Druid Temptation (A Druid Quest Novel Book 2) (16 page)

Gabriel immediately felt like an ass. “No, you are more than welcome in my house.”

Ashmore gave him an intent look. “Your lady has a reserve that people will see as mysterious, and they’ll naturally gravitate toward her. You’ll have your work cut out for you.”

Gabriel shuddered at the thought of all those men gawking at his wife.

Ashmore watched him with knowing eyes and laughed. “She’s driving you insane.”

“Yes,” Gabriel grumbled.

Ashmore laughed again, and kicked his horse into a trot. Gabriel followed with a sigh. Ashmore was closer to the mark then he knew. Gabriel would lose his mind if anything happened to Diana. In such a short time, he couldn’t imagine life without her.

He’d come too far to lose her now.

Chapter 12

first lesson in social niceties was to be dancing. Excitement tingled down her spine. She took special care with her hair, and almost snorted at the image of her primping for a man. If any of her cousins could see her now, they would laugh themselves silly.

She should tell Gabriel she knew how to dance, but she couldn’t resist the chance to spend time in his arms. Only, when she arrived downstairs, she found Gabriel and Ashmore waiting for her at the bottom of the steps. She gave Gabriel a quizzical look, her excitement dimming slightly.

“We’ll use the ballroom for this lesson.” Gabriel cleared his throat and ran a hand down his jacket when she neared. “Ashmore will be your dance partner, while I play the piano.”

Her smile slipped, and she did her best to mask her disappointment. “This is not necessary.”

“Rand and Tallie are holding a ball for us in three days’ time.” He gave her a little push when she resisted entering the ballroom, and she almost stomped her foot when he refused to look at her. “Which means we will have to dance.”

“I’m perfectly capable of dancing.” She stiffened when Ashmore strolled casually to her side.

Gabriel crossed his arms and raised a brow. “Prove it. One dance.”

“Only one problem.” Ashmore winked at her, then turned toward Gabriel. “An old injury while I was in service prevents me from dancing. I’ll play while you two dance.”

They both spoke at the same time.

“Perfect.” Diana beamed and could’ve kissed him.

“No.” Gabriel backed up a step, immediately halting when Diana locked her spooky, pale eyes on him. He expected to find triumph, not a blend of hesitation and tentative hope.

“Aren’t you the one who said I need to practice?” She edged closer, her lovely scent wrapping around him. Distracting him. Mesmerizing him. “One dance.”

To have his taunt thrown back at him smarted. Before he had a chance to protest, the first notes of the waltz filled the room.

He’d spent the morning fighting his possessiveness. The idea of watching her touch another man brought out his baser instincts, and he wanted to pound any man who touched her to smithereens.

Diana was his.

The beast inside him slowly receded as she peered up at him, and he found himself nodding, unable to deny her anything.

He could control his lust long enough to survive one dance.

But when he swept Diana into his arms, he realized he’d seriously miscalculated. She seemed delicate under his big hands, her lithe body swayed sensuously as he whirled her through the first turn. He was terrified to pull her closer lest he stomp on her. The last time he danced, his first wife had laughed and called him an oaf. As they spun and twirled through the steps, his palms began to sweat.

When she brushed close on a turn, he faltered and struggled against the seductive urge to pull her fully against him.

“Gabriel.” He flinched, then slowly looked up and braced himself for her ridicule.

“Let’s try again.” As if on command, the music stopped and the song restarted.

He couldn’t help staring, losing himself in the compassion and yearning in her eyes. Her mouth curved in a smile that sent his heart racing, her lavender perfume smothering any awkwardness, and he could almost believe the future he wanted so desperately was within his grasp.

They moved in concert, and the music faded from his mind as they whirled around the room. Her supple body followed his guiding hand, and she swayed closer at every turn.

When the song ended, he waited for another to begin, but Ashmore had disappeared. Unable to bear releasing her now that he had her in his grasp, he tightened his hold and kept dancing. “You know how to dance.”

“You seemed almost disappointed that I’m not a country bumpkin. I did tell you it was unnecessary.” Amusement twinkled in her eyes. “If I remember correctly, you were the one who insisted I prove it.”

