Read Diamond (Rare Gems Series) Online

Authors: Kathi S. Barton

Diamond (Rare Gems Series) (15 page)

Thad?” The man nodded. “Christ, you look…where can I get a suit like that? I can have it tailored, can’t I? But I’d have to have a silk shirt. I don’t wear cotton unless I have to.”

I could care less what you wear or don’t wear as a matter of fact. And unless you have a job somewhere, I’m not footing the bill for you to have a suit made only to wear to jail.” Thad looked around the room and smiled. Ward turned to see what had changed him from being pissed off to smiling like a sap when he saw them.

Good Christ, they were beautiful.
Five of the most…no make that six, because when the woman from the desk joined them, he could see that they were all related. He’d never seen so many hookers in one place in all his life.

Are you going to share them?” He looked at Blair when he growled. “You can’t think to keep all these lovely pieces of ass all to yourself. Christ man, they must be costing you a fortune if you’re paying them by the hour.”

The wom
an in the front smiled at him as she moved toward him. Now this was a way to greet a man. When she raised her hand, he reached for it only to have her snatch it back. He took a step toward her only to come up short when she grabbed his balls. Tight.

Honey, you may want to—” Ward reached out to slap her when she tightened her grip. He felt sweat bead on his forehead when she gave him a hard twist, but he didn’t touch her again.

Ward, I’d like you to meet my future wife, Diamond. Diamond, honey this is my idiot brother. He’s going to tell us why he’s here and what the fuck he was thinking killing that man.”

I didn’t kill anyone.” Ward cried out when she twisted his balls again. “Christ, make her stop, she’s hurting me.”

And she’ll continue hurting you until you answer the fucking questions. Why did you kill that man?” This man could not be his brother and he started to tell him so when the woman, Diamond, twisted his balls tighter.

He touched me. I only wanted a suit and he was going to…he was going to blow me.” Diamond laughed, and that made him reach for her again. “You fucking cunt.”

Ward connected with her mouth
, but she pulled on his balls again before she fell back. He couldn’t breathe for several seconds, but saw that while they helped her up from the floor, he was free. He limped to the door as quickly as he could, and was nearly out when someone shouted his name. Blair came at him now, and somehow he knew that if the big man caught up with him, he’d be dead. Ward crashed through the door and out into the street.

Stepping into traffic had cars horns blaring and tires squealing
, but he knew that if he stopped, getting hit by a car was going to be the least of his problems. When he ran to the other side of the street, he dodged people, carts, and other displays out on the sidewalk in a blind need to get as much distance between him and Blair as he could.

Ward had no idea how far he
’d gone before he simply couldn’t move anymore. Leaning against the wall in a darkened alley, he tried to catch his breath and figure out what to do now. Every time a horn blared, he nearly jumped out of his skin, but he had to do something. Stepping cautiously into the street, he found himself to be in one of the worst neighborhoods he’d been in as yet, but there was a taxi, so he hailed it. As soon as he got in, he looked around and saw Blair coming up the sidewalk to where he’d been.

Where to, buddy? Meter’s running.” Ward needed him to get going, so told him the mall. He had no idea if this little town had one, but figured it was his best bet. When the cab took off, Ward looked back. Blair was stepping into the alley where he’d just been. Christ, how had he found him so quickly?

When Ward was dropped off at the food court
, he ordered himself a cola from the only restaurant that had a name he was familiar with and sat at one of the cleanest dirty tables he could find. He pulled out his wallet and counted what he had. There was no way he could go back to the hotel, and getting anything from Thad was going to be difficult until he could explain to him what had happened so he could get him out of this mess.

Thad would do it too. It was his
responsibility to keep Ward out of jail and safe. There was no way he’d let him go to jail over some trumped up charge like murder. Ward decided to not let that worry him. But his lack of funds did.

