Devil She Became (Devil's Angels Book 1) (31 page)

Chapter 56

12:15 p.m.

“Reese? Reese? Are you in there?” Reese’s mother and Ashley tapped on her door. Opening the door, they saw Reese’s room just as it had been when Ashley had talked to her a half hour before.

“Maybe she’s in the bathroom.” Ashley suggested going to check. Looking around the room, Meg felt a chill go up her spine. Something wasn’t right. Reese’s gown was still hanging on the mannequin. Her shoes, however, were gone. Her phone was still on the dressing table.

Fearing something terrible had happened, Meg reached down and began scrolling through her phone. Maybe Harrison had called her and they had met briefly. No, nothing recent from Harrison.

Ashley emerged from the bathroom puzzled. “She’s not in there. This is strange. She was fine when I talked to her a little while ago.”

“Are you sure? Where would she go? She wasn’t even dressed…”

Meg’s face was as white as a sheet as she thought of all the dreadful things that could have happened to her daughter.

“I’m sure. We had some champagne and talked about Harrison. She was so happy. I don’t know…” Ashley looked down, trailing off.

Scanning the room, the two women saw nothing out of the ordinary. Omar, the guard, sauntered into the room eating a barbecue cheeseburger with sauce dripping off his chin. “What’s going on here?”

Meg walked up to him and seized him by his beefy shoulders. “Where the hell have you been? You were supposed to be watching this room.”

Omar held his hands up. “Hey, I just went out to get a bite. She was fine when I left.”

“How long have you been gone? Ashley asked.

Finishing his burger, he swallowed. “About thirty minutes. Why? Where is she?” The big burly guard wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

Hiding her disgust, Meg swallowed hard. “Well, she couldn’t have gone too far in that short time. Maybe she went to check on something downstairs.”

Ashley nodded. “That’s probably it. She said she wanted to be sure that the music director had the correct music since she made a last-minute change.”

Checking her watch, Meg noticed it was almost 12:30 p.m. the wedding was supposed to start in an hour.

“Ashley, go check downstairs and see if they have seen her. I will go and get Trisha and the rest of the bridesmaids to see if they have seen her.”

“Should I call Harrison?” Ashley paused at the doorway.

Meg was right behind her. “Not yet. We will look around for her first, then call him.”

Ashley quickly ran downstairs careful not to trip on her long gown. Meg went to the bridesmaids’ dressing suite to check for Reese.

A few minutes passed and they all met up in the hallway outside Reese’s dressing suite.

No one had seen her since earlier that morning. Where was she? Her suite held no clues. Meg became hysterical and finally called Harrison. He didn’t answer any of his calls or texts. The bridal party was becoming frantic. Did Reese get cold feet? Did the two of them run off somewhere for a brief tryst prior to the wedding? None of that made any sense.

Chapter 57

A dark, shadowy figure crept down the long hallway. Gliding past the security guard, the dark figure entered Harrison’s suite. Harrison was bending over slipping into his shoes. Hearing something, he tried to turn around.

“What the fuck?” He demanded.

Suddenly, he felt a cold, steel barrel pressed into the back of his head. Harrison held his breath.

Then all went black.

A few minutes later, Mike and his father were storming into Harrison’s suite looking everywhere for him.

“Where the hell could he be?” Harlan demanded to know.

“I have no idea. I was in here about an hour or so ago having a few drinks with him, and he was fine then.” Mike held up his hand helplessly.

“Maybe Reese called him. Where is his phone?” The two of them looked around and located Harrison’s phone on the floor behind the dressing table.

Very soon you will see the error of your ways, Harrison.

“What the fuck does this mean? Who sent this?” Mike demanded. He handed the phone to Harlan.

“That’s strange. No phone number. Just a text message. Very odd.”

Grabbing the phone back from Harlan, Mike looked through the rest of the messages. Nothing else unusual other than Reese’s text from earlier.

“Wow.” They both commented at Reese’s photo.

“Do you think he couldn’t wait and ran off to see her?” Mike asked.

“I would. Damn.” Harlan kept looking at the picture.

“Stop it. This is serious.” Mike ripped the phone out of his hands.

“I don’t know. No one else has seen him?” Harlan looked at Mike.

“No, we came in here looking for him to tell him it was time to go.”

Harrison’s mother wandered into the room. “Where is Harrison? It’s time to go.” Rose picked at the crystals on her exquisite blue designer gown.

“We don’t know.” Harlan answered with his hands up.

“Maybe he changed his mind.” Rose gave a tiny smile.

Mike narrowed his eyes at her. “No, he wouldn’t do that. Not a chance. He’s here somewhere.”

They combed the entire building, but no one could find any trace of Harrison.

