Elemental Love (15 page)

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Authors: L.M. Somerton

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

“Safeword! He wants me to choose a safeword!” Dominic shouted at a passing wood pigeon. He supposed there was no harm in thinking of a suitable word. He’d done enough Internet research to have heard about the traffic light system, but red, yellow, green didn’t float his boat. He needed a word that would irritate Evrain. That would make thinking one up worthwhile. Dominic hummed as he turned the mower for another pass over the neatly cropped grass. He had just the word.

Dominic couldn’t imagine taking the initiative to move things along with Evrain. He got so tongue-tied around him—it was even worse than usual and that was saying something. He’d always been shy—it was part of his defense mechanism not to attract attention that had, too often in the past, turned to aggression. In his late teens there had been a couple of older boys at his group home that had attempted to force him to suck them off, holding him down, wrenching his hair and hitting him when he’d resisted. They hadn’t succeeded due to a timely interruption from a member of staff, but the experience had taught Dominic a valuable lesson in remaining inconspicuous.

As he’d gotten older he had eventually realized that men found him attractive but no one had ever appealed to him enough to gain his trust. Evrain’s magnetism was breaking down his barriers—he just hoped that he would have the courage to respond if Evrain tried to take things further between them. The incident in the tool shed had been spur of the moment. A one-off. It had been easy to drop to his knees in the darkness, and that brief pleasure had fueled his fantasies ever since. He had thought last night that Evrain was about to make a move, but then he had withdrawn. It had been a relief but disappointing at the same time. Evrain had said he wanted to fuck Dominic through the mattress. Dominic suspected he’d be quite happy to go along with that suggestion.

He was still trying to make sense of his feelings but physically his body was beginning to overrule his mind. Evrain would only have to issue one of his infuriating commands and Dominic would fold like a poorly constructed house of cards. He glanced at his watch for the third time in fifteen minutes and grinned ruefully. Clock watching was a bad habit to get into, but he could almost feel the pull of whatever invisible tether connected him to Evrain.

Dominic got back to the cabin much later than he’d planned. He had been delayed by having to collect a part for a misbehaving hedge trimmer, which had had to be fixed before he could complete his second job of the morning. Then he’d gone home to pack an overnight bag and fill a cooler with a few essentials. He’d skipped lunch, but it was still almost two o’clock when he walked back down the garden path to Agatha’s cabin. The butterflies engaged in formation-flying in his stomach were making him feel a bit queasy and he hesitated outside the door. He looked at his mud-stained work trousers and worn shirt and sighed. His hands were engrained with dirt and yesterday’s blisters concealed beneath ragged bandages wound around his palms. He desperately needed a shower and wished that he could have cleaned up before seeing Evrain again, but there was no time.

In front of him, the door swung silently open.

“Are you going to stand out there all day, or are you coming inside?” Evrain’s voice came from somewhere inside.

Dominic didn’t allow himself to think about how Evrain had known he was there, or how he had opened the door without being anywhere near it. He swallowed and went in. The door slammed shut behind him. Dominic dropped his bag and put the cooler down.

Evrain sat, cross-legged, on the rug in front of the fire, surrounded by an assortment of jars and bottles containing all manner of herbs and liquids. He had a smudge of dirt across his cheek and still managed to pull off effortless beauty.

“You’re late.”

Dominic wasn’t fooled by Evrain’s calm tone. His statement held undertones of annoyance and his strange eyes glinted as he looked up.

“Sorry.” Dominic instinctively knew that defending himself was pointless. Even though Evrain had no right to reprimand him, he found his body responding to the curt tone. Evrain stood and approached him. He moved with sinuous grace, a wild animal stalking its prey.

“I don’t like to be kept waiting.”

Dominic took a nervous step backward, then another until the door halted his retreat. He froze as Evrain moved closer.

“You’ve been a big problem for me today, Dominic. I’ve been…distracted. I couldn’t settle to any of the jobs I needed to do because I kept slipping into daydreams about all the things I would like to do to you instead.”

Dominic swallowed and pressed against the solid wood behind him.

“The question is, will you let me?” Evrain seemed to be talking to himself as much as to Dominic. “I suspect there may have been bad experiences in your past. I’m pretty sure you’re a virgin, but you seem to be sending the right signals. It’s not in me to pretend to be something I’m not, I’ll just have to make it clear what I want from you and see what reaction I can provoke.”

