Den of Desire (16 page)

Read Den of Desire Online

Authors: Shauna Hart

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

“Surprised by the fact that you're going to let some cunt get in the way of business,” he bit out.

Rage clouded his vision, making it difficult to keep from pummeling the other man. “Curtis, I think you should leave. Now!”

His eyes narrowed. “Fine! Who the hell needs this fucking job anyway? You're a dumb son of a bitch. And believe me, you'll get what you deserve.”

Before he could make sense of the dire warning, the other man was storming down the hall. He stared after him for a moment, trying to make sense of the drastic about-face.

He glanced down at his watch.

Two bouncers down meant it would take even longer to get out of here.

He grimaced as he thought of Mara waiting for him.

It looked like it was going to be a long night.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter 25

“What are you doing here, Dan?” she asked, her voice trembling.

She backed away, watching intently as he followed her step for step.

His eyes narrowed as he took in her attire.

“Were you waiting for me? Did you know that tonight would be the night?” he challenged.

She tried to still her racing pulse, but it seemed impossible. Suddenly, all of the pieces fit together perfectly. The person who had been stalking her had seemed to know too much, and why not? He knew everything about her, because he had lived with her. He knew her habits. He knew when she ate and when she slept.

“The night for what, Dan?”

He let out an evil laugh as he reached out to stroke her cheek. She jerked away from him, repulsed by his touch.

“The night you come back to me,” he explained.

“I'm not coming back to you,” she said, her voice surprisingly steady.

For a moment, his eyes blazed and she could see the fury beneath the surface. But he quickly guarded it.

“You would rather be a whore?”

When she didn't respond, he continued.

“I will admit that I was surprised. I never would have believed that you would do half the things I've seen you do in the past few weeks,” he observed, his lips twisting in distaste.

“Maybe I didn't have the right partner?” she suggested boldly.

Suddenly, his gaze turned hard as he grabbed her chin, pulling her face level with his. “Watch it!” he bit out, holding her there for a minute before releasing her.

She stumbled backward before regaining her balance. Tears filled her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. She would never give him that pleasure.

“The pictures ... the break in ... It was all you?”

An evil smile slid across his face. “You never suspected a thing,” he boasted.

“But how did you get into the club? You're not a member?”

He smirked. “That was a challenge ... at first. But then I met Curtis. He was only too happy to let me in. For the right price, of course.”

She shook her head, the facts becoming a wild jumble in her mind. “The girl?” she mouthed.

He tilted his head to the side, one eyebrow quirking up. “It's not hard to find a girl who's willing to do what you want in New Orleans, Mara.”

Anger boiled up inside of her, demanding an outlet. She was about to tear into him when she saw him pull the rope from his waistband. Fear slithered up her spine as she realized just how dangerous he had become.

Her gaze flickered toward the door. If only she could get past him...

He raised his hand, his finger waving back and forth in front of her. “Don't get any stupid ideas in that head of yours,” he warned.

“Look, Dan, whatever you're thinking about doing, don't. Joe will be home soon,” she informed him, hoping that he would relent.

He let out a howl of laughter that was anything but normal. Taking a step forward, he reached out to stroke her cheek. “We don't have to worry about him. I've made sure that he will be tied up for the rest of the night.”

Her eyes narrowed, her chest constricting in fear. “If you've done something to him...”

He shook his head. “Don't worry. He's not the one I want,” he reminded her grimly.

The truth of the statement was there in his eyes. In his sick mind, she was the one who had wronged him, and she would be the one to pay the price. At least she could take comfort in knowing that Joe wouldn't be hurt because of her stupid mistakes.

“Why are you doing this?” she asked.

He turned, his gaze immediately finding the pink bag from the lingerie store. He walked over to it, lifting the edge to look inside.

“I have to admit that I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to think that the person I knew could sink to such a low. Then I thought maybe you were trying to make me jealous.”

Gathering her resolve, she responded, “What I do with my life has nothing to do with you.”

