Read Diamond (Rare Gems Series) Online

Authors: Kathi S. Barton

Diamond (Rare Gems Series) (13 page)

Ward reached into his pocket and pulled out his notepad.
He’d been keeping notes on his phone, but since someone had shut it off, he had to resort to keeping his lists this way. He glanced up at the man

What is your name? As soon as my brother hears about this, he’s going to be pissed. And when he finds out who you are, he’s going to have you fired.” He was ready for the man to beg him for forgiveness, but when the man snorted, Ward looked up at him.

You think I’m afraid of you?” He moved down to Ward’s level, yet still managed to tower over him. “Samuel Mac Tire is my name, and in the event you don’t know, that’s Irish for wolf.”

Ward moved back from the man as far as he possibly could when he sort of…shifted.
Gone was the huge burly man with dark eyes, and in his place was a snarling fucking huge wolf.

When he moved close enough that Ward could feel his hot breath in his face, for the second time in his life, he pissed himself.
And if he didn’t know better, he would have thought the wolf was laughing at him. Ward looked up when the shadow that seemed to be over him disappeared. Now an entirely different man stood over him.

Sam said you were to get the fuck out of here and not return so long as we’re here. I’d listen if I was you. Alpha left him in charge, and he ain’t gonna be none too happy when he finds out you was here fucking with his foreman.” Ward struggled to stand and the man snickered at Wards pants front. “Got you a little scared, did he? He’s good at that. Sam is my sister’s mate, but he scares me too. She calls him a teddy bear, but me? I don’t think so.”

I’ll sue for this.” The man nodded. “When I’m finished, I’ll own this company and you’re all going to be sorry.”

I don’t think you’re gonna have much luck with that there, buddy, but you go right on ahead and try.” He looked around before he smiled at him. “You try and fuck with this company and you’ll never see the light of day again.”

Ward was on his way back to his hotel
, not remembering how he’d gotten into the taxi but how he’d gotten the tear in his suit. Not that he planned on keeping it. After all, the man had soiled it for him. Ward looked down at his stained pants and tried to reason how someone had gotten the drop on him and peed down his front.

Things were not going well for him
, and he wanted to talk to his brother. When he was back at his hotel, the lady at the desk said his name, but he was in a hurry to get to his room and take a long, hot shower. When someone tapped him on the shoulder, he turned to snarl at them, but saw it was the lady from the desk.

This came for you,” she said. He nearly dropped the package she’d shoved in his chest. “There is no need for you to sign for it, and I’m pretty sure you weren’t going to tip the guy, so I did both.”

Before he could tell her she was
stupid if she thought he was going to tell her thanks, she was gone. This was the rudest bunch of people he’d ever met. And to think he’d been about to stay another few days.

He opened the envelope on the top of the package and read the letter.

When you get this call me, a cell phone to reach me has already been programmed in. And the phone only has two hours of minutes on it so don’t think you can call your friends…if you have any left. I’m in no mood to piss around about this, Ward, so don’t fucking put it off. Thad Galloway.

Ward waited until he got to his room before he opened the package itself.
The nerve of his brother treating him this way was beyond what he deserved. Had Thad simply been where he should have been, they could have had this settled days ago. After his shower, he sat down and took out the cheap phone.

It didn
’t even have a camera on it. And the flip type opening had him snarl at it. What was wrong with a nice expensive one? he wondered. It wasn’t like Thad couldn’t have afforded it. Hell, he thought, he could have owned the company if he wanted. It might be something Ward could talk him into when they were back at the office.

The phone was answered on the first ring.
“What the fuck are you thinking? Or are you?” Before he could answer Thad, he continued. “I come to Texas to see what mess you’ve gotten yourself into only to find that you’ve taken off to God knows where to get into something deeper. I’m fucking not bailing your ass out of this one.”

What are you talking about? And I don’t appreciate the tone you’re using right now. Take a deep breath and tell me what mess you think I’ve gotten myself into.”

Silence. All Ward could hear was his own breath.
Looking at the phone, he wasn’t surprised to see it still counting the seconds for the call. Thad could be terrifying when he was quiet like this.

You murdered a man. In cold blood, and then had the fucking nerve to rob him too.” Ward felt his heart pound in his chest. How did he know? How had they found out he’d done it? “Stay put. I’m coming home and will be there in five hours.”

Ward closed the phone and hopped up. There was no fucking way he was going to wait for his brother to come and find him. He was going to be long gone before that happened.
Slipping the phone in his pocket, he went to the bedroom to pack. He was out of there right now.



Thad’s plane landed at close to midnight. He was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to go to bed and sleep for an entire week. As soon as he entered the quiet terminal, he felt the weight of the past five days leave his body. Reaching for his bag, he was startled to find someone take it from him.

You look like you could use a good soak in a tub.” He stared at Diamond for a full ten seconds before she spoke again. “Did you forget me while you were gone?”

Hell no.” Dropping everything he had in his hands, he pulled her to him and kissed her. She tasted of honey that she drank in her tea, as well as sex. He pulled from her mouth with a great deal of reluctance, but didn’t let go of her. “I should have taken you with me. I’m sure I would have felt a great deal better.”

