Read Diamond Dust Online

Authors: Vivian Arend

Tags: #Werecats, #Shifters, #Paranormal, #Romance, #Werewolves, #Adult, #Werebears

Diamond Dust (21 page)

Her eyes sparkled as she stepped back. She whispered as she widened the gap between them. “I’ll tell you
if I want to stop, but otherwise? Have fun. I plan to.”

She blew him a kiss before turning and crossing the empty parking lot, headed for the suspension bridge and the foothills on the other side of the river.

He double-checked the doors were locked then strolled to the bridge, deliberately not watching which direction she headed after leaving the iron contraption.

Below him the Whitehorse River rushed toward the city, the raging rapids a thing of the past since the dam had been built. There was still enough water to create a low rumble of sound, filling his ears with life and excitement. The sun lit the valley, reflecting off rich green limbs and fluttering leaves in stark contrast with the deep blue sky above them. His nostrils filled with the scent of pine and earth…

…and her. Headed across the bridge and into the forest.

Tyler shoved his bear aside. His human needed no encouragement—and the animal part within him was far too excited at the prospect of running his quarry down. He glanced at his watch and gave her another sixty seconds before setting out to retrieve his prize.

Chapter Fourteen


She ran as if being chased by a predator, which she totally was.

The ground underfoot sent up little puffs of dust as her feet hit the hard-packed surface. The land was dry as a bone. Caroline scanned the area and rapidly thought through her options.

It was only a matter of time before he caught her, and she’d like it to be in a private location, now that she’d poked his bear.

Veering away from the main riverside path, Caroline took the high route. It angled sharply toward the mountaintop for a couple of minutes of thigh-burning altitude gain before leveling off and disappearing into the trees. She didn’t bother to set him any side trails like she’d done with the wolves any time she’d planned hide-and-seek games before. With only five minutes to get ahead of Tyler, she had no time to waste. It was all or nothing.

The trees fell behind her in a smooth rhythm as she found her stride, the light pack on her back jiggling as she surged forward. Tyler didn’t know the area, so his lack of familiarity should slow him enough she could reach her goal. To her right, portions of the river flashed in the sunlight like paparazzi having a heyday.

For a moment she debated the wisdom of the chase. Not the sexual kink she’d set up—it was the remembrance of the bears fighting last night that made her hesitate. What if she and Tyler were caught unawares by some of his enemies?

Yet how would the other clans know where to find them? It would have taken a bit of talent to follow them from her apartment to the restaurant then off the highway later.

And really, the fact remained. It was either hide in a backroom the entire time he was here for conclave, or trust he could protect them no matter what ended up happening.

The knife she carried was no guarantee of safety either, but she wasn’t helpless.

Her ankle rolled, and she snapped to attention, concentrating before she got hurt. Ahead was her target, and she scrambled up the low section of cliff face, easily making it to where the lone pine stood as a sentinel beside the cliff in its sad but enduring glory.

There was nothing left of the majestic tree anymore but its tall skeleton. Nearly fossilized and iron hard, the tree had been around when the original Gold Rushers had barreled through the area, shooting the life-threatening river that had since been tamed. In the day, though, the rapids had claimed more than one life, and this path had offered an alternative route to safety.

Well, not
route, the one she was currently taking up the bare limbs of the behemoth. She’d been climbing the tree since she was a girl, a human child with a brand-new daddy who could turn into a wolf. As a little girl with a head full of fairy tales and wonder, the only unbelievable thing was being informed there was no magic she could partake in to make the same kind of transformation.

Her shifter father had hugged her, reassured her, then proceeded to teach her everything he could about living in the wilderness and dealing with the wild creatures shifters could be. His careful teaching had saved her in the end. Made it possible for her to live in the North Country she loved.

Made it possible for her to be playing a game of sexually twisted hide-and-go-seek with another wild creature out of fairy-tale lore.

She was well warmed up by the time she reached the highest branches, muscles invigorated and ready to meet her demands. She glanced back, eyeing the bits and pieces of trail that were visible as it meandered back to the main highway.

A flash of blue shot past.


She pulled herself along the sturdy limb, grabbed the branch in her hands and swung off, rotating until her feet lightly touched the ground, now at the top of the cliff instead of the bottom. A glance over the edge showed Tyler was too close for her to stay in one place, but her climb had given her time to set up a bit of trickery.

Three paths left the clearing she stood in. She raced down the first, cut through a connecting trail and scooted back the second trail to reach her original starting point. One more loop was all she had time for, leaving her scent on all three trails.

Then she ignored the escape routes and instead climbed the rock face behind her. The low wall emptied onto a second platform with a narrow ledge of a path rounding the corner to yet another maze of trails. Leaving her current location was impossible without edging cautiously along the precipice.

There was no way she could outrun him. No way he wouldn’t find her. But where she crouched was hidden from view of everyone but a person actually climbing onto the platform, or risking life and limb on the narrowest of trails. The chance of anyone stumbling into their party was slim. With the wind coming directly at her, the fake trails in the woods should catch Tyler’s attention first.

She lay on her stomach on the smooth rock surface to admire him as he reached the top of the tree. He’d removed his jacket, and his arms were bare, strong forearms with a dusting of hair on them. His fingers flexed powerfully as he wrapped them around the limbs, pulling himself up before swinging to the ground, knees absorbing the impact.

He rotated to admire the scenery. Her heart skipped. Did he figure she was such easy prey he had enough time to smell the roses and look around? Or did his light-hearted break make her glad?

He was a good man. The longer she spent with him, the clearer his character became. He wasn’t very civilized, though. The façade was there. The formal trappings of sophistication, but it was a layer of pretense on top of the real Tyler.

