Doomed Queens (17 page)

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Authors: Kris Waldherr

         d. She knew it was a great branding opportunity for her tribe.


2. To hold on to her throne, Empress Hu was willing to do anything but:

         a. Plot against her enemies.

         b. Slip poison into her son’s favorite dish.

         c. Watch her favorite lover get bumped off by her son.

         d. Cough up lots and lots of dough for her favorite Buddhist temples.


3. Amalasuntha’s many talents included:

         a. The ability to speak several languages fluently.

         b. A sensitivity to the cultural legacy of the Goths.

         c. The wisdom to make the most of her time in exile.

         d. Knowing which scholars were da bomb of her era.


4. What did Brunhilde and Galswintha
have in common?

         a. The same parents.

         b. The same in-laws.

         c. The same happily-ever-after marital history.

         d. The same grudge against Fredegund, that slut.


5. Irene of Byzantium was known for:

         a. Her affection for icons—religious tchotchkes for the devout home decorator.

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