Read Designed for Love Online

Authors: Roseanne Dowell

Designed for Love (12 page)

"I don't know the first thing about
decorating. You come highly recommended."

"You want to hire me to decorate
your house?" I couldn't keep the surprise from my voice.

"Why does that surprise you? You're
an interior designer, who better to hire?"

Did I want to work for him? More
importantly, did I want to spend time alone with him? In his house to top it
all off. Close to him. I shook my head. "I don't know, I'm pretty busy and
Gladys's house takes priority right now."

"It'll be strictly business."

I sunk my feet into the sand. What was it
about wet sand oozing up between your toes that felt so good? Memories of
childhood romps on the beach with my family? Whatever it was, it calmed me.
What the heck, why shouldn't I work on Bill's house? It wouldn't be the first
side job I ever did and who knew, maybe it'd lead to more jobs. No doubt he had
a lot of friends. Possibly friends with money.

I stooped down and picked up a handful of
sand and let it ooze through my fingers. Great for making sand castles.
"What the heck, why not? Strictly professional though. No funny
business." I brushed the sand from my hands and held the right one out to
him. "Deal?"

"Deal." Bill took my hand,
shook it but didn't let it go. "Guess we better be getting back. What time
are we meeting Nick?"

I looked at my watch. Four o'clock already.
"Six. Let's go." I pulled my hand away, turned, and ran back the way
we had come, leaving Bill on the beach.


* * *


Bill stood and watched her. He couldn't
believe she had agreed to work for him so quickly. The plan had only come to
him in the restaurant. He'd promise her anything to spend more time with her.
The way he saw it, if they spent enough time together, she'd agree to see him
on a social level. Okay, so his house didn't need an interior designer, but
they both liked the same things. A little help wouldn't hurt and she'd be
perfect. He walked back slowly, watching her frolic at the water's edge.

Finally, he quickened his pace. They had
to get back to the hotel and get ready for dinner. He wished they could skip
it, especially if it was anything like lunch.


Chapter Sixteen


After a quick shower, I stood in front of
the mirror, putting on my make-up. Thoughts of Bill intruded on my mind.
Thoughts I didn't want to think. The very image of him appeared in my mind as
if he was standing in front of me.

The way his snug, white shorts hugged his
butt, and the way his muscles rippled beneath his shirt. His silly, crooked
grin when he promised to keep our relationship on a strictly professional

Now why didn't I believe that? Maybe
because he wouldn't let go of my hand after we shook, and when he leaned down
and brushed a strand of hair from my cheek the desire that showed in his eyes.
Yet, I wasn't sorry I agreed to the fool hardy plan. In fact, I looked forward
to it.

I wanted to see his dog, his house. Hell,
what I really wanted to see was his bedroom, mostly his bed. Silly, I know, but
I couldn't help myself.

I grinned at my reflection and the bright
blush that appeared on my cheeks. Shoot, even my thoughts made me blush. I may
as well admit it. I wanted him. Wanted him like I'd never wanted a man before.
Actually, I never had wanted a man before.

I moved closer to the mirror with the
mascara brush. The sparkle in my eyes stopped me midway. I'd never noticed it
before, maybe because it hadn't been there.

"Stop acting crazy, girl. You're
losing ground fast." If I was smart I'd back out of the deal. This was
going to ruin everything. All my plans for the future were at risk.

I finished my make-up, grabbed my purse,
and keys. With one last look in the mirror, I smoothed my skirt. It's now or
never. Hopefully Nick and Gladys would have everything out of their system, and
we could get down to business.

I pulled open the door only to be greeted
by Bill. My heart skipped a beat. The transformation from shorts to casual
pants and gray blazer didn't make him any less sexy.

In fact, I couldn't remember anyone who
looked so casual, yet so appealing. Desire stirred deep inside me. My legs
trembled. Already the heat spread throughout my body. I was definitely losing

If just looking at him did this to me,
what would happen if we were alone? Not that I really needed to ask. Oh, no, I
was well aware what might– no definitely would– happen. All I had to do was
make sure we stayed around people until I went back home. Then I could avoid
him altogether. For now I needed Bill to keep Nick at bay.

"I thought we'd go in my car. No
point in both of us driving. Besides, Nick's supposed to think we're an
item." Bill tossed his car keys in the air. "Okay?"

What could I say? He was right. I needed
to rethink this whole situation. Did I really want to do his house? Regardless
of how much business it might generate, I was treading on dangerous ground.
Ground I wasn't ready to venture on yet.

Okay, I just had to get through tonight,
I'd review my options later. Handshake or not, I just might back out of our
deal. I didn't trust myself to work so closely with him. Fun be damned, I
wasn't ready for a casual fling either. It just wasn't my style.

When we arrived at the restaurant, Nick
and Gladys were already seated. No surprise there. I had expected it and a
table in the darkest corner as usual.

I almost fell over when I saw them. Nick
couldn't get any closer to Gladys if he tried. And Gladys's outfit. Good grief,
if she moved even an inch, I swore the woman's nipples would fall out of her
top. Damn near showed now. Definitely not the Gladys I'd met in Ohio.

What happened to cause the
transformation? The last time I saw Gladys, she looked the essence of sophistication.
Conservative, but stylish clothes, expensive, but what the hell, she could
afford it. Nothing like the sultry outfit she had on now. Not to mention her
makeup. Her foundation was so thick you could scrape it with your fingernail
and that lipstick. Purple lipstick just didn't cut it for a woman her age. Not
that Gladys was old, by any means, but a forty-five year old woman should dress
her age. If that skirt got any shorter, she may as well take it off. And what
was with the black hose with the seam down the back? She should have saved
those for the bedroom.

