Dom Vs: Domme: The Deluxe Trilogy: A Billionaire Romance (Dom Vs. Domme Book 0) (56 page)

She sounds like a maniac when I pull apart her folds with my thumbs and shove my cock into her. “And my cock in your pussy. I know, darling.”

So it begins – and ends.

I welcome the sounds of her moaning, crying out, and near shrieking as I thrust into her, grab her ponytail, and tug on the chain in her ass. It’s all a symphony of pleasure to me. A symphony I appreciate more now that my cock has made its way home into the depths of Kathryn’s sumptuous body.

Her heat astounds me. She nearly burns, her need for me the fire that’s calling this moth to the dangerous flame. I can’t help it. I need her as much as she desires me. I’ll push in as deep as I can, feeling her innermost places and preparing to devour her, to mark everything I touch so no other man could possibly think he can have her.

It’s these barbaric moments that make me feel the closest to heaven.

“Ian!” She’s screaming my name, but I can’t listen, because I’m so awakened to the slickness of her flesh and the tightening of her inner walls. “Please,
come in me!”

How far we’ve come. From her crying at the thought of me losing myself in her, to her begging for nothing else.

I want to. I want to come in her. My cock is about to stage an uprising if I don’t.

The sound of our bodies conjoining.

The scent of her, of me, of us becoming one.

The taste of it on the air.

The sight of my wet cock sliding in and out of her glistening folds,
how ready she is inside to accept me.

It all becomes an erotic menagerie that is truly a banquet for this man’s senses.

But it’s not enough. I pull out, feasting on my need to come –
inside her –
but denying myself all the same.

And denying

“Ian Mathers I swear to God…”

I yank her off the ottoman, the chain slapping against her calves as I make her walk in those stiletto heels to my bed. She lands with a soft thump as I push her down, drawing her legs up onto the bed and shoving her pink T-shirt up so I see a hint of those hard nipples and can watch the jiggle of the underside of her breasts every time I slam into her.

I also rip off her blindfold.

Fuck, I was right when I said I would lose it looking into her eyes. And yet I can’t help myself. My hands hold her down by the shoulders as I reclaim her center with my cock. The gasp, the widening of her eyes, those sweet blues sparkling as they gloss over and she returns to a world where she begins to come over and over.

My hands hook beneath her knees and hold them up, granting me a better angle to take her at. I’m so deep, so far in that I can barely thrust in and out. It doesn’t help that her constant climaxing has her clenched down on me like a vice.

“You want me to come, don’t you?” Sometimes I don’t recognize my own voice when I’m like this. It’s terrifying, mystifying, and so fucking
that I want to stay like this with her forever. “You want to surrender to me?”

“Yes…” Her eyes clear long enough for her to hear me. “I surrender to you.”

Those are the words that kick my ass and send me over a dangerous edge.

I’ve reached the point of return. Katie’s moaning as loud as I am groaning, her body shaking from my thrusts as she completely surrenders to my whims. I feel her orgasm once more, liquid covering my cock and those muscles massaging me until I
give her what we both want.

“Ian!” No matter how many times she cries my name, it never gets old. “Oh,

Not bad company, if I do say so myself.

My cock stills inside her, deep, giving her what she begged for. The relief flooding through my thighs is unlike any other high this world can give you. Not only on my end. Looking at Katie gasp at how I fill her tells me that this is also the best high of her life. In that moment, as my cock comes far within her, and her body shudders all around me, it truly feels like we have nothing but one another in this world.

“Ian…” Her whisper haunts me as I lose my energy.

I land on her, sucking her nipples and throat, my mouth everywhere at once, I swear. Katie closes her eyes and presses her hand against her forehead, heaving deep and yet shallow breaths as her center relaxes around my submerged cock.

Slowly, I pull out, amazed that one woman can be so wet. When I gently pull the plug out of her ass, I see my seed start spilling from her slit, a little at first, and then so much that I wonder where the fuck I put it all before I came. No wonder it hurt.

Her legs stay spread as she watches. I wait for her to freak out on me like she did that first time, but all Katie does is fling back onto my bed with a mighty sigh. Now there’s cum on my fucking bed.

Not one to make my housecleaner deal with body fluids, I drag myself to the nightstand to get tissues.

Kathryn helps me clean up, still wearing the T-shirt and torn pantyhose before kicking off her heels and disappearing into my bathroom. It’s not a romantic moment. It doesn’t have to be.

Considering my doorbell is ringing, it’s probably a good thing we’re not
in flagrante.






Chapter 26




Never thought it was possible for a bathroom to be more comfortable than mine, but here I am, in Ian’s bathroom, sitting and contemplating the nice décor and the sheer amount of comfort one man can pack into a private abode.

Hard to believe that the first time I was in here it was to scream and cry and get sprayed right on the crotch with the equivalent of a billionaire’s garden hose.

Speaking of crotches and hoses, my tights are totally ruined. Thanks, Ian.

The toilet barely makes a sound when I flush it. Damnit, I’m rich as fuck, and even
toilet makes noises. I need to find out who did all the plumbing in here and get them in my apartment. The building manager will totally understand.

When I finish cleaning up, I wander into the bedroom, hoping I can convince Ian to take my exquisite aftercare to the tub. Except I don’t see him in here. In fact, the bedroom door is closed, something that only happens when he’s about to go to sleep, if at all – he’s a man who likes to let the cat in and out as it pleases.

