Dream With Me (With Me Book 4) (11 page)

Read Dream With Me (With Me Book 4) Online

Authors: Elyssa Patrick

Tags: #contemporary romance, #Romance, #New Adult & College, #romantic comedy

“I’ll go wherever you want. Just . . . don’t . . . stop.”

“You’ll stay the night.”

“I’ll . . .”

“You’ll stay the night, Evie. You’ll stay in my bed. And we’re going to take each other. Over and over and over again.”


“My cock in you,” he says. “Think of that. Picture it. Imagine what can happen. What will happen.”


“Say yes,” he says. “Only say yes.”


“Good girl.”

And then he puts his fingers on me, in me, giving me exactly what I need. Making me come. But he’s right. It’s not enough. I need more. I want more.

I turn to him and he looks at me as if I might bolt in the other direction. But I think that even if I do that he’d give chase—that he would catch me. And I don’t want to play any more games tonight.

I want him.

So when he offers up his hand, I take it.

And I don’t look back.

Somehow we make it back
to Griff’s place without tearing our clothes off and having sex in his truck. Don’t get me wrong. I
thought about it a lot. I kept sliding Griff glances and toyed with the idea of touching him. Playing with him. Sucking him.

But I didn’t.

Instead, I fantasized and felt my nipples harden even more . . . my thighs clenching tighter as wetness soaked my thin panties . . . and the way my dress stuck to me. An unwelcome barrier like last night. The paper-thin material, usually feather-light upon my skin, became iron weights around me. My lingerie too binding.

I feel as if I’m being reduced to my most primal being.

Griff parks in the driveway at his place and turns off his truck. My heavy breathing fills the silent air, and I fist my hands, suddenly wishing that I wasn’t so expressive. I wish I could play it cool and collected, as if sex with Griff is no big deal. But, damn it, I can’t.

I want this too much.

I want
too much.

I dare a glance at him. Partially to see what he’s doing. But mostly because I can’t keep my eyes off of him. How did I deny myself so long? I want to really learn the shape of him, trace the dips and bulges—especially one bulge in particular—very carefully. I want to know if his heart is beating as fast as mine. I want to know everything about him.

“Evie,” he says in a low growl, his eyes carefully staring ahead. “If we don’t get inside that house, I’m two seconds away from fucking you here.”

An overwhelming, demanding need slams me, and wow, I would not have any complaints about hot, dirty sex in his truck. I should get out and head to the house. But I don’t.

His hands unclench and clench hard on the steering wheel, his knuckles whitening. “I mean it.”


He doesn’t wait. He hauls me over to his side of the truck and slides his seat as far back as it can go. It’s still tight quarters. Very tight.

With so little room to maneuver, it causes us to be pressed together. He cages me in, but the odd thing is that I don’t feel imprisoned or trapped. But then I stop thinking when Griff cups the back of my neck and kisses me hot and hard. I rock into him and he presses against me, and I need him in me.

There’s no time for clothes to be removed. It would be nearly impossible. I get my hands between our bodies and press down to his jeans. I manage to unbuckle him and his cock pops free. He is definitely ready, and I squeeze what I can of him.

Griff groans and then nips at my bottom lip. I gasp at the slight sting of pleasure and my grip loosens around his cock. His mouth lets go of mine and travels silky hot kisses down the line of my throat. My head lolls back, and I reach out blindly toward my clutch, to where I placed the condoms just in case. I manage to get it open, and that is a miracle in itself considering all I want to focus on are Griff’s kisses and getting his cock inside me. When I find the condom, it feels as if I’ve found the last golden ticket.

Hurriedly, I get the condom out and put it on Griff’s thick, long length. I push my panties to the side and Griff grabs my hand. I let go and pull free. Even in the dark shadows of the truck, I can see my slick wetness coating my fingers.

He brings my hand to his mouth and sucks each finger one by one. The slide of his tongue and the graze of his teeth makes it clear what he’d be doing if he was eating me out.

Seriously. Sex monster unleashed.