I was embarrassed for her. Obviously,
Gladys wasn't the least bit self-conscious. And Nick, the idiot, I was ashamed
to call him my boss. If only there was a way to get out of having dinner with
them. The way he slobbered all over Gladys proved to be another disgusting
meal. So much for business. I looked to Bill for help. How were we going to get
out of this?

After we ordered drinks, I could have
kissed Bill when he spoke up.

"So, Nick, Wendy and I have to get
back home before New Years. How about we discuss the changes so we can leave in
the morning."

I gave him an appreciative look.
"Thank you," I mouthed. His grin told me I'd pay later. His hand
wandered down to my thigh, and he squeezed it gently. The slight contact of his
hand sent heat coursing through my body.

Hot searing heat.

I almost groaned aloud. He bent his head
and brushed his lips across my cheek. Great, he was taking advantage of the
situation. No way could I admonish him in front of Nick. Not that Nick paid
much attention.

Nick tore himself away from Gladys and
straightened his tie. "Uh, oh, yeah, the changes."

I figured Gladys wasn't happy about the
interruption with the murderous look she shot Bill.

The woman must be insatiable. I thought
for sure she'd have cooled her jets by now. Apparently not.

"So," Bill said, "what
kind of changes are we talking about? I understand you want a wall knocked

I leaned forward when Gladys composed
herself and answered Bill in a sickly sweet voice. "Actually, dear, I want
a several walls knocked out." She laid her hand over Bill's, and I almost
burst out laughing at the look on Bill's face.

Poor guy recoiled from her touch and
tried to maintain a smile that looked more like a grimace. He recovered
quickly. So quickly I didn't think Gladys even noticed.

"Several walls. Hmm, we'll see what
we can do." He pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and opened it.
"This is a rough sketch of your floor plan, which walls?"

I cringed when Gladys leaned toward Bill
so close her breasts almost popped out of her dress. Bill tried to look away
but got an eye full anyway. I threw a quick glance at Nick to see his reaction.
Was that jealousy on his face? Whatever it was, he made short order of pulling
Gladys down next to him.

Gladys looked at Nick with surprise, then
leaned over and whispered something in his ear. Whatever it was turned Nick's
face a bright red. I could hardly contain my laughter. So, Gladys wanted walls
knocked down, how did that involve me?

As if reading my mind, Gladys looked at
me. "This will change the color of the rooms and everything. I want a
whole new design. Colors, fabric, the works. I want modern, crisp, bold

"Okay." I couldn't believe the
change. Bold colors compared to the earth tones she'd originally picked out.
"So, you no longer want the fabric samples I brought?"

"No, Nick showed them to me earlier.
They worked with the other floor plan. With the rooms opened up I can go bold.
Wild, vivid blues and purples." Gladys's voice rose to a whiny squeak as
she spoke.

Another side to Gladys that I hadn't
seen. What was going on with this woman? Coming to Florida seemed to loosen up a side of her I
didn't know existed.

Oh, sure, she was always a bit ditzy,
changing her mind every time you turned around, but now it seemed she'd gone
off the deep end. Blues and purples, what was the woman thinking? Especially
vivid. The living room was already huge, why would she want to knock down

Again, as if Gladys read my mind, she put
her hand on my arm. "You know, dear, that great rooms are in. I want to
open my kitchen to the living and dining room. I want to be part of my guests
when I'm entertaining."

"I see." I didn't exactly see.
In fact, I couldn't picture Gladys in the kitchen, cooking or anything else,
when she entertained. Nope Gladys was the type to hire caterers, so it
surprised me that she wanted the kitchen opened up at all.

"So, you want to do all three rooms
in those colors?" I couldn't imagine how it would look, especially in the

How could I tone it down a bit? "How
about a soft blue on the walls, and pick up on the vivid blues and purples in
the fabrics on the drapes and upholstery?" The room should be able to
handle that.

"I agree with Wendy." Bill
chimed in, bless his heart. I could have kissed him. "I think the space is
too big for those vivid colors on the walls."

Nick leaned back and smiled. "Now
you know why I only hire the best."

"So you agree with them?"
Gladys looked at Nick.

Say yes, I willed Nick's mind to hear.
Those colors on the walls would be horrendous even in a big room.

"Actually, I do. You want a large
open feel to the space. You don't want to crowd it with color." Nick shot
a glance at me and smiled.

Thank you, Lord. I offered up a silent
prayer. Although I was sure if it weren't for Nick, Gladys might have objected.

"Then soft blue it is." Gladys
waved her hands to dismiss the conversation. "I trust it all to you,
Wendy. You already know what kinds of fabrics I like. Use your own
judgment." She leaned towards Bill. "Knocking the walls out isn't an
issue is it?"

"Not at all. It'll require some
steel support beams on the supporting walls, but doable. Are you sure you don't
want to leave the kitchen closed. Or maybe just knock out a half wall to the
dining room and put in a counter with bar stools?"

Gladys looked from Bill to Nick. Nick
nodded. "That's a wonderful idea."

Bill made some notations. "I think
you'll be happy with that decision."

"Good, when can you start?"
Gladys seemed anxious to get the conversation over with. Probably so she could
get on to devouring Nick.

"I'll work up the plans as soon as
we get back." Bill said.

I shot Bill a look, yeah, you heard right
his grin seemed to say. As soon as we get back. We, as in we're an item. And I couldn't
say a word about it. At least not right now.

The waiter saved Bill the discomfort of
my look when he arrived to take our order. Saved by the bell again. Lucky him.
At least that part of business was over. Now I could go home and put some
distance between us.


Chapter Seventeen


I kicked off my shoes and sorted through
the mail. It felt good to be home. I didn't even mind the snowy roads on the
drive from the airport. Yet, I felt emptiness too. I missed Bill already, and
it hadn't even been twenty-four hours since I'd last seen him.

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