I’m in such a reverie that my senses are dulled and I’m unable to hear the voices out in the main living area of the condo. So imagine my surprise when I fling open the bedroom door and march out in my disheveled T-shirt with my nipples poking through and my tights torn at my crotch. Oh, and my “teenage Katie” hair that I put up to complete my fashionably retro look tonight – and to give Ian something to pull when he fucked me. Imagine my surprise, indeed, when I walk out in the living area looking like this and run right smack dab into one of the last people I ever want to see.

“You’ve got bigger balls than me,” Ian says to Stephanie, who is leaning against his kitchen counter as if she’s that close to him. “Coming into my home after what you’ve done?”

“I’ve done nothing except what’s good for my career, Ian.” Her sweetness is so fake. “Face it, your father has more money than you. Not to mention his connections with some producers in Hollywood. If I’m going to keep being the new golden girl, then I need those connections. Although…” She bats those thick eyelashes as if she’s looking for something. “You have the bigger dick, and know how to use it better.”

Ian makes a
You know, the kind you make when you walk in on your parents naked and having sex. Disgusted, grossed out,
get me out of here.
If Stephanie weren’t blocking the counter, Ian would probably get out the bleach and douse his brain.

“What the hell do you want with me?”

Stephanie steps away from the counter and approaches him with a sway of her hips. “You know what I want, Ian.”

He looks at me. She looks over her shoulder at me, chuckling.

“I don’t care about your pretty and rich girlfriend. We’ve all got our…” She’s snorting, and I know it’s because of how I’m dressed. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not super excited about her seeing me like this, but it’s Stephanie. I don’t give a shit she’s looking right at my waxed pussy as displayed through my ripped tights. “Well, we’ve all got our
Besides, wouldn’t it be hypocritical of me to want something exclusive? I don’t intend on dumping your father anytime soon.”

If I had to choose one attractive thing about Ian Mathers, it would be his ability to stay calm through any situation. He may show a blip of shock or concern, but otherwise, he’s the kind of guy you want to have around when shit goes down. Like a woman you only dated twice stalking you.

“You’ve got three minutes to tell me exactly what it is you want before I escort you out of here,” Ian says evenly. “Somehow I doubt you came here to flirt and nothing more.”

“Hmph.” Stephanie shrugs. “I want a lot of things. I want an Academy Award. I want to make as much as Robert Downey Jr. on my next film. I want to be Maxim’s hottest woman of the year. I want…” She looks at me, but not in a lascivious way – thank God. “I want security.”

“If you’re looking to blackmail us, then you’re way out of your league,” Ian says. “Besides, I’m not sure what you would blackmail us over.”

“Blackmail? Hardly. More like ensuring that we’re both taken care of. I get some funds to help my acting addiction, and you get to keep your secret perversions out of the press.”

“What are you talking about?” Careful, Stephanie, Ian might bite. “Nobody cares what the hell I do in my private time.”

“No, perhaps they don’t care about
” When Stephanie looks at me, I’m almost convinced she’s going to punch between my ribs and rip out of my heart. “They might want to know about

I grit my teeth.

Once again I am taken back to my scene with Ian, where he made me confess my worries and insecurities. This would be another one… having the whole world know about my love for kink. Not solely domination. If word got out in our broader social circles that I was now
Never. I would never be taken seriously again. By anyone.

Kinky people would understand better than the non-kinksters, but the few other Dommes I know would consider me a traitor. Probably. If I am to eventually debut as a switch in my relationship with Ian, then it has to be done tastefully. Having someone like Stephanie leak it to the local press? I would rather

I hear a click. Stephanie puts her phone away. I realize what she’s done.

Taken a picture of me. Like

“None of this is necessary.” Ian steps between her and me, as if he could block what everyone sees in that picture. “Neither Kathryn nor I have anything to hide. You are done here. You need to leave.”

Stephanie trudges to the door, taking a long, hard look at me with a smirk to rival one of Ian’s. It’s as if she’s saying,
“You know what you have to lose. We’re both women. We understand.”

Yeah, I understand.

Stephanie leaves, with her evidence of me in a compromising position. Ian acts as if it’s nothing when he tries to plant a kiss on my cheek.

I step back.

“Katie, don’t listen to her.” He follows me into the bedroom, sidestepping the cat who has decided to come out and roll around our feet. “She’s clearly a mess. Even if people believed her, so what? It’s not worth paying her off.”

“Especially since she’s dating your dad now, right?”

He closes the bedroom door behind him. “That’s not the point. Well, I mean, that’s a
but I doubt it’s going to last for long. Not after I tell him what she’s done here.”

“Oh my God, Ian…” Him? Tell his father what we’re up to in the bedroom and why that’s something someone would find blackmail worthy? I don’t think so! “You don’t get it. I could lose… I don’t know how much. If I turn up on Page 6 with all my kinks listed,
would work with me again!”

He puts his hands on my shoulders and looks me right in the eye. I wish I could say I feel safe here, but… “Nobody’s going to find out. Even if they did? I would make their lives a living hell. It’s the least I could do.”

“I don’t know what you did to that woman, but I wish you hadn’t.”

He steps back. “What makes you think I did something?”

“Maybe. I dunno. I mean…” How can I make Ian understand where I’m coming from? Inside me is a battle between kissing him and pushing him away. I don’t doubt this man’s sincerity, but I do judge his ability to understand me. “It seems like the deeper we go into this relationship, the more I have to compromise my identity.”

Waiting, I expect him to say something along the lines of, “You never have to do that.” Instead, what I get is, “I love you.”

This is it. The moment Ian Mathers confesses his feelings to me… I can’t bring myself to accept them. As nice as it is to hear those words, they aren’t what I need to hear.

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