Dr. Frank Einstein (30 page)

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Authors: Eric Berg

     Cigars are what also killed President Ulysses S Grant.  He died of mouth cancer at sixty eight. President Grant had feelings worthlessness all of his life.  He was a son of middle class store keeper.  Almost out the blue, a family friend got him appointed as a cadet at West Point. Certainly, it was a life direction pointer for a son of a common man.  His first assignment, after West Point, was the Mexican War. There he excelled as a quartermaster.  He disagreed with the war on principle.  He thought, what right do we have to invade a country that has not attack us.  Also he disagreed with the expanding slavery by this war. However he did enjoy it.

     After the war he languished on a wilderness post in California. Missing his wife and child he quitted the Army. He languished even worse outside the army.  He went from one meaningless job to another meaningless job.  He dreamed of being a small college mathematics professor.  But that never happened. The Civil War IS what happened.  Since he went to West Point, and the Union was desperate for senior officers, they made him a colonel.  His gung ho attitude on the battlefield got him the rank of General.  He started to win battle after battle in the West.  That is the mid nineteenth Century west which is any place near the Mississippi River.   The previous Union Army Commanding Generals were timid. President Lincoln liked Grant's aggressiveness and appointed him the Union Army Commanding General.  Grant relentless attacks decimated the Confederate Army. Grant won of fifty one per cent of his battles to Robert E lee's forty per cent.

  After the war he was considered enough of a Civil War hero to cause him to be elected President.  He was elected twice but only because he was a Republican. This was the era when Republicans presidential candidate always got elected. After President Lincoln, the only Democrat to become president for fifty years was President Glover Cleveland. President Grant, with no political experience, depended on party bosses' suggestions for his cabinet and advisors.  The party bosses chose really corrupt people and riddled his administration with scandal after scandal.  All for which he got blame for. He felt dejection as he left office.  He was redeemed when he wrote a bestselling autobiography for he made a grand tour of the world promoting his book. 


        President Rutherford B Hayes did make it to seventy one.  He was a good natured altruistic man that lived fairly long in this turbulent middle period.

      We will never know how long President James Garfield would live because his life was cut short by assassination.

   President Chester Arthur died at fifty seven of a stroke.   His father was French Canadian.  During the President Garfield's election there were rumors that he was born in Canada and his father sneaked him across the border into Vermont to register Chester’s birth certificate there.  Of course he was running for Vice President, so his place of birth did not matter to that office.  He and Hoover was the only President never to be elected to a previous office—of course he was only running Vice President.  Known as Dapper gentleman all perfumed.  He was caught up in a bribery scandal when he was the Inspector General of the New Ports.  But there was never any real evidence he had any involvement in the scandal.  His greatest achievement as president was signing the Civil Service Reform Act. Despite his rural youth, he spent his adulthood in urban places.

         Harrison developed what was thought to be influenza
or grippe in February nineteen and one. He was treated with steam vapor inhalation and oxygen, but his condition worsened. He died from pneumonia at his on Wednesday, March thirteen, nineteen and one, at the age of sixty seven.

   President Glover Cleveland was one few president in this era to live passed seventy.  He contracted cancer probably from smoking cigars.  In the nineteenth century if a person had cancer there was little medicine could do.  The person just waited until it killed him or her. He died at seventy one.


         We will never know how long President William McKinney would l have lived because his life was cut short by assassination. There were three assassinations in this Middle Presidential Era, none before and one after the assassination of President Lincoln, protection of the president slowly increased.  By the assassination of President McKinley Congress dramatically increased spending for the Secret Service presidential protection unit. Today, Presidents are protected around the clock. The prevention of President Ronald Reagan's assassination attests the Secret Service abilities.  Since President Reagan the secret service has improved even more by running trainings monthly on various scenarios of presidential assassination.  The perimeter around the president is now closed at all-time where ever he goes.  The White House has its own police force beside the secret service. The army has twenty four hour on duty sharpshooters on the roof of the White House.  There is no fly zone over the White House.  Whenever the President leaves the white House he leaves by helicopter he is escorted by military combat jets to Air Force one.  There are always three helicopters flying so no one can tell which one has the president.  If he leaves locally or travels on the ground he uses a bullet proofed limousine.  Actually there are two limousines-- one for the president and one with just Secret service agents in it. Their positions are interchangeable so no one on the outside knows which one has the president.  In the front of the limousines is an All Terraran Vehicle that is filled with high power and automatic weapons.      This entourage is escorted by motorcycle police back and forth and helicopters hovering overhead.  It is now almost impossible to assassinate the president. An Indian chief cursed America that its president would die in office about every twenty years.  This did happen until President Ronald Reagan did not die.  The next should have of been President George W Bush.  So the curse is broken. Why are there so many assassinations in the world in the late nineteenth century?  At the end of the nineteen the Century Anarchists were at the pinnacle of their success.  Anarchists were killing world leaders left and right.  President McKinley was killed by an anarchist.  Queen Elizabeth of Austria and King Umberto I of Italy were killed by anarchists at the same time as President McKinley. Archduke Wilhelm also of Austria was killed by anarchist in nineteen fourteen thus igniting World War I. The United States was on the side of the Anarchist!

   President Theodore Roosevelt led a life very similar to the first era president.  He was very rich.  He had a big estate on Long Island.  He was far from the pollution of the big city.  He had conquered his sickly youth with vigorous exercise and by working as a cowboy in Montana.  He continued his excising throughout his life.  He even thwarted an assassination bullet with an eyeglass case, a notebook, and a muscular chest.  Unfortunately his robust attitude led to a safari in the Amazon, where he contracted yellow fever. It took him two years to succumb, but with the devastating news that his son Kermit was killed in World War I, the disease finally took his life at only sixty.

