Embrace (15 page)

Read Embrace Online

Authors: Melissa Toppen



Chapter Seventeen




I watch Zayne disappear down a tiny hall that leads to the bathrooms and instantly my stomach knots and my pulse quickens.

“Grace.... Are you even listening to me?” Carver's voice finally manages to break through my thoughts and I look up to meet his gaze. I can feel the flush of my cheeks and the pounding of my pulse in my veins.

“I... I'm going to use the restroom.” I stutter out, completely certain that I probably seem like a flustered mess.

“Okay.” Carver says, not questioning me but knowing that he wants too. I can feel his eyes follow me until I am no longer in view but I don't have time to think about him for very long.

The second I pass by the men's room, an arm wraps around my waist and pulls me backwards into the restroom. I can feel his breath hot on my neck and his arousal pressing against my backside.

“Zayne.” I pant out.

“You have to keep quiet kitten.” He rasps in my ear, leaning over to snap the lock in place. His hands come down on my hips and urge me forward until my front is pressed against the cool metal of the bathroom door.

“Zayne... We can't.... Carver is out there.” I pant, not able to get my words out in complete sentences as he roughly removes my shorts and panties in one hard tug.

“Shhhh.” He says, unbuckling his pants. I can hear the zipper descend, hear the rustling of fabric as he frees himself from the confines of his clothes.

I can feel moisture pool between my legs and while I am more than a little panicked about what we are doing and where, I have to admit that it sends a thrill through me that only intensifies my need to feel Zayne deep inside of me.

His hands settle on my shoulders and he twists me around to face him. Before I have time to react, his lips are on mine, hard and full of need. His teeth graze roughly against my lower lip and while it is painful, the pain mixes with the pleasure coursing through me in the most delicious way.

He hoists me up, my legs wrapping around his waist, his mouth still firmly on mine. I feel his hips draw back and then in one hard, punishing thrust, he enters me. A surprised cry escapes my throat but he swallows my sounds, lapping his tongue against mine, tasting me.

He establishes a quick ramming pace immediately and within seconds I am moaning and withering above him. My body meeting each of his thrusts, my blood rushing through my veins, the delicious ache of my orgasm building deep in my lower belly.

This is not about feelings or thoughts, emotions or wants. This is about pure carnal need. The kind that blinds you from everything. All I feel is Zayne. His enormous erection sliding in and out of me relentlessly. His hard muscles clenching around my body. The feel of his hands as he grips my ass tightly. He shifts so that he enters me so deeply, it's like I can feel him in my stomach.

The pressure, the intensity, it's all too much. The moment his teeth sink lightly into my shoulder to stifle his own cry of release, I fall apart above him. My orgasm rips through me causing my whole body to tremble and shake.

Zayne once again takes my mouth, swallowing my moans of pleasure and satisfaction. When he's sure that my noises have ceased, he pulls back and gives me a wicked grin.

“You are one amazing woman Grace Morgan.” He says, kissing the tip of my nose before gently pulling out of me and setting me to my feet.

I wobble under the weight of my own body, my legs like jelly. I locate my shorts and panties and quickly slip them back on, my mind working on auto pilot.

“Did you follow me here?” I ask, adjusting my tank top and smoothing my hair. Eying him from head to toe as he fixes his pants, thinking how much I just want to take them off of him again.

“Well technically I was going to stop by and see how you were doing. But then I saw you leave with Carver so yes, I guess I did follow you.” He says, taking a step towards me. “And for the record, I don't like you with him.”

“For the record, he's my best friend and you need to get over it.” I say as nicely as I can muster with a hint of playfulness. “Besides, I kind of like it when you're jealous.” I say seductively, running my hands across is tight sculpted chest.

“You are going to be the death of me woman.” He smiles, leaning down to place a soft lingering kiss to my mouth. “So you don't forget who you belong to.” He whispers across them, kissing me again.

“So you don't.” I say, softly running my hand up the front of his pants and cupping his crotch. He moans slightly at the action and I can feel him begin to harden again.

