Desired: Loving An Alpha Male (17 page)

I chuckled. “I wish I could meet them.”

I let go of her hand and started to get out, but she pulled my arm. “Your turn.  I spilled my guts to the fullest.  I think it’s time you do the same, don’t you?”


I closed the door back and turned toward her a little. “Baby, what I have to tell you can’t go anywhere.  I’m trusting you, understand?”

She nodded, and I closed my eyes.  I’m putting her at a huge disadvantage to lie for me if something came back on what I’m about to tell her. But as I looked at her, I knew she would have my back no matter what. I didn’t want her to have to do that, so I said, “There are some things that I just can’t tell you about, okay? I will tell you, but I can’t tell you everything, understand?”

She was quiet a beat, and then she nodded. “Okay. I don’t need the sordid details. Just give me what you’re comfortable with.”

I sighed. “Okay…”

“Wait… should we turn on the radio or turn our phones off? Maybe someone is listening to us talking or something.”

I smiled and shook my head. “Well, baby, first thing first; there are no listening devices in my car. I get it swept often.  As a matter of fact, before we left, it was swept, so we’re fine. And don’t worry about our phones.  They are safe too. We’re in the basement, and the cement walls down here make it difficult for them to use their listening devices.”

She nodded, and then narrowed her eyes. “Wait… Are you playing with me?”

I tried to keep a straight face, but the look on her face made me throw my head back and laugh. I couldn’t resist. She seemed so serious. She didn’t find it too funny though. She smacked me in my chest. “Asshole.”

“I’m sorry, baby.” I chuckled trying to gather myself. “But damn this isn’t the Godfather or the Wire.” She rolled her eyes at me and got out of the car.  She was pouting and maybe my joke was in bad taste.  I climbed out of the car just as she got clear of the back, and I pulled her into me. “I’m sorry, baby. Seriously.” I put my hand in her hair and moved her lips to mine. She tilted her head though, giving me her cheek. What she didn’t realize is that she left her neck open for me. I moved my lips to her neck and started sucking on her, giving just enough pressure to have an adverse effect on her body.

“Drake…” she said softly trying to push me away, but I backed her up against my truck that was parked next to my car and moved her hands above her head. “Drake, please…,” she moaned softly as I propped her leg up against my waist.

I grinded my hips against her, hoping I was driving her as crazy as she was driving me.  I needed to kiss her. I moved to her lips this time, letting her hands go. As she grabbed me by my ears, I invaded her mouth with my tongue.

Her taste… Damn, I loved it.

I needed more.

I grabbed her ass under her dress and pressed her harder against me. Shit, I was two seconds from taking her clothes off right there.

“Wait,” she said pushing me from her.

My breath was coming hard and strong, the same way I wanted to attack her pussy.

“What?” I looked in her eyes. I know she could feel I was on the brink of losing control.

“Drake…” she pleaded and I knew what she wanted.

“Damn, baby. Can’t this wait?”

She shook her head. “No.”

I rested my forehead against hers and closed my eyes.  I couldn’t calm down for shit.  I wanted her. I could practically taste her in my mouth. I was salivating for her. The scent of her desires was making me go out of my mind.

Damn it.

I took a deep breath and without moving my head, I said, “Eddie had a huge client that was very lucrative for our family’s interest. He’d been working this client for months. He felt they trusted him, and he trusted them. He trusted them a little too much though.”

I pulled back from her but never stopped holding her. “Eddie believed these people liked and respected him. My uncle trusted them too. Both he and Angel felt like these people were on the up and up. He also trusted his oldest son to have vetted them before we started working with them. Me personally; I didn’t trust them at all.  As a matter of fact, every time I was around them, I felt like they were off. Something just wasn’t right about them.  So I did my own digging and found out they were actually trying to set us up, mainly Eddie, my Uncle, and Angel. These people wanted what my uncle’s family had, what they worked hard to get.”

I shook my head and put my hand on the side of her face.  I caressed her cheek with my thumb and said, “My family is not very forgiving when it comes to betrayal. We don’t forgive, and we don’t forget.  It’s a code that we live by. We can’t seem weak to anyone… Understand?”

Georgia looked at me, and I saw her swallow hard, but she kept her eyes on me. Finally, she nodded. She understood, so I remained quiet. 

Finally, she said, “So does Eddie blame you? I don’t understand how he could.”

“Eddie had the trust of his father.  With this issue, my uncle started questioning everything, saying those people should have never gotten that close.  We had them in our home, around our family.  That could have been disastrous for us. My uncle didn’t blame Eddie, but he wanted everyone looked at thoroughly, and the job fell on me. Soon everyone that Eddie wanted to work with, no matter how much he proved the people he brought to his father were legit, my uncle questioned. Eddie began to resent me more and more, and it just festered.”

She didn’t say anything for a minute. I thought this session was over, and I could get back to what I was doing before, but that wasn’t the case.  When I moved to her, she said to me, “Okay, that explains why he doesn’t like you, but why do you not like him?”

I frowned. “Because, baby, he’s an idiot.  The reason why we were wrapped in those people was because of some woman.  Some woman that at the end of the day was screwing him in more ways than one. He wanted to believe she was good and made some horrible decisions not thinking with his head, but with his dick, and I called him on it.  I still call him on any stupid decision he makes.  He’s trying to save face in front of his father, but he’s been making some fucked up decisions that’s been costing us, costing me.  Baby, that kind of person, that kind of desperation; he’s doomed to fuck up royally, and I think when he does, it’s going to be colossal. I refuse to risk my life for that damn idiot.”

I moved a little closer to her, hoping to God that was the last question.  My urges were getting the better of me. But again I was wrong. I tried not to get frustrated when she asked, keeping some distance between us, “Drake, have you ever been wrong about a person? Like have you ever just gotten it wrong?”