President William H Taft weighed three hundred pound.  He lacked interest in being president—he wanted to be the United States Chief Supreme Justice. 

        President Coolidge rewarded with this honor in nineteen twenty five. Elated he just was not going to die until he had a good go at the office. He died in nineteen thirty at seventy three.

  President Thomas Woodrow Wilson was born about the same time as President Theodore Roosevelt. The only President to earn a Doctorate of Philosophy. He was a college professor and later President of Princeton University.  When he was President of Princeton President Grover Cleveland was a university trustee. 

     A Philosopher at heart he was very dejected when his lofty ideas were hit hard by practical reality.  He went to Europe with his idea of a League of Nations that meet with overwhelming approval there, so much so that he won the Nobel peace Prize.  But the Republican Control Senate rejected the League of Nations because they felt it threatened United States’ sovereignty.  Without the involvement of the United States, the League of Nations could not succeed.  He had a massive stroke in nineteen fifteen.  Incapacitated, His second wife may have made many Presidential decisions.  He lost the election to President Harding. Disheartened he die only two years later of another stroke at age of sixty seven.

  President Warren Harding died on a train in Colorado. It has been speculated that Maybe he committed suicide or died of stress from guilt because all the scandals that riddled his administration.

President Calvin Coolidge died of a heart attack at age sixty.

      President Herbert Hoover lived almost as old as John Adams at ninety. Medicine in forties and fifties started a pattern of great leaps forward. He benefited from this in his old age.  He died in nineteen sixty four.

   President Franklin Roosevelt had polio at twenty nine.  He was in constant fight with his health.  He often retreated to the Warm Springs of southern Georgia.  There he founded Easter Seals.  Its founding purpose was to fund therapy and a cure for polio.  He also built a rehabilitation hospital for people with polio which still exist today in Warm Springs Georgia.  He died in nineteen forty five of a Brain Hemorrhage while living with his mistress in his Georgia Home, at sixty three. When you consider how short most polio victims lived after contracting the disease it is remarkable how long he did live.

  President Harry S Truman was born to a humble life but he married into affluence.  He was not much a success until his wife's family got him hooked up with the Prendergast machine.   The Machine decided that he would be a good senator.  Being unpretentious, he seemed to live a fairly stress free life.  According to Gallup tracking polls he was the most unpopular president since these polls’ beginning.  His presidency may have been the only stress in his life.  He was more like the little guy who somehow made it to presidency.  His wife almost made it to the end of his life at eighty eight.

   President Eisenhower came from an undistinguished struggling middle class family. He got the fortunate opportunity of going to West Point. He was an athlete. He remained athletic all his life.  He was easy going with a self-controlled temperament.  He was a very popular president at a time of growing prosperity.   All the turmoil in the country during his presidency was under the surface.  It would not explode until the sixties. His wife outlived him. President Eisenhower had a couple of heart attacks but modern medicine and athletic body sustained him until the age of seventy eight.

     We will never know how long President John Kennedy would have lived because his life was cut short by assassination.

      President Lyndon Johnson was a flamboyant politician.  He sailed through his political career like he was a jet fighter.  When World War II came along he quitted congress. He then was commissioned as a lieu tent and hopped on a transit to Europe to advance his political career.  After the War he returned to congress where he bullied his way to Senate Majority leader.  He bullied his way to victory after victory in the Senate.  He thought he would bully himself into the presidency until John Kennedy got in his way.  So he swallowed his pride and became his vice president.  Then he found he was president anyway.  He dreamed of being the Hero of Civil Rights. He was crushed by the realization of being condemned, by the public, for the unnecessary killing of America's soldiers in the Vietnam War.  In the end, as his wife Lady Bird recounted, he did not wanted live anymore after his presidency.  He died only two years later at sixty two.


      President Richard Nixon's political life mirrored President John Kennedy.  They both were naval officers during World War II.  They both were elected to congress in nineteen forty six.  They both became senators in the fifties.  Nixon ran the senate while being Vice President, while Kennedy Serve there.  So it was not surprising they ran against each other during the Presidential campaign of nineteen sixty.

     President Richard Nixon was born to a grocer.  He went to a small college.  He did well enough to end up in the new prestigious Duke University Law School.  Nixon always resented the rich kids who, he thought, had success come too easy with the help of Daddy.   Examples of these kinds of rich kids were the Kennedys.  He felt that the only chance that a poor kid like him could be really successful and even president was by hard work.

  President Nixon had extreme paranoia.  This is what led him to cover up of the Watergate burglary.  Despite the stress of his paranoia he lived to eighty one because he received great medical care.

  The longest living President was Gerald R Ford beating out President Ronald Reagan by a month at ninety three. They both were very athletic.

     Four years seventeen sixty seven, nineteen thirteen, nineteen twenty four and nineteen forty six had two presidents born in them. Seventeen sixty seven was bore the bitter rivals Presidents John Q Adams and Andrew Jackson.  Nineteen thirteen had President Nixon and Ford; nineteen twenty four gave birth to Presidents Carter and George H W Bush. Nineteen forty six greeted President Bill Clinton and George W Bush.

     One day the United States will have an African American president. However, it has not happened yet.  Barak Obama is a white Republican. President Barak Hussain Obama Junior was born on Aug six, nineteen sixty one in Honolulu, Hawaii.  His parents, Sidney Ann Dunham and Barak Obama Sr., had been married six months earlier. Unbeknownst to Sidney Ann, at the time, her husband never divorced his first wife, when he left Kenya. This seems to suggest that Barak Sr. was Muslim.   No, he is just a cad. Barak Sr. was a spoiled jerk.

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