Dominic’s mouth was as dry as dust. His cock rose, pressing hard against his zipper. He felt for the door handle.

“Trying to run away again?” Evrain reached forward and stroked Dominic’s face with a finger. “I think we need to break that habit, don’t you?”

He grabbed Dominic’s wrists and pushed them roughly back against the wood at shoulder height, muttering under his breath as he did. The grain shifted and the wood seemed to bulge outward, growing two small branches that twisted around Dominic’s wrists then rooted themselves back into the door.

Dominic gasped. His head jerked from side to side as his mind attempted to assimilate what had happened. Evrain stood back and admired his handiwork, ignoring Dominic’s futile attempts to get free.

“Stop struggling. It’s a pointless waste of energy,” Evrain snapped.

“How did you…? My God, it’s true, isn’t it? You really are a warlock.”

“Ten out of ten for observation. Isn’t that what I’ve been trying to convince you of? What Agatha told you? Perhaps this demonstration will finally get you to admit that there are things in this world that defy explanation.”

“Let me go, Evrain.” Dominic pulled against his wooden bonds until his wrists ached.

“You’ll have bruises. I like the idea of my marks on you.” Evrain ran one finger along the inside of Dominic’s waistband and undid the button. “Did you do what I asked and decide on a safeword?”

“Stop!” Dominic twisted his hips.

“You see, that’s why you need the safeword. I know you don’t really want me to stop. With a safeword you can protest all you like but I’ll just keep going. Use your safeword and everything ends. Immediately.”

Dominic panted, his breath coming in rapid gasps. He couldn’t get enough air into his lungs. “Salem! My safeword is Salem,” he managed to get the word out.

“Oh, very droll.” Evrain slowly pulled down Dominic’s zipper. His cock sprang free. “You naughty boy. Going commando! I like it.” Evrain raised one eyebrow and grinned as Dominic moaned in embarrassment.

“I didn’t have any clean underwear with me to put on this morning. I don’t tend to keep fresh shorts in my pocket, okay?” The cool air on his overheated flesh was torment. Dominic jerked his pelvis, seeking contact.

“I can’t believe you’re worried about that, considering the position you find yourself in. Though this”—Evrain gripped Dominic’s rigid shaft firmly—“seems to suggest you rather enjoy being restrained.”

Dominic thrust into Evrain’s hand. He couldn’t deny how turned on he was, it was patently obvious. When Evrain took his hand away, Dominic wanted to cry from frustration.

“Please…” He wasn’t too proud to beg.

“Don’t worry, I’m not done with you yet.” Evrain’s eyes gleamed. He grasped Dominic’s pants and yanked them down to his ankles. “That’s better.”

He slid his hand up and down Dominic’s dick until pre-cum slicked the head. When Evrain dropped to his knees, Dominic forgot how to breathe. He became capable of nothing more than needy moans and whimpers.

Evrain took a long, protracted lick. He swiped his tongue from the bulbous head of Dominic’s cock all the way to the root.

“Fuck!” Dominic’s thighs tensed and he pushed his ass away from the door as Evrain took him into his mouth and compressed his lips.

With one hand, Evrain fondled Dominic’s balls, then he pushed a finger between Dominic’s ass cheeks and probed at his entrance, all the time lathing Dominic’s dick with a hot tongue.

When Evrain pulled away, Dominic sobbed. From his position on the floor, Evrain glanced up. “Would you like me to stop?”


“It’s the last thing I want to do. Stop that is. You taste amazing, earthy and sweet at the same time.”

Dominic shook his head frantically, he couldn’t articulate what he wanted but he was desperate for Evrain to continue. He had a magical tongue, literally, though outside Dominic’s strange bonds there was no hint of any spells at work. Dominic had never thought that being dominated this way would be such a turn-on, but despite being bound he felt less restrained than he ever had. He gave up all control.

“God, please…”

“My wish is your command.” Evrain continued to suck and lap at him.

“Coming!” Dominic stuttered.

Evrain released him, and Dominic almost screamed. Evrain cocked his head to one side. “Well, just this once, I’ll let you come without permission. But you need to understand that these are mine now.” He took hold of Dominic’s balls and gave them a firm squeeze. “So is this.” He flicked the head of Dominic’s cock with the tip of his tongue. “You’ll only come when I allow it from now on.”

