Dominated: The Enforcers 2 (The Enforcers Series) (21 page)

“Why did you warn me, Angel?” he asked in a choked whisper. “I know you have your suspicions. And no, I’m not a good man. So why would you warn me instead of helping them put me away?”

He knew he’d made a serious error in his judgment of her when he saw her reaction to his question. Shock and hurt entered her eyes, and her mouth fell open as she continued to stare wordlessly at him. As though she couldn’t believe he would even ask such a question. And God, how he wished he hadn’t now.

“I would
betray you, Drake,” she said, her words nearly inaudible as she worked to get each one out. “
. I am yours. I belong to you. And that means you have everything that is me and mine. My loyalty. My trust. My love.”

She abruptly stood and turned away from him and a sense of panic crawled over his skin like a hundred spiders. At the moment, he’d take the actual spiders over the feeling of panic. Would he lose her because of his lack of faith in her?

Then she whirled around, anger and determination in her eyes. “You’re wrong, Drake. You
a good man. I don’t care what you or anyone else says or thinks. They don’t know you. I
. And you are very much a good man.”

She threw up one hand, her fingers delicately fluttering through the air.

“Can you be ruthless, arrogant and demanding? Absolutely. You’re driven and relentless. But those aren’t
traits. Those traits are what made you into the man you are today and I very much love the man you are. I still wake up every morning wondering if it’s all just been a dream because this beautiful man who could have any woman in the world he wanted chose

Tears glittered harshly in her eyes once more, and it was all he could do to continue sitting there while she flayed her heart open to bare it—to give it—to him. He’d never felt so humbled in his life than by this sweet, generous and loving woman who stood there fiercely defending him when he’d jumped to nasty conclusions without even asking her about the meeting first.

“And you’ve been so patient with me,” she continued, her voice choked with emotion and the mounting tears she was trying so hard not to shed. “You always take the time to teach me what pleases you, and you please me ten times more in return. I just hope . . .”

She turned away in a valiant effort to compose herself before finally turning back to face him.

“I just hope that you never wake up one day and look at me and say to yourself,
What in the world was I thinking?

She closed the distance between them and slipped to her knees between his, reaching for his hands, gripping them tightly between hers.

“I have only one thing to ask, Drake,” she whispered. “If that ever does happen, if you ever get tired of me and no longer want me, all I ask is for you not to regret the time we spent together. Because I won’t. I’ll cherish every single memory I made with you, every single minute, and I’ll never regret a single second. All I ask is that you do the same and remember me fondly.”

Drake felt as though he’d just been flattened. Like a tank had run over him. He was in absolute awe over the woman kneeling before him. His throat contracted painfully as he realized it was he who should be on his knees in front of her.

Instead he yanked her into his arms, holding her so tightly, it was likely neither of them could breathe very well. Who cared? He’d never get enough of this, of her, soft and sweet in his arms.

“Jesus,” he breathed. “You don’t get it, do you? There isn’t going to
another woman, Angel. There won’t come a morning that I wake with
you nestled against me or tied to me, so sweet and good and innocent, that I wonder what I was thinking. The only thing I’ll ever think when I wake up next to you is that I’ll never let you go.”

She went utterly still in his arms. So still he wasn’t sure she was breathing. He loosened his hold and she drew away, staring at him with features seemingly frozen in place. There was a dim light of hope in her eyes that cut him to the bone. Almost as if she were afraid to question him. Or confirm what he’d said.

She licked her lips and finally whispered in a thready breath, “Never?”

“Never,” he said firmly.

She sagged so that her behind came to rest on her heels and her shoulders drooped. Then her hands flew to cover her face, but he saw the evidence of her tears leak from underneath.

“Don’t cry, Angel,” he soothed, carefully pulling her into his arms again. “Never cry. I want you to be happy. Always.”

“Oh, Drake, don’t you know? You’ve just made me the happiest person in the entire world,” she sobbed. “I was so scared for you today. I’m still scared,” she amended. “What are you going to do?”

Fear replaced all other emotion in her vivid blue eyes. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to her forehead.

“Don’t worry, Angel. Can you do that for me? This is nothing new, I assure you. The cops are always poking around my affairs. Talking to people I work or associate with. They’ve never been able to get anything on me. They never will.”

She bit into her lip so hard that he gently thumbed it, rubbing soothingly over the abused flesh.