“I don't think I need reminding.” He says, smiling sweetly and placing another kiss to my lips. This one is fuller and there is a mounting want behind it. Knowing if I don't put a stop to this now, we are likely to never leave this bathroom, I break away from his mouth and quickly make my way to the door.

I throw him a wicked smile over my shoulder and blow a kiss before flipping the lock and quickly slipping out of the men's room, praying to god that no one is standing on the other side of the door. To my relief the hall is empty.

The moment I turn the corner, panic hits me. I must have been gone for at least ten minutes if not more. Carver's gonna ask what took me so long. What do I say? I quickly start grasping for a cover. Sure enough, the moment I sit down, he eyes me curiously.

“I was beginning to think you fell in.” He says, gesturing to our pizza that has already arrived and been sitting here for who knows how long.

“Sorry, mom called while I was in the bathroom. I was in the hallway over there talking to her.” I feel guilty for lying but kind of proud of myself for just blurting out my excuse so freely. 

I can tell that he's suspicious but then a genuine smile crosses his face. He seems to buy my story or at least decides not to voice otherwise, picking up a piece of pizza and taking a big bite. He chews and swallows and then turns his attention back to me.

“How is Victoria?” He asks, trying to be sexy but failing miserably. I laugh, but it sounds wrong to me. Nervous and shaky. I take a deep breath and try to mentally calm myself.

“She's great.” I say. “Her and Rob just got back from Tennessee.” I say, laughing at the disgusted face Carver makes at the mention of my step father's name.

“She's still married to that tool.” He jokes, taking another bite of his pizza. I laugh but it immediately falls away when I am suddenly distracted by the god of a man now crossing the length of the restaurant and making his way to the front door.

His hair is messy and his clothes rumpled and he looks exactly like I feel, very satisfied and yet still full of hunger. He throws me a wicked smile and a wink and then disappears out of the door and onto the now darkened sidewalk.

Carver studies me for a moment when I look back to him, catching his eyes. He opens his mouth like he's going to say something but in a desperate attempt to put us back on track, I cut him off.

“He's not a tool.” I pick right back up into the conversation, hoping that he doesn't notice my once again flushed cheeks and rapid pulse. My god the things that man does to me.

“You just think that because he's not you, and frankly Carv, that's quite disturbing.” I point out, picking up a slice of pizza and taking a large bite.

“Sorry to offend Gracie but your mom is a MILF.” He says, chuckling when I practically choke on my pizza.

“Okay, we are so done talking about my mother.” I say, officially moving the conversation elsewhere.

We leave
a little over an hour later. I feel bad that Carver has spent the entire night trying to cheer me up and yet my mind has been so preoccupied, that carrying on a decent conversation has been quite the challenge. From the moment Zayne stepped foot into the restaurant a little over an hour ago, my mind has been completely consumed with thoughts of him.

The way he took me against the bathroom door. The way his fingers dug into my hips and his tongue searched my mouth greedily. The way he pounded into me so fiercely like he simply could not get deep enough inside me.

I still have no idea how we managed to get away with it without anyone so much as batting an eye. As me and Carver walk back to our apartment, the realization of my actions hits me like a hammer and my heart rate picks up speed again.

What the hell was I thinking? And yet, oh my god, I want to do it again.

I needed a distraction. Something to pull me out of my head so that I could stop replaying the fight with Emma or the goodbyes that we shared just hours later. I needed to forget. And boy did I ever.

He made me forget in a way that now has me unable to think about anything but him. Just thinking about feeling him inside of me again has my insides pooling with desire. That man lights a fire in me so deep, I swear that I will feel the burn for as long as I live.


















Chapter Eighteen




I have been calling Alec for days with no response. It's not like him to not call me back and I know that it has everything to do with Emma. I just wish that he wouldn't let whatever is going on with them, affect our relationship in the process.

To say I am surprised to see him walk into
just after eleven is a huge understatement. For one, he seems completely out of place. His dark suit and intimidating demeanor giving him an untouchable look as he takes a seat next to me at the bar and orders a drink without even looking at me.

