Ella Mansfield (3 page)

Read Ella Mansfield Online

Authors: Married to the Trillionaires

Bill nodded, feeling emotions swarm through him.  Emotions he hadn’t expected to feel.  “I do.”

“Do you, April Moore, take William Jennings to be your lawfully wedded husband?  To love, honor, and obey him for as long as you both shall live?”

He heard her suck in a breath beside him.  “I do.”  Her voice was low and quiet.  He squeezed her hand gently, trying to give her confidence.
  He couldn’t imagine how she must feel.  She’d never even kissed a man, and she stood bravely marrying a total stranger, knowing he and three of his friends would be bedding her that night.  He was impressed with her bravery.

“By the power vested in me by the state of Wisconsin, I hereby pronounce you man and wife.  You may kiss the bride.”

Bill breathed a sigh of relief, glad it was over.  He leaned down and gently kissed her lips, trying to keep her from running off in a nervous fit.  The crowd cheered wildly as he kissed her.  Ignoring them all, he turned and introduced her to his friends.  “April, these are my friends.  David, John and Steve.  They’ll be your…companions as well.” 

April nodded slightly, indicating she understood his meaning.  “It’s nice to meet you.”
  She tried to smile at them, but was certain her face was some grotesque mockery of a grin.

waited until most of the crowd was gone, not saying anything.  Once the room was cleared, he went toward the tunnel he’d seen her come through.  “Your things are where?” he asked.  He wanted to get her out of there.  It had to cause her shame to stand in the room where she’d just been sold off to the highest bidder.

“There’s a little room back there.  My father put everything in it.”  April held her head high as she spoke, obviously very nervous about the prospect of her wedding night, which was close at hand.

The four men walked with her to the changing room where they’d transformed her from a simple, modest woman into the immodest wife they saw now.  She indicated which boxes and suitcases were hers, and the men lifted them, carrying them out of the room without a word.  Bill carried the last suitcase, her hand still in his, obviously afraid she’d run off if he didn’t keep hold of her.

He led them out into the parking lot to a small van. 
David got behind the wheel of the van, and April sat in the back beside Bill.  John was in the front and Steve was in the far back.  Bill kept her hand in his.  “I know you’re nervous, but we’ll be gentle.”

nodded, her eyes wide as they stared at him.  There was no doubt in his mind that she was scared about the coming night, but he knew nothing he said would calm her.  He reached across the seat to her, and without speaking, moved his hand between her legs.  She wasn’t wearing panties, as he’d expected.  His hands went to her moist folds and one slipped in between, touching her lightly. 

She jerked and squealed in surprise, which made him chuckle softly.  She tried to push his hand away, but he stopped her.  “Every one of us will be inside you before the night is up.  There is nothing to be shy about around us.”

She looked between the men in the front, to Bill, and then back toward Steve in the back.  “Maybe one tonight?  And then one tomorrow night?”  She knew her voice sounded like she was pleading, and she was.  She couldn’t take them all on her first night.  Could she?

Steve spoke then for the first time.  “That’s not going to happen.  Before this night is over
, every one of us is going to be pounding into your sweet pussy.  We’re not waiting another minute for a woman.  None of us are.”

She shivered in surprise at his words, knowing then they wouldn’t give into her virginal fears.  Bill’s fingers were still toying with her, playing with the nub above her opening.  He was rubbing it fast and furiously, and she liked it more than she cared to admit.  She’d been sure she was doing this just for her father, and that she would lie back and let them do what they wanted to her, but now?  She was enjoying William’s fingers on her.  Would she enjoy it when he had his man-part inside her? 

He shifted his hand so he had his thumb on her button, and then one of his fingers slid inside her, gently thrusting in and out.  She let out a choked cry, and he smiled.

“William, you should wait!”  Certainly he didn’t mean to take her for the first time in the back of a van flying over Madison with his friends watching.

“It’s Bill, and I am waiting.  My cock will not touch your pussy until we’re in the hotel room.  I promise you.”  His finger moved faster and faster, and her choked cries got louder and louder.

