Read Don't... Online

Authors: Jack L. Pyke

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Lgbt, #Gay, #Romantic Erotica

Don't... (44 page)

Gray came down with Jack, knelt behind, and let go of Jack’s wrists only to sneak them under Jack’s arms, almost hugging him, but instead finding his nipples and crushing and twisting the bare buds. A hiss, Jack instantly rose to his knees, one hand automatically reaching behind and gripping Gray’s hair, fisting him, his moans now wild.

Breathing deep, knowing Jack had been exposed at his most vulnerable access point, I pushed my cock back and lined my tip to his tight muscle. Lube was generous on my part. I’d taken no pleasure in hurting Jack in the past. Now, when I took him, a big part of me wanted him raw and dry and crying out. He’d hurt the hell out of me for a second time, not staying around to listen, and I wanted him to feel that hurt every time he moved for a few days to come.

One hand steadying my cock, I looked up at Gray, my eyes the signal for what I wanted.

The moment we made contact, he forced Jack down on me, and I threw my hips up, nearly straining neck muscles as I followed Jack’s cry with my own as I breached him.

Gray held Jack there and I grabbed Jack’s hips to keep him rooted deep. Heat played under my touch, like his body had a fever; a fever that could only be tempered by one thing. Easing my hips down onto the floor, Gray still grinding on Jack’s nipples, leaving them red, sore, grazed, I dug my fingers hard into Jack’s hips and thrust up hard a few times. He’d never ridden me, and this, seeing him there, feeling him take all of me, fuck, yes, this was one comfort zone he would give me.

Jack was being stubborn with letting his pleasure out, even though it was obvious with how his body cried, but he came into his own now, moonlight playing across his stomach muscles giving them a silver-grey sheen as he came down, then quickly shifted up, the lines and angles changing with each exerted effort. I swear to God he’d cantered on a horse with how he kept his body straight, leg muscles holding me firm, then twisting his head to the side, resting on Gray’s shoulder, teeth nipping at his jaw, both hands now fisting their way through Gray’s hair to keep him in line too.

Just enjoying the tight feel around my cock, I reached for Jack’s, rubbing my thumb over the precome on his tip, slicking it with the lube still on my fingers as his shaft rode his stomach.

A breath escaped Jack, and Gray whispered in his ear. Jack stilled halfway down my cock, and it drove me nuts feeling it.

“Christ.” Frustrated, I grabbed Jack’s hips, digging into tight skin, then, using the brace of my heels to give my hips enough power, I fucked up into him hard, making him take all of me. Payback, yeah, I wanted to make him burn. Gray had this wicked lowering to his eyes watching us; I caught it as he stopped Jack’s torture on his nipples and grabbed the back of his hair, forcing him down onto me. The unmistakable sound of zip being pulled down, a condom slipping on made me moan. Holding Jack’s hands behind him with one hand, Gray pushed his tip along my shaft, slicking it up some more, only to nudge against a muscle I already seemed to strain to the full.

Jesus. Seems I wasn’t the only one that wanted Jack to feel the burn every time he moved for a few days to come.

But Gray took his time, easing back and forth, gently stretching the muscle a touch, then pulling back when Jack arched his body, warning too much too soon, but his murmurs far from discouraging Gray’s intent. Gray kept pushing against my cock until I thought I’d come, and then his head was suddenly in.

Jack let out the sweetest yelp, then cried out as Gray eased in him to the hilt, Gray’s whispers to Jack ensuring he was okay.

As I stroked at Jack’s neck, my vision was blinded; Christ knows what Jack felt like. If I thought Jack was tight just taking me, it felt dick-too-big-for-a-cock-cage tight having Gray’s sliding up inside and along me too.

Gray seemed to feel the same, gave a shiver, a growl, and one hand still pinning Jack’s hands behind his back, the other grabbing his hair and pulling his head up a touch, he was gentle with the first few thrusts, then took him a little harder, forcing his body to jerk into mine with each pound in. I couldn’t move too well beneath them, I didn’t really need to. Gray’s cock slid against mine, acting as the tightest grip, and my little thrusts up inside, and push down on Jack’s hips, made sure I took care of the rest.

“You don’t come,” said Gray heatedly to Jack. “Not until we finish taking you, understand?”

Jack didn’t reply, just took it, and Gray snapped his head back a little further as he fucked one long, hard length into him, forcing a hiss out of Jack. “Understand?”