A rueful smile curled his lips. “Where did you learn?”

“School. Our training was a little different due to our abilities. Our lives could be endangered if we couldn’t learn how to fit seamlessly into many different situations and levels of society.” Her mouth quirked. “Dancing is a physical activity, and I excel in that arena.”

His mind immediately landed in the gutter at her innuendo, his cock hardening so fast he nearly missed a step.

As if she knew where his thoughts had gone, her face lost a little of its sparkle and panic clawed up his chest.

“To tell you the truth, I didn’t want you to know I could dance. I wanted to see what it would feel like to be held in your arms. I’ve been longing for your touch since the day we met, and I wanted to see if the way you make me feel is real or a figment of my imagination.”

Gabriel swallowed hard, his grip tightening, and he barely resisted the urge to kiss her and prove to her how right they could be together.

“Most men don’t notice me like that…if they notice me at all.”

Gabriel’s heart tripped at her confession, and he was fiercely glad men could be such fools. “Then they’re blind.”

A beautiful blush filled her cheeks, awe lighting her face. “You see me for what I am. With you, I feel desirable. Being the focus of that kind of passion could become addicting.”

Gabriel nearly dropped to his knees at her confession. His hold tightened with every word she spoke, inadvertently pulling her against him until her breasts brushed his chest.

Completely seduced, he was in the midst of leaning in for a kiss when his conscience twinged. Very reluctantly, he straightened. “We can’t do this.”

He wrenched himself from her hold, determined to retreat even if it killed him.

Diana tilted her head and studied him. Her blue eyes turned liquid, the heat in them scorching as she slowly advanced.

“I gave you my word I would not touch you.” His breathing grew erratic, but he couldn’t resist devouring her with his eyes.

For every step back, she followed until his back smacked against the wall. He stopped breathing completely when she slipped her hand over his shoulder and lightly traced her fingers along his neck.

Since they were nearly the same height, only a small distance separated their lips.

The feel of her was sheer torture, and he loved every minute of it.

Her sweet breath fanned his lips, and he found himself leaning forward slightly in encouragement.

Thoughts became fuzzy.

Only one thing circled his brain.

One kiss would never be enough.

Devil take him, but he couldn’t force himself to walk away again.

The dangerous curiosity in her eyes caused him to practically quiver in anticipation.

She lifted up on her toes. Just when he thought her lips would brush his, she turned her head, her breath brushing against his ear. His cock practically quivered in response. “I never promised not to touch you.”

His heart thudded as her meaning became clear.

She nipped at his bottom lip, and he groaned.

His resistance crumbled and his good intentions vanished, his body shaking as he tried to anticipate what she would do next. It had been too long. He wanted her too much to deny himself. When she slid her hand down his neck, then across his shoulders, he felt her nails scrape down his chest, and his control snapped.

He whirled and shoved her against the wall, putting his hands next to her head so he wouldn’t grab her and accept her too-tempting invitation. She gasped and peered up at him from under those beautiful lashes. “Do you know what you’re doing to me? You’re playing a dangerous game. You should go. Now!”

It killed him to say the words, his voice so rough with desire it sounded like a growl.

Instead of scurrying from the room in terror, she leaned up and put her lips on his. His will broke, the beast who wanted to lay claim to her escaped its leash, and he sank into her kiss and devoured her.

His fingers dug into the wall, and he leaned forward, dying to feel the length of her against his body. Instead of passively allowing him to take what he wanted, Diana wrapped her arms around his neck and threw herself into the kiss, nipping and taking what she wanted.

A groan rumbled up his chest at her obvious enjoyment, leaving him quivering like an untried adolescent.

She leaned back, her hands sliding over his shoulders and down his chest, and she looked up at him, her lips glistening, her breathing ragged. “Are you sure you want me to go?”

“God, no.” He spoke without thinking. Her siren smile nearly dropped him to his knees.

Nothing could’ve prepared him for when she tugged on his neckcloth and pulled it free. His vest buttons were no barrier to her quick fingers.


