Destined (Vampire Awakenings) (24 page)

Read Destined (Vampire Awakenings) Online

Authors: Brenda K. Davies

   “If I were you, I would get your toothbrush, and get out.”

   Isabelle’s eyes flew to Stefan as he stepped off the stairs. The cold hostility in his voice sent shivers of fear down her spine as Jess turned to face him. Isabelle wanted to tell her to run for her life, but her throat clogged with fear.
had never seen him look so deadly, so dangerous. Even when he had been angry at her, even when he had grabbed her, she had not been as afraid of him as she was now. For a moment she truly feared, truly
, that he would hurt Jess.

   Jess hung her head and darted quickly past Isabelle into the bathroom. Light pooled into the hall, illuminating Stefan as he glided forward, stopping a foot away from the bathroom door. His posture was casual as he leaned against the wall, but the hostility that radiated from him was almost tangible. She could feel the fury that caused his jaw to clench, and a muscle to twitch in his cheek. Isabelle wanted to shudder in fear, she knew that his anger wasn’t directed at her, but it still frightened her terribly.

   Jess came quickly back out, flicking the light off
and casting them back into the dark. She stood uncertainly in the hall, her toothbrush clutched
tightly in her hand as she stared w
arily at Stefan. Stefan waved his hand elegantly
for her to pass
, his eyes narrowed dangerously. Jess bowed her head as she bolted quickly past them.

   “Are you okay?”

   Isabelle swallowed heavily, no she wasn’t okay
he was terrified of him, of everything that was happening to her. Jess’s words echo
loudly in her head, and the truth of them had caused a gaping pit to open in her stomach. She bit into her lip as she lifted her gaze to his, and forced herself to nod. Strands of wet hair fell into her face and she instantly pushed them away. He stood silently, his gaze boring into her soul. She didn’t know what to say, what to do. All reasonable thought fled under his intense scrutiny.

   “I uh... I’m sorry about you and Jess,” she managed to stutter out.

   “Why? I’m not. It’s been over for three days
I just finally got her to leave the house.”

   Isabelle knew that he was trying to tell her something with that
she chose to ignore it.
Just l
ike she chose to ignore the fact that he had slep
on the couch for the last three nights. She didn’t have all of her feelings sorted out as it
she needed more time to
be able to
assimilate this bit of information on top of everything else.

   “If it had anything to do with me,
I’ll explain that there is nothing going on between us,” she said hesitantly.

   “Isn’t there?” he asked quietly, dangerously.

   “No!” she cried.

   His eyes
in the dark as a small smile curved his full, hard lips. “If we hadn’t been interrupted last night...”

   “I would have come to my senses!” Isabelle cried
a dull heat suffus
her body at the reminder.

   “Ah and tonight?”

   Her eyes widened as her mouth parted slightly. Her heart began to trip
hammer painfully in her chest as her mouth went suddenly dry. “What about tonight?” she managed to choke out.

   “What will you do when I come to your room tonight, and there is no one to interrupt us?”

   Isabelle’s body tightened in anticipation as she stared breathlessly at him. She wanted to tell him that she would welcome him with open arms, but it stuck in her throat. It got stuck on her pride. She wouldn’t give into him that easily. She couldn’t. “I’ll tell you to get out.”

   He moved slowly forward, the shadows caressing his body as he stopped before her. She tilted her chin defiantly, but she felt anything but defiant. She felt like a quivering mass of raw nerve endings, all of which were screaming for his touch. His hand gently stroked her cheek. Isabelle jumped in surprise as everything in her reacted to his touch. Her heart hammered so rapidly that she was certain it was going to explode.

   “Will you really?”

   It took her a moment to recall what they had been talking about. His hand had begun to stroke her neck, sending chills down her spine. “Yes,” she managed to choke out.

   He took a step closer so that his chest brushed against hers. Isabelle tilted her head back to meet his smoky gaze as he bent his head. His lips brushed against hers in a butterfly touch that caused her knees to tremble. The soft flicker of his tongue against her lips caused the room to tilt, the floor to fall away, and the entire world to become
centered on
him, and only him.

   Her mouth opened beneath the soft flickering of his tongue. He tasted her slowly, stroking over the roof of her mouth, skimming across her teeth. His hand tightened upon her neck as she moaned softly. He had only meant to taste her, to tease her, to show her that she was wrong, that there was something between them. But she tasted so good, felt so good
and she was so responsive that he found himself losing track of his intent, and wanting to devour her.

   He broke away before he couldn’t. She blinked dazedly up at him, her eyes dark and smoky as shivers ran through her body. “We’ll find out tonight.”

   The bewildered look in her eyes vanished almost instantly as anger sparked through their deep purple depths. “You wouldn’t dare!” she gasped.

   “Maybe, maybe not.”

   He turned quickly away from her and descended the stairs before he drug her into his room and took her now. The thought of the others downstairs was the only thing that stopped him. He had every intention of seeing her later, but he didn’t want them to know about it. Her room would be much more private, and secure, for what he intended. There would be no stopping him tonight.

   Isabelle slumped against the wall, fear and anticipation warring through her so fiercely that she could hardly breathe. She wanted to run for her life, at the same time that she wanted to curl up in bed, and wait for him
to come to her
. She had no doubt that he would show up in her room tonight. She just had to decide if she would be there, or not.