Jake seems to pick up on the fact that I know this person, given the way he raises his eyebrows and flashes his eyes from Alec to me. Whether it be that we look a great deal alike or that he plopped down in the seat right next to me when the rest of the bar is empty, Jake doesn't miss the connection.

“Anything else I can get you?” He asks, placing a bottle of beer on a drink napkin in front of Alec. Alec shakes his head and takes a long drink of his beer, draining half the contents in one swallow before turning his attention to me.

“So this is where you have been working?” He asks, his voice giving away his obvious dislike for my choice of establishments to work at.

“It is.” I say, taking a drink of my water. Considering Alec is the only customer in the bar, I have yet to take the stage, even though my shift technically started over an hour ago.

“Is there a reason you felt like you needed to lie to me about it?” He asks, spinning in his stool to face me. I turn my head towards him and give it a slight shake.

“No, I didn't tell anyone. I mean, obviously a couple of people know now but I didn't want the added pressure of knowing that people I know might come in and see me. It's hard enough getting on stage in front of complete strangers.” I say on shrug.

“Or no one at all?” His tone lightens as he looks around the empty bar.

“Yeah, this is the deadest we've been since I started here. Makes for a slow night.” I say, trying to make casual conversation when all I really want to do is ask why the hell it's been nearly a week and he hasn't returned even one of my phone calls.

“I owe you an apology Grace.” He finally says after a few long moments of silence. “I should have never let things with Em get as far as they did. It wasn't fair to her, or to you. I know that I have probably made things extremely awkward for you.”

“Have you talked to Emma?” I ask, turning towards him. He seems confused by my question and it takes a few seconds for him to answer.


“Then you are wasting your time here.” I say, turning to face forward again. I can feel his eyes on the side of my face as I pretend to watch whatever reality show it is that Jake has on the television behind the bar.

“What?” He finally states his confusion.

I breathe out an annoyed sigh and then turn back to him.

“Look, it's clear that you have feelings for Emma. Hell, even I can tell that just by you sitting here. You are a mess. Look at you. Your suit jacket is wrinkled, your hair is a mess, and it has been at least five days since your face has seen a razor. You've been hiding out, burying yourself in work so that you don't think about her. Don't try to deny it Alec Morgan. I know you better than you think.” I state, having a bit of an advantage by the fact that Zayne has kept me posted on how Alec has been doing considering the fact that he wouldn't return my phone calls.

“Emma is my best friend and right now she is off chasing her dream. She should be over the moon with happiness.... And yet, she's miserable. And that, well that is entirely your fault.” I don't try to hide my irritation in my voice.

“My fault?” He questions, for the first time his own voice rising with defensiveness. “How is it my fault? I was very up front with her. She knew it would never go anywhere.” He says, shaking his head.

“Why?” I ask, cocking my head to the side.

“Why?” He questions, studying me intently like I have lost my ever loving mind.

“Yes Alec, why? Emma is amazing. You are out of your mind if you let someone like her slip through your fingers and you know it. You may have started this relationship, if that's what you would call it, under the understanding that it would never be more. But somewhere along the way Alec, it became more, for both of you. Emma has admitted it. Now can you?”

“Grace, I....” I cut him off, my hand flying up between us.

“I don't want to hear any excuses Alec. Either you want her or you don't. Either you can live without her or you can't. The only issue I have is with the way you let Emma leave. You need to make things right with her before we will be okay.” I say honestly.

“I love you Alec. For years you have been my rock. The one person who has always protected me. But Alec, you don't have to protect me anymore. You're not dad and I never asked you to be. You need to stop worrying about me and how things will affect me and just live your life. If Emma makes you happy then I am happy for you. That's all I have ever wanted.... For both of you.” I take a deep breath, trying to calm the sudden emotion clogging my throat.

“But you hurt her and Alec, and that hurts me. Be with her, don't be with her. Whatever decision you make, I will support, as long as you make the decision for you and not anyone else.”

