Demons Like It Hot (37 page)

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Authors: Sidney Ayers

And she was not one who was above using humans to get what she wanted. Kalli had shown him that.

“She hasn’t been spotted on earth in almost thirty years.” Rafael said. “She was always one who liked her presence to be known.”

“Have you ever fought her?” Lucy asked, gazing up at Rafael.

“Once. Remember the incident I told you about? The thing in the early eighties?”

Lucy’s eyes widened, giving a slow nod. “The antique Model T?”

“That would be the one.” Rafael shook his head. “She has the strangest
I’ve ever seen. Smoke instead of frost. It’s weird.”

“It’s not a
.” Kalli strode in from the office, the frost following her. “I’ve only fought her twice. The one time—” She flashed Matthias an apologetic glance. She turned back to Rafael “And with you in the eighties.”

“She has a strange ability to transport herself without using the portals of hell. We’re still trying to analyze it.”

“Do you honestly believe Sally Lohman could be Salome?” Serah asked, her brow furrowed in concentration.

“They aren’t very creative when it comes to fake names, if that’s the case.” Lucy said.

“And she changed her plans when Daniel gave her my name.”

Daniel nodded. He shook his head and sucked in a ragged breath. “She told me they were protecting the world and doing good. Killing innocent people isn’t good.”

“How do we know that we can trust you?” Matthias asked. He was working for the enemy. He didn’t want to take any chances.

Kalli nodded. “I can’t read your mind either. So whoever you’re working for is powerful.”

Daniel sighed. “I’m confused and frustrated.” He took a seat at the dining table and put his head in his hands. “I wouldn’t expect you to trust me. But trust this. Tomorrow, when we film the show, her people will be there. They are going to ambush you. Even with my help, you all are doomed.”

“Comforting thought,” Serah murmured.

“After you feed them the tiramisu, and the credits have run, her people are going to kill you.”

“Wow. So she plans on airing the show, even when I’m dead? How heartless. There’s got to be something we can do.” Her sapphire eyes pleaded with him.

He wouldn’t let them near her. He’d take a blade if he had to. He was training to become a Paladin. The worst he would get would be a few years in limbo to recover. It was worth it. “I won’t let them take you.”

He hoped it was enough to ease her fears.

“If Sally is truly a demon, then the people working with her are demons too.” Daniel shook his head. “They’ll be mixed in with regular people. Can you tell the difference between a human or demon?”

“The Infernati have distinct odors,” Rafael said. “But when mixed in a crowd of humans, it is hard to differentiate between the two. I really don’t want to kill innocent people if I don’t have to.”

“What do these odors smell like?”

“Rotten eggs, Limburger cheese, moldy goat cheese, boiled cabbage.” Serah wrinkled her nose. “And that’s only the less-powerful demons.”

“Don’t forget the county landfill and the River City sewer system.” Lucy added for good measure.

“So basically, like shit.” Daniel scrunched his face. “Thank goodness I can’t smell it.”

“Sad thing is, those dumb Infernati don’t know how rancid they smell either.”

“Is there anything that can kill these demons?” Daniel asked.

“Silver blessed by an angel is the only way.”

“Maybe I could just finish Sally off when I go back to the hotel room.”

“Too obvious,” Matthias said. He wouldn’t let murder stay on anyone’s conscience, especially someone Serah had feelings for. He didn’t care what Lucy and Rafael said. He saw the way Serah comforted him. He had seen the kiss earlier too. It was sweet and tender, the way two people in love should kiss. Not hot and explosive like the ones they shared.

Truth be told, Matthias actually liked Daniel—despite the fact that he was working for Salome. He could see that he was a man who worked to get where he was. Even when Salome handed him a career on a silver platter—maybe not the best analogy—Daniel still worked hard. Daniel would have done well on his own. And that only made him angrier.

Besides, he was a demon. Daniel was human. It was a better, safer combination. A demon and a Pure-Blood together? Not likely in this century or the next.