   As it turned out, the decision was taken from her hands. The minute she returned to the living room Ian asked if she wanted to go into the city. Normally she would have said no, but tonight she jumped at the opportunity. She ignored everyone’s surprise as she eagerly accepted, and darted down to her room. This would be her chance to prove that she could be attracted to other men, that Stefan wasn’t the only one that affected her.

   She ran downstairs and threw on her favorite black dress. Her mother had
given it to her
for Christmas two years ago, she had never worn it out, but she had tried it on often, loving the way that it felt, and fit. It was lose and flowing, yet it emphasized the gentle swell of her breasts, her small waist, and flaring hips before ending at mid thigh. She knew that Ian went to clubs when he went out, and she was certain the dress would fit in perfectly. Quickly brushing out her wet hair, she grabbed her black, high heeled shoes, and bolted out of the room.

   Everyone’s eyes widened as soon as she stepped b
ack into the living room. “Shit
, I don’t remember the last time I saw you in a dress!” Mike cried.

   “What?” Jack demanded, poking his head around the doorway. His eyes widened in surprise as his mouth dropped open. “You’re not wearing that!”

   “Shut up Jack!” she snapped.

   “I’m with Jack,” Ethan stated
, folding his arms firmly over his chest as he stared at her in disapproval

   She cast him an angry glare, which he matched. “No one asked you.”

   “Isabelle...” Jack started.

   “You go to clubs, right?” she interrupted angrily.

   “Well uh, yeah, but...”
   “I can’t walk in there wearing jeans.”

he stammered.

   “For crying out loud Jack I’m twenty three years old! I think I should be able to wear whatever the hell I want!”
she snapped, tired of being babied and coddled.

bright hazel
eyes gleamed angrily, but he nodded briskly and ducked out of the doorway. A minute later the screen door opened and banged shut. “You’d better hurry up, he mig
ht leave you behind,” David warned

   “I’ll kill him!”

   She hurried toward the door, slipping her shoes on as she went. “Isabelle, you look nice!”

   “Thanks Doug.” At least she could count on someone not to act like a total ass all the time.

   She hurried out the door and toward Jack’s idling car.
open the back door
, eager to escape the house and Stefan
. Ian gaped
at her in the dim light, his eyes wide in shock
. “Not one word,” she growled in warning.

   “What the hell are you wearing?” he demanded, completely ignoring her.

   Isabelle rolled her eyes and turned to slam the door shut. A pair of gleaming onyx eyes stopped her in her tracks. Her heart and breath froze as Stefan stared at her from the front seat. There was anger in his gaze, but also a fierce hunger that caused her toes to curl in her shoes. It was only then that she realized he had not been in the living room.

   “Shut the door!” Jack snapped
apparently still angry at her for the confrontation in the house

   Isabelle glanced longingly out the door. She could jump out now, say that she had changed her mind and run back into the house. Surely he wouldn’t follow her. Although, she was certain that he would. She was good and trapped. If she got out now, then he would be in her room. If she stayed, she would be able to get away from him
at the club, and she
find another man that she was attracted too. With a resigned sigh, Isabelle slammed the door and the light turned off.

   Stefan turned around in his seat, his jaw clench
tightly. He could not believe that she had thought to evade him by taking off with her brother, and Jack. He couldn’t believe she’d had the nerve. He also couldn’t believe what she was wearing. A muscle began to twitch in his cheek from the fierce clenching of his jaw. Every man there was going to be after her. The thought infuriated him beyond belief. His hands clenched into fists as he turned to look out the window.

   If this was the way that she wanted to play, than that was just fine. He was going to give as
as he got. There would be lots of women there. Lots of
who would be more than eager to warm his bed, not run away from him.

   “I cannot believe that y
ou’re wearing that,” Ian muttered in disgust

   Stefan had to hide a grin as he realized that her brother was almost as upset about the provocative dress as he was. Although, her brother was worried about it because of men like
, who wanted nothing more than to rip it off of her, reveal her splendid body
, and take her
. He was worried that he might just rip it off of her before the night was over.

   “It’s a perfectly fine dress,” she retorted.

   “For a hooker,” Jack mumbled

   Isabelle’s face reddened in anger. “You would know!” she snapped.

   “Hey! I have
paid for it! And we’re only looking out for your safety!”
Jack protested hotly.

   Isabelle was seething as she clenched her hands in her lap. She really didn

t need this, especially not in front of Stefan. They were treating her like a child. “And how is that?”

   Ian and Jack both sighed wearily. “You’re such an innocent Isabelle,” Jack muttered. “Abby and Vicky have more
sense than you do.”

She stared at them in disbelief, hating the childish way that they insisted upon treating her.
“Are you telling me that you would rather see Vicky or Abby in this dress, than me?” she demanded.

   “Yes!” they both cried.

   Isabelle sat in stunned silence, unable to believe what she was hearing. “Why?” she inquired softly.

   “Because Vicky and Abby at least have
some idea about men, you don’t,

Ian said coldly.
Isabelle’s face flamed red. She
despised the fact that they were talking about her like this
right now. In front of
! “They can handle a man, you can’t.”

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