Embrace (17 page)

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Authors: Melissa Toppen






Chapter Twenty




              Three days was all it took. Three days until I received the news that I had been praying for. Turns out, Hannah not only loved my manuscript, but was pretty certain that after some editing, she would have no problem selling it to a publisher.

So as I walk out of the tall brick building that houses
Fischer Literary Agency
(or FLA as they call it), I am in a state of absolute bliss and, utter disbelief. I officially have an agent and my dream of becoming a writer finally seems obtainable.

I am already kind of working on my second novel, and while it is much different from the first, I feel really good about where it's heading and even better after talking to Hannah and getting her reassurance that my ideas sounded great.

I've written about tragedy and loss, I thought maybe I would try my hand at love. While my novels are definitely fiction, I base them off my real life experiences. My first novel is almost spot on the time in my life when Kyle died and what happened in the months that followed.

But lately I have new inspiration and as such, the manuscript I have been jotting down ideas for is based heavily on my relationship with Zayne.

It's strange that I am writing about this breathtaking, whirlwind love affair and I am actually living what's on the pages. It doesn't seem real. Men like Zayne don't exist, love like this doesn't exist. Or at least that's what I used to tell myself. Only now do I see how very wrong I was.

So as the sheer magnitude of what just happened to me settles in, there is only one person I want to see. One person that I want to share my news with. And even though I may run into Alec in the process, I know that I can play it off as I'm there to see him if I do.

I start walking in the direction of
Zalec Developing
. It's only about six blocks from FLA and with the summer heat dying down unseasonably early, I am enjoying the outdoors more and more.

The city really is an amazing place and if you can get past the crowded streets and run down buildings, there is unbelievable beauty hidden down alleyways and tucked in tiny corners. I think the majority of people pass by without really noticing, so lost in their daily routines that they don't take the time to really appreciate what's around them.

My mind continues to wander, so much so that I don't even realize I have arrived at my destination until I am staring at the steps that lead to the entrance of
Fredrick Tower.
Maybe it's that I am actually paying attention or simply that I am viewing things in a different way, but today the city seems more alive than usual and it's near impossible not to be sucked into everything going on around me.

I take the steps two at a time and quickly make my way through the lobby to the main set of elevators on the other side, completely bypassing reception. I have been here enough times to see Alec that the receptionist only nods in my direction when she spots me.

As the elevator climbs, I realize that coming here probably wasn't the best idea. Surely someone will mention to Alec I stopped by if I don't see him here, but honestly, I am in such a good mood right now, I really don't care.

I have something I want to talk to Zayne about and right now, it can't wait. I feel a sense of urgency to finally define a relationship that to this day has only ever been called things like affair and fling. I don't want that anymore. I want so much more than that. What's making one dream come true when I have a shot to make them all come true?

A couple of people nod my way as I cross the lobby. Again, I don't stop at reception, buzzing past Jane, the beautiful brunette that is so perfect, it almost hurts to look at her. I am practically a regular here anyways so no one really pays me any attention.

When I hit the hall, I follow it to the left and then down a little ways, past a corner, to the very end of the next hall, where Zayne and Alec's offices are located. In all the times that I have been here over the last few weeks, I have never seen Zayne's office.

I wouldn't dare risk being caught by Alec, and because of this, I have always only ever visited my brother here. But today I feel bold and adventurous. Today I feel alive.

I throw a long enough glance towards Alec's open door to assess that he is not in his office. Zayne's door however, is shut and I can't see through the designed, clouded glass to know if he is in the middle of anything.

I reach out and knock lightly, the glass pane clattering lightly under my hand. I hear movement and then after a few moments, the door opens and Zayne is suddenly staring down at me with wide eyes.

“Grace.... What.. What are you doing here?” He questions, as I place my hands against his hard chest and push him backwards into the office, pushing the door closed behind me and twisting the lock in place.

“I wanted to thank you in person.” I say, stepping forward until my chest meets just below his. I drag my fingernails slowly up his torso and then gently clasp my hands around his neck, pulling his mouth to mine.

The moment his lips hit mine, I can feel his smile as he registers what I am thanking him for. “You got it?” He laughs against my mouth.

“I got it.” I squeal, pulling back just far enough to stare into those breathtaking blue eyes that stand out against his tan skin and almost black hair. Every time I register his face this close up, I literally lose my breath. I don't think god could have created a more beautiful creature.

“I knew you could do it Grace. I am so proud of you.” He says, his excitement for me evident in his voice. In the way his eyes sparkle and how his smile stretches across his face.

“I couldn't have done this without you.” I say, reaching up to brush his bangs away from his forehead.

“Yes you could have and you would have.” He says, matter of fact. “It may have just taken you longer.” He says, a cocky smile pulling up his mouth.

“Oh shut up and come here.” I say, still smiling when his mouth is on mine once again. He deepens the kiss, a soft groan sounding from his lips.