Besides, he should be the one to kill Salome. She had taken away everything he held dear. He’d not let her take another. He had to protect Serah.

Rafael nodded. “Matthias is right. Not to mention it would be a suicide mission. Every one of Salome’s demon servants would be after you. It’s better to act as if nothing has changed.”

Daniel’s eyes flashed with worry. “I don’t know if I can do that.”

Matthias grabbed his shoulders, his gaze narrowed and intense. “You have to. You’re an actor aren’t you?”

“Reality star and actor aren’t always synonymous,” Daniel mumbled.

“You have to try, Daniel. You want to help save this town, right?” Matthias pulled him closer, baring his teeth. “You want to save Serah, don’t you?”

Daniel nodded. “I like Connolly Park.” He gulped. “And Serah.”

“Good. So you will try?”

Daniel nodded. “I will.”

He loosened his grip and stepped back. “Is there anything about Sally that we can use against her?”

Daniel shook his head. He held onto the counter and groaned. “How could I be so stupid?”

“You aren’t stupid, Daniel,” Serah said, wrapping her arms around him. She patted his shoulder and stroked her fingers through his shiny blond hair. Matthias yanked his eyes away.

“I am too. I let myself fall for Salome, or Sally, whatever-her-name-is’s story. She played me like a fucking fool.”

Matthias had to say something. “You’re not the only one, Daniel. She did the same thing to me. She’s a cold, calculating bitch. It wasn’t your fault at all.” He hoped it would help ease his distress.

Serah looked up, her sapphire eyes warm. She gave him a wide smile.
she mouthed.

Nodding, he turned his gaze toward the window above the sink.

“I just wished there were some way to separate the demons from the humans,” Serah said, pulling away from Daniel. “If only I could just shove silver down everyone’s throats.”

“Very funny.”

“I have an idea.”

Everyone turned back to Daniel. His lips curved into a wry smile. “What would happen if a demon ate silver?”

Kalli shrugged. “They would die, more than likely, but I think they’d avoid anything with silver nuggets in it.”

“I saw a news report once about a guy who used to eat silver, because he thought it would cure his diabetes,” Serah said. “His whole body turned blue. It was so weird. Would the same thing happen to demons if they ate it?”

“Who in his right mind eats silver?” Matthias asked. Then again, humans did the strangest things to keep themselves healthy.

Lucy shrugged. “Silver does have some medicinal benefits, but I bet the guy was using colloidal silver.” Was she a hairstylist or a doctor? She seemed to know a hell of a lot about these things.

“Colloidal silver?” Rafael winced. “Sounds disgusting.”

“It’s silver particles suspended in a liquid. Some idiots claim it cures everything. I’m not one to diss alternatives in medicine, but it’s a little crazy.” She snorted. “And they will keep trying to sell this
cure until they are blue in the face—literally.”

“How in the world does an ordinary hairstylist know all this?” Matthias whispered to Serah.

Serah snickered. “You forget she took two years of med school.”

“Seriously? Hairstyling instead of becoming a surgeon? Who is crazy enough to do that?”

“Lucy. And she’s not crazy. It was the best decision she’s ever made.”

He’d just insulted Serah’s best friend. This wasn’t going well at all. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to—”

Serah smiled. “No worries. Everyone thinks the same thing when they hear the story. But you just have to know Lucy, then you’ll know why.” She laid a reassuring hand on his chest. The zings tingled and chased through his body. She leaned in, her breath inches from his ear. “Oh, she’s afraid of blood too.”

“Afraid of blood?” Then again, the Sexubi weren’t the bravest where blood was concerned. This was going to be a gruesome battle. Would she be able to fight?

“Don’t worry. Infernati blood doesn’t scare her.”

“So would liquid silver work on demons?”

Rafael nodded. “The effects of silver are magnified where demons are concerned. The problem would be getting an angel’s blessing on such an unusual weapon.”

