Read Embrace the Mystery [03] Blood Rose Series Online

Authors: Caris Roane

Tags: #Occult, #Paranormal Romance, #Romance, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Literature & Fiction

Embrace the Mystery [03] Blood Rose Series (11 page)

“Good?” she inquired, almost taunting.

“You know it was. Nice vibration, by the way. Never had a woman do that before.”

“Someone taught me the trick.”

“Somebody smart, I take it.”

“Too smart for his own damn good.”

He caught her arms and pulled her toward him.

She snuggled against his chest, sliding her arms around his waist. He lifted her chin and as she leaned back to look up at him, he kissed her, a soft plucking of her lips at first, then deeper until he possessed her mouth with his tongue.

But he used no vibration, at least not yet, he just entered her, searching her mouth, then plunging a few times, making the age-old promise of good things to come.

He kissed her for a long time, then paused, waiting, calming down perhaps, or maybe just savoring, taking his time. A slow build could be extremely erotic at the end.

He held her chin this time and looked into her eyes. “My turn to do as I want with you.”

“Uh-huh.” Like she’d argue with a man who could bring her to climax with just a vibration.

Her internal well seized with anticipated pleasure at the idea that soon what she’d taken into her mouth would be inside her body.

He shifted sideways, took her hand, and pulled her back toward the perch he’d sat on. “Put both your hands there, flat, and hold on.”

Her breath caught as she sloshed through the water, bringing her knees up while he got behind her. “Now lean over the side.”

She did as he told her and stretched out, but she was fully exposed, her bottom in the air.

Then he split her legs wide, pushing them apart. He leaned over her and started at her waist just kissing her and flicking his tongue. But gradually he began moving lower covering each of her ass-cheeks, licking and kissing, lower and lower, until he spread her down low with his fingers.

Her breaths grew quick and shallow as the depths of her began long slow pulls on what needed to be there.

He added a vibration as he reached her lower lips and kissed her.

She moaned heavily. He flicked all around her entrance, teasing her with his tongue and occasionally sucking with pulls of his lips.

Then he French-kissed her, his tongue vibrating softly as he penetrated her.

He slid his hands around to the front of her hips holding her in place, then tongue-fucked her hard from behind, pushing his face into her body.

Quinlan, it’s never been like this.

He grunted as he pushed.
Come for me, Cha. Loud. I want to hear you come.

She was so close again and her hips responded rolling into him each time he pulled out.

She felt a new level of vibration on her hips first, emanating from his fingertips. The sensation poured through her abdominal wall, and reached the center of her.

Oh, Sweet Goddess. Are you really going to do this?


He connected the vibrations, one that went straight through her body to meet his pulsing tongue. It was like a shock wave that invaded her well, tightening her body.

Pleasure erupted and she screamed as she came.

He moved faster, driving his tongue into her harder still, the vibrations reaching a crescendo that kept her own pleasure coming and coming, rising, falling a little, only to rise again so that her screams echoed around the room repeatedly.

Finally, as he stopped the vibrations, she began to ease back and what followed was a sweet lethargy that made her hips fall against the side of the tub and her arms dangle over the edge. Her breasts were now smashed against the ledge but she didn’t care.

Quinlan rubbed a hand up and down her back and chuckled softly, a smug sound that she damn well thought he deserved to make.

“That was amazing. Let’s do it again about a thousand times.”

Once more, his laughter flowed over her body.

He leaned his hips against her, his cock a hard missile.

“Do you want to come like this?” she asked. Right now, she thought she’d do anything for him. He could tell her he intended to tie her into a knot and she’d say it was a great idea.

“No,” he responded instead.

He got out of the tub and dried off then took his time peeling her away from the side of the tub. She was still in a state of post-coital heaven and didn’t care what he did. “You can drop me off the flat end of the earth now if you want. I’m ready to go.”

He laughed once more. He made her stand on her feet, but only to dry her off, then carried her into his bedroom and laid her out on a thick layer of soft furs, another piece of heaven.