She gripped his forearm, trying to get him to stop, but he wouldn’t.  He kept going, pleasuring her with his touch.  After a moment, she gave into the sensations, throwing her head back.  Her nipples felt like they were on fire, and she wanted to reach up and touch them, but she couldn’t be that wanton with four men in the vehicle with her.

She felt two hands slide around the seat she was in, one on each of her breasts, massaging them through her flimsy dress. It was as if Steve knew exactly what she was thinking without being told. Steve’s fingers plucked at her nipples while she rode Bill’s hand shamelessly, squealing with delight as he slipped another finger inside her.

Her breath was coming in pants
, and she felt something tightening inside her.  What was happening to her?  No one had ever talked to her about sex, except to tell her a man put his penis into the woman’s vagina and that’s how babies were made.  This wasn’t Bill’s penis, but it felt amazing! 

She groaned and let out a slight scream as something tightened deep inside her.  She sighed helplessly as Bill removed his fingers from her and licked them clean.  “Very nice.”  He grinned.

Steve removed his hands.  “You guys better be quick about things, because I want my turn soon!”  He stroked himself quickly through his slacks, and April thought she could see the outline of his penis.  She forced herself to look away.  She’d be seeing the real thing all too soon.

Chapter Two



David pulled onto the roof of the hotel, stopping the van and parking it.  “We rented out the entire top floor, so we’re parking here.”  He turned around, noticing how flushed April’s face looked.  “I’m sorry I missed your first orgasm, but I know you’ll have at least one more tonight that I’ll get to see.”  He stared at her obviously anticipating their time together. 

They all got out of the vehicle, Bill once again taking her hand and leading her down the stairs.  There were four rooms on the top floor, and Bill led her to one of them, using a key to get in.  “I’ll send her to
John when I’m done.”  He pushed her inside the room with a gentle hand at her back.  He led her straight into the bedroom of the suite, giving her no time to look around and appreciate the lush surroundings.

He stripped off his clothes while explaining briefly how her night would go.  “Eventually, we’ll probably share you.  Meaning two or three or even all four of us in bed with you at the same time.  For now, none of us have had sex at all or enough to know what we’re doing, so we prefer to fumble in privacy.”  He grinned at her.  “After I’ve…taken my turn with you, I’ll send you on to
John, who will send you to David, who will send you to Steve, who will send you back to me to sleep.  We’re all only taking you one time tonight, because you’re probably going to get sore.  After tonight, all bets are off, and you’ll get two, maybe even three visits per night from each of us.”

She nodded slowly, watching as his clothes fell off his body and more and more of his skin was revealed.  When he was completely naked, she saw that his man-part was standing out straight from his body.  It was bigger than she’d thought, but not so big it frightened her.  She gave him a half smile, wondering exactly what you were supposed to say to a stranger who had married you and given you your first orgasm all in the past forty-five minutes.

He walked toward her, his hands reaching for the hem of her dress and throwing it on the floor.  “Did you choose the dress?” he asked, his voice low as he pulled her naked body against his.

“No, it was chosen for me.”  She hoped he didn’t think less of her for wearing so little onto a stage with so many men staring at her.  “How many men were there tonight?”

“Around ten thousand.  Why?”

She shrugged.  “It just looked like millions of people staring at me!”

He laughed.  “It wasn’t millions, but it was a lot.  There aren’t many women left, and the ones we have can’t have babies.”  He reached down and cupped her bottom, pulling her into his erection.  “You’re a rare commodity.”

She stared up into his eyes.  She was small so it was still a good distance up to him.  She was just over five feet tall, and he was at least five feet eight.  Not tall by most standards, but very tall compared to her.  “I don’t know what to do,” she confessed
, embarrassed and confused.

“We know that.  We’ll teach you.”  He took her hand and led her to the bed.  “And we
’re all going to go easy on you tonight.  We know you’ve never done this before.”  He sat down and pulled her down beside him. 

She swallowed hard, trying to imagine how his shaft would feel as it entered her wet heat.  She was already dripping wet from their time in the van and becoming more aroused by the minute.  She really liked the idea of having
him inside her.   She lifted her lips up for his kiss.  She’d only been kissed once and that was by him on the stage.  She wondered how a real kiss would feel, with no one watching.

