Elemental Love (17 page)

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Authors: L.M. Somerton

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

“The wards didn’t help Aggie. What if he gets you alone?”

“He’ll try to kill me.” Evrain’s voice was icy calm. “Today’s little visit was just him confirming that I haven’t been tempted to stray from my grandmother’s path.” He stroked Dominic’s fingers and gripped his wrist lightly.

“Aren’t you afraid?”

Evrain’s black hair shimmered as he shook his head in response. “Not for myself.” His grip tightened. Dominic didn’t try to pull away. “But he could try to get to me through you. Symeon’s clever, I’ll give him that. Perceptive. He must have been watching you for a while. Not in person of course, that would be beneath him.”

“You mean he might try to kill me? What possible threat could I be to someone like him? I haven’t noticed anyone following me around.”

The pressure on his wrist increased as if Evrain was afraid he might bolt.

“I have a lot of latent power, Dominic. If I was able to channel, it would make me untouchable.”

“And you could channel through me?”

“Not without your consent and not without love. I need more coffee if we’re going to continue this conversation.” Evrain rose, grabbed both their mugs then headed for the coffeepot. Dominic stroked his wrist where Evrain’s fingers had squeezed seconds before. He missed his touch already.

“So how does Symeon channel?” he asked as Evrain resumed his seat.

Evrain scowled and took a firm hold of Dominic’s wrist again. “He has a submissive little boyfriend called Damon who does anything he asks.”

“I can’t imagine someone like Symeon loving anyone but himself.”

“He doesn’t. Damon loves him, that’s all he needs. It doesn’t have to be a two-way thing.”

“Oh.” Dominic’s voice was so quiet it barely registered. He winced. The fingers around his wrist were squeezing to the point of pain.

Evrain noticed and released him. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Evrain wrapped both hands around his mug as if to stop them straying toward Dominic. “That won’t happen with us, Dominic. The feelings won’t be one-way.”

Evrain looked so serious and intense, Dominic had to reassure him. “I can’t be certain because I’ve never been in this situation before, but I think… I love you. I have since the first moment I saw you and you turned me inside out.” Every muscle in Dominic’s body tensed as he waited for Evrain’s response. His heart was pounding so hard he thought it might burst.

“I meant it when I said it earlier, though it wasn’t the most graceful admission of my feelings,” Evrain replied. “I love you too, and I

“But we haven’t… I mean we’ve not even…” Dominic didn’t have the words. A finger against his lips silenced him.

“No, we haven’t.” Evrain pushed back his chair, then stood, holding out his hand. “And that’s something we need to change. Right now.”

Chapter Twelve




Dominic took Evrain’s hand. His grip was firm and warm but there was no force, no tugging him to get up. He didn’t need to be encouraged. Dominic rose in a daze and let Evrain guide him toward the stairs and up to the bedroom. He stood nervously next to the bed, his eyes fixed on Evrain’s handsome features. Evrain smiled and the warmth that reached his eyes gave Dominic a measure of reassurance.

“Relax. I’m not going to hurt you. I would never do that.” Evrain moved toward him. “I am going to undress you, though, so keep still.”

Dominic’s knees locked. There was no magic freezing him in place but he couldn’t have moved even if he’d wanted to.

“Hey, this is supposed to be fun. Stop overthinking.” Evrain stroked Dominic’s hair away from his face. “Any time you want me to stop, you just have to say. I can be patient. I want us both to enjoy this.”

Dominic took a shuddering breath and forced his fists to unclench.

“I want this. Please, Evrain, don’t stop.” He reached for the top button of his shirt but Evrain slapped his hands away.

“That’s my job. Hands off.” First to go was Dominic’s shirt. “This dark green suits you,” Evrain said, pushing fabric from Dominic’s shoulders. “It goes so well with your hair, which I love by the way.”

“It’s just red,” Dominic whispered.

“It’s not
anything.” Evrain stroked his shoulders then planted small kisses along his collarbone. Tiny jolts of electricity stabbed at Dominic’s cock at every touch. “It’s copper and bronze set alight. Stunning. Just like all this creamy skin. I want to lick you all over.” Evrain ducked his head and laved Dominic’s nipple with his tongue.

Dominic gasped and quivered beneath his touch. Gentle licks turned to bites. Dominic threw his head back, his balance shot to pieces. Evrain held him safely as he continued to nip each tender bud in turn until they both stood dark and proud.