“How long does it take?” Matthias asked. “Didn’t you recently visit with an archangel?”

Rafael nodded. “The weapon had already been prepared and blessed. I just needed to claim it.”

“They got my katana to me rather quickly,” Lucy said.

“You are royalty, that’s why. That and having a bunch of loosed demons ready to take over the world helped a little.”

“Stop rubbing it in, Rafe.” Lucy gave him a playful punch to his shoulder. “But isn’t this just as dire?”

“Even if the last Pure-Blood is killed, it will not affect the Paladin or Council’s actions. They will still exist and function as before.” Rafael sucked in a ragged breath. “Not that I agree with that standpoint, of course. I think the world needs Pure-Bloods—more of them actually.” He angled a sidelong glance at Serah. What in the hell was he suggesting?

course, she’d need to breed more Pure-Blood women
, thought Matthias. Which is why he could never be with Serah. They wouldn’t be able to have children. Then again, Lucy was living proof that a demon and human could mate. However, if they could have children, the demon bloodline would taint the Pure-Blood lineage.

“Right now, I don’t see that happening, Rafe.” Serah slunk away from him and toward the wall. She tugged at her chef’s coat. “I don’t see myself anywhere near a steady relationship to raise a family. That, and I don’t think I’m good mom material.”

“You’d be a great mom, Serah.” Daniel sidled up next to her. “You’re a good cook, you’re generous, and from what I’ve seen, you’re always ready to help someone out.” He took her hand in his.

Matthias’s jaw twitched and he balled his fists. Why did seeing Daniel comforting her hurt so much? He was the better person for her, regardless of how he’d been conned by Salome. He managed to control the growl ready to rumble in his throat.

Daniel continued to stroke her shoulders. “I would have done anything to have a mother like you.”

What kind of pickup line was that? Not a good one if he was trying to woo Serah.

Serah smiled. “I’m a little young to be your mother, but thanks for the compliment.”

“A lot young, actually. I’m older than you.”

“Not by much.”

“True, but you’d still make a good mother. Trust me, I know.”

Interesting attempt at seduction. Not at all how he would have done it. But who knew what Daniel’s plans were? So he gave them info about the Infernati’s attack. Big deal. Demons could be double agents as well. But if they wanted this plan to work, that’s what Daniel would have to be.

“When is Salome expecting you back?” Matthias asked, breaking up the talk about motherly love.

“Around ten or so. I figured we had a couple pans of tiramisu to make.”

Matthias turned to Lucy. “Where can we find this silver substance? I’d like to try some before we go with the plan.”

“That homeopathic store in Green’s Corner probably sells it. I’m in the Rotary Club with the owner. He might work me up a deal.” Lucy grabbed her cell phone. “Believe it or not, some alternative medicine does work.” She pushed a button and headed toward the office.

“I can transport there in a matter of minutes,” Rafe added. He followed Lucy to the office. “I’ll do it in private. I know how Serah hates it. Daniel probably won’t like it much either.”

With that, he shut the door behind them.

“We could use the silver instead of the alcohol. I bet it would pack a better punch.” Daniel smirked.

“We don’t want it to be too obvious. I suggest mixing it in with the alcohol, so it blends in together,” Serah suggested. “Like the afterburn from a really spicy chili.”

“The kind that sneaks up on you. Yeah,” Daniel said with a nod.

“If you need someone to try the silver, I’ll do it.” Kalli twirled her tongue around the loop piercing her lip. “So what if my face turns blue—I’ll just shave my head and try out as an extra for the Blue Man Group.”

“But you’re a woman,” Matthias said.

“It’s the twenty-first century, jackass,” Kalli said with a roll of her eyes.

“I know that, but why call it Blue Man Group, then? I thought the idea was to make names and titles more—as humans say—politically correct.”

“Because,” Serah said with a wide grin. “The Blue Man or Woman Group doesn’t have as nice a ring to it.”

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