The real Tyler, who appreciated the view in the middle of a hunt.

The man obviously needed more chances to get away from it all and take it easy. She stopped herself from snorting. Kind of like herself—workaholic.

Tyler faced the trees, his gaze darting over the three options. The angle was wrong for her to be able to read his expression, but he moved slowly, deliberate in his approach. No panicked race forward. A considered and rational assessment.

He stepped to the center path and paused, hesitating at the edge of the forest and breathing deep enough his chest rose. Caroline held her own breath for fear he’d hear her.

Only he didn’t take the bait. None of the three paths led him astray. He stood for a while taking long sniffs, testing and tasting the air. He eliminated all her fake routes then stepped back into the clearing. His fingers came up to rub his chin, the rough stubble on his unshaved chin making him look like a dangerous beast. Made him handsomer than he had any right to be.

She gasped as he lifted his gaze and looked directly into her eyes.


She couldn’t look away. He kept eye contact as he walked to the base of her hiding spot without stumbling even once on the uneven ground. The heat from her earlier exertions had morphed into slow desire as she considered what exactly she’d set up.

He laid a hand on the smooth rock rising to her hiding spot and grinned. “You didn’t make that too difficult.”

“I’m still out of reach,” she teased, sitting upright on the edge of her cliff.

He examined her, the bits he could see. Heat danced on her nerve endings, sensitizing her skin. Growing desire edged toward all the pertinent girl parts that couldn’t wait to see what he’d do next.

Tyler stepped back half a foot. “You think it’ll take me long to get up there, think again. I’m coming for you.”

She scrambled to her feet and retreated to the back of the platform. He was right—there was no way the cliff would stop him for long. She dropped her backpack to the ground, lost her coat. The game was no longer hide-and-seek but inevitable capture.

The sound of him climbing was unmistakable. She turned to eye the wall she leaned on, considering if she could climb any higher. She risked a glance over her shoulder. It was like glancing in a side-view mirror.

Warning. Objects are much closer than they appear.

She ducked to the right, trying for a narrow patch of scrub that would hold him back, but he’d closed the space between them, his strong fingers curling around her arm and halting her momentum.

He twirled her, jerking her to his body. Air rushed from her lungs in a gasp as he backed her against the rock and crushed her lips beneath his.

Demanding. Aggressive. She planted her hands on his chest and pushed, but she could have been attempting to move a train for all the good it did her. His tongue stabbed into her mouth and she moaned. Wriggled, attempting to break free.

He caught her wrists and slammed her arms to her sides, jerking them behind her back so he could enclose both wrists in one enormous hand. With her arms pulled behind her like that, her chest thrust forward, driving against him.

He never stopped kissing her. Consuming her. His free hand captured her chin and held her exactly where he wanted her.

Over the years, Caroline had enjoyed her share of excellent lovers. Tyler took it to a new level. Took her wild fantasies and made them come true without her saying a word.

He jammed a thigh between her legs and hauled her hips forward, dragging her clit over rock-solid muscles. She was going to come if he so much as blinked too hard.

When he finally let her breathe, she was too busy filling her lungs to do anything else. By the time she’d gotten ready to offer him a few choice words—careful to not say
—he shocked the hell out of her. Twirled her in his arms and resettled her on that damn thigh, but this time there was also a beefy palm covering her mouth.

She couldn’t complain if she wanted to.

His lips brushed her ear. “If you want me to stop, stomp your foot. Otherwise, enjoy the ride.”

The whispered words shook her. Sexual anticipation flooded her system as he rocked her over his leg. Her arms pinned behind her, his other hand dragged her T-shirt up and ripped her bra out of the way so he could fondle her breasts.

Okay, she was officially twisted, but this was too damn hot. She made sure to keep both feet on the ground even as she struggled in his arms. The total inability to go anywhere dragged a hotter-than-I’ve-ever-been-before-in-my-life groan from her throat.

“Makes you burn, doesn’t it? Damn, I’m dying to fuck you. Going to fuck you in a minute. Only first?”

His hand left her breasts and shoved between her legs, fingers slipping under her panties and moving rapidly over her clit. She widened her stance and pulsed her hips, hopelessly lost. Desperate for release.

He jerked her torso against the wall of his chest, fingers still working her clit. The hand covering her mouth slid down to grasp her throat. His grasp remained controlling, yet loose enough she could breathe, her excitement escaping in gasps as he brought her to a climax. Body shaking, shivering in near convulsions as release throbbed through her.

There was no pause. Just rapid motion as he ripped her pants off her hips and his erection bumped her ass. His hand slid between their bodies, adjusting positions, then he was at her core, cock thrusting into her ready sex.

.” Caroline arched her back, allowing him to drive deeper on his next thrust. Dirty and wild, his hands controlling her meant there was nowhere she could go to escape. Not that she wanted to. This was what she’d asked for. A keen of excitement escaped, stretching out like a wavering bird cry.

“So. Damn. Good,” Tyler growled, a hard thrust accompanying each word. His cock spread her wide as he took her, once again confining her wrists behind her back. He slid a hand along her spine and into her hair, pulling slightly as he brought her head up. The bite of pain made her groan louder.

He slowed for a moment, warm lips at her neck. “You having fun?” he whispered.

“Uh-huh,” she moaned. “Your cock is driving me crazy.”

“Your fantasy is driving me wild. Ready for more?”

She nodded, her mouth gone dry.

He kissed her shoulder blade—a soft and careful caress. His cock filled her, his groin pressed tight to her ass. The stiff fabric of his jeans and zipper were crushed against her bare skin. All the wicked sensations created an oasis of unanticipated tenderness.

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