Read Ella Mansfield Online

Authors: Married to the Trillionaires

Ella Mansfield (9 page)

Bill stood up then, his cock still flaccid.  “April has something to tell all of you.”
  He nodded at April to let her know it was time.

April looked down at her hands.  How could she explain it to them?  “I was trying to write today, but all I could think about was the four of you.  How it felt when you touched me, kissed me, but mainly how I feel when one of you is pounding away at my pussy.”  She sighed.  “Well, I went to talk to Maurice, and he guessed that I was…aroused.  He called this little store and had something delivered.”  She stopped talking looking down in shame.

Steve leaned forward, piercing her with his stare.  “What was delivered, April?”

She swallowed hard.  “He called it a dildo.  It has different speeds and it thrusts.  It’s shaped like a

was beside her, his eyes dancing.  “Did you use the dildo?”

She nodded.  “I couldn’t seem to stop myself.  I tried to talk myself out of it, but it felt so much like a real cock, and I needed it so badly.”  She looked up for the first time since she’d started explaining.  “I’m sorry.”

Steve stood up.  “Take me to your dildo.  I want to see it.”

April looked at Bill and he gave a brief nod, indicating that she should go
show him.  She led Steve back to the bedroom and pulled the dildo out of the drawer of the nightstand where’d she’d put it earlier.  He took it from her, putting it to his lips and smelling it.  “How many times did you cum with this in your pussy?”

She shook her head.  “I lost count after six.” 

He pulled her along behind him, dragging her back into the living room.  He held the dildo up showing it to the others.  “She lost count of her orgasms after six.”

’s eyes were laughing as he shook his head at her, but both David and Steve seemed truly angry.  Bill grinned widely, not minding a bit that she’d used it on herself while they were gone.  To him, it meant that she was starting to enjoy their attentions. 

shook his head angrily.  “What are we going to do about this?”

shrugged.  “Use it on her?”

“I have no idea.  When I walked in she was sound asleep and the thing was still fucking her.  It thrusts on its own, you know.”  He winked at April.

David crossed his arms over his chest.  “I think we each give her ten swats.  One for each of her six orgasms, and four more for the ones she doesn’t remember.”  He looked into her eyes.  “You will orgasm only with us.”

She nodded, biting her lip.  “I’m sorry.”

“I don’t mind if she uses it during the day,” Bill said.  “Just as long as I get equal time plowing it into her every evening.”

Steve tilted his head to the side, considering that.  “How long did you fuck yourself with it?”

She shrugged.  “Maybe an hour?”

He sighed.  “So, you spent an hour with that thing in your pussy?  I say we combine punishments.”  He nodded to
David.  “We each paddle her ass ten times for her orgasms, and then we each spend fifteen minutes fucking her with it.  That would make it equal to the time she used it by herself.”  He grinned.  “And then if we get turned on while doing it, we each get to plow her sweet pussy again.”

April stood still her eyes wide.  That was a lot of cock in her pussy in a short time.  After a moment, she nodded.  “I think that’s fair.”

John grinned. “Me first?  I want to spank her first!”

Steve nodded slowly.  “I’ll go last.  That way if I think someone didn’t spank her hard enough, I can spank her just a little bit harder.”

April closed her eyes.  Was she ready for this?  What had she been thinking?

caught her hand and pulled her over his lap face down, a position she’d found herself in a lot the past few days.  John swatted her ass ten times.  It stung, but it was more playful than anything.  She felt the juices flood her pussy in response. 

When he was finished, she felt the dildo pushing against her opening, while she was still face down on
John’s lap.  That felt odd, but she didn’t complain, just spread her legs a little wider to give him room to thrust it inside her.  “Wait.  How do I turn it on?” he asked.

April breathed heavily.  “There’s a remote…”

John thrust it deep while Bill went off to get the remote.  He handed it to John and then resumed his seat to watch the show.  John flipped the dildo on and then played with the settings, finding a gentle tickle of her pussy.  No thrusting, so she wouldn’t be able to climax.  Just a tickle so she had to lie there and want to climax desperately.

He timed it, changing a couple of times to a thrusting, and when she was about to come, switching it back to the tickle.  When the fifteen minutes were up, he set her on her feet with a grin.  “Did you like that?”

She nodded, embarrassed, but afraid to not tell him the truth.

indicated his hard cock.  “Do you think it’s time for a little real fucking?  By a man and not a toy?”

She nodded again, biting her lip.  She knew that it would only take a few thrusts for her to finish, and she was desperate for it. 