“Are you sure?” she asked nervously. “Maybe you should call your lawyer. Surely it can’t be legal for them to go around harassing people who know you and asking them to spy on you.”

He had to suppress his smile over her innocence. “Unfortunately, my angel, it’s very legal for them to question anyone they want. You did very
well. I’m proud of the way you handled yourself. That couldn’t have been easy. I’m sorry it happened. You can be sure that in the future it won’t.”

“I don’t care about me,” she said impatiently. “I’m more worried about the fact that this cop seemed awfully determined to get something—anything—on you. Somehow I don’t think it would matter to him whether it was actually true.”

Her scathing tone did make him smile then.

“Who needs a lawyer when I have you to defend and protect me?” he asked in amusement. “Apparently you are all I need, my darling angel.”

“I hope that’s true,” she said, her expression growing serious. “Because you are all I will ever need, Drake.”


The weeks leading to Christmas were a magical time for Evangeline. Though Drake had always been loving and tender with her, there was a marked difference in his entire demeanor than there had been in the beginning. He was openly demonstrative with her and had no problem showering her with affection whether in private or public.

His men ribbed him about it, but he took it in stride and blithely told them when they found a woman like Evangeline to come back and they’d talk then. There hadn’t been much in response his men could say to that, so they quickly shut up.

Then he’d surprised her by flying them both down to visit her parents just before Christmas, though he’d insisted they return to the city so they could spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day together at the apartment.

They’d spent three wonderful days with her family, but it was Drake’s Christmas gift to them that had blown Evangeline—and her mother and father—completely away.

The day before he and Evangeline were to return to New York, Drake had taken Evangeline and her parents to a beautiful house in the same town they lived in and told them it was theirs.

It had been completely renovated to make it wheelchair accessible, and the kitchen had been gutted and a chef’s dream kitchen had been constructed with top-of-the-line appliances and countertops. Her mother had cried tears of joy. Even her father had been overwhelmed and emotional.

But Drake hadn’t stopped there. He’d done one better. The new house not only came with a housekeeper who came in three days a week to clean, but he also presented her mother with the keys to a brand-new van so her dad wasn’t housebound so much.

Her mother had hugged Drake at least a hundred times and thanked him profusely not only for his generosity but also for making her baby so happy. And one had only to look at Evangeline to see that she radiated happiness. She glowed from head to toe with contentment only someone deeply in love could feel.

And to properly and creatively express her gratitude for all he’d done for her family, Evangeline had wickedly made love to him aboard his jet the entire flight back to New York City. He’d jokingly told her as they’d gotten into the car at the airport that she’d worn him out and that he wouldn’t be able to get out of bed to celebrate Christmas with her.

She had very seriously told him that if he couldn’t get out of bed, then she would have no choice but to join him there, and since she’d be bored out of her mind she would have to come up with ways to keep herself entertained. He’d informed her that what she was saying wasn’t exactly a threat and he could certainly think of worse ways to spend the holiday.

Christmas Eve dawned clear and cold, a brisk wind whistling through the streets, but the skies were completely clear and cloudless, the sun bright overhead, much to Evangeline’s disappointment. After all, what was Christmas without snow?

Drake laughed and told her that snow was indeed in the forecast starting early in the evening.

Evangeline hustled around the kitchen the entire morning in preparation for Drake’s men to arrive for an early Christmas Eve dinner that afternoon. She’d bought every single one of them a gift and they all lay wrapped underneath the tree. Along with the dozen she’d bought for Drake.

He’d been highly secretive about what he was getting for her, even going so far as not to put a single one under the tree that had her name on it. She pouted every time she looked at the tree, and he merely laughed.

Drake found her tending one of the many skillets at the stove and slid his arms around her, pulling her back against his chest. His lips feathered over the side of her neck and he nibbled at the sensitive flesh just beneath her ears.

“There you are,” he murmured. “Planning to spend the entire day in here? I’m starting to feel neglected.”

“You poor baby, you,” she said without real sympathy. “You won’t be complaining later when you taste what I’m making.”

He sniffed appreciatively. “It smells delicious. What is it? It doesn’t look traditional. Aren’t those fish fillets and shrimp over there?”

She smiled. “Yep. I’m cooking you down-home Southern food for Christmas Eve. Tomorrow I’m forgoing turkey and ham, and instead I’m cooking a rib roast with several delicious sides and we’ll have lobster bisque as a starter.”

