Desires of a Full Moon (17 page)

Read Desires of a Full Moon Online

Authors: Jodi Vaughn

“Why?” Jayden frowned.

“Because she’s at the University of Arkansas. She is a Razorback. I’ll run the tests on the pig, but I suspect it is not your regular pig. I think it is a Razorback,” Barrett murmured. “The boyfriend is ruled out. And I don’t think the parents would harass her, despite being douche bags.”

“Yeah, I think it’s someone here, someone who is familiar with her schedule and her daily activities.”

“And when you arrived and started messing with her activities and taking her out, it pissed him off. That’s why it’s getting more threatening, more dangerous. I think the stalker sees you as a threat to what he considers his. And he considers Haley his.”

“Then that makes him good as dead,” Jayden growled.

“I agree. But I want you to be careful. He may start targeting you. I’m thinking you need some backup.”

“Actually we ran into Kate and Braxton. They were with us when I got into that fight.”

“I’ll call Braxton. If he’s interested and willing I’ll assign him to stay in Fayetteville with you. He’s been asking about information about signing up to be a Guardian anyway. This would be a good practice for him. I’m sending Zane, Lucien and Jaxon as well. They’ll be there today. They are to provide backup so you won’t see them unless you need them.”

“Appreciate it.” Jayden sighed. “We need to catch this guy and soon. I’m not sure how much more Haley is going to be able to handle.”

“If my gut is right, he won’t wait much longer before he gets bold and shows himself. It’s been my experience that assholes like this don’t like it when they sense someone else is moving in on their property.”

“He’s sick and delusional. If by God, if he’s a Were I’m going to want to take this before a Tribunal, Barrett.”

“If he is a Were I’ll grant you that request.” Barrett replied. “In the meantime, keep her close and call if you get anything else.”

“Will do.”

“And, Jayden, do me a favor.”

“What’s that?”

“Call your Granny. She’s been dogging my ass trying to find out where you are. No matter how many times I try to explain that your whereabouts is confidential she keeps calling.” Barrett sounded more weary than irritated.

“Shit. All right I’ll call her later. Preferably when I’m about to lose reception.”

“Whatever. Just call.”


Braxton followed Jayden out to the back deck of the house. Jayden had called him after he’d gotten off the phone with Barrett to update him.

“How’s Haley?” Braxton crossed his tattooed arms across his chest and looked out across the backyard. The Were might look like a badass thug, with his tattoos and blue hair, but Jayden knew the guy had a heart of gold when it came to protecting women.

“She’s trying to be strong, trying to keep it together.” Jayden shook his head. “But I see through the charade.”

“What’s the plan?” Braxton kept his eyes ahead and let him talk. Jayden appreciated the gesture.

“Stay close to Haley. See who reacts to her, especially when she’s out. The stalker will be watching, trying to find a way to get close to her.” Jayden faced Braxton. “Hell, that’s how he got to her purse at the bar.”

“Can’t blame you for that. I saw how that guy was touching her. I would’ve done the same with Kate. That shit ain’t cool.”

Jayden nodded. “I need you to be available to tail us whenever we go out. See if you can catch him following us.”

“You got it.” Braxton nodded toward the house where Kate and Haley were inside drinking coffee. “Kate‘s going back to Eureka Springs tomorrow. She has guests coming in and has to get everything ready.”

“It’s not those crazy writers is it?” Jayden grinned.

“Actually it is.” Braxton faced him. “They are having another writers retreat and booked the Bella Luna for a full week. If you think we need more backup we could call them in.” He smiled.

Jayden snorted. “Might not be a bad idea. I bet those women just might put the fear of God in that asshole.” Jayden shook his head remembering when he’d first met the group of romance writers at Kate’s bed and breakfast.

Jayden had gone to Eureka Springs to help Braxton when he was being hunted by the Assassins. He expected guns blazing and the opportunity to rip out a few throats. What he got was a bunch of middle-aged, oversexed women who wanted to act out their fantasies. All in the name of research for their books. Or so they said.