He studies my face for what seems like forever but it's likely just a few short seconds. I can't tell if he's surprised by my reaction or if he's trying to figure out if I am messing with him. Either way, it's apparent that I have thrown him for a loop.

“Who are you?” He asks, a slow smile pulling up his face.

“Grace Morgan.” I joke, laughing when his small smile turns into a full blown one. “Now why are you still here? Go!” I say, shoving his shoulder. He sways from the contact and then turns back to face me.

“Grace. What if she won't forgive me?” My heart swells at his question. And suddenly, everything that Zayne said seems to be unfolding right in front of my eyes. He does love her. It's so clear to me now.

“Trust me, you have nothing to worry about.” I smile. “Now go, shew.” I say, gesturing for him to leave.

“Thanks Gracie.” He says, downing the rest of his beer before placing a brief kiss to the top of my head. “Love you.”

“Love you too.” I say. He gives me a nervous smile before pulling his cell phone out of his suit jacket. With one final nod, he puts the phone to his ear and turns, exiting the bar in the matter of seconds.

“Who was that?” Jake asks, startling me. I turn to find him leaning against the bar in front of me.

“My oldest brother.” I say, taking a drink of water.

“Okay, so did I get all this right... He's in love with your best friend and thought you were mad that they have been seeing each other secretly but really you're only mad because he fucked up and let her leave? And he came here to make things right with you but you surprise him by telling him the only way to make things right with you is to make things right with her?” He gives me an exasperated look.

“Yeah, I think that about covers it.” I smile, not able to resist when Jake is looking at me like that. “You're very good at eavesdropping.” I observe.

“And you, well all women in general, are both surprising and confusing as hell.” He laughs.

“I'll take that as a compliment.” I grin.

“It was meant as one.” He gives me a dimple filled smile and then makes his way to the other end of the bar to greet an older gentleman and his much younger date that just walked in.

I take one last drink before standing and making my way to the stage. I may only have two customers to play for but anything is better than just sitting here and watching the minutes tick by.

Besides, I am all of a sudden very anxious to find out from Emma what Alec says and knowing that conversation won't happen until tomorrow at the earliest, I need to take my mind off of everything and just lose myself in the music for a while.

Taking a seat on the stool in the middle of the stage, I prop my guitar across my lap. I can't help but smile as my fingers graze the guitar strings. Knowing that I may have helped bring Emma and Alec happiness, gives me an almost giddy feeling and I can't help but start strumming out a love song that reminds me of them and of me and Zayne.

In a weird way we have all found ourselves in similar situations. Suddenly the urge to come clean to Alec takes on a whole new level of importance. If Alec knows, if I can make him understand, then me and Zayne would be free to be together.

No secrets, no excuses. For the first time ever, it could be just us. Nothing standing in our way. The idea is both terrifying and liberating and as the lyrics of “All Of Me” by John Legend start to fill the near empty bar, I find myself with a new found determination.

I love Zayne. Maybe I haven't admitted that to him yet but I have known it for a very long time. Maybe even from the very beginning. My life has not been the same since my eyes locked with his for the first time and every moment since then has been an unbelievable roller coaster ride.

I don't think I have ever fully accepted that I could really obtain a man like Zayne, let alone keep him. But now, suddenly anything feels possible.

Because I don't just love him like a girl loves a boy. I love him the way a woman loves a man. I love him in a way that can't be compared to what I had and what I lost. The love I feel for him is in a league all it's own. It's consuming and terrifying and yet, it's all I want.

And as each lyric leaves my mouth, the more truth each word holds. In a world where nothing ever works out the way it should, maybe just maybe, this time it will. Maybe life isn't always about sadness and loss. Maybe happiness can be found and sustained.

I think about my dad. How much my mom loved him and yet she found the strength and the courage to love again. And then Becca, who was abused by her uncle and swore to never trust a man again. Even she found love in Jake, who taught her how to trust and that love really does exist.

My love for Kyle will never fade. He will always hold a piece of my heart. A small section deep in the center will always belong to him. No time or person will ever change that. But that doesn't mean that I don't have so much more left to give.











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