But I wouldn’t have been able to get the house ready for you. Benson said that—” He kissed her again, cutting her off.

Only just managing to
lift his head long enough to look down at her, he smiled. Christ, he was so in love with her. Taking her hand, he grabbed up his suitcase and carry-on and walked to the front of the airport. A car was waiting for him, and so was his driver Patterson.

Welcome home, sir. I’ve managed to get the garage ready for the two cars you’ve stated that you wanted brought here, and the others…they have arrived as well.” Thad nodded as he slipped inside. He had ordered Diamond a car from Texas in the middle of the night two nights ago. They’d been talking on the phone and she’d told him how her car was in for repairs. The new one was to be delivered sometime that day.

soon as the car was in motion, he pulled her over his lap. It had been five days without her, and he was more than a little needy. When she reached for his tie and pulled it off him, Thad thought he could get used to this, but stilled her hands.

I’ve bought you something.” Her eyes were glazed with need, and he was ready to give her just about anything she wanted when he thought about the gifts. “I want to put them on you now.”

Now?” He nodded, reached for the hem of her shirt, and pulled it up, only to be stopped by her grabbing it. “We’re in a car. Moving down the road. What are you going to do to me?”

The clamps had nearly gotten him tossed off the plane
, but the woman who had searched him when the alarm sounded must have had a working knowledge of what they were, because she told him to put them in his pocket and to have fun. He’d been as hard as a rock since she’d waved him through.

They’re going to make what I have planned for you so much more delicious.” He showed them to her and felt her body rock over his. “Lift your shirt for me.”

She did so without hesitation this time.
And when he ordered her to remove her bra, she did that as well. Christ, he wasn’t sure what he’d been thinking, but having her pert nipple so close to his mouth, he nearly said fuck the clamps and tossed her back onto the seat.

Pinching her nipple hard
, he rocked up into her when she moaned. “I’m going to suck your nipple hard, and then I’m going to put these on you. You’ll have to let me know when it’s too tight.”

Her nod had him pulling her as close
as he could get her and nipping at her hard nub. Suckling hard, he tried to think what he wanted to do to her first when he got her home. He knew that the equipment had been delivered and set up yesterday, but he’d made her promise not to go into the room until he got there. Lifting his head, he watched as her once pink flesh turned a deep red, almost purple. Slipping the ring over the tip, he started to twist down the clamp.

Did you peak into the room?” Her moan made his cock jerk in his trousers, but she didn’t tell him to stop. “Slave?”

No, master. I didn’t peak in the room. But they assured me everything was…too much.”

He stopped
immediately and licked the blood-filled tip. When he blew over the clamp, she curled her fingers into his shoulder and threw back her head. Thad took the other offered breast to his mouth and gave it the same treatment. She was breathing as hard as he was when he finished.

Does it hurt?” She nodded, then shook her head. “Good. We need to have a safe word. Did you think of one yet?”

’d told her what it was for, the safe word, and asked her to pick one she could easily remember and say if she needed him to stop. He’d been surprised when she told him that she’d learned about the colors as well. He had a feeling she was going to be the best sub he’d ever had.

Clouds. I’m going to use clouds.” He nodded and set her off him and onto the seat next to him.

How long do we have before we get to the house?” She told him forty minutes. “Good. I want you to suck my cock until we get there.”

He leaned back on the seat and opened his pants. It wasn
’t what he really wanted and that was to be buried deep inside of her, but he needed the edge taken off and knew that she could probably use it too.

As soon as he freed his cock
, he watched her face as she stared at him. He fisted his cock and stroked it twice before he told her to take him. As soon as her mouth covered him, he nearly came up off the seat. She was as hot as any flame he’d ever been near and more talented with her tongue than he could ever imagine.

Adjusting her on the seat, he lifted her pretty little skirt up so that he could feel her ass.
Tearing the panty away, he smacked her hard and felt her nip at his cock from the surprise.

Next time you and I are alone and you have on a skirt, I want you to not wear panties. If I want to fuck you, I don’t want to have to wait for you to be naked.” She moaned around his cock, and he slapped her again. “What did I warn you about?”

Yes, master, when I wear a skirt, I’m to wear no panties. You want to fuck me, you want me ready.” Sliding his fingers down the seam of her ass, he could feel she was already ready. Slick wetness covered his fingers.

He watched her suck him until he was dizzy with the need to come.
Slapping her ass twice more, he buried his fingers deep inside of her, careful not to touch her clit. She was going to pay for a little while, and that would mean no climax. Soaking the tight bud at her ass, she tensed around him.

Don’t do that. I won’t hurt you.” He moved the lubricant all over her tight muscles until she began to roll with him. Pressing his finger inside of her had him nearly cry out when she bit him. “Careful, love, or we’ll be finished before we begin.”

Sweat trickled down his arms as he slowly moved in and out of her.
When she was ready, he pressed a second finger in her and then after a bit, a third.