Jack mumbled a “yes,” and I lifted my head to bite at his throat, pulling him into each of my thrusts. At times Gray would stop and I’d take over, fucking Jack just as hard and fast, both not letting up on the hard strokes within him.

“Christ.” I bit hard at Jack’s throat, knowing I’d mark, wanting everyone around to see my mark on him as the rush of come shot warmth deep into Jack. Gray followed just after, the pulsing of his cock through the latex forcing out the last few drops of mine as I felt it push against my shaft. Maybe it was that same thing that had set Gray off, I don’t know, but our cries filled the air.

Not even seeming to finish spilling himself in Jack. Gray let go of Jack’s wrists and pulled Jack up by his hair, back into Gray. His free hand took Jack hard between the legs, jerking his cock, and Jack was again up onto his knees, every muscle tensing in his body as our softening cocks slipped from him. Even though I couldn’t see his eyes, I saw him lose himself to space and people, just feeling the pull between his thighs.

“Let him go, Jan.”

I didn’t understand at first, then caught on seeing Gray’s nod.

A gentle brush against Jack’s hip, I gave a smile. “Just for me, Jack. Mine.”

A cry, Jack dropped his head to his chest, hand onto the flat of my stomach almost to keep him grounded, and came hard, coating his abs, then my stomach as Gray pushed his shaft down, covering us both.

All romance and feeling aside, when it came to those few seconds of riding release, nothing existed but what a man’s body was going through, and Jack wasn’t with us for a minute, not even yet feeling the hurt of taking us both in his ass. He looked stunning, lost to himself, living by touch, blindfolded, naked, and used between us.

Then reality seemed to pull him back down, and he groaned.

Shaking Gray away, then tearing the blindfold off, he got to his feet and angrily started pulling on his jogging bottoms. “Whore, such a fucking easy whore.” He seemed to wince on straightening, but it didn’t stop him scrambling for his shirt, wiping at his abs with a look of disgust, then storming barefoot off of the floor for the door, the shirt hurled off into the darkness somewhere.

Gray moved a little quicker than I did. He was already decent and over by Jack, pulling him to a stop before he even got close to the door, condoms now tied and disposed of.

“Jack, you don’t go—”

“—Get the fuck off—”

“Jack.” Gray grabbed him by the shoulders, pulling him in close, and Jack fought like hell to get free. “Listen.”

“No. Get the fuck off. Enough.” He cried out, pushing Gray away. “Mercedes
, Mercedes fucking Benz

Gray flinched as though whipped, and even I skidded to a halt hearing that.

“You...” Gray looked confused, torn—just downright mortified. “You safe word

Fucking hurts
.” Jack shouted, pushing Gray back some more. “
All you did... all you ever fucking do is prove what a fucking whore I am
Another head fuck, always a fucking head fuck with bastards like you.
” Jack noticed me and ran his hands through his hair and laughed. “
Jesus fucking Christ. Him. You had to go and fucking touch

I shouted, making Jack jerk slightly as I pushed at his shoulders, “there were three of us fucking back there when you ‘caught’ us, Jack.” I laughed at him and he didn’t seem to like it, not one fucking bit. “Yet you stand there and only shout over Gray touching me, Jack. Why is that?”

I got in his face and was surprised when he instantly backed off. Good, he cared enough not to lash out: he’d fucked-up on that score already. “You’re not pissed that Gray reminds you you’re a whore every time he touches you—you’re pissed because he reminds you just how much you fucking love him, and that’s why it hurts. You saw him touching me when for the past eleven years you’d already marked him down as yours. You’d marked him as yours, and you just couldn’t find the bollocks to tell me that you were missing him.”

I saw all his anger focus just briefly on Gray, then confusion came back to me, and I stepped back a touch. “Christ, Jack, have you seen how you are when he’s around you, when he calls? How you have that dumbass intensity on your face even when he’s cut the connection? How fucking moody you get when you’re denied access to him?” I shook my head. “Jack, in all of the eleven years you’ve known him, have you ever stepped outside of the contract and just admitted to yourself, let alone to Gray, that you love him?”

Jack went to speak, but stopped himself. I looked back at Gray to see the startled flare in his eyes. “And you.” I was just as pissed with Gray for not breaking this barrier between them long ago. “For two years you had Jack in your bed, and you never touched him. Did you ever tell him why?”

Gray did a good impression of trying not to look bothered, but this was Jack, and Jack got under every inch of your skin and fucked you senseless whether he was near you or not.