I whimper with my need. I can’t take anymore of this. I need him inside me. Now. I dig my nails into his shoulders and lean forward. My mouth hovers by his ear, and I can’t resist nipping his earlobe. His breath catches, and he stills for one long moment.

“Please,” I say. “Please, Griff.”

And I nip him again. Harder this time.

He grabs my hips and his cock enters me in one swift motion. He’s thick and hard, and even as wet as I am, it takes me a moment to adjust to him. His cock pulses in me, and I can’t help but move. My lips skate kisses across his jaw until I reach his mouth.

Our kiss is primal. Possessive. A mutual claiming on both of our ends.

His tongue parries with mine as he thrusts hard in me. It’s fast and furious, and in no time at all, I’m coming with a shout of his name, and his soon follows.

I’m boneless. I’m not sure I can move, but the problem is solved easily enough. After Griff removes himself from me and takes care of the condom, he makes sure that my breasts are tucked back in the dress before he opens the truck door.

Just like the night before, he effortlessly carries me into the house and up to his room.

And he proceeds to show me yet again just how much he wants me. This time, slower and more luxuriously. The last thing I remember is him dropping a kiss on my nose, which is ridiculously adorable, and then me losing the battle to sleep.

Chapter 11

Tuesday, Five Days until Graduation

Mmmmmm. Coffee. Slowly, the delicious
aroma drifts to me, and I wake up, still tired. I can’t help the satisfied smile that spreads across my face. No wonder since I’ve had quite the workout. Best way to exercise ever.

The door to Griff’s room opens, and he enters with a soft smile. A coffee cup is in one hand, but that’s not what makes my heart stutter in my chest.


Griffin Sinclair wears glasses.

Be still my heart.

“What’s the look for?” he asks.

“I didn’t know you wore glasses,” I say.

“Not all the time,” he says. “Mostly for reading, and sometimes if my eyes feel gritty and tired.”

“Geez,” I say, bouncing slightly on his bed. “I wonder why you would be tired. It’s not like you’ve been doing anything of late.”

“I know. It’s a complete mystery.”

“A joke! I never thought I’d live to see the day,” I say sort of kiddingly.

“I am funny,” he says with a slight growl.

“Uh-huh. That growl in your voice is full of the LOLs.”

Griff comes toward me, coffee in hand. “If you think I’m growly, you should hear my brother. And this coffee is for you.”

I take it from him. “Ah. Sweet. I could have come down for it, though.”

“Ah.” Griff rubs the back of his head, a dull flush appearing on his cheekbones. “So, everyone is downstairs in the kitchen.”

“Who’s everyone?”

“Jamie, Caleb, Nick. The girls: Hailey, Daphne, and Zelda. Kai and Dylan. And Katelyn.”

I take a sip from my coffee. “Who’s Katelyn?”

“She’s a friend of the girls. She used to come to the library a lot. She, um, used to have a crush on me.”

That so doesn’t surprise me, because just look at him and his hotness. “Well. Duh. You are quite crush-worthy. So, nothing ever happened?”


“You didn’t like her back?”

His dark brown eyes meet mine. “No. It was only a crush on her end, nothing serious, as she told me.”

“She told you?”

“She . . . got very drunk one night a few weeks ago and confessed that she used to have a crush on me.”

“That takes courage,” I say. “I mean, even though it was in the past, it’s still kind of hard to admit you like someone. I wonder what made her do it.”

“Alcohol. Lots of alcohol,” Griff says. “But in all seriousness, even if she had approached me back then—when she still had her crush, I mean—and had asked me out, I would have said no.”


“You see, I liked this girl, but I didn’t know how to tell her. I was sure she hated me and that if I said anything, she wouldn’t believe me. For good reason, too.”

“Griff.” My heart skips a few beats, and I lean over to grab his hand. “Let’s not talk about the past right now. Let’s not focus on the future. Let’s focus on the now.”

“I can do that,” he says after a long moment. “But, Evie, I think I should let you know this: I want more than just sex with you.”