He had less than fifty dollars left.
How had that happened? he wondered. Someone had come into his hotel room and robbed him, he figured. There was no way he’d spent that much…okay, maybe he had. There had been the dinners he’d bought and the things he’d purchased for his new office, the one Thad would give him when this was straightened out. Then there were the whores he’d paid for.

A man can’t be expected to be celibate for his entire life.” He realized he’d spoken out loud when the woman next to him glared. “You might be able to because of the simple fact that you’re old, fat, and ugly.”

Ward had to have a plan to get to talk to Thad. This would be cleared up in no time if he just told him that he loved him or some other shit.
He might even be able to convince him that he was sorry. That had worked on his dad, but not so much on Thad. Thad had a way to see right through all his bullshit.

When the mall started closing up, Ward made his way to the bathroom.
He’d stay there tonight. Surely they made allowances for people like him. He hid in the bathroom until he was sure everything was quiet, and then went to find a shop that had beds. Ward was suddenly very tired, and his fucking balls hurt.

Chapter 15


Thad watched the police move around the lobby of Blair
’s building. He wanted to go out and find the little prick and kill him himself, but didn’t have a clue how to find him. Blair walked in just as he was getting up to pace.

I lost him over on Germantown. I think he got into a cab or had a car. The trail died right there.” Thad knew that as a wolf this family could find anything once they had their scent, but he was still worried about how much more damage Ward could do before he was caught.

I thank you for trying.” Blair nodded and went to his dad. Diamond sat down next to him, and he pulled her into his lap. Her small squeak made him laugh.

Are you all right?” He didn’t answer her because honestly, he wasn’t sure if he was or not. “I’m sorry I let him go, but I hadn’t expected him to slap me.”

He’s going to pay dearly for that.” He kissed the small bruise already forming. “Once you shift, will it go away?”

Yes. Sapphire asked me to wait until later to do it so the police could see how hard he hit me. It doesn’t hurt, but it is annoying that they keep pampering me about it.” She snuggled up to his throat and nipped at his ear lobe. “Your little whip was more painful than his hand was.”

His cock took a painful twist
, and he had to move her on his lap to adjust himself. She had enjoyed their play and not only that, she’d gotten up this morning and asked him to explain what each piece of equipment did and what he would do to her in them. He’d spent a delightful hour showing her how the cockball worked.

It was on the same principle as a
child’s bouncy ball. It had a handle and it was made of a heavy-duty plastic. But that was where the similarities ended. This one had a cock on it. Thick and long, the rider, in this case her, would slide over it and bounce. He’d watched her come twice before he tossed her to the floor and took her from behind. Christ, he’d never came so hard in his life.

I’m wet.” Thad looked at her when she whispered in his ear. “Very wet. Feeling your cock under my ass is making me think of all kinds of things I’d like to do to you right now.”

Thad stood her up
, and when he was standing, jerked her along behind him as he went in search for an empty room. Any room would do so long as there was a lock on the door. The first one he opened had the police in there with Allen. Thad closed the door without a word, but could swear he heard Allen laugh.

The second one was also occupied
, but he was determined. When the third room was empty, he pulled her in behind him and pressed her against the wall.

You’re going to pay for teasing me.” She moaned as he took her mouth. Lifting his head, he reached down to put his hand under her skirt to see if she’d done what he’d told her. He was met with warm, wet flesh. Stroking her pussy with his fingers, Thad moved her blouse up with his free hand.

Please, master, I want to suck your cock.” He rocked into her, wondering if a man had ever died because of too much sex. When he leaned down and took her nipple into his mouth, he decided that he didn’t care if he died like this or not. This was the only way to go.

I’m going to eat you until I’ve had my fill. Then I’m going to fuck you. Go over to the table and spread out for me.” She moved to the table, pulling her skirt up over her hips as she moved. Her ass looked good enough to eat, and Thad wanted her.

She lay back on the table and braced her feet on the edge. Thad had a perfect view of her pussy and how wet she was. When
she opened her legs as wide as she could, he pulled a chair to her.

