an explanation. I need a big explanation.”

“Someone invited a demon in.” Rafe tossed a sidelong glance toward Matthias.


“Not me,” Matthias murmured. “I care for… this mission. For the first time I feel alive. Free.”

“Why don’t you tell Lucy what else you did? She will find it as interesting as I did.”

A deep scowl furrowed Lucy’s brow. “What did you do?”

They weren’t making this easy for him. Then again, he didn’t deserve easy. “I was the one who kidnapped Serah.”

“You did what?” Lucy’s eyes flamed. “Fucking priceless. The Fore-Demons really messed up this time. Everything they do, they do for a reason? I’d really like to know their reasoning for this.”

“I truly do not know,” Rafael replied, crashing into one of the barstools. “But I told Matthias he could explain.”

“Explain how he kidnapped my best friend and delivered her to one of the high princes of hell?” Lucy snorted. “It better be a damned good one.”

He wasn’t one to air his dirty laundry, but if it got them to understand, he’d hang it from the highest pole. “It started the day I was turned demon.”

And he told the story again. He’d recite the whole bloody history, as much as he had to, if it would make them understand. He watched both Rafe and Lucy cringe as he related what Kalli had told him. How he’d been led to believe the Paladins had done it. How Salome had tried tricking him. But her plan had backfired. Instead of joining the Infernati, he hadn’t chosen a side at all.

Then he talked about Belial. How he blackmailed him into taking the kidnapping assignment. How he used his last descendant as leverage.

“But I swear to you that as soon as I found out what Serah was, I knew what I had to do. I wanted to be a Paladin. And certainly a Paladin would choose to save the world, not just one descendant.”

Rafael nodded. “They would. It is a hard decision to let your family go. One I know well.”

Lucy flashed a sympathetic smile toward her fiancé and wrapped her arms around him. “I always knew something was up. Serah isn’t the type to forget. She remembers the strangest things, like what Fergie wore to the Grammys five years ago. Have you told her?”

Matthias nodded. “I did. I gave her the memories back, but I should have done it sooner. I waited too long.”

Rafael’s gaze narrowed. “You slept with her, didn’t you?”

“Rafe!” Lucy shouted, slapping him on the shoulder. “Jeez!”

Matthias nodded. “I did. We both got caught up in the moment. It was just sex. She has feelings for Daniel.”


“They had chemistry. I saw it in the way they worked together.”

“They were cooking. Serah could have chemistry with a turtle if you hand it a whisk. She isn’t the type to just fall in bed on a whim.”

. Then again, he wasn’t complaining.

“No. This is different. They have a connection.”

Lucy shook her head. “She would have told me if that was the case.”

“What did she tell you?” Matthias asked.

“She said he was friendly and nice but when he started asking questions about her life in Chicago, she felt uncomfortable.”

“I saw what I saw, but it doesn’t matter,” he said with a shrug. “I’m only here for her protection. I’ll be assigned a new mission when this is done.”

Rafael shook his head. “If you say so.”

Lucy smirked. “Protecting Serah is a full-time job, my friend. You’ll be here a while.”

The fresh scent of orchids and spice wafted into the room.
God, she smells good, especially after a shower.
Heat pounded its way into his body, straight to his cock. He bit his tongue. Not now.

“Very funny, Lucy. I’m learning how to protect myself rather well.” She ran her fingers through her damp curls. “Did Matty-boy here tell you how Edie and I took down the sauce thing all by ourselves?”

“Edie?” Lucy raised an eyebrow.

“I’ll tell you later,” Serah said with a nibble of her lip.

Lucy snorted. “Oh brother. Too bad your demonic cleaning skills aren’t the greatest.” Lucy traced her fingertip through a splash of sauce. She brought it to her nose and winced. “Ick. Poor sauce.”

Serah shrugged and ran her fingers across her necklace. A cocky smile spread across her lips. “Whatever.”

Matthias cringed. He knew one thing. When people became cocky, they became dangerous. “Serah, don’t even think about it.”

“Wow, only a day on the job and he already can read her mind.” Lucy smirked. “Serah, you’ve got your hands full with this one.”

Serah looked at her friends. Rafael’s jaw ticked but Lucy had a lopsided grin. Serah’s gaze widened. “You told them? Jeez! Is nothing private here?”

Rafael crunched his fist in his palm. “I am Matthias’s handler. He is required to tell me

“Well, don’t worry. It won’t happen again—right, Matthias?”

“Not if I want to stay on Rafael’s good side.” But he wasn’t completely averse to the idea of succumbing to pleasure with her again. Not that he had a chance in hell of it ever happening again. If it kept her safe, he’d do another four centuries of celibacy—if he had to.

“Good answer, Ambrose.” Rafael relaxed his stance.

“I know Matthias told me not to even think about it, but as I was showering an idea hit me and I wanted to try it out.”

Lucy arched a brow. “Some of the best ideas come while in the shower.” She rubbed her chin in thought. “Not sure where I heard that, but it sounded good. So what’s your idea?”

“The necklace helped me vanquish the demon, right?”

Matthias nodded. “Yes, it did.” He was proud of her, yet slightly disappointed. Once she learned how to harness all of her powers, she wouldn’t need him anymore. He’d have to move on to a new mission. He’d probably never see her again. Then again, after what he had done, she probably wouldn’t want to see him anyway.

“Well, I figured I could use the necklace to do other things.”

“If you are looking of ways to increase your productivity, I’d look elsewhere, hon,” Lucy said with a chuckle. “Our powers are not to be overused.” She turned to Rafe. “I assume the same thing goes for Pure-Bloods, right?”

Rafael nodded. “When people misuse their power, bad things happen. I’ve seen good demons—and humans—go bad.”

Matthias couldn’t agree more. He’d seen his fair share of power-hunger on both sides, Infernati and Paladin alike.

“How well you people know me. I was just going to try and harness some of that cleaning mojo Kalli likes to sling around.”

“Well, that would make Kalli’s life a little easier.” Lucy smirked. “You know how she hates getting called at all hours of the day and night because some imp invaded your dinner party.” She snorted. “Let’s not forget that one wedding. That poor cake never stood a chance. I never knew an imp could throw that far.”

Serah crossed her arms. “All these demons hate me just for being born. How fun is that?”

“It sucks, I imagine.” Lucy certainly didn’t sugar coat things, which oddly enough added to her charm.

“Fine, so you’ll let me try it out then?”

“Sure, and if it doesn’t work, it’s nothing that a professional can’t handle.” Lucy pulled out her cell phone. “I’ve got Kalli ready on speed-dial.”

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