He groaned. “God, woman. I’m seriously going to have to hire a personal trainer. I swear I’ve gained twenty pounds since I met you and you started feeding me.”

She lifted an eyebrow and turned her head so she could look up at him. “Where are these twenty pounds you’ve gained? Because they aren’t anywhere I can see them.”

He pretended to give the matter serious consideration. “Well, I suppose the fact that you ravish me on a daily basis balances out all the calories I’m consuming. Satisfying you is very strenuous activity.”

“I can always curb
appetite,” she said sweetly. “I’d hate for you to suffer needlessly.”

“Try it,” he growled. “If I die, I’ll go a happy man. Well fed and sexually sated by the most gorgeous, sexy, desirable woman on the planet.”

“Wow,” she murmured. “Biased much?”

He smacked her playfully on the ass but it carried a bite, causing her pulse to surge to life.

“I’m not biased. I’m a man of discerning tastes. I refuse to settle for anything less than the best. Which is why I waited for you.”

She was speechless and precariously close to tears, and she wasn’t about to ruin the light and playful mood by sobbing all over him.

He sighed and gave a mock groan of exasperation. “When will we ever get to the point that I can compliment you without you crying all over me?” he chided.

“Never,” she mumbled. “Get used to it.”

“It appears I have no choice,” he said dryly.

The door buzzer sounded and Drake made a disgruntled noise. “So much for being alone anymore.”

“Don’t be rude and antisocial toward our guests,” she reproached.

He laughed at that. “Darling, I’m always rude and antisocial. They’d likely have me committed if I ever wasn’t. Or at least they’d think I’d been abducted by aliens.”

She elbowed him in the gut as he moved away from her to answer the summons. A few moments later, Drake’s men were crowding into the apartment, all carrying brightly wrapped packages that were immediately stuck under the tree.

Then, predictably, they all sauntered into the kitchen with the same question. What were they having for dinner?

Evangeline had set the formal dining table and made certain there were enough chairs for every single person. Two hours after Drake’s men arrived, she made the call for dinner and then watched in
satisfaction as they all gathered around the table. Drake sat at the head while Evangeline sat to his right and Silas sat to his left. The others took their places down either side with Maddox taking the other end across from Drake.

“Before we all dig in, I just want to thank Evangeline for going to such trouble to prepare such a wonderful meal for us all,” Drake said, pride clearly reflected in his eyes as he gazed affectionately in her direction.

“I propose a toast,” Silas said, lifting his glass of wine. “To Evangeline. One of the sweetest, kindest and most generous people I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing and who also, irrefutably, has the biggest heart of anyone I’ve ever met.”

“I’ll drink to that,” Maddox said, raising his glass in salute.

“I, as well,” Drake said, tipping his glass in her direction. “And don’t you dare cry.”

She laughed, because if she didn’t, well, she would indeed cry. She raised her glass and swept her gaze over all of the gathered men.

“Thank you all for coming and for making this holiday so special.”

They were a bit noisy as they all chimed in, but then they drank down part of their wine and Evangeline started the dishes flowing around the table, serving up blackened catfish fillets, grilled and fried shrimp, crawfish étouffée to accompany the fillets and then the vegetables, after which the best came last. Her homemade rolls.

As soon as the first man bit into a fresh, piping hot roll, a groan went up.

“Oh Jesus,” Hartley said, his expression one of supreme bliss. “That is the best thing I’ve ever tasted in my life.”

Curious over his reaction, everyone began grabbing for their rolls at the same time and then the table erupted in moans, sighs and exclamations of sheer bliss.

“Goddamn, Drake,” Justice complained. “Why did you have to get to her first? I would be her slave for life for nothing more than her rolls.”

“I’ll have to remember that,” Evangeline said mischievously. “Now I know what to do when I want a favor. Just dangle a homemade roll in front of your nose.”

“Honey, you won’t have to dangle for me,” Jax said with his best puppy-dog eyes. “Just say the word
and I’ll be at your beck and call.”

“You bunch of jackasses,” Drake said. “Leave my woman alone. For that matter, leave my rolls alone. There better be some left for me or I’ll kick all your asses.”

Silas, who’d been silent as he chewed on his roll, glanced over at Drake and in a perfectly straight voice said, “You’ll have to go through me first. These rolls are totally worth doing jail time for murder.”