Thad thought about playing
with her, but hunger for her won out. He leaned in and took her clit into his mouth. At the same time he pressed two fingers into her heat. She nearly came up off the table but didn’t make a sound. With his free hand, he moved to release his cock before he hurt himself.

The cool air from the air conditioner did nothing to slow him down.
He suckled her pussy and drank her down as he fisted his cock. Pre-cum dripped from the tip, and Thad used it to make the slide quicker and easier.

You taste
delicious, love.
He loved being able to speak to her this way
. I’m going to fuck you soon, and when I do, I want you to not make a sound when you come.

, master, not make a sound when I come.
He felt her need rush over his body, and he nipped at her clit.
Please, master. Please.

He stood up and shoved the chair away from him. Her pussy was so wet from her
juices that when he entered her, it was as if he was coming home. Wrapping her legs around him, she locked them at his hips, and he leaned over the table to her mouth.

Taste you on me.” She licked his lips and suckled the lower one into his mouth as he began moving in and out of her heat. “You’re mine, Diamond, all mine.”

Her back bowed up
, and he felt his own release racing to meet hers. As soon as she tightened around him, he pistoned into her so hard that the table began to dance across the floor. When she licked his throat, he tilted his head and gave it to her. When she bit him, it was all Thad could do not to throw back his head and howl.

The moment she tore at his
throat he knew this bite was different. His balls tightened to his body again, and when she growled, he came. Dizziness swamped him as she held her mouth over his wound, and he heard her speaking to him through their link as the room began to fade in and out.

’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what…please don’t die. Please.
He held her to him as best he could as he was slipping away. Something was happening, but he didn’t know what.

’s fine. I’m fine.
He wasn’t, and he was pretty sure they both knew it.
I’m just…I think you’re doing something to me.

Changing you,
he thought she said, but that wasn’t right. There had to be a mortal wound.
I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do this to you.

He wanted to answer her but no longer seemed to have the ability to speak. He was slipping fast
, and his final thought was he’d really done it, he’d died during sex.


“What the fuck were you thinking? You could have killed him, and then what would you have done?” Diamond didn’t answer him again. She’d answered him every time he’d asked her and she still didn’t have a better answer.

She’s told you that she didn’t mean to do it to him. Let it rest, Blair, before I get pissed off and change you into something. Unconscious is sounding really good about now.” Sapphire sat beside her on the small sofa in her room. “He’s going to be fine when he wakes. I’m just glad you didn’t let him go when you bit him or he might have died.”

Diamond had nicked his artery.
She’d not meant to, but had bitten through it and when his arterial blood filled her mouth, she’d done the only thing she could think of and let her wolf go enough to change him before he bled to death. And now he lay on their bed, resting.

What the fuck were you doing having sex in one of my offices anyway?” She flushed, and Sapphire cleared her throat at him. “It’s my building. If I want to have sex with you in the open lobby, it’s my right. Not hers. She’s my…she’s my sister, and she’s not to have sex again.”

That is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard you say.” They all looked at the big bed where Thad was sitting up. “And if you think I’m never having sex with her again just because you said so, you’re about half baked. I’m in love with her.”

Diamond moved to the bed when he reached for her. She took his hand and kissed it.
She could smell his wolf, and hers wanted him to come out and play. But she only held him and calmed her wolf with promises that it would be soon.

I’m sorry. I hurt you, and it was—” He put his hand over her mouth, cutting her off.

You changed me, didn’t you?” She nodded as he didn’t move his hand so she could speak. “I’m glad you did. I was going to speak to you about it, but I wasn’t sure how to bring it up. Why did you do it?”

I nicked your vein. Usually we bite the shoulder or sometimes the throat, but I’d misjudged where I was and severed the artery. It was change you or let you bleed to death. I wasn’t ready for that.” He kissed her mouth and laid back down, taking her with him.