He dropped his mouth to hers, kissing her softly at first.  After a moment his tongue stroked along the seam of her lips, and she opened her mouth for his tongue.  Her fingers wound through his hair, and she gasped in surprise at the little sparks of electricity that shot through her and straight to her pussy. 

Her arms wrapped around his neck to pull him closer.  His hands moved to her breasts and squeezed them, his thumbs rubbing back and forth across her tight nipples.  He kissed her shoulder and moved down to suck at her nipple, enjoying the feel of it against his tongue.

He moved to the center of the bed, wrapping an arm around her and pull
ing her with him.  His hands stroked over her body, spreading her legs for him.  He settled into the space he’d created, his hard cock pushing at her entrance.  “Are you ready for me?” he asked patiently.

She nodded.  “I think so.”  She raised her hips up a bit to press against him, and he groaned. 

Without another word, he thrust inside her, pushing past her maidenhead and plunging deep.  Once he was all the way inside, he groaned loudly.  “You feel so good around me!”

She closed her eyes against the brief flash of pain.  “That hurt!”
  She hadn’t meant to complain and immediately wished she could take the words back.

“Look at me, April.”  He stroked her cheek, holding himself as still as he could.

She opened her eyes, staring into his.  It had started out so beautifully.  Why did it hurt so much now? 

“The first time always hurts for a woman.  That’s just how it is.  It’s going to get better.  I promise.”

She nodded briefly, looking up at him.  “We’re done then?”  She hoped he was right and it would get better, because right now, it was a huge let down.

“No, baby.
  We’ve barely started!”  He pulled out and thrust deep again, his cock sliding all the way inside her.

With his movement, she felt a flicker of pleasure and her eyes widened.  “It felt good that time!”
  Would she enjoy doing this after all?

He smiled.  “It’ll keep feeling good.  Do you remember how good you felt in the van on the way here?”

She blushed.  “Yes, I didn’t mean for that to happen.”  She couldn’t believe he was bringing that up to her while he was inside her.  Was this really the time to just be having a chat?

“That’s going to happen a lot from now on. 
We’re going to make it happen.”  He began thrusting then, pulling out and plunging back inside her.  She wrapped her legs around his waist and hung on, enjoying the ride that he was taking her on.

She couldn’t believe
his cock moving inside her was causing the same feelings she’d received from his fingers.  “That feels so good!”  She arched beneath him, loving the sensations.

He picked up the pace and within moments, she was feeling the tightening and she clenched tightly around him, moaning loudly as she reached her release.  He pumped
a few more times and collapsed on top of her, spurting inside her.

He groaned softly, burying his face in her neck.  After a minute
, he lifted his head and looked down into her eyes.  “Now, we’re done.”

She let out a soft giggle.  “I liked that.”

He rolled to her side and swatted her bare bottom.  “I’m glad!”  Glancing at the clock he frowned.  “Go and wash yourself really quick, and then I’ll take you to John’s room.”

She sighed.  “I don’t want to let the others touch me that way.  Just you.”

He looked into her wide blue eyes, and wished he could accommodate her request, but they’d signed a contract.  “I’m sorry.  You have to.”  He rolled from the bed and took her hand, leading her into the bathroom.  He got a washcloth and quickly dragged it between her thighs and against her swollen pussy lips.  She was going to be hurting by morning, but he couldn’t let himself think about that.

He led her back to the bedroom and pulled her dress over her head.  “No one thought to bring your suitcase inside, so you’ll have to wear this.”  He led her to the hall and kissed her quickly before knocking on
John’s door.  “All yours.”  He pushed April toward John, watching the resigned look that came over her face.




John sat on the couch in his lonely hotel suite looking between the door and the clock alternately.  He’d been with women, but it had only been a couple of times, and they’d both been much older than him and well used before he got a chance at them.
He didn’t so much mind that he wasn’t April’s first, but he was glad he wasn’t her hundredth.  He knew he was being silly, but it was nice to have a girl who they could know had only been with the four of them.

father had raised him to be old-fashioned.  Growing up, his father’s single goal for him had been for him to play for the Dallas Cowboys.  When he was their star quarterback for six years running, his father had gone to every single game, sitting in the front row.  He hadn’t been raised with money, and his father had taught him to invest every dime he made so that he’d still have money after his career was over. 