She couldn't stop the fear from racing up her spine, but she would be damned if he thought that she had any thoughts of him. He could do what he wanted with her tonight, but he would do it with the knowledge that she was in love with another man.

His gaze took in the silk robe before moving over her trim figure.

Her stomach rolled at his appraisal.

“That's where you're wrong.”

He crossed the room to stand before her. He reached out for her, but she evaded his grasp.

“Damn it, Mara! It's over! The game you've been playing is going to end tonight.”

She tried to dart around him, but he grabbed her around the waist.

“You're coming with me so we can finish this once and for all.”

She struggled against his hold, but he was too strong. She kicked at his shins, but he dodged the blows. Furious, she threw her elbow back as hard as she could, feeling triumphant when it connected with his midsection.

He grunted, his arms losing their strength.

She moved away from him as quickly as she could.

Before she could get around him, he backhanded her. The blow knocked her across the room where she huddled on the floor, stunned by the impact. Tears slid down her cheeks.

“Why?” she asked, her voice hoarse.

He grabbed the rope as he walked toward her, holding it up menacingly. “Because you're mine! You always will be.”

He is crazy!

The look in his eyes confirmed it.

She had no doubt that whatever he planned for her would be slow torture. Unable to think of anything else, she tried reason.

“Dan, you don't want me. You didn't even want me when we were together. Think about Crystal,” she pleaded.

He let out a snort of laughter. “Crystal is nothing but a slut. She deserved what she got,” he said more to himself than to her.

A chill crept up her spine. “What did you do to her?”

He bent down before her, one eyebrow arched. “I gave her a chance. She thought she could sneak around behind my back. Just like you. Acting like a whore in front of everyone. She won't make that mistake again.”

He reached for her legs, but she kicked him frantically. A low growl escaped his throat as he threw himself at her. She felt his fingers close around her neck, his weight pinning her down.

“Don't push me, bitch!” he spat out, his face so close to hers she felt nauseous.

He hauled her to her feet, causing her robe to fall open. When he saw her attire, he snarled.

“You really have turned into a slut, haven't you?” His fingers bit into her arms. “Well, that will change now. I'll show you what happens to stupid little whores who try to leave.”

He began dragging her across the floor, her feet sticking to the hard wood.

“Dan, you don't want to do this. The police know that you've been stalking me. They'll find you!” she screamed, trying to appeal to his sense of self-preservation.

He turned to stare at her, a cruel smile twisting his mouth. “No one knows about me. Not even your precious Joe Gates, unless you've been giving him some bedtime confessions?” he challenged.

Color crept into her cheeks.

He smiled. “I didn't think so.”

He was right.

No one knew about him.

And no one would suspect that he was the one stalking her.

He had planned her demise perfectly.

And there was no way out.

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter 26

With all of her strength, she tried to break free. But her struggles were useless as he pulled her across the room. When they reached the door, she tried to hold onto the doorjamb, but he was too strong. He pried her fingers away with little effort.

“Come on, Mara. We have to hurry. We wouldn't want anything to spoil our little reunion.”

Her stomach rolled at the thought of what he had in store for her. Her eyes widened. They were almost to the top of the stairs. As soon as they left the house, she knew it would be all over.

Suddenly, she heard the door open below.


His voice sounded like the call of a thousand angels. But as quickly as relief spread through her, a new fear pierced her heart. She was the one who had been stupid enough to believe that Dan was decent. For that, she was willing to give up her life. But she wouldn't lose Joe.

She couldn't.

Dan turned to face her, an evil grin easing across his mouth. Reaching behind him, he withdrew a large knife. It glinted in the light.

“I guess I get to have a little fun before we leave,” he said.

She couldn't let it happen.

Even if it killed her.

