Devil She Became (Devil's Angels Book 1) (18 page)

Chapter 27

Hot oil poured down on a lithe, tanned body on a tropical beach. Fragrant flowers and the briny scent of sea filled the air as an ocean breeze whipped Ava’s long black hair around. A tan dark-haired, well-muscled young man rubbed oil over her back. “Ahhh. That’s it, Pablo… very nice.”

“You like, Miss Ava? I can continue.” Ava smiled and allowed him to rub her with the coconut-scented oil while the sun’s rays poured down upon her well-toned body.

“Do you mind if I take my top off, Pablo?” Ava rolled over onto her back. “I don’t want strap marks.”

The handsome young man grinned broadly. “Not at all, Miss Ava. This is your island; I am at your service.”

Ava continued smiling as she dropped her top to reveal her very beautiful, very firm and full medium-sized breasts.

Pablo’s eyes widened in appreciation. “You are beautiful, Miss Ava. You like oil up there too?” He gestured to her cleavage.

“Of course.” He poured the oil onto his hands and began kneading her firm breasts in his strong hands. Her nipples hardened at his touch. Looking down at his tight speedos, she could see he was aroused as well.

“You can keep going, Pablo. All the way down if you like.”

Pablo slowly smiled at Ava. He reached up and pulled her tiny bikini bottom off. “Is this what you mean, Miss Ava?”

She sat up and grabbed his shoulders. “Absolutely.”

Pablo’s lips tasted salty like the ocean as they kissed. Ava curled her hands into his thick dark hair as she pushed his head downward. Pablo began kissing her all over, mouthing her nipples, probing them with his tongue, tasting the salty-sweet of the coconut oil on her body. He squeezed each of her breasts hard as he traveled downward to her waxed mound. Ava moaned as he slowly lapped at her sex. Pablo groaned as he pressed a finger into her tight wetness, sliding it in and out as he continued to lap at her core.

“Mmmm… that’s so good!” She cried, digging her long nails into his back. His tongue moved delicately all over her most intimate places, probing and sliding all over. She laid back and groaned with pleasure, rolling her head around. Pablo reached up to tug at her big nipples until they tingled, feeling them hard and rubbery to the touch.

Finally, Ava couldn’t wait any longer. She grabbed him and pulled him into her. He felt immense inside her, stretching her until she cried out. Pablo continued to ride her, thrusting deeply inside her as the ocean waves crashed in the background.

“I love it,” Ava cried.

“You are so beautiful, Miss Ava, so hot.” Pablo moaned as he spurted hot juices forth to warm her insides.

Immediately, Ava got up and went to her purse. She stuffed several one-hundred-dollar bills in his hand. “Come see me again later, Pablo. You were terrific.” With that she grabbed her discarded bikini and sauntered off naked across the sand, her long black hair swinging behind her.

Chapter 28

“It’s been ruled an accident. Faulty wiring.” Harrison tossed the piece of paper down.

“What?” Mike asked.

“The fire marshal is ruling it an accident. The wiring in the kitchen shorted out.”

Mike nodded. “It’s just so awful, Harry. I don’t know how you can take it. If you need us, please let us know. Jessica and I are happy to keep the girls.”

They embraced. “Mike, I don’t know how to tell the girls. I just don’t. Her parents are devastated. It seems they blame me for the fire.”

“That’s ridiculous. You didn’t do anything. There is nothing you could’ve done to prevent this.” Mike put his hand on Harrison’s shoulder.

If only you knew
, Harrison thought with a shudder.

“This has devastated us all.” Mike sat down slowly in a chair.

Harrison ran his hands through his hair. He poured himself a shot of whiskey from the bar. He had been staying at Mike’s house since Lisa’s death. He had yet to return to the house.

“I don’t want anything out of that house. I can’t go back there. Ever. I just can’t take it.” Harrison felt like a dam was about to burst.

“You don’t have to. You can stay with us as long as you like. The girls are welcome too. We have lots of room.”