“Do you want it?”

April let out a sigh.  “Yes, please.”

He laughed, taking her hand and bending her over the arm of the couch so all the others would see her as he fucked her.  He knew that had turned her on the night before, and in his mind, turning her into a mindless slut wanting nothing more than the next cock in her pussy was the goal.  With four of them going at her, she had to be desperate for it.

He thrust deep inside her and laughed when she clenched around him on the third thrust.  She came three more times before he finished and poured into her.

Bill grinned.  “Guess I’m next.  Wash yourself.”

April went through all four of them. 
David and Steve spanked her harder than the first two, and they fucked her harder, too.  Her pussy was sore and tired by the time the men got ready to leave.  All four of them tucked her into bed, and the four men had a quick meeting in the living room after closing the door behind them.

laughed out loud.  “She’s fun!”

Steve grinned.  “I think we need to make sure we spend a little more time with her during the day than we have been.  Maybe one of us comes home every couple of hours to drill her.”

Bill nodded.  “I was kind of thinking the same thing.  I can make sure she’s well-fucked before I ever leave for work.”

“I’ll come home around ten and take my turn in her,”
David offered.  He rubbed his crotch, letting the others know it wouldn’t be a hardship.

“I’ll be here at noon,”
John told them.  “I heard that in the twenty-first century there was a term called ‘nooner’ where people fucked during their lunch hour.  I’ll be in charge of nooners.”

Steve leaned against the wall.  “I guess that puts me here at two.”  He looked at Bill.  “You got her again at four?”

“That’s the idea,” Bill told them.  “Think it’ll be enough?”

Steve shrugged.  “I don’t know
, but I have to work sometime!”  He stretched and headed for the door.  “I’m so glad you talked us all into this, Bill.  That girl is worth a lot more than the trillion I put out.”

The others agreed
, thanking him as they left.  Bill grinned.  He was glad she was adapting so well to her new life.


Chapter Six



April woke to the feel of Bill rolling between her thighs the following morning.  He made quick work out of screwing her senseless before dropping a kiss on her lips.  “I’ll see you this afternoon.  Make sure you leave that dildo alone.”

She nodded.  The men had decided to leave the dildo on the dresser for her, so she would constantly be tempted, but know there would be consequences if she gave into temptation.  After Bill left, she took a long hot bath and washed away the last of the fluids from the night before.  She wondered if she was pregnant yet, her hand caressing her stomach.  If she was, who did she want the father to be?

She shook her head, unable to decide.  She had feelings for all of them.  She loved Bill for being so gentle and loving with her as well as providing a good home.  She loved
John for his constant laughter and gentle touch.  She loved David for his sly looks and sweet cock, and surprisingly, she loved Steve for his wild ways and hard fucks of her.  How could she possibly decide who she cared about the most?  Was it even something a woman could do?

When she got out of the tub at half past eight, Sebastian was waiting for her with his table set up.  He gave her an hour and a half massage, exclaiming as always about her tight thigh muscles.  She never responded, because they both knew why her muscles were so tight. 

When she left the room from her massage, she was surprised to find David sitting in the living room waiting for her.  He grabbed her hand and dragged her back to the bedroom she shared with Bill.  He pushed her forward onto the bed with her ass in the air and unfastened his pants.  Without a word he plunged into her, driving them both to completion.  When he was done, he stood, zipped his pants, and grinned at her.  He kissed her on the cheek and left. 

She sat on the bed, utterly bemused.  What had just happened?  Had he come home in the middle of the day just to fuck her?  She loved that idea. 

She hurried into the bathroom, cleaned up and rushed to the kitchen.  “Maurice, I’m starving!”

Maurice turned to her with his eyes dancing.  “You’re always starving.  It’s all the fucking you do.”

She blushed.  “Just feed me.”

He laughed, whipping up an omelet and setting it in front of her.  “There you go.  Now tell me why
David was just here, looking all broody.”  He gave a shudder.  “I’d love to have a couple of hours in bed with that man.” 

April glared.  “Stop eyeing my men, Maurice.” 

Maurice laughed softly.  “I’ll try, but they’re all so…virile.”

There was a knock on the door, and Maurice hurried to get it while April stayed out of sight.  He came to her a minute later. 
“This is your clothing designer, Alex.”  He indicated a short man with green hair.  The man looked her up and down.

April smiled, and held out her hand in greeting.  “I’m so glad you’re here.  I’m sick of his robe!”