He reached for her hands, but she raised a brow at him. “Uh-uh. No touching…for you. Hands back on the wall.”

Gabriel was helpless to disobey.

She was stopped by his shirt.

A fierce frown marred her brow, and his gut churned when he thought she might call a halt. Then she reached out, yanked the shirt from his pants, slipped her hands underneath and boldly placed her hands on his chest.

They both sucked in a startled breath, and he froze while she explored him.

The soft brush of her fingertips was the most erotic thing he’d ever felt.

A brisk knock sounded on the door, and Mrs. Ketterling swept into the room. “That beast of hers is causing havoc in the kitchen. He needs to be taught his place.”

Gabriel stiffened, using his body to shield Diana and preserve her dignity. “That will be all.”

Mrs. Ketterling glared daggers, her mouth pursed in righteous fury.

Diana chuckled, resting her forehead against his shoulder, then leaned closer to whisper in his ear. “I can’t wait for the next lesson.”

Gabriel gulped, nearly whimpering as Diana slipped away to deal with her cursed dog. They were barely out the door when the housekeeper spoke.

“This used to be a respectable household until you came along. Your unseemly behavior is ruining everything.”

Gabriel whirled and pushed away from the wall, outraged at Mrs. Ketterling’s lack of respect. His hand had curled around the knob when Diana’s laugh carried through the door.

“We’re newly married. You can expect us to sneak away, and often. If you find happiness offensive, I’m sure you can find some other employment more suited to your sense of propriety.”

His balls tightened to hear her mention that they would be sneaking away frequently…she willingly chose to be alone with him! That she would defend him, even to their staff was staggering, and Gabriel felt himself fall even further under her spell.

He was more determined than ever to track down Williams and finish this nonsense using any means necessary.

He refused to believe this would be their only chance to be together. He’d been a fool not to use every opportunity to be alone with her and strengthen the tentative bond growing between them.

As Gabriel opened the door and headed up the stairs, he managed but three steps when Mrs. Ketterling’s strident voice echoed in the foyer. “Lord Mendenhall. We need to speak.”

“Later.” He continued up the stairs, intent on escape.

“It is about your wife.”

Displeasure burned along his veins, and it infuriated him that she would question his authority. He turned and stalked down the stairs uncaring about his rumpled state. “What is it?”

She stepped back, pulling her voluminous skirts away from him, her face puckered in disapproval as she took in his state of undress. “She’s a bad influence on this house. She and her dog are disrupting the household and must be dealt with. They need to be taken to task, and should be sent back to the country until they learn respect and their proper places.”

Gabriel scowled down at the shriveled old crone. “A wife’s place is beside her husband.”

Arms crossed, she pursed her lips. “She must be taught manners—”

His blood began to boil. If the hag said one more word against Diana, he wasn’t sure he could be responsible for his actions. He leaned in closer, angling his body so he appeared bigger and more threatening. “Perhaps you didn’t understand me. She is my wife. That is not going to change. Ever. No matter what you might wish.”

“She’s an embarrassment, and not the proper influence on your daughter. Your first wife would be ashamed—”

“Mrs. Ketterling, if you are not satisfied with my employment, I suggest you leave. Every household settles into a new routine when a man marries. It is a wife’s duty to run or change the household as she sees fit. I stand by my wife in all things.” Gabriel tightened his lips. “Do you understand?”

Her entire body quivered with outrage. She boldly glared at him and snapped, “Yes, my lord.”

After watching her bustle off, Gabriel turned and headed up the stairs, making a mental note to have Milles help Diana look for a replacement. He would not subject her to such abuse.

Once in his room, Gabriel tossed his jacket and vest across the bed. He stared at his crumpled shirt and couldn’t help but grin, a little smug about how it became so mussed. He hauled the shirt off over his head and threw it over the back of a chair and quickly washed.

As he lifted his head, he saw a blur of movement from the corner of his eye. He straightened and whirled just in time to see a tail disappear out the door.

“Son of a bitch.”

Still dripping wet, Gabriel charged after the mutt without a second’s hesitation.

It was time that mangy beast learned who was alpha in this household.

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