She watched as he lit a fire, one piled high and layered with wads of newspaper, a lot of kindling, and several small logs. It lit up quickly and burned hot, something the room could use, made of stone as it was.

When he was certain the screen contained the blaze and the damper worked properly, he came back to bed. He lifted her once more, shunting the furs aside until she rested on silk. He took the clip from on top of her head and pulled her hair around her shoulders.

“You’re so beautiful. I think that’s part of the problem, and why I want you so much. No woman should be so pretty.”

He kissed her then, like he had done before, as though he meant something by it. She wasn’t sure what, almost as though he wanted to take as much as he could because their time together had an end-point.

For the same reason, then, she responded in kind, taking her time with him, caressing his face between kisses, savoring the shape of his lips, even kissing the sexy crooked line of his nose, his strong cheekbones, and eyelids that often lay at half-mast because pleasure had taken him over. She slid her hands into his thick, long hair.

His dark eyes glittered as he looked down at her. The fire blazed beyond the bed, lighting up the room in fiery glow. He’d ignited her kindling for weeks and now she blazed for him, needing him in every way, taking pleasure in stroking his arms, the swell of his back, his narrow waist, his tight buttocks.

Slowly, he made his way inside her, pushing his cock inch by inch, sliding easily into her wetness, the state he’d put her in, driving her close once more to the pinnacle.

She looked into his eyes and fell into all that he was, his strength, his command, his power, his dark sensuality, all that was lethal and fierce about him. Her body weakened for him, submitting and surrounding him, holding him fast inside her, savoring.

“Oh, Quinlan.”

That half-smile emerged and her heart drew into a tight knot of something she really didn’t want to think about.

Damn him.

* * * * * * * * *

Quinlan’s arms quivered as he pushed inside Batya. He had her on her back, the place he’d been wanting her for weeks now. He just never thought it would be because of a shifter-wraith, who was also part fae-vampire, now ensconced in his guest room for the rest of the night.

But right now, he didn’t care how this had come about, only that her lips were parted and swollen and he’d made her that way. He flexed his hips, which brought her chest up and a slight gasp rising from her throat.

Sex had always been a thrill, but right now he stood on the peak of a tall mountain ready to fly. His chest felt buoyant and yes, her wrist-blood had helped, but this was more about conquest and he loved it. He’d conquered all her reservations, despite the circumstances, and now he took his prize with another deep thrust.

She writhed in response, pleasure evident on every twist of her lovely face and every moan from her long, pale throat.

He drove steadily now, lowering himself to balance on his forearms, her fingers clutching at his biceps in a way that made his balls tighten. Pleasure accompanied every stroke, especially the ones where her hips pushed back in response.


He loved her feminine voice in his mind.

Her head rolled back and forth over the pillows and her breathing grew labored. But each roll revealed the sides of her neck where more goodness lay. He’d taken her wrist twice, but not her throat and there was nothing so sweet, so erotic as neck-blood.

His body started to hum with increased desire, but he had to hold back so he slowed things down, which left her panting. Finally, he stopped and leaned close to lick up the side of her neck.

“Yes, sweet Goddess, yes,” she whispered. “I’ve been wanting this from the time you trapped me in the gallery.”

“Same here.”

He tilted his head, then released his fangs. Saliva dripped. He struck quickly creating two punctures then retracted his fangs and began to drink.

He had Batya in the most vulnerable position possible, his mouth sucking down her blood, his cock buried deep. His body shook with pleasure and just for her, he started up the vibrations she liked so much, pulling his cock slowly toward her entrance then pushing back in.

Her body convulsed and a series of achy sighs left her throat.

So much pleasure, Quinlan. I could die like this.

He wanted to respond, but couldn’t. His body had locked onto its target and as he drank down her blood, and drove into her, his hips took over.

Yet somewhere in the center of his being, he felt his mating frequency join with the pure sexual vibration he’d developed so long ago, and a fire burned through him.