“You have a beautiful body and I’ve waited far too long to touch it. Christ, you’ve no idea how you’ve tested my patience!”

Dominic gasped and squirmed as his nipples were tweaked and twisted until they ached. His cock throbbed in his pants and he was finding it increasingly hard to keep still. He moaned as Evrain started work on the stud fastening his jeans with one hand and traced the creases at the juncture between thigh and hip with the other. Dominic’s jeans fell to the floor and he stepped out of them without thinking. Evrain circled the top of his hipbones with his thumbs. It was driving him wild. His rigid cock bounced, eager to play. Evrain flicked his shaft lightly. Dominic gave a strangled moan, clenching his hands into tight fists at his sides.

“You seem a little…agitated.” Evrain’s smirk sounded through his words.

“No shit.” Dominic’s voice came out as a squeak. “You make it impossible to think.”

“You don’t need to think. In fact, I forbid it. No thinking, just feel. You’ve been starved of touch for far too long.” Evrain patted Dominic’s ass, then gave it a sharp slap. Heat bloomed across his cheek.

“What are you doing?” Dominic got the question out from between gritted teeth.

“Just warming you up a bit.” Evrain spanked him again. “Making certain that you’re not trying to think.”

“Oh God.” Dominic couldn’t understand why having his ass slapped was such a turn-on. “Stop!” He didn’t mean it.

“Remember your safeword? I know I do.” Evrain said as he spanked him again. “If you really mean stop, then use it.” He turned Dominic around and pushed on his back until he bent over the edge of the bed, supporting himself on trembling arms. Dominic clamped his lips shut, determined that the safeword would not slip out accidentally.

“That’s what I thought.” Evrain’s hand was an effective tool. He rained slaps over Dominic’s heated flesh.

Dominic whimpered. His balls drew up tight to his body.

“Don’t you dare come!” Evrain clamped a hand around the base of Dominic’s dick and squeezed.

“Evrain, please!” Dominic’s mind wasn’t so addled that he couldn’t remember Evrain saying he loved him. Surely a lover wouldn’t be so cruel? He managed to stand upright and turn around to face his tormentor. “Isn’t it time you took something off? I want to see you too.”

Evrain shook his head. “No. You’re vulnerable like this, naked while I’m fully clothed. I don’t recall telling you to get up. Turn back around and bend over.”

It was much harder to get into that position voluntarily, Dominic needed Evrain to force him. He shook his head.

“Disobedience will be punished, sweetheart.” Evrain grasped Dominic’s hips and twisted him round. Pressure on the base of his spine pushed him forward until he was bent over once more.

“Spread your legs.”


“Do as I say.” The words were punctuated by a hard slap that left a burning line across Dominic’s ass. “Christ, there has to be a law against having an ass this gorgeous. It was made to be spanked. Your skin shows my marks perfectly.”

Evrain moved his hands lower, stroking the backs of Dominic’s thighs. Dominic peered over his shoulder to see what Evrain was up to. He was on his knees.

“Uh, what are you doing?”

“You’ll see.” Evrain kneaded Dominic’s ass. He kissed the sore spots, adding tiny licks, then pulled his cheeks apart.

Dominic panted. At this rate he was going to come untouched and before they got to the main event. Evrain blew a gentle stream of air onto Dominic’s pucker.

“Fuck!” Dominic gripped the bed covers in both hands, pulling the fabric into messy folds. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” His vision blurred.

“I’ll get to that. All in good time.”

“Bastard! You’re a fucking bastard, Evrain.”

“Aw, don’t be like that, sweetie. I’m getting to the good part.”

Dominic’s legs started to shake as Evrain used the tip of his tongue to probe Dominic’s hole.

“So tight. Let me in, love.”

Dominic’s head swam. He was far too close to the edge. “If you keep doing that, Evrain, I’m going to come.” He gasped the words out.

“I’m doing something right then. Now quit complaining and be grateful I’m not the impatient type or I might be tempted to demonstrate just how much of a bastard I can be.” Evrain dragged his tongue along Dominic’s crease.

“You know I’ve never—” Dominic’s words were cut off with a yelp as Evrain pushed one finger inside him, just to the first knuckle.

“I thought that might shut you up. And yes, I am fully aware of your delectable virginal state.” He pulled free and released him. “You can lie on the bed.”