She launched herself at him, throwing her body weight against him as hard as she could. His surprise was evident as he landed on the ground with a thump. The knife slid across the floor with a clatter. She scrambled for it in a desperate attempt to grab it, but his fingers gripped her hand, pulling her away. She could hear Joe's footsteps as he raced up the stairs, and panic seized her heart. Dan reached for the knife before hauling her to her feet and pressed it to her throat as he spun to face Joe.

* * * *

Joe reached the top of the stairs, his heart doing double-time. What he saw when he got there made it stop altogether. A man was standing behind Mara, holding a knife to her throat. He took a step toward them.

“One more step and I'll kill her,” the man warned him ominously.

The look in his eyes left little doubt that he would do just that.

He held up his hands as he took a step closer. “Whoa! Just calm down. You can have whatever you want, just don't hurt her.”

Hollow laughter filled the hallway. “You don't get it, do you? She is what I want.”

Joe took a deep breath as he tried to move closer.

“Stay where you are or your girlfriend won't be so pretty anymore.”

He stopped, his gaze centered on the knife. Mentally, he tried to find a way out of the situation, a way to get her out of danger. His hands clenched at his sides. More than anything he wanted to run across the room and strangle the other man with his bare hands, but doing that might harm her.

And that was something that he wasn't willing to risk.

The man jerked her against him. “Well, Mara, why don't you introduce us?” he snarled.

When she didn't respond, he pressed the knife to her throat, causing a small drop of blood to slide down the side of her neck. She moaned.

“What's wrong?” he prodded. “Cat got your tongue? Okay, I'll do it for you. Number two,” the man said, gesturing to Joe. With a wide sweep of his hand in front of him, he finished. “It's time to meet number one, Dan Taylor.”

His eyes narrowed as he tried to recall the memory. Then it hit him. “The guy she left in Indiana?”

A satisfied smile crept across his face as he pulled her back against him. “So, you did talk about me. That's good. It will make things much easier,” he boasted.

“You're the guy who cheated on her?”

A scowl formed on the other man's face for a moment, but he quickly disguised it. “Cheated is such an ugly word. Besides, Mara and I have worked everything out. She realizes that it was a mistake to leave me. Don't you, honey?” he asked, his arm tightening around her.

The man leaned in to kiss her cheek, and she whimpered as she tried to pull away. Tears streamed down her cheeks, making him want to tear the other man apart.

“So, you see, that leaves just one little problem ... You!”

The sound of the door opening downstairs broke Dan's concentration, giving Joe the opening that he needed. He lunged at Dan, pushing Mara out of the way, his hand creating an iron vise around the hand that held the knife. They fell to the floor, each man struggling for control.

* * * *

Mara watched as Joe's fist connected with Dan's jaw several times. The sickening sound of flesh connecting with flesh made her stomach churn. Dan managed to get his hand away, swinging the knife wildly at Joe.

Her heart jumped in her chest as she watched his movements get dangerously close. She heard Joe grunt in pain as the knife finally connected with its desired target. Her eyes widened as Joe slid to the ground, a red stain forming on the back of his shirt.

She let out a cry of terror as she tried to move toward him. Dan stopped her, his fingers twisting painfully in her hair. He dragged her across the floor.

“Stupid bitch! Now, it's time to watch your lover die.”

Her sobs filled the air, her eyes still focused on the man she loved, the man whose blood was now seeping into the carpet.

“Let her go.”

The voice was shaky, but she knew in an instant whom it belonged to. Her terrified gaze flew to the top of the stairs. James stood before them, a gun in his hand.


This couldn't be happening!

She wouldn't let anyone else get hurt because of her stupid mistakes.

If only she had been able to see through Dan's careful façade, everyone would be okay. She looked at James, his hand shaking, his eyes wide with terror. She had wronged them both, and now they were going to pay for her lack of judgment.

Dan let out a heavy sigh as he released his grip on her hair. He looked down at her, a cruel sneer of derision twisting his mouth. “Do you see the trouble you're causing?” he asked her.

She knew he was right.

If not for her, Joe and his grandfather would be safe.

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