It was a valid question, and one that held some merit. I put both hands on the sides of her face and moved even closer to her.  When I was inches from her lips, I said to her, “No.”

“How can that be?”

I rubbed my lips against hers. “Because I can’t afford to be wrong. My life and the lives of the people I care about will suffer if I’m wrong.” I kissed her softly and inched closer to her, pinning her against the truck again. “I can give you an example; like right this very moment, I’m not wrong about you. I know for a fact you can’t wait for me to get inside you.”

“You’re a little cocky, don’t you think?” she replied, but I could feel her smile against my lips.

“Baby, I’m all cocky, and I plan to fill you with every bit of my cockiness in two point two seconds.”

I took her hand in mine and led her to the elevator. Once the doors closed, Georgia looked over at me as I moved closer to her. She backed away bringing the elevator wall against her back. “Did I tell you how much I’ve missed you?” I asked her, caging her with my arms and putting my body flush up against hers.

“Drake, there’s something I need to tell you…” she said, but I wasn’t listening. When the ding of the elevator signaled our arrival, I let her walk in front of me, watching her ass sway.

Wait, did her ass get bigger?

I closed the door behind me and reached for her arm to pull her back to me, positioning her against the wall next to the door. “Do have any idea how much I’ve missed you?” I whispered in her ear and bent over her to place a light kiss on her neck when I quickly pulled my gun the instant a figure came from the shadows of my living room. Georgia gasped lightly as I pushed her behind me.

“Why are you in my condo?” I said simply. My intruder walked into view, looked at me, and then behind me. I kept her hidden. “Answer my question before I put a bullet in the center of your forehead.”

“Wow, you haven’t changed, have you?”

“Nope,” I cocked the gun and Georgia gasped again, louder this time.

“You’re willing to shoot me with a witness?” he asked.

“She’s loyal to me, something that you don’t know anything about.”

My intruder sighed and sat at my dining room table. I knew he wasn’t a threat, but I still didn’t trust him. “Start telling me why you’re here and do it fast. I’m losing my patience.”

“Come on, little brother, put the gun away.”

“Little brother?” I heard Georgia say behind me, and then she moved next to me. Wouldn’t you know it, she pushed my hand with the gun down. “It’s okay, Drake.”

I looked at her and because of the fear in her eyes, I eased up on the trigger. I walked up to the table and placed my gun in front of me, hand still on the handle.  

I will give my girl a shit load of credit. She may have told me to back off, but she stayed right behind me the whole time, observant and tense.

My brother looked from me to Georgia, and then back to me. “Are you going to introduce me?”

“No, you’re not going to be here long enough and you’ll never see her again so…”

“But you’ll take her around them,” he said pointedly.

I nodded. “Loyalty, remember?  You’re obviously here to show me something; why don’t you show it to me so you can leave?  As a matter of fact, why are you here unannounced anyway?”

I looked at the folder on the table, and then at him. He knew my interest would peak. He smiled and tapped the folder. “I knew you wouldn’t meet me, and we really needed to talk about some things.”


“Like I need you to leave Manuel Agosto alone.”

My eyebrow rose. “Why?”

My brother looked at me, and then behind me. “You know why.”

I scoffed and looked back at the folder. “Yeah, well, he has some answers I need, so if you don’t have them in that folder, I’m not letting up.”

Daniel tapped the folder. “I think I have what you need.”

“Send it over and let me look at it.”

I know my brother is battling with cooperating with me, but he really doesn’t have a choice. He knows what I’m capable of, and he knows I’m like a bloodhound until I get what I want.

He pushed the folder over to me. “Everything is all there.”

I slid the folder to me but didn’t open it. “I’ll see and let you know.”

He looked at Georgia again and said, “My name’s Daniel, by the way.”

I sighed but didn’t say anything, but she replied simply, “Georgia.”

Daniel smiled. “You guys have a good night.”

When Daniel left, I went and set the alarm.  I made a mental note to change the codes and upgrade my system to include a big ass dog.

I looked at Georgia.  The fire both of us had earlier was clearly gone.

“I’m going to take a bath and let you look at your folder,” she told me and headed for my stairs.

I put my gun on safety, grabbed a beer from my fridge and opened the folder. I told myself I was only going to look at it for a few before I went to bed, but the moment I started reading, I felt my anger starting to rise. No way was I putting this down.

It only took me a few hours to read through everything. As I showered and got dressed, my contacts got answers back to me that I needed to set my plan into motion. I looked at the time and made another call to Angel. I couldn’t wait until he got the chance to speak more with my Uncle. I needed to act right then, that night, with the element of surprise on my side.

I thought about telling Georgia that I’d be back, but seeing her sleep, I decided not to.  Instead, I left her a note telling her that I’d be back.  The way she’d been sleeping lately, I was counting on her sleeping through the night.

I left my condo at 4:45 a.m. and made my way north up I-65. The length of time it took for me to get to my destination was spent thinking about everything I read.  I was beyond pissed.  The feeling of my rage taking over my body, eating at me, festering quickly like the most potent drug would do to your system. I was feeding off it, knowing how volatile I can become if I let myself go, but I didn’t care.  This shit was so fucked up. I could only respond the way I was about to respond and hope and pray they didn’t piss me off even more.

I made it to the house in record time. I called my contact to give me a layout of the house and surrounding area.  The fence in front of me wouldn’t be a problem getting over, but if they were smart, they would have motion sensors along the ground by the fence.  After getting my information, it was confirmed that they did; however, there were pressure points that didn’t have a wide range of reading. So I could easily get over the fence. As long as I knew where the sensors were, I could walk along without being detected.

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