“It’s only been a few days, Griff,” I say. “We should just keep this light and easy.”

“Let’s not focus on the future,” he says. “That’s what you said, right?”

I nod, but feel miserable all the same. It’s so much easier said than done. Wanting more might turn out terrible for us both. How can heartbreak be avoided if we become involved?

“And you said: Let’s focus on the now. So let’s do that. Right now, I want more. I want to know
, Evie. I want you to know me.” Griff holds out his hand to me. “What do you want?”

I stare at his outstretched hand. Oh, who am I kidding? I’m not one who likes to live with regrets. I don’t avoid things because it might be too hard, too hurtful. I go after what I want. I take risks.

I put my coffee cup down on the nearby nightstand and then take Griff’s hand. I let him pull me to my feet, naked as the day I was born. He lets go of me long enough that I can put on the white dress I wore last night and pull my wild curls back in a low ponytail.

I smile at him and take his hand once more. “Let’s focus on the now.”

When we arrive in the
kitchen, all heads turn to us. None of them look surprised to see me.

“Pancakes?” Caleb asks.

“Well, I’m never one to turn down pancakes,” I say.

“And,” Hailey says, sitting on one of the kitchen stools, “Caleb makes the best chocolate chip pancakes.”

Daphne pauses in slicing the strawberries. “He totally does.”

“It’s why he’s always on kitchen duty.” Jamie looks at Caleb. “You know, Fox, you really make that apron work for you. I especially like the frills.”

“You’re the one who gave it to me as an early birthday present.” Caleb adjusts the front of the white apron with frills along the hem. It shows an angry chicken with a butcher knife that says
Mother Clucker
. “I didn’t want you to cry in your pillow if I didn’t wear it.”

Jamie sighs dramatically, his blue eyes dancing. “You know me too well. But you could really start a pancake empire.”

Caleb merely laughs at that and starts to set the batter to the griddle.

“Grab a seat,” Nick says from the round table.

It’s pretty full with Kai, his girlfriend, a cute redhead named Steph, and Katelyn. But there’s an empty chair and Katelyn solves the problem by getting up. She definitely looks uncomfortable.

“I need to get a drink,” Katelyn says.

Curiously, Dylan keeps his gaze on her as she gets up. He turns to Nick and lowers his voice. “What’s her name?”

“Katelyn Donovan, but she goes by Kate.”

“She single?”

Nick gives Dylan a look. “Why? You interested?”

“You’ve been looking at her long enough,” Kai says. “Usually by now, you make a move.”

Dylan brushes a hand through his dark brown hair, but keeps his eyes on Kate. “You’re right. I usually do. I’m suddenly feeling thirsty. Evie, have my seat.”

Dylan makes his way over to the other side of the kitchen where Kate is reaching up to grab a spare coffee cup from a cabinet.

I take Dylan’s seat and Griff takes the empty chair next to me. Steph is on my other side.

“You think he has a shot?” I ask.

“Not a chance in hell,” Nick says. “I don’t know Kate too well. Other than that night.”

The table winces in sympathy.

“You mean, the night she told Griff she liked him?” I ask. I feel bad for Kate. Oddly enough, I don’t feel jealous. Maybe it’s because of all the hot sexxoring that has happened—and the fact that Griff is completely into me.

“She just didn’t tell Griff,” Steph says. “She told the whole bar. Somehow, Daphne got her to come out to do karaoke with us. And Kate got up to sing. Totally surprised me, by the way, because she didn’t seem like the type. After Kate was done, she got down, microphone still in hand and on, and told Griff she used to have a crush on him, but not anymore.”

“Oh my god,” I say. “That’s . . . humiliating.” For her. And Griff had to feel awkward. He’s not the type who broadcasts his feelings.

“I felt bad for her,” Griff says. “She realized it was on. And then she kind of did the most amazing thing.”

“What was that?”

“She laughed and said,
and that’s why I’m still single

started standing and clapping and cheering her on,” Steph says. “It was amazing.
would have burst out into tears.”

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