At that moment, Dominic would have agreed to anything. He nodded. “Yes, yes… Please don’t stop.”

Evrain got back to work, sucking hard. Dominic thrust his groin forward but Evrain allowed him no control, he held all the power even on his knees. That thought pushed Dominic over the edge. His orgasm overcame him in a rush of heat and intense pleasure. Evrain didn’t pull away. In fact he smiled as he swallowed everything that Dominic shot into his throat, then licked his lips.

Dominic sagged in his bonds. The wood around his wrists was the only thing keeping him upright.

“You are stunning like this, shocked by your own ecstasy.” Evrain stood. He took Dominic’s softening cock in his palm as if testing the weight. “Mine now. Don’t forget.”

He made a slight gesture with his free hand and the door reverted to its normal state. Dominic sagged against it. The gentle kiss that Evrain pressed to his lips was almost as shocking as the magic Dominic had witnessed. Evrain took a step back. Dominic gathered enough sense to pull up his pants. He massaged his wrists, rubbing at the soreness. Evrain gave him a contemplative look that had him fidgeting anxiously.

“I think you are going to enjoy being spellbound.” Evrain smiled a wicked, knowing smile. “And as Grandmother continually reminded me, I do need to get plenty of practice.”

Dominic ducked his head. Just the thought of what ‘spellbound’ could mean was enough to have his dick straining to rise again. He had a feeling that it was going to be an enjoyably arduous afternoon.

Chapter Eleven




“Nobody has ever done that for me before,” Dominic whispered. He closed his eyes and shivered at the memory of what Evrain had done to him. It was as if every nerve in his body had stored a recording of the sensation and needed little encouragement to replay the experience in his mind. He half expected a glib response from Evrain but instead he found himself drawn in for another kiss. “Thank you. For not making fun of me,” he said when he had a moment to draw breath.

“Such innocent gratitude is something to be treasured,” Evrain murmured. “And not something I’ve heard from a boyfriend before.”

Dominic’s heart pounded. “Boyfriend?”

“Well, of course. You don’t think I’d do that for just anybody, do you? I’m not in the habit of publicizing my abilities to all and sundry.”

“I suppose not. I’m still trying to suspend disbelief myself. It’s a little hard to accept that what you can do isn’t just a figment of my imagination.”

“It’s strange.” Evrain circled him slowly, and Dominic had to fight the urge to follow him with his eyes. “I didn’t discover the truth about myself until my twenty-first birthday. I’ve only been using the power for six months. I’m still a complete novice at this, yet when you are near, everything is more focused, more controlled. I couldn’t even light a candle properly until that evening we met. Before that I had a tendency to blow things up.” He dragged his hand across the back of Dominic’s neck. “Why is that, do you think?”

At Evrain’s touch, featherlight though it was, the downy hairs on the back of Dominic’s neck stood on end. He had to concentrate before he could speak coherently. “I’ve no idea.” His tongue tripped over even those three small words as Evrain continued his fingers’ journey down Dominic’s jaw line then across his lips. Standing face to face with Evrain once more, Dominic felt like he was drowning in the mysterious dark green depths of Evrain’s eyes. His legs were weak and rubbery and his cock was fighting to escape the confines of his clothes.

Evrain cupped the nape of his neck with a cool hand and pulled him forward into the kind of searing, passionate kiss he’d thought existed only in romance novels. Organized thought was unmanageable. As it was, the heat of soft lips, the probing of a sweet tongue, became all-consuming and the need to think was irrelevant.

Evrain released him and he couldn’t restrain a gasp. He wanted to beg to be taken, right there and then, in front of the fire. “I’d really like to do that again,” he whispered, unable to prevent the slight tremor in his voice.

“Mmm.” Evrain licked his lips and looked very pleased with himself. “I’d like that too. But perhaps you should go and take a shower first?”

Belatedly, Dominic remembered the state he was in and ran a hand through his hair. “Sorry. Yes, that might be a good idea. You muddle my brain. I must reek from working all morning.”

“Not at all. You smell of the earth and freshly mown grass among other things. I love it. But you have mud in your hair and on your hands.” Evrain took up both Dominic’s hands, removed the ragged bandages and rubbed his thumbs across the palms. “Which are in danger of infection. I want you clean so that I can make you dirty again.”

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