Read Embraced By Passion Online

Authors: Diana DeRicci

Tags: #Erotica

Embraced By Passion (17 page)

Straightening her halter dress, she strode right up to Slone’s doors. She didn’t knock this time, either.

Shoving them both inward, she entered his office like she was walking through the swinging doors of an old time saloon. With a lot of bravado, and a prayer.

Her gaze fell on them both, Slone sitting at his desk, Ja’Rol leaning over the edge, both looking at the computer screen. They snapped around at her entrance with surprise widening their eyes. They both looked so good. Snug pullovers, and slacks. And just like usual, a single lock of Ja’Rol’s hair had fallen to caress his temple.

“Hi, honey. I’m home,” Brigit called in a sing-song voice. She must have done a good job at keeping her mind blank, or they were doing as they’d promised, and hadn’t searched for her. She hadn’t expected to take them by surprise, only find them.

Ja’Rol straightened, his mouth parting on a sucked breath. Slone rose from his chair. Both in slow motion.

“Brigit.” Slone’s deep voice sent a shiver down her spine.

God, she’d missed these two.

“We missed you, pet.”

Her eyes zeroed in on Slone when his voice vibration filled her mind. Together they walked around to the front of the desk. Now that she was there, she felt a jolt of nerves attack. Her heart thudded. She heard its beat in her head.

She fought to not twist her hands into the knit of her skirt. She’d picked something loose that would hide what was
the dress. Now why did she have to be brave and wear it at all?

Both men paused a foot or two in front of her. She swallowed.

Searching their faces, looking for any sign other than shock, she said with a tremble in her voice that she couldn’t avoid, “If I say I love you, will one of you say something? Please?”

Ja’Rol’s expression quickly warmed, growing into a grin. “How about you just say it again?”

She narrowed her eyes at his teasing. “Why?”

Slone walked up until he stood over her, looking down into her eyes. “Because you owe us a week’s worth.” Then he closed the gap and claimed her lips in a thorough kiss, his arms wrapping around her waist in a tight embrace.

Brigit welcomed it when he demanded admittance, teasing her lips with flicked strokes. She met him, plying against his wicked tongue until he was gasping as hard as she was.

“Please tell us you’re staying?” Slone’s enigmatic eyes swept over her, and she didn’t hide from him.

“I’m staying,” she murmured, running her fingers over his jaw, feeling his tension.

Almost like he’d fought to the end of a battle, his shoulders relaxed and a full sigh slipped from him.

Distantly, she heard the click of a lock. “I’ve disabled the elevator to this floor. We won’t be disturbed,” Ja’Rol stated.

Brigit peered over her shoulder at the sound of Ja'Rol's voice. As he strode up to them, his eyes burned bright, like a tiger's. The sheer animalistic quality in the man created goose bumps on her arms.

Together, they shimmied her dress over her head.

“Brigit.” Slone groaned, his gaze sweeping over her form.

“Shit,” Ja’Rol breathed. Both stood in silent appreciation.

“I take it, you both like it?” she asked, feeling breathless. The heat in their expressions made her body ache.

In answer, Ja’Rol sank to his knees and licked at her hip, following the seam of the near-sheer garment that crisscrossed her body to cover her breasts. The piece ended in a thin band that tied into a thong, leaving almost nothing to imagination.

“Where did you find this?” Slone traced the red fabric where it met like a bandolier, strumming his fingers lightly over her breasts. Brigit gasped a short breath as her nipples puckered.

“In Las Vegas. Shopping.”

Her head lolled on her neck when sensation burst over her. Slone cupped her jaw, sucking on sensitive skin across her collarbone while palming a breast to tease her nipple into a tighter, needier point. At the same time, Ja’Rol began to knead her ass, sucking and licking at her hip, his hands sliding up and down her legs, urging her to widen her stance. When she did, he stroked against her pussy, sending a lightning bolt of desire deep into her bloodstream. Her eyes closed at the dual onslaught of sensation.

Grasping to stay standing, she hooked her fingers into Slone’s belt. Autopilot took over and she slid it free, loosening the waist of his slacks. Brigit didn’t stop there. Slipping the zipper down, she reached into the front of his slacks and found his cock, sliding her palm over the heated fullness. Slone groaned.

A second later, he was kissing her, hard, thrusting between her lips, tasting her. She stroked his length, and he pumped into the motions. Her pussy ached to feel that thickness inside her, stretching her until she came all over him.

Ja’Rol helped her strip Slone’s slacks, then she felt Ja’Rol’s hot tongue lapping over her clit. She whimpered, shaking as need coursed through her, turning her liquid.

The press of fingers against her pussy taking the place of his magical lips made her moan. Slone drove into her, making her shake uncontrollably. Breaking away from Slone’s powerful kiss, she glanced down and saw what had caused Slone’s deep gasp. Ja’Rol was licking at Slone’s balls, lapping at them, swirling his tongue around them.

She shuddered and sank down to her knees on the thick carpeting next to Ja’Rol, unable to stay standing. Holding Slone’s solid flesh, she began to suck his head, popping over the skin with repeated sucks and licks. She followed his wants, drawing him deep, licking at the sensitive skin beneath, pumping up and down the veined shaft. Ja’Rol didn’t stop, and within seconds Slone was groaning loudly, harsh gasps warning them they were pushing him too hard.

“Come for me, baby,”
she whispered.

“Shit! Brigit!” Slone thrust and Ja’Rol moaned, purring in pleasure. The smooth tip of his cock slipped deeper into her mouth and he bellowed, flexing in pleasure as his orgasm tore through him and down her throat. Breathing heavily, she gazed up at him, and felt his love sear her.


* * * *

Ja’Rol drew Brigit closer, sucking on her plump lips before claiming them in a deep, slow kiss.

He pressed his forehead to hers. “We missed you, sweetheart.” Deep as velvet, her blue eyes shined for him.

“I missed you, too.” A tender hand lifted, caressing him, running her fingers through his hair. He’d missed her so much, he’d hurt.

Slone stripped his shirt and sank down to the floor. “You two are overdressed,” he