“Tell Kate to keep them on hand.” Jayden smirked and faced the kelly green yard. He’d been surprised that Barrett kept his backyard so manicured with flower beds bursting in all colors.

There were a lot of things about Barrett that surprised Jayden.

“Don’t worry. He’ll fuck up. It’s just a matter of time.”

Jayden nodded in agreement. Yes, just a matter of time. He just hoped it wouldn’t be too late.


“I want to go out.” Haley looked over her notebook at Jayden sitting in the recliner.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He kept his eyes glued on the TV. The only time he looked away was to check his phone for messages from Barrett.

There hadn’t been any.

Haley cocked her head. “Did Barrett say I couldn’t go out of the house?”

“No. I did.”

Haley tossed her notebook on the couch and crossed her arms. “Well, I’m bored. And I’m getting cabin fever. I don’t want another sandwich for dinner.”

“Then call for pizza.”

“What if the pizza guy leads the stalker to the house?” She arched her eyebrow.

“Then I’ll meet him a few streets over and pick up the pizza there.”

“So you’ll leave me here alone and unprotected.”

Jayden pressed his lips together and aimed the remote at the TV. He clicked it off and slowly turned.

“Are you being irritating for a reason?” He stood.

“I’m not trying to be irritating, Jayden. I’m just frustrated.” She sighed.

His expression softened and he sat next to her on the couch. “I’m sorry. I know this must be difficult.”

“It’s four o’clock. Can we not even go to the park for a walk? Anything to get out of this house.”

He opened his mouth and Haley knew he was going to argue. But then he promptly closed it.

“Let me call Braxton.”

“For what?” She frowned.

“I want him in place for backup. He’ll stay far enough away that he won’t be noticed if the stalker is around. He might even be able to identify who it is.”

“Did you ask Braxton for help?” Kate hadn’t said anything when they were in the kitchen having coffee that morning. After the dead pig, Braxton and Kate had arrived at the house fifteen minutes later.

“Barrett did. Braxton said he was wanting to join the Guardians since his move to Arkansas. Barrett said this would be a good way to break him in to see if he can handle it, or if he’s a good fit.”

She nodded. Braxton would make a great addition to the Guardians.

“Why don’t you get ready and I’ll give Braxton a heads up.”

“Okay. But where are we going so I know what to wear?”

“How about something nice but comfortable.”

“Okay, that I can do.” She stood and he grabbed her wrist.

“Oh, and Haley, don’t wear those red heels.”

She frowned. “Just in case we have to run?” The thought of being chased sent a chill parading down her back.

“No. I can’t seem to concentrate when you have those damn heels on. It makes me think of you naked.”


The sun was just going down and the buzz of the nightlife was just starting up. As with any college town, the crowds were worse on the weekend, with students and people visiting.

Jayden held Haley close while keeping his instinct on high alert for anything that seemed out of place. But with a crowd of college students it was hard to see anything out of place. He eyed a guy with a large red Razorback hat passing by with his group of friends.

Music wafted through the streets as people of all ages milled around.

Jayden glanced around seeing if he could see Braxton watching them. But the guy was a regular chameleon. This was saying something for a two-hundred-plus Were with sleeve tattoos and blue hair.

He’d have to let Barrett know that Braxton had his vote of confidence as a Guardian.

He glanced down at Haley who was snuggled close to his side. Her firm breast was pressed into his chest, making walking with an erection very difficult. She had one arm around his waist, her finger hooked in the belt loop of his jeans.

She looked gorgeous in a white tight skirt and fitted yellow shirt. She wore jeweled high heels that sparkled with each step she took. He’d even worn that damn pink shirt that she picked out, just to make her happy.

“What?” She caught him looking and frowned.

“I told you not to wear heels.” He arched his brow.

“They’re not heels, they’re wedges.” Her lips turned up into a pretty smirk.

He couldn’t resist. He bent his head and kissed her.

When he pulled away her eyes were glossed over, the same way she looked after he made her come.

He growled.

“Maybe you were right. Maybe we should just stay home.” Her raspy voice shot straight to his dick.

“We have all night for that. First I need to get some food in you.” He grabbed her hand and started walking. “You’re going to need all the energy you can get.”