Diamond looked around the room from his chest. Her sister and Blair had left.
Wrapping her arms around Thad, she let the tears fall. She’d never been so afraid in her life.

You were getting so weak I was afraid that I wasn’t doing it right. Then I heard your heart beating a little stronger and then stronger still until I knew that you’d make it. I had to…we weren’t dressed very well, so I had to lay you on the floor and dress you before I could call Blair in to help me get you home.” She laughed a little. “He’s not happy with me.”

He’ll get over it.” Thad kissed her head. “I remember thinking that the bite was different and that I was getting weak from it. I thought it was because I was dying from too much sex. I guess I didn’t.”

No, not from that.” She sat up and looked down at him. “You’re a wolf now. I’m very sorry to have done it without asking you, but I didn’t want you to die.”

Why?” She knew the answer but was afraid to tell him. He’d told her several times that he’d loved her during or right after sex, but this was simply the two of them. When he said her name, she got up to pace.

I’ve fallen in love with you. I’m not sure when it happened or why, but I have. I guess it was when you bought me the house, but I’m sure that’s not all of it. Then there is the way you’ve been with me. I don’t mean the sex, but….” He said her name again, and she looked at him. “I’m in love with you because you’re the only man in the world who never made me feel like I’m nothing.”

You’re everything to me.” He sat up on the edge of the bed, and she went to him. She knew he’d be weak and more than likely starving. When his belly growled, she laughed.

I could eat a cow.” She helped him stand up and guided him to the bathroom when he said he needed a shower. “I feel like I’ve had the flu for a week and been run over too. Does this get better soon?”

Yes. I’m going to get into the shower with you to help you. You’re going to be weak for a few hours yet, and I’ve had Benson make you a big dinner. I’ll have him bring it up—”

Please, I want to go outside. I feel…I need to be out of doors after this. Even if it’s to just sit on the deck.” He glanced at the window. “It’s dark out. How long have I been here?”

Two days.” He stopped moving and stared at her. “It should have been longer, but you’re just too stubborn to do things the correct way. And you should also know that Benson is aware of what we are. He knew what I was, but he’s aware that you are too.”

Benson knew? What is he?” She laughed. “Let me guess, he’s not a wolf but a…I was going to say tiger but that can’t be right. He’s a bear.”

He’s a black bear. And he’s very glad you know now.” He stopped her from pulling his shirt over his head. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

Christ, I know that. I just wanted to tell you that I love you too. I meant to do it when you said it but you’ve distracted me. I love it when you wear my shirts.”

You really love me?” He kissed her on the mouth and stepped back to help her undress him. “I didn’t know if you meant it when we were having sex. I thought it was because you were wrapped up in the moment.”

I was. Like I said, you distract me. But I do love you. Very much.” When he was naked, she helped him into the stall with the warm water running. By the time she’d slipped in behind him, he had managed to wash his hair. He was leaning against the wall. “I’m sorry, but I’m done in. I’ll need your help after all.”

When he was dressed in a pair of very old sweat pants and a tee
-shirt, she helped him back to bed. Sitting on the deck was going to have to wait. By the time Benson brought them up a light dinner, he was nearly asleep. She had to wake him twice to finish. When she took the tray off his lap, she started out of the room, but he called her back.

You’re going to sleep with me, aren’t you? I need to know that you’re here beside me even if it’s only to hold you.” Diamond nodded and took the tray down to the kitchen and handed it to Benson.

Is he all right, missus?” She nodded, overwhelmed by the simple fact that he was alive and well. “You’ve done a great thing for him by loving him. He was so bitter those few years after his father died. The man was a horrible father and a worse husband. Mrs. Galloway died of a broken heart in the way that they treated her.”

What did they do?” He looked out the window to the yard beyond, and she was sure he wasn’t going to answer her. But when he turned to look at her, she could see that he’d been a little in love with the former Mrs. Galloway.

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