“You’re so fucking kind!” Dominic scrambled onto the bed, grateful that he no longer had to take responsibility for holding himself up. His limbs were Jell-O. “Oh, thank God!” He sprawled on his back and reached for his aching cock.

“Touch that and I’ll tie you down and keep you on the edge until you lose your mind,” Evrain growled.


“And you love that, don’t you? Look at the state of you.”

It was true. Dominic’s cock was swollen and rigid, glistening with trails of pre-cum, his balls heavy and swollen.

“It’s not fair, Evrain. You can’t leave me like this.” Dominic knew he was whining like a sulky brat but he couldn’t help himself. He wanted more and he wanted it now. He would have stamped his foot if he thought it would do him any good.

strap you to the bed if it would help?” Evrain was all innocence.

Dominic wasn’t fooled. He shuffled up the bed as far as he could go before he made contact with the headboard.

“Maybe next time,” Evrain mused. He started to undress.

Dominic was entranced by the show, forgetting for a few moments his desperate need to come.

Evrain took his time, stripping off each article of clothing with agonizing slowness. Watching him gradually reveal himself did nothing to relieve the fiery ache in Dominic’s groin. Evrain’s skin was very pale, his body sculpted and lean—perfect to Dominic’s eyes. His cock, impressively large, was bedded in a neat triangle of trimmed black hair. Dominic’s mouth watered.

“Can I taste you, please?” He’d happily go to his knees and beg if it got him what he craved.
Evrain would probably enjoy that.
Dominic knelt in the center of the mattress, parting his legs wide. He clutched his hands behind his back and bowed his head. “Please, Evrain?”

The mattress compressed a little as Evrain joined him on the bed. “You beg so prettily, it would be petty to deny you. Lie back.”

Dominic fell backward in his eagerness to obey. Evrain straddled him, moving on his knees until his dick was positioned above Dominic’s mouth. “Keep absolutely still, love.”

Dominic parted his lips. He had to stretch wide to take Evrain’s cock. The head was broad, slick. The shaft slipped along his tongue with ease. He registered the salt-sweet taste and held his breath as Evrain fucked his mouth.

“Breathe, sweetheart, I don’t want you passing out on me.” Evrain pushed deeper. His cock hit the back of Dominic’s throat, then he immediately withdrew.

Dominic gagged a bit, unused to the intrusion. Evrain made it absolutely clear who was in control. He gave Dominic the time he needed to recover, then pressed forward again. “That’s it. You can take me.”

Dominic moaned around his mouthful of cock. He risked a lick, then another. Evrain hummed his approval.

“Very nice, darling, but you need to stop that. I don’t intend to come until I’m buried in your sweet ass.” He pulled away then sat across Dominic’s thighs, pinning him to the bed. He brought their cocks together in a loose grip.

Dominic tried to buck his hips, desperate for more friction, but he was trapped and could only watch as Evrain rubbed far too slowly.

“You are stunning, and I would like nothing more than to pound that beautiful ass until you scream.” Evrain leaned over him.

Dominic chewed his lip apprehensively.

“However, you’ve somehow managed to steal my heart, so you control the pace, my love. I promise I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.”

Evrain pulled a plump pillow from the top of the bed and pushed it gently under Dominic’s lower back, raising his hips.

“It might be more comfortable for you face down, but I want you looking into my eyes when I make you mine. Okay?”

Dominic nodded, not trusting himself to speak. From the nightstand Evrain took a small glass jar. He unscrewed the lid. “I made this myself.” He dipped two fingers into the jar and they emerged coated with a thick shiny gel.

Gently he pushed Dominic’s legs apart, kneeling between them. He swirled his fingertips around the bud of Dominic’s entrance. The lubricant was silky smooth and cool against his sensitive skin. Dominic’s cock jerked in pleasure. For a moment he thought that he would not be able to stop himself from coming, but Evrain’s stroking fingers stilled. Dominic came back from the brink with a pained moan.

Evrain chuckled and coated his fingers with a fresh dollop of gel from the jar. Slowly, very slowly, he pushed one of them past Dominic’s guardian muscle. Dominic’s channel gripped the invading digit, his body trying to prevent its progress.

“Relax, sweetheart. This will feel good, I promise.” Evrain coaxed him into compliance.

Dominic squeezed his eyes tightly shut but he didn’t protest as a second finger carefully joined the first. After a moment’s stillness, Evrain scissored them slightly, then a little more, briefly scraping the bundle of nerves inside him.

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