She chuckled.


“We’re here.” He guided her up to the steps of the cozy restaurant. He’d asked Kate where to take Haley and she’d recommended the upscale restaurant.

“Wow. This is beautiful.” Haley glanced around taking in the modern but elegant layout of the restaurant with its dark interior and soft lighting. Each linen-covered table had a fresh bouquet of spring flowers in white and yellow and pink.

Jayden pulled out her chair for her to sit. He eased into the chair across the table from her. He suddenly wished he had taken her to a less swanky restaurant that had a booth and he could sit next to her.

“Have you been here before?”

“No.” He reached for his water.

Haley grinned. “Dana is always complaining how she wished her boyfriend would take her here. She is going to be so jealous when I tell her.”

Jayden couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm. God, how she made his chest ache.

“I guess you miss being with her.”

She shrugged as sadness crossed her eyes. “A little. She was the first friend I made when I got here. She was always trying to get me to come out to eat with her and Mark. But I would never go. Didn’t want to be the third wheel.” Haley glanced around and leaned across the table.

“So is Braxton still tailing us?”

“Yes and he must be pretty good. I’ve not spotted him since we left the house.”

“Barrett will be glad to hear that then.”

The waitress returned with their drink orders of wine and took their dinner orders.

Jayden reached across the table for her hand. “When this is over, what do you see yourself doing?”

“I used to have this dream of opening up my own fashion line. I love clothes and all the well-known designers are located in New York or California. Why not start a designer line right here in the South?”

“That’ a really smart idea. “ He sobered.“Really?” She took a sip of the chilled white wine.

“Absolutely. I mean there are a lot of celebrities that vacation in New Orleans or Charleston. I bet if you could get them interested in your clothes you could really turn your fashion line into the next big thing. Plus if you opened a store down on the coast it would help the economy. Since Hurricane Katrina and the oil spill the coast is really hurting. You would be like the South’s own celebrity.”

Her blue eyes shone with excitement and then she shook her head. “I don’t think I would ever live in Louisiana again.”

“It doesn’t have to be New Orleans. You could live in Mississippi or Alabama. Or stay right here in Arkansas. “

She caught his gaze and he could tell she was contemplating the idea.

“Well, I guess we will see what happens when this is all over. No use making plans when the future is so uncertain.”

He took her hand between his palms. “You will get through this. You hear me? I won’t let him hurt you. I’d die first.”

“Don’t say that, Jayden.”

“Why? It’s true. I don’t want you to be afraid, anymore. I want you to think about the future.”She cocked her head. “What about you? What do you plan on doing when this is over?”

Jayden shrugged and looked away. The thought of not seeing her everyday rubbed at his heart like a pebble. “I don’t know. I guess I have to go on to the next mission that Barrett assigns me.”

She nodded and pulled her hand away. He felt the distance sag between them like an invisible thread. They didn’t have a future together. She’d go on and do great things, while he would continue on protecting the Pack. Hell, she’d probably end up marrying someone with a law degree and have five kids.

While his future consisted of nothing more than the next mission and protecting the Pack.


Haley stepped out onto the sidewalk with Jayden after a magnificent dinner. She felt full and happy and content. Things she hadn’t felt in a while.

“Thank you for dinner.” She smiled up at him. She couldn’t stop the way her heart always tugged whenever she looked at him. He was gorgeous with those intense blue eyes and blonde hair. He was even sexier when he was naked and moving over her in bed with their bodies joined.

Music floated out from the bars as they walked down the sidewalk at an easy pace. Although Jayden looked relaxed she knew better. He was constantly on alert, assessing their environment and scenting any possible danger.

“I’m glad you let me take you out. “He bent down and kissed her lightly on her lips.

Her smile slipped as she frowned.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” She shook her head.

“Tell me.”

She stopped and faced him.

“I was just wondering about the pig.”

He pulled her to a private corner of a building. “What about it?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know, I guess I was wondering why he didn’t leave a note this time.”

“Because his notes aren’t working. So instead he sent the pig to scare you.”

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