Evangeline burst into laughter at Drake’s surprised expression. Then the rest of his men started laughing at Silas’s still-somber, perfectly straight face.

“Y’all are too much,” she said, shaking her head.

They ate, enjoying one another’s company. Teasing, bickering and bantering continued throughout the entire meal, and Evangeline decided this must be what it was like to have a large family with several siblings.

She’d love to have a large family of her own one day. As many children as she could safely deliver. She had no idea how Drake felt about children or if he even wanted them, but she hoped with all her heart he did. He would be such a good father. And he’d protect her and their children with his life.

Drake reached underneath the table to catch her hand in a squeeze. His smile was full of warmth and something that looked so very much like . . . love. It made her so wistful. She knew he cared deeply about her. Perhaps he even loved her but just hadn’t admitted it to himself much less her. She could wait, though. She wasn’t going anywhere. She’d wait forever if that was what it took. He—and his love—were worth waiting for.

When they were finished eating, they left the dishes out on the table
for the cleaning service to get later that night, and all filed into the living room where a fight broke out over who got to be “Santa.”

Evangeline was astonished by so many burly, badass-looking alpha males actually arguing over who got to give out the presents under the tree. Finally Silas silenced them all by announcing that he would pass out presents, and Evangeline thought the others were going to suffer apoplexy, in shock over Silas voluntarily doing any such thing. Justice looked as though he might suffer a stroke or an aneurysm as he stared at Drake’s most senior man like he’d just grown a second head.

But Silas merely smiled and asked Evangeline to sit on the couch so he could pass her gifts out to her.

“Wait, what?” she asked in bewilderment. “I don’t have anything to unwrap. You’re supposed to pass out the gifts I got for all of you.”

Silas shook his head as did the others. Maddox scowled at her.

“So you think it’s appropriate for you to have gotten all of us something but it’s not okay for us to have gotten you a gift?” Silas asked pointedly.

She flushed. “You weren’t supposed to know—until now—that I had even gotten you anything.”

“We didn’t,” Silas said dryly. “We were in here to give you our gifts.”

“We got presents?” Zander asked in a hopeful voice.

She chuckled because he sounded like an excited little boy at Christmas. In fact, looking around at all of them, they were all smiling and looked eager to see what she had gotten. She was glad now that she had gone completely overboard with her shopping and had gotten each of them multiple gifts.

“I just hope y’all like them,” she murmured self-consciously.

“We’ll love whatever you got us,” Maddox said, shooting the others a warning stare.

Silas began handing everyone’s gifts out, and the guys promptly tore
into theirs with all the gusto and excitement of a bunch of teenagers. She watched, too transfixed by the smiles and reactions to her gifts to pay any attention to hers. This was a Christmas she’d never forget no matter how long she lived. She slid a glance at Drake to get his reaction. This was their first Christmas together and they’d shared it first with her family and now with his. Later? They’d have their own Christmas celebration in private. But for now she was taking it all in and savoring every single memory made.

Drake smiled at her and mouthed,
Thank you
. She smiled broadly in return, letting him know that he was more than welcome. The silly man. It was he who had done far more for her than she would ever do for him.

Every single man came over to offer Evangeline a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and each sincerely thanked her for the gifts she’d gotten them. Then, of course, they urged her to open hers and she eagerly dove in, ripping the paper to shreds in her haste to see what was inside.

The guys teased her and poked fun, but there was open warmth and affection for her in each of their expressions.

At the end of the evening, Evangeline hated to see them go, although she was looking forward to whatever Drake had planned. He hadn’t said much other than he wanted them to open their gifts to one another on Christmas Eve instead of waiting until Christmas morning. And since she hadn’t seen the first present from him with her name on it, she had no clue what he could have gotten her.

And, well, after all he’d done for her parents, surely he had to know that there wasn’t a single other thing she needed. All she could have ever asked for, he’d already provided. If she hadn’t already acknowledged her love for him, then it would have been sealed when he’d gifted her parents with the house renovated especially for her father’s needs.

After hugging and kissing everyone good-bye, Evangeline plopped onto the couch and curled her feet underneath her as she watched the flames in the electric fireplace in Drake’s living room. Then,
remembering the forecast, she got up and hurried to the window, hoping to get a glimpse of snow flurries. But what she saw had her exclaiming her delight.

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