His career had ended with a knee injury when he was thirty, but he’d gone on to coach a local university team.  Much bigger schools had tried to recruit him, but he’d been born and bred a Texan, and he wasn’t leaving now. 

John glanced at the clock again.  This was going to be the longest hour of his life!  He’d been hard as a rock since he’d seen her standing on the stage.  He wished he’d thought to give up the front seat so he could have had some of the action in the van.  He hadn’t even touched her yet. 

He sighed.  What would her skin feel like?  Soft he was sure.  She seemed so soft and delicate. 

He thought about just taking his cock out and taking care of his problem, then getting it up again for her, but he looked at the clock.  She should be there within ten minutes.  He could wait that long.  Right?

He reached down and rubbed himself through his slacks.  He was almost surprised his hard cock hadn’t ripped a hole through them.  He hoped he had the self-control to stroke her and pet her before he threw her down and plowed inside her.  He groaned aloud.  He had to stop thinking about it.

A knock on the door had him jumping to his feet and flinging it open.  There she was.  He barely noticed Bill behind her as he stared at the beautiful woman who would be wrapped around him soon.  Very soon.

He took her hand and led her into the suite, closing the door in Bill’s face.  He led her straight to the bedroom and stripped.  It wasn’t until he was totally nude, with his cock jutting out from his body, that he realized she looked scared.
  He was an ass.

“I should have waited to undress, April.  I’m sorry.  Would you like me to put a robe on?  I think there’s one in the bathroom.”
  He waved his hand toward the bathroom.  “There’s one hanging in there.”

April shook her head.  “No.  It’s not like I don’t know what we’re about to do.”  She blushed but met his eyes straight on.

John sighed, walking to her slowly, trying to keep her from becoming more frightened.  He pulled her into his arms and stroked her back, his hands going from her shoulders to her ass and back up again.  “You feel so good against me.”  She was staring up at him with her blue eyes wide with fear.  “I won’t hurt you.”  He dropped his mouth to hers, kissing her softly, and stroking her back.  “Did Bill hurt you?”  What if Bill had been rough with her and that’s why she looked so scared?

“No!  Of course not.”  She seemed startled he’d ask such a thing.

“Well, you look so scared I thought maybe he’d gotten a little rough.”  He would make it up to her if his friend had.  He wasn’t going to let anyone hurt this pretty little girl with frightened eyes.  He wanted her to love her life with them.

She sighed.  “Well, you’re so much bigger than he is!  How tall are you anyway?”

He let out a quick laugh.  He’d thought at first she was talking about the size of his cock compared to Bill’s.  “I’m six foot four.”

“You’re a foot and four inches taller than me!  You’re going to smother me!”  Her eyes were still fearful.

He stifled a bark of laughter.  How could he help her with her fears without making her think he was laughing at her?  Because honestly?  He laughed at everything.  “How bout I take you from behind?  Then I won’t be lying on top of you.”  He honestly didn’t care if he had to take her standing on his head.  He was going to get some action soon.

She cocked her head to the side, as if considering his suggestion.  “What does that mean?”

His hands were still stroking her all over her body.  Before he knew it, he’d taken her dress off and thrown it to the floor.  He hadn’t meant to strip her so soon, but he couldn’t seem to help himself.  “Well, you’d get on your hands and knees on the bed, and I’d kneel behind you.  I’d take your pussy, just like Bill did, but I’d do it where I wasn’t lying on you.  Would that be better?”

She seemed to contemplate it for a moment before nodding.  “I think it would.”

“Okay, let’s try that.”  He really didn’t care how he took her, but he knew he had to be inside her soon.  He led her to the bed and waited while she got on her hands and knees like he’d told her.  She was an obedient little thing.  He sure hoped she stayed that way.  He wasn’t big on bossing people around, but he knew Steve would want to have her doing his bidding.

“Is this right?” she asked.

Her ass was in the air, and he grinned.  “That’s exactly right.”  He got onto the bed behind her, stroking his hands from her mid-back, up to her shoulders and around to cup her tits.  His fingers pinched her nipples, and she cried out.  “Do you like that?”


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