“No. You have a baby and your own lives. The girls and I will find another house. I don’t know… I’m worried that the media is going to get ahold of the story.

Mike paled a bit. “You think?”

“Of course. We are quite well known in the community, Mike. Don’t you think the son of a billionaire’s wife’s death under mysterious circumstances might be of interest? Plus, it IS the media.”

Mike was taken aback by Harrison’s arrogance. “What do you mean mysterious? You said it was bad wiring that caused the fire.”

Harrison rolled his eyes. “I know that. But some people might think otherwise.”

“Like who?”

“I don’t know.” Harrison shrugged. “But people love to talk, and the media loves to listen.”

Mike found the statement peculiar, but as he thought more, he decided Harrison may be right.

“Maybe you should have the girls go to New York with mom and dad, or Lisa’s parents.”

Harrison agreed. “They are flying in tonight. I may just do that. I want them here with me, but if this gets out on TV, I don’t want the girls knowing the gruesome details of her death. Not yet. When they are older…” He trailed off, choking up again.

Mike threw an arm around him. “Hey, man, take it easy. I know this is awful. Maybe you should get a drink, or go out and get some air or something. Don’t worry about work or anything. Tom and I will take care of everything there. Just do something to make yourself feel better if you can.”

“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.” Harrison ran his hand over his unshaven face. “I’m going to go clean up first. Then I think I’m going to take a walk on the lakefront.”

“Sounds like a plan. Let me know if you need anything.”

As Harrison was showering, he thought of Reese. He needed to call her and tell her to come home. He needed her so much. Allowing his head to fall forward in the shower, the hot water streamed over him. Then in a flash, he had a vision of Lisa burning alive… of Darrell lying face down in a pool of blood… He shivered despite the hot water. Hurriedly, he finished and got out of the bathroom.

As he drove to the lakefront, he called Reese.


“Hey, baby!” Reese was so relieved to hear his voice. It had been so long, and she had been so worried.

“Hi, baby. How are you? I miss you so much.”

“When can I come home? I miss you so much too. I can’t wait to see you.”

Harrison glanced at his phone. “I could get you on a flight tonight.”

Reese felt her heart soar. “Yes. I am ready to leave! My mother’s been driving me crazy.”

Both of them stopped and felt an uncomfortable silence. They had agreed not to talk about Lisa over the phone.

“So how are things going?” She asked.

“Rough, pretty rough…” Harrison trailed off.

“So will you be at my place when I get back?” Reese had left her car at the airport so she could drive herself home.

“Probably. I will text you if I can’t.”

“How are the girls? Where are they?”

“They are staying with me at my brother’s. I have to go, Reese. I will text you the flight information. I love you.”

“I love you too, Harrison. I will see you soon.”

He continued his walk on the beach, thinking of Reese, of his girls, of Lisa. He shook his head thinking about how awful the funeral was going to be, not to mention having to explain to the girls that their mother wasn’t coming back… ever. His heart broke every time he thought of that. Harrison also wondered how Ava had started the fire without making it look like arson. What had Ava done to Lisa prior to the fire? The thoughts sickened him. Harrison also thought often of what his family and friends would think if they knew he and Reese had paid Ava to kill Lisa. Every time he thought of them discovering what he had done, he felt like vomiting. Since Lisa’s death, everything had seemed like a dream. The one shining exception was Reese. Getting to be with Reese was worth any pain that this was causing him.

Chapter 29

As Reese opened the door to her apartment, she sighed. It felt so good to be home. Leaving her Louis Vuitton bags in the foyer, she stopped at the bar to make herself a quick drink. She stopped short. There on top of the bar was an exquisite crystal vase filled with a dozen long-stemmed roses.

“Hello, beautiful.” Harrison stepped out of the shadows. She ran to him and they embraced.

“I’ve missed you so!” He spun her around the room. They kissed passionately and just held each other for a bit.

Grabbing his hands, Reese gave him a good long look. His once-beautiful hazel eyes were now deep pits in his face with heavy circles around them. His face was quite pale. His hair appeared to have taken on a bit more silver as well. He also appeared a bit thinner. His hair was freshly combed and his face clean-shaven, but he looked as though he hadn’t slept for days.

Reese traced her hands over his body. “So how was it?” she asked in a whisper.

“As bad as you could imagine. It was… surreal. Absolutely awful.” Harrison continued to hold her tightly.

“Like Darrell?”

“Much worse… The fire was ruled accidental, caused by faulty wiring. Coroners’ report stated she died of third-degree burns and smoke inhalation. I went to see her at the morgue… it was ghastly… her skin was burnt, crisp, melted... just awful. It was the most horrible thing I have ever seen.” Harrison covered his mouth and shuddered.

Reese shut her eyes tight and shook her head. “Oh, my God. I’m so sorry, baby.”

Harrison nodded. “My brother and I drove up to the house to find it on fire. She never made it out of the bedroom they said.”

Reese put her hand to her mouth and tears begin filling her eyes. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry,” she kept repeating.

“Cops say anything to you?”

Harrison nodded. “I had to talk to them after they found her. Standard stuff.”

“When is the funeral?” Reese asked, rubbing his back.

Harrison held her hands. “Day after tomorrow. We have to get some things squared away at the funeral home, and her parents are not holding up well, so I am doing most of the funeral service planning myself.”

Reese shivered. “What have you told the girls?”

Harrison grimaced. “Nothing yet. I don’t know how to tell them… it’s breaking my heart… but I know I have to.” Tears began filling his eyes.

“We will have to limit our public appearances for a while, Reese, until some time has passed.”

Reese nodded. “But we can still be here together?”

Harrison slipped his hands down her back to softly rub her ass. “Of course, baby”

Gazing deeply into his eyes, she saw her own reflection and the devil she had become. Reese smiled to herself as Harrison embraced her. She had finally gotten her man all to herself.

Chapter 30

A thirty-eight-year-old woman was found dead after a fire destroyed her home on the Gold Coast. The deceased has been identified as Lisa Grantham, the wife of prominent, local attorney, Harrison Grantham. Grantham is also the son of billionaire Harlan Grantham. Mr. Grantham could not be reached for comment. Visitation will be Monday evening at Wynn Funeral Home from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Services will be Tuesday morning at 11:00 a.m. at St. Peter’s Cathedral.”

Harrison bowed his head and flipped the TV off. He was glad they were ruling it an accident, but he just couldn’t help but feel that this was far from over. Of course, he still had the funeral to go through. Taking a deep breath, he knew the hardest time in his life was fast approaching. He had to go tell his babies their mother wasn’t coming back. Taking several shots of whiskey and popping a tranquilizer, he walked into his brother’s living room where his family was waiting.

“Oh, Harry, it will be okay. I don’t know how… but we are here.” Harrison’s mother, Rose, hugged him, sobbing.

Mike embraced him tightly. “We’re here for you and the girls, brother. Anything we can do, let us know.”

Harrison wiped the tears from his face, and his father placed his hand on his shoulder. “Be strong, son, for the girls. Lisa would want you to do that for them.”

He nodded. “Mike, can you get Jessica to bring the girls inside now?”

Silently, everyone wiped their tear-streaked faces and tried to appear normal. Mike went outside to retrieve Jessica.

A few moments later, Jessica brought both little girls in the house. Bouncing around, they appeared so happy and so blissfully unaware of the misery everyone else was going through.

“Hi, babies!” Harrison smiled at them and bent down to hug them.

“Hi, daddy!” They said, their long beautiful hair streaming behind them as they ran to him.

“Let’s go outside and play on the swing set for a bit, ok? Daddy wants to talk to you…”

“Okay”. They agreed.

“Is mommy going to come home today?” The littlest one, Olivia, asked.

Tears spilled from Harrison’s mother’s eyes. She got up to excuse herself.

Harrison’s eyes filled with tears, and he shook his head. “No, baby. Let’s go outside for a little bit, okay?” He scooped Olivia up in his arms.

While Harrison carried Olivia, his oldest girl, Alaina, ran out to the huge swing set in the large backyard. Jumping on a swing, she began to go back and forth. Harrison placed Olivia on the other swing.

“Girls, can you stop a second? I want you to both come sit on my lap.”

Sensing something was strange, Alaina spoke first. “Why do you look so sad, daddy? Are you mad at us?”

“No, never, Alaina. I want to tell you something.”

Olivia put her tiny hands on Harrison’s face. “I will make you happy, daddy. No more crying.”

Harrison smiled through his tears and kissed her hands. “You always make me happy, princess. You and your sister both.”

“Where’s mommy? Why can’t we go home?” Alaina asked in a demanding tone.

Harrison swallowed deeply. “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. There is a beautiful, magical place way up in the sky. It’s so beautiful you can’t even see it. It’s called Heaven. And sometimes, heaven needs beautiful, special, wonderful people to become angels. And that’s where your mommy went. God saw how beautiful and wonderful she was and called her to come be His angel.”

“What?” Alaina asked, her big blue eyes filling with tears. “Is she coming back?”

Harrison shook his head, openly crying now.

“Why not?” Alaina wanted to know. Anger flashed in her eyes.

“Because she can’t. But she is up in heaven looking down on you both to protect you.”

Olivia had remained quiet with tears welling up in her eyes. She curled up against her father. “Will she be home later to tuck me in?”

Harrison cradled her in his arms. “No, baby. Once you go to Heaven, you can’t ever come back.”

Olivia struggled to comprehend this. She buried her face in Harrison’s shoulder.

Alaina stood, her face stone-like. “I don’t believe you, daddy! Mommy is here somewhere! I don’t want her in Heaven! I want her here.” Alaina turned and ran across the backyard into the field beyond the house.

“Alaina!” Harrison called. Jessica and Rose raced outside to take Olivia.

Harrison ran as fast as he could to catch up to Alaina.

Looking around him, he couldn’t see her anywhere.

“Alaina!” Harrison called, looking frantically around the vast field. The weeds were about four or five feet high, easily high enough for her to be obscured from his vision.

His heart felt as though it were breaking. He couldn’t stand how much it hurt.
It’s what I deserve,
he thought,
for doing this.

Suddenly, he saw a rustling of the weeds up ahead and heard sobbing.

“Alaina! Stay there, daddy’s coming!” Harrison raced forward to find her on her knees sobbing.

Harrison knelt to pick her up and hold her. “It’s okay, baby. I love you so much, and meme and papa love you, and grandma and grandpa, and Uncle Mike and Aunt Jess love you so much too.”

Alaina looked at him with her big blue eyes filled with tears, her face splotchy from crying and her blonde hair tangled up with weeds, “I want mommy, daddy. Why is she gone?”

“Doesn’t she love us anymore?”

Harrison rocked her. “Of course, baby. Mommy loves you both so much. She just had to go, baby. She’s still here; you just can’t see her.”

“Will you go too, daddy?”

“No, no, no, baby. I am here. I will never leave you or your sister.” Harrison kissed her face.

“Come on, baby, let’s go.” Harrison carried Alaina back to the house. Later that evening after several more hours of crying and questions, and with a heavy heart, he put both girls to bed.

Lying down in the guest bedroom, Harrison had never felt so horrible. How could he have done this to his babies? Hearing their cries tore his soul apart. He simply laid there staring at the ceiling. He rolled over to text Reese.
Terrible night. Will see u soon. Luv u.
He couldn’t face speaking to anyone right now. Curling up into a fetal position, he began sobbing again. He still had the funeral to face. This was so much worse than he could have ever imagined. He loved Reese, but he should’ve just simply left Lisa and spared all of them this tragedy. Sleep finally found him and he drifted off.

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