“And you should be!”  He sighed as if she was going to be difficult to work with.  “I’ll need to get some measurements.  Where can we be private?”

“This way.”
  She led him down the hall to the empty room they used for her massages.  “Will this work?”

“This should be fine.”  He set down a big black bag and studied her, walking in a slow circle around her.  “There’s a lot I can do for you. 
Do you have styles or colors you’re interested in?”

She shrugged.  “The men just said sexy.  I think maybe p
astel colors?  And lots of silk?”  She shook her head.  “I have no clue what I’m talking about.  Where I grew up I was only allowed to wear jumpsuits.  Nothing else.”

“We’re going to fix you right up, dear.”  He patted her shoulder before pulling out a measuring tape. 
For the next five minutes, he told her to turn, raise her arms, and bend while he measured her everywhere.

“Let’s go back into the living room.  I have a few books for you to look through where you can pick fabrics and colors and styles.  I’ll do some things that I know will look good on you, but
it will be your choice.”  He put everything back into his bag while he spoke and led the way into the living room.  He handed her the tablets with the books, and told her to highlight what she wanted to buy. 

She looked through the first few pages, all filled with formal gowns she knew she would never wear.  Her men were afraid to take her anywhere.  Once she got to the lingerie, she perked up.  April looked the man across from her, who was busily sketching with a pencil and paper.  “What are you doing?”

He smiled.  “I’m creating a few dresses for around the house just for you.  Something no other woman has ever worn.”

“Oh, I like that idea.  Thank you!”  She looked down at the tablet in her hand.  “There are no prices here.”

The man laughed.  “Do you have any idea at all how rich your men are?  You could buy everything in there and they wouldn’t blink.”

She swallowed hard.  “How many items am I supposed to pick out?” she
asked, her voice small.  It was hard to comprehend suddenly having that kind of wealth after the near poverty she’d grown up in. 

“I would start with twenty that you want immediately, and I will deliver those in one week.  I’ll have
four dresses for you tomorrow.  Then probably a hundred or so more?  I know you won’t be able to go out much, but you want to have pretty lingerie and pretty dresses for around the house.  Every woman feels better when she’s dressed well!”

Her eyes widened at the idea of so many new things.  “Should I pick out the dresses for tomorrow?” she asked.

He shook his head.  “I’ll handle that part of it.  You pick out the twenty things you want in a week.”

She found four dresses she liked and marked them, moving on to the next page.  She was halfway through her list of the first twenty dresses when
John came in the door.  She looked up at him in surprise.  What was he doing here in the middle of the day?

smiled at the man who was still drawing frantically.  “Can you spare her for a few minutes?”

Alex nodded a smile on his face.  “Take your time.”

John grabbed her hand and she barely had time to set the tablet on the couch before he dragged her off to the bedroom.  As soon as he closed the door behind them, he unfastened his pants and pushed the robe off her shoulders.  He pushed her onto her back and moved between her thighs, thrusting into her in one quick motion!

“Oh!” she squealed.  “Why?”

He didn’t answer as he began his rhythm.  She wrapped her legs around his waist and clung to him, shocked that he was here in the middle of the day.  After a moment, she closed her eyes and just enjoyed the feel of him pulsing inside her.  She climaxed quickly and he followed soon after, striding to the bathroom and cleaning himself off.  She cleaned up as well and watched him fasten his pants.  “Have a good day,” he said with a wink, disappearing out the door. 

She leaned against the wall for a moment.  What was going on?  Were they all taking turns coming home so she wouldn’t have to use the dildo again?  She sighed.  Whatever the reason, she couldn’t complain about it.

She hurried back to Alex and picked up the tablet, picking up where she’d left off.  Her pussy throbbed from the hard fuck she’d just received, but she did her best to act casual.

She found the first twenty and stopped, looking up at him.  “I’m done with picking the first twenty styles.”

“Oh, good!  I just finished the drawing.”  He put his paper and pencil down and moved over to sit beside her.  “Let’s see what you’ve chosen.”  He tapped the first of the dresses she’d saved and nodded.  “Yes, this will look wonderful on you!  What fabric do you want?”

She shrugged.  “I don’t know anything about fabrics.  I like the way this feels on my skin,” she said, indicating the robe.

He nodded.  “Silk.  That will be great in silk.”  He made a choice with a couple touches of a button.  “Color?”

“Maybe a blue to match my eyes?”
  The dress would be short, barely grazing the tops of her thighs, and form fitting.