“Grace.” He breathes, trying to step away before things get too intense. Only, that's exactly what I want.              This wasn't my plan, but the moment I feel the familiar hum in my lower belly, suddenly everything feels too hot.

“Shhh.” I pant against his mouth, my hands running under his suit jacket and pushing it over his shoulders. It falls to the floor with a soft thud and is soon followed by his tie. As my fingers fumble down the buttons of his shirt, he stills my hands on the last one, pulling back to look at me.

“Grace.” He gets out breathless, looking from me to the door.

“I don't care.” I say, desperately trying to pull his mouth back down to mine.

“You say that now.” He warns.

“And now is what matters.” I say, launching myself at him and roughly taking his lips with mine. My hands dive into his hair, pulling and tugging the thick strands between my fingers.

At first I think he's going to try to resist, but I can feel the very moment that his resolve falters and I take full advantage, pushing him back against his desk. I make quick work of removing his shirt and once it has been discarded to the floor, I run my hands from his shoulders to his hip bone so slowly that I can feel his skin prickle under my touch.

When my mouth replaces my hands, his fingers immediately tangle through my long curls, tugging and urging me forward. He knows exactly what I want and he is more than willing to oblige. I take my time, nibbling and teasing.

So much so that by the time my mouth finally closes over his erection, he's so worked up he can barely contain himself. Gripping my hair more firmly, he gently begins guiding my head. Taking me almost to the base and then back up again, slow at first and then at a steadier pace.

It takes only minutes before I can tell that he is close and when he pulls me away from him and twists me around, pushing my chest down onto the desk, it only solidifies that fact.

He throws up my skirt and has my panties off my body so fast, I barely have time to react before he is right there, toying at my entrance. I grind my ass back, urging him forward, wanting nothing more than to feel him buried deep inside of me.

I lay my cheek against the cool wood of the desk and spread my legs a little further, giving him better access. When he enters me on a quick hard thrust, it takes everything I have not to cry out. Biting my bottom lip so hard, I swear I taste blood, I fight back my urge to vocalize my pleasure.

I don't know how thick, or how thin, the walls are and I certainly don't want to draw any unwanted attention, so I fight every instinct I have to scream, to moan, to plead Zayne's name. I have never been taken from behind like this before and there is something so animalistic about it.

Like we are wild animals, taking full pleasure of each others bodies, the way nature intended. Zayne begins pounding into me so hard and fast, I have to grip the edge of the desk to prevent myself from sliding over the top.

He's punishing and rough yet somehow gentle and loving at the same time. Even though his thrusts are violent and relentless, I don't miss the way his hand skirts across my shoulder blade or the way he brushes my hair gently away.

It doesn't take long until we are both to the brink, fighting our cries of pleasure as we find our releases together. I claw the desk so hard, I swear my nail marks will forever be etched into the wood. It takes several long moments for our breathing to start to return to normal and for Zayne to slowly soften still deep inside of me.

“Grace.” He whispers against my back, gently kissing up my spine.

“I want to tell Alec.” The words I have been wanting to say for quite some time, literally just fall right out of my mouth without so much as a thought.

“What?” He asks, confused. Pulling back from me and quickly gathering his things from the floor.

“I want to tell Alec.” I repeat, turning towards him.

At first I think I've pissed him off but when he reaches out and hands me my panties, a cute little grin across his face, I immediately relax. Okay, so he's not mad.

I patiently wait while he takes a moment to put his clothes back on and I can physically see the wheels turning in his head. As he retrieves his tie and drapes it around his neck, his eyes finally meet mine, as if he's finally decided how to respond to my request.

“Okay.” He says without any further elaboration.

“Okay?” I question, not sure if he's agreeing because he wants to or because he thinks he has to. Both are very different and have the power to alter the course of this relationship in completely opposite ways.

“I think we should.” He says, his smile growing at the wide eyed, shocked expression that I can feel plastered across my face.

“You.... You do?” I stutter, for whatever reason expecting a completely different response.

“Don't look so shocked.” He says, stepping towards me and wrapping his hand around the back of my neck, pulling me closer to him.

“I'm sorry I just.. I just didn't expect you to agree so easily.” I say, an apologetic expression making a brief appearance across my face.

“If it means that I can kiss you whenever I want Grace, then I will gladly tell it to the world.” He smiles, leaning his face down to mine. “Because all I can think about are these lips.” He teases, running his tongue along the bottom one.

“Oh yeah?” I whisper, gently slipping my tongue into his mouth.

“Uh huh.” He responds, pulling me against his body so tightly that I can feel his erection already returning.

Hearing him say he's ready to take this to the next level, feeling his body react under my touch the way it does, it's all almost too much to bare. But then when I hear his whispered words against my lips, I realize I now know what people mean when they say that something makes them

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