“Jesus Christ, Jack.” I couldn’t believe this shit. “You don’t do that, resist touching
,” I pointed at his body, “just for a fucking self-control lesson.” I eased off on my anger. “You do it because you’re in love with the person, all his bloody complications, and you need to hold off committing fully because he’s bloody screwed up. At least hold off until you see the signs that he’s as serious about you as you are him, that he doesn’t just see you as another fuck source. Did you ever tell him he wasn’t just another fuck, Jack? Did you ever give him a reason to collar you even though you spout you know full well what a collar represents?”

Jack frowned, looking as confused as hell. Jesus Christ. And he’d sat in that shower and told me that the Dom/sub scene didn’t ever mean emotional isolation from either party. And just what the hell had he done? What had they both done?

“You did it so easily with me, away from all the contracts, the Dom and sub role-playing, you told me so fucking easily that you loved me. It must have torn Gray to bloody pieces, not to mention you. I stood in that kitchen with Gray that first night I met him, and he said exactly the same thing we do to each other. ‘
And yet you touch mine
.’ I thought he saw you as a sodding commodity, then realised he kept us together to give you everything you ever fucking wanted, but he’d done it on the back of the word that we use, Jack. Mine. And your look alone says exactly the same thing.”

The door took my attention. “You know something; it’s okay. You both need to know that. It’s okay that you love him, and that he loves you, I’m not here to break what you have. Christ knows it screws so much with my fucking head; I’ve come from a ten-year relationship where I hated the hell out of the third party, even Rob towards the end. But you’re not Rob, Jack; half of you needs what I bring into this, the other half, it needs Gray. And I get it. I really do.” I looked at Gray, then Jack. “I just wish you got me. How I went into that second training session knowing I’d nearly fucking raped you, that I’d stood by and seen you whipped, both of which scared the hell out of you even though you damn well never admitted it. So I trained with Jess to try and be what you needed without hurting you anymore. But I swear the only thing keeping me near Jess was Gray. Gray grounding me with thoughts over you, not Jess. And, damn my soul, yeah—I fucking liked Gray’s touch on me. You of all people bloody know why that is.

“But seeing you afterwards, I did exactly the same again. I fucking hurt you just trying to be something that you already have.” I shrugged. “I wanted to say I’m no Gray, I’m no Dom; I just love your sorry ass as me.”

Jack’s face creased a touch.

“I don’t know what to do other than love you my way, Jack, come all the soft, mushy touchy-feely vanilla stuff on my part, come all the Gray kink and calmness on his, all the chaos and calamity that’s you. Us three. Ergo my lesson to you two just, we can fit bloody well together.”

I gave a sigh. “You’ve safe worded Gray, Jack, I know you’ve had enough, and as much as it tears Gray apart, tears me apart, we’ll respect it. But you need to listen to Gray as a friend, because there’s so much shit going down now, Jack, I need to know you’re safe. Gray needs to know you’re safe, and you know, I’ve never seen him scared like this. But me,” I felt a tear fall. “I’m done. I’m tired. I’ve spent the last three days thinking—” I couldn’t even say it, just tried to push that stack of photos out of my mind. “And it hurts. So Mercedes, Mercedes fucking Benz. I need this to stop now too.”

A last glance at Gray, I left them both there and headed for the door. Part of me wanted to look back when Jack shouted my name, but that would have only hurt more, and I was tired of the hurt.

I just didn’t expect to have a gun thrust in my face.

Chapter 38
Jack Be Nimble, Jack Be Quick

I don’t know what the fuck it was, but Jan reached the hall door and something on the other side, maybe a shift of shadow, made me call out his name. He didn’t look back, I didn’t expect him to, but that door opened before he reached it, startling him still, and I didn’t give him chance to question why before I ran at him and pushed him aside. A moment later something hit my head and stars hit my vision as I connected with the floor.

I registered voices, shouts, then sense kicked back in enough to see Jan just a few feet away shouting something at me. As Jan was pulled to his feet, he was giving whoever it was all hell for it.

“C’mon, sweetheart. Up ya get.” Someone grabbed at my hair, pulling me up, and I swore I was going to fucking kill the next person who did it. Everyone had it in for pulling my hair tonight; my skull throbbed like a bitch. Grabbing the bastard’s hand, I was about to break a few fingers when something cold and very familiar dug into the back of my head.

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