I’m going to fuck you here when you’re stretched out for me.” He scissored his fingers as she licked the length of him twice. “Then I’m going to fuck that pretty pussy of yours with a fat vibrator until your need to come is nearly ready to kill you.”

She sucked his head into her mouth so hard that he pushed hard into her ass
, momentarily forgetting she wasn’t used to it. Thad felt his balls tighten to his body and wrapped his hands into her hair with his free hand.

Swallow me.” Her gagging reflex nearly had him come, but when she swallowed his cock down, he felt his body ready. Slamming his fingers in and out of her as fast as he could, he rolled his hips up into her awaiting mouth until he knew he was going to come. As soon as she moaned around him, the vibration moved along his cock and straight to his balls. Thad cried out as he emptied himself down the back of her throat.

He had to fuck her. Thad nearly threw her to the floor
, grabbing her and flipping her over. His cock was thickening, and as soon as she spread her legs for him, he pulled her over him and down over his cock. Diamond nuzzled his neck, and he knew that the moment her teeth broke skin he was going to come. Holding her to him, he closed his eyes when she licked him, and as soon as her teeth sank into him, Thad shouted out her name and commanded her to come with him.

Thad had no idea if she did or not. His own climax was
building again until he was sure he was going to die from it. When she leaned back, cupping her breasts, he took her nipple, clamp and all, into his mouth and bit her. His third climax in as few as ten minutes was too much. And before he could try to think what the hell was happening to him, he felt his world black out.


Diamond hated to wake him, but they were nearly home. Her body ached for more from him, but he’d only told her to come the one time, and she wasn’t going to think that just because he’d brought her as close to the edge as she thought possible without falling over, he’d only said the one time. And she was going to be the best sub she could be. Thad blinked at her several times before he smiled.

We’re nearly home.” He reached for her, and she backed up, but only slightly. “As much as I’d like to have you fuck me again, I’m afraid there just isn’t nearly enough time. Master.”

I’m going to eat you when we get in the bedroom.” She nearly told him fuck it and begged him to do it now. The car would just have to be stopped for a little while longer. “Did you come?”

Yes, master.” He asked her if she was sated. “No, master. I need…I would be happy if you could give me more.”

I plan on it. Much more. But you won’t come tonight. Not unless I’m feeling very generous.” He fixed his pants as he continued. “Do you have any idea how much I want to fuck you again right now?”

Yes, master.” He glanced at her as she put his belt back to rights. “Will it be all right if I ready myself to exit the car?”

He nodded.
“As soon as we are in the house, I want you to go to our bedroom and strip down. I will meet you there when I’m ready for you. Stand near the door to our playroom and be naked.”

Her body felt the implication of his words all the way to her toes. He was going to play with her
, and she almost couldn’t wait. Diamond had to take several deep breaths before she could answer him.

I will go to the play room and wait for your command. I will be naked and ready for you until you arrive.” He nodded and turned to watch her as she put her shirt back on. Her nipples were simply too tender for her bra, but he held out his hand for it and slipped it into his pocket as she pulled her shirt over her head. Even the soft cotton was making her ache.

They didn
’t speak again. She wasn’t sure she could have said anything to him other than to beg him to take her, and he seemed to be more interested in the small pad he’d had in his briefcase. Diamond’s body was throbbing with need.

When the car slid to a stop
, she moved to get out when he pulled her to him. Thad looked at her face so intently that she was afraid for a few minutes. He kissed her gently on the mouth before he put his forehead to hers.

I’ve not hurt you, have I?” She shook her head. “I…you can’t believe how much you’ve pleased me right now. All I can think about and have thought about is watching you while I take my whip to your luscious ass.”

The thoughts of
what he was saying no longer scared her. Squirming slightly on the seat, she opened her legs just a little for him. She wasn’t sure he could smell her or not, but when he moaned, she knew that he could even just a little.

Go. Go now before I change my mind and take you right here.” His harsh laugh made her look at him. “You’d think for as much as you drained me I’d be able to take my time. But all I want to do is lay you over this seat and suckle at your clit until you can’t walk.”

didn’t run, no matter how much she really wanted to. But she did skip down along the hallway when she was out of sight. She had no idea what was on the other side of the door off from their bedroom, but she couldn’t wait to find out. He walked in the door as she was just getting to the door.

Come here. I want you to undress me. But don’t touch me.” She moved slowly forward to do as he bid. “When I’m done, I’m going to take a shower and you’re going to bathe me.”

wasn’t sure her pussy could have gotten any wetter, but she could feel her juices as they moved down her leg. When she pulled his jacket off, she laid it over the chair and tried to figure out how to do this.

My tie next.” She wanted to thank him for helping her but reached for his silk tie first. “I will need to go to Texas again in a few weeks, and I’d like for you to go with me. I know that you have to work, but I need your help down there.”

Doing what?” She flushed, not knowing if this was a master/slave thing. “I’m not very good at this just yet.”

You’re doing fine. Because we have a house there that needs to be sold, and I’d like for you to see if there’s anything in the house that you’d like. Some of the things were my mother’s, but my father’s things…they’re all gone.”

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