“Perfect.”  He scrolled to the next, choosing the fabric without asking this time. 

They went through that routine for the twenty selections she’d made, and then he handed her the tablet again.  “I’ll have all those done on Monday.  Today’s Wednesday so five days from now.”

Wednesday?  It was only Wednesday?  The auction had been on Saturday, and she already felt like she’d known the men forever.  She wiggled a little as she felt the liquid flood her pussy at the thought of the men.  “That’s fine.”

“Pick out another hundred or so.  I won’t have them here as quickly, but I’ll send another shipment every week until they’re all done.”  He moved across and picked up his sketch pad again, going back to work.

“I thought you were finished?” she asked, confused.

“For the first one, yes.
  You’ll be getting many new dresses, though.”  He worked, looking up at her occasionally to study her shape.

She worked steadily finding dresses and marking them.  She’d had no idea this kind of shopping was so tedious.  She loved the idea of new clothes, but this many all at once was overwhelming. 

She was pleased when Steve interrupted, dragging her back to the bedroom for a quick interlude.  She rushed back after cleaning up again, her face crimson.  What must he think of her?  Men showing up every two hours to screw her brains out?

Finally, at just after three, she made her last selection.  Maurice ca
me into the room with the bacon-wrapped shrimp he’d made for her the first day she was there, and she took one, biting into it with a smile.  “Wonderful as always, Maurice!” 

Alex took a couple and moved beside her and they began the long process of picking out colors and fabrics.  They had just finished and laid it aside when Bill came in.

At the sight of Bill, Alex stood and smiled.  “I’ll see you tomorrow with the first few things.  I want to personally make sure they fit.”  He lifted a hand to say goodbye and rushed out the door.

Bill watched the door close and then pulled her toward the bedroom. 
She chuckled softly.  “Every two hours all day.  I could have told the time by you four.”

Bill smiled.  “We didn’t want your pussy to get lonely again!”  He pushed her down on the bed and unfastened his pants.  “Did you like the clothes you
picked out?”  He moved between her legs, which were spread for him, and pressed to her opening. 

She nodded, gasping as he entered her.  She’d been fucked so many times in the past few days she knew she should be used to it, but there was something about how it felt when they first entered her.  She went from empty to full in a moment.

Afterward, they cleaned up for dinner.  She told him how much fun it had been to pick out clothes for herself.  “Before the day I met you, I had never worn anything but one of those horrid jumpsuits.  That’s all the women in my community were allowed to wear.”

He nodded.  “Most people wear them everywhere.  I wear them sometimes,
but with you here, I think all of us men are doing our best to dress better.  We want you to be attracted to us.”

She laughed.  “Attracted to you?  Doesn’t the fact that I’m always wet give you a clue about how I feel?” 
She moved into his arms hugging him tightly.  “I think I’m falling in love with you.”

He wrapped his arms around her, thrilled she’d said that, but suddenly worried.  How was she going to feel when she realized they were planning on selling her daughters?  Was it something he should bring up with the other men?  Should they just cut their loss and know that having her to make love with was enough? 

April was oblivious to Bill’s conflicted emotions.  She was too happy to worry much. 




After April was asleep that evening, the four men met at Steve’s apartment.  “I’ve been thinking…” Bill started off.  The others all looked at him in surprise. 

“About what?”
Steve asked.  “Is there something wrong with the arrangements?  Cuz I’m not giving her up.”  He folded his arms across his chest, making it clear he wasn’t budging.

Bill shook his head.  “I think the arrangement is wonderful.  I’m half in love with her already.  She’s everything I ever dreamed a woman should be. 
Kind, loving, considerate, and sexy as hell.  That’s not the problem.”

looked at him for a minute, his eyes widening with understanding.  “Seeing that we’re all falling in love with her, and not just her magic pussy, we’re going to either have to tell her our plans for any daughters, or decide not to sell them.”  He shrugged.  “I’m all for letting our daughters find their own men.  If they want a ménage like we have, fine.  But I won’t sell my daughter.”  He shook his head.  “I can’t imagine what made any of us think we could.”

Ahh,” Steve said.  “I never planned on selling mine.  I think I made that clear from the beginning.  I think we should write up a new contract.  None of the daughters need to be sold.  I don’t know why any of you thought you’d be able to sell your daughters anyway.”

nodded.  “I agree.  We can’t do that to her or to us.  We’re going to have to change the contract.”  His eyes met Bill’s.  “How hard would it be to write up a new one and for us all to sign it?”

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