He pounded now, sucking hard at her neck, his mating frequency seeking entrance.

Let me in.

Your voice sounds hoarse, even inside my head.

Cha, let me in. Sweet Goddess, I want inside your frequency.

I want to, but is this wise?

He didn’t care. He kept pushing and his balls were so tight. Still, he wanted all of her.

Let me in.

He felt her give way, so he rushed inside and that pushed him over the edge. He released her neck and rose up shouting as his body rocked and pleasure streaked through him.

But it was the frequency joining that kept sending thrills up his cock, his abdomen, his chest, and that kept him shouting and coming, releasing all that he had into her.

Somewhere he felt her body writhing and heard her crying out then screaming as she came. His vibrations were a heavy pulse through him and at the same time through her body.

He eased back but he wasn’t done. He continued to thrust into her, stroking her, feeling her.

“Look at me.”

She opened her eyes. She looked almost panic-stricken.

Quinlan, my God.

“I’m going to make you climax again.”

Her neck arched and he pumped her harder, his body winding up once more.

“Faster,” she called out.

He didn’t hold back, but pumped into her with his warrior strength, his vibrations at full bore, his mating frequency inside her own, possessing her, conquering her yet again.

“Oh, God.” She arched her neck and screamed, clutching at his biceps, digging her fingernails in and it felt so good.

Pleasure rushed through his cock once more and his shouts lifted to the rafters of his stronghold all over again, the cry of dominance, of command, of having his woman beneath him, whose blood eased him, whose blood took away the cramping.

In stages, his hips settled down. Her hands swept over his arms, his shoulders, his back, the way his hand had moved over the map earlier, a kind of claiming of her own, her land, her territory, his body.

And right now he was exactly that, without reservation.

He rested on top of her, his head joining hers on the pillow. She slid her arms around him and held him fast. She breathed hard, catching her breath. He did as well.

He remained joined to her, his cock inside and both frequencies bathing in what he perceived was the warm nest of all that she was as fae and troll in their world of vibrations.

* * * * * * * * *

Batya lay beneath the wonderful weight of Quinlan’s vampire, Guard-sized body. She’d never really made love before, or had sex before, that’s what she decided.

Quinlan had done exactly what he’d been promising for the past several weeks. He’d given her the ride of her life.

And she wanted more, the greedy fae-troll that she was. Oh, Sweet Goddess, had he just ruined her for other men? How could sex ever be the same for her? And the way he’d broken down her mating frequency shield—she’d come hard with that one. His vibration had streamed through in a way that sent pleasure all the way to her fingers and to her feet, rushing back and forth in heavy waves up her body then back down. And the whole time ecstasy had been a thrill inside her where he’d plunged in and out with vampire speed.

Ah, well, he’d definitely ruined her, but it had been so worth it.

Yet a small ignoble part of her needed revenge. If he’d ruined her, then at some point on this journey to Ferrenden Peace, she intended to do whatever she could from her vast array of fae-trollness to serve him with his own sauce and to take him down.

The mere thought of it, of bringing Quinlan to heel, lightened her heart, so much so, that with her arms wrapped around the big bastard from Grochaire, with his cock tucked inside her, she fell contentedly asleep.

She slept hard, her dreams barely there, just faint distant images held back by a pleasant mist.

She slept and slept. When she finally awoke, she had a soft linen cloth pressed between her legs and a warm fur tucked up snug against her bare body. Oblique northern light lit the space, which told her a new day had broken or more likely, was about to end. She’d no doubt slept the day away.

But where was Quinlan?

she pathed softly, reaching for him.

I’m with my stronghold brigade. Bathe if you like, ring for your first meal. Anthea is an excellent cook.

Do you need me?

No, not yet, but soon. Take care of your needs first. We’ll be traveling at full dark.

Got it. Thanks.
She closed down immediately because she had felt the tension in his voice, even a sense of urgency.

She saw that her flowered satchel sat just inside the door and a funny sense of relief struck her. A woman always needed her things close by.

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