Assembling in the foyer, Mike and Harlan were becoming very upset. “He wouldn’t do this. Something is really wrong. Maybe we should call Reese.”

Just then, Harrison’s phone rang. It was Reese’s number.

“Reese? Is Harrison with you?” Mike asked as he answered, panic rising in his voice.

“This isn’t Reese. It’s her mother. So Reese isn’t with Harrison?” Meg’s voice cracked, and Mike could hear the hysteria in her voice.

“No. We can’t find Harrison either. I suppose you haven’t seen him.”

A loud sob escaped Meg’s throat. “No, we haven’t seen either of them. Her phone was here in her room… her dress is still here…”

Mike struggled to remain calm. “This is so bizarre. What about that guard Harrison posted in front of Reese’s room? Did he see anything?”

Meg was crying. She handed the phone to Ashley. “Hi, this Ashley.”

“Ashley, this is Mike. What about the guard? Did he see anything?”

“No, he was gone for a few minutes, and we were here when he returned. Reese’s dress is still here. She wouldn’t have gone out in the silk chemise she was wearing. What about Harrison? Is his tux still there?”

“No, he was wearing it when I left him a short time ago. His shoes are still here though. He wouldn’t have left without his shoes. We found his phone with a strange text message, ‘Very soon you will see the error of your ways’ or something like that. No phone number. It’s crazy.”

Chapter 58

Her eyelids fluttered open gently, so as not to let too much light flood them at once. As soon as the smallest bit of light hit her eyes, she felt a terribly sharp pain in her head. She tried to reach up to rub her temples but found her hands tied behind her back. Looking down, she saw dried, crusted blood soaking her white silk chemise. Horrified, she recoiled at the sight. Was it her blood? Where was she? Peering around the dimly lit room, she saw bare concrete walls. The floor was bare as well. One single light bulb hung from the ceiling. There were no windows. She opened her mouth to scream but only a tiny squeak emerged from her throat. She saw a diamond-covered shoe on her foot and remembered it was her wedding day. Wedding day! Harrison! Was he ok? Tears began spilling down her cheeks as she pulled hard on the ropes binding her wrists. Sobs escaped her throat and tears soaked her chemise. Who did this to her? Where was her family?

Rocking in the chair hard, she tried desperately to get someone to hear her. All she heard was the echo of her own efforts. Looking down at her arms, she saw a small red pin prick. A hypodermic needle? Had she been drugged? Who would do that? She had not been gagged, but she couldn't manage to talk. Why? Her chemise was torn, filthy and ragged, but she still wore her bra and panties, as well as one shoe. Where was Harrison?


McCallister stood outside in the warm spring air, waiting for the Grantham's wedding procession to begin. Hundreds of people had lined the street to see the horse-drawn carriage carry Chicago's most prominent couple. Unfortunately for the Granthams, McCallister wasn't done with them yet. He had uncovered evidence that may link one or both of them to Darrell Wyndham's murder and Lisa Grantham's suicide. However, he wasn't ready to move on the evidence just yet. A few other pieces of the puzzle needed to come together first. A sharp wind caused him to pull his jacket tightly against his body. Everyone kept looking at their phones and watches. The procession should’ve begun over a half hour ago. Looking down the street for the carriage, McCallister felt that something was very wrong. Where were Reese and Harrison?

Chapter 59

Both families gathered at Reese’s dressing suite. Meg was hysterical and pacing anxiously. Ashley dabbed her eyes with a tissue. “Reese adores Harrison and can't wait to marry him. She had been looking forward to this day for months.”

Mike agreed. “Harrison loves Reese. He wants to marry her more than anything. He wouldn't let us all down like this.”

Harlan grabbed Harrison’s phone. “I’m going to call the police.” A few moments later, he walked back into the room.

“Was there anything missing?”

Meg shook her head. “No. There is nothing missing. Reese wasn't even dressed. Both her phone and Harrison's are here. Their cars are here. Harrison's shoes were still in his room.”

“What about Reese's?”

“I guess she was wearing hers.”

Ashley nodded. “Yes, she was wearing the shoes when I came in to see her.”

“No jewelry missing? I know Reese was planning to wear my grandmother's diamond earrings... ”

Mike picked up a black velvet case and peered inside. “No, they are right here.”

“Did you tell them about the text Harrison got?” Ashley looked at Mike.

Mike shook his head.

“What? What text?” Meg became hysterical again, grabbing Mike’s shirt.

“Just some really odd text saying ‘
Very soon you will see the error of your ways’
. It was on his phone when we discovered it. No phone number though.”

“Who would have sent that? What the hell is going on?” Meg began sobbing.

Everyone was bewildered. Where could they have gone?

Chapter 60

Through half-open eyes, Harrison peered at his surroundings. What had happened? Laying on a cold steel table of some sort, he looked down to his wrists and ankles, which were bound with leather cuffs. The small room was windowless with concrete walls. A single light bulb was swinging slightly in the center of the room. A small metal table held a small bottle of discolored water and a black leather pouch. As he rolled his head from side to side, a sharp pain shot through it. Then he remembered the cold steel barrel of a gun pressed to his head prior to arriving there. Had he been shot? He didn't think so, but there was dried blood on his dress shirt. Incredible pain pierced his head. How did he get there? Where was he?

Pulling at his wrists, he found they were bound quite tightly. His ankles wouldn't move either. He realized was wearing his tuxedo. Then he remembered it was his wedding day. Reese! Where was she? She must be so upset. Tears of frustration began welling up in his eyes.

“Help me,” he tried to scream, but it only emerged as a whisper. “Help me!”

Chapter 61

Feeling cool water trickling over her face, Reese opened her eyes.

“Here, drink this.” A raspy voice ordered her. Reese opened her mouth and felt the cold water run down her painful throat.

Letting her head fall back, Reese tried to speak again. “Who are you?”

A tall figure with a black hood covering the face spoke in a raspy whisper. “Don't worry about it. Just drink the water. You will be fine, Reese, if you cooperate.”

“You know who I am? Then you know I'm getting married today! Please let me go! My fiancé is very wealthy. He will pay you.”

The dark-clothed figure remained silent. Fear began rising in her as she tried to get the dark figure to help her. “Please, whatever I have done, I'm sorry. Who are you? Why am I here?”

“You are here because I put you here.”

Reese swallowed hard causing great pain in her throat. “My fiancé must be frantic. Please just let me go and I won't tell anyone, I promise. I haven't even seen your face.”

“He has his own problems.”

“What? What's that mean? Harrison? Is he here? Did you hurt him? Harrison!” she screamed.

“Help! Harrison!” she screamed again as loud as she could.

“If you don't shut up, I will have to gag you, Reese.” The dark figure turned to her.

“Why should I listen to you? You locked me up in here.” Reese began to cry.

The dark figure walked over to her to kneel down in front of her.

“These ropes are too tight. My arms ache.” Reese pulled on her arms, painfully deep cuts already embedded in them.

“I'm sorry, Reese, this is the only way.”

“How long will I be here? And why?”

“For a time. No more questions.” The dark figure turned to leave the room.

“No, please don't go! I want to go home! Help me!” The steel door slammed shut on her screams. She could hear a lock slide into place.

“I'm sorry, Reese, this is the only way.”

Sobbing, Reese felt helpless. She couldn't move her arms or legs. She was extremely uncomfortable and frightened. Where was Harrison? Was he okay? Who was this person who took her?


A huge rush of water pouring over his head woke Harrison up. He sputtered, choking on the water. “What the fuck? Who are you?” Harrison shook the water off his face.

The dark figure came closer to him. “Drink this.”

“Why? What the hell is it? Who are you?” Harrison could barely raise his head off the table.

Suddenly, with a flip of a switch, the table he was laying on began to rise up until he was nearing standing.

“Drink it,” the raspy, obviously disguised voice ordered him. A straw was forced into his mouth.

Harrison was parched, so he reluctantly drank the liquid. He quickly discovered that it was water, which felt cooling to his sore throat. “Did you shoot me? Who are you? Why are you doing this to me?”

The dark figure reached down to pinch his nipple hard through his shirt. “No, I didn't shoot you. But I might if you don't cooperate.”

Harrison flinched from the pain. “Is it money? I have money. I can pay you. Did you know I was getting married today?”

“Yes, Harrison, I am aware of who you are. No, I don't want your money.”

Harrison panicked. Obviously this person knew him. “Where's my fiancé?”

“Reese is fine, Harrison.” The dark figure leaned over him, peering into his face closely. He could make out the faint outline of a human face, but he couldn't tell if it was male or female.

“She’s here? Reese! Reese!” He screamed.

The dark figure smacked him hard on the side of the face with a riding crop. “Shut the fuck up unless you want me to gag you.”

Stinging from the slap, Harrison winced.

“What the hell do you want from me if it isn’t money?” Harrison could feel the person’s breath hot on his neck.

“In due time.” The figure was tall and thin with a dark hood covering the face. No features struck him as being male or female. Frustrated, he pulled hard on the leather cuffs. “Let me go now!” Harrison screamed.

The figure ignored him and walked out of the room, closing the heavy steel door. Harrison listened intently to see if he heard anyone else. He heard nothing but complete silence. Where was he? Where was Reese? Large droplets of perspiration began pooling on his forehead as he struggled hard to break the cuffs off his wrists. Finally, he let his head fall back on the table. It was no use. He was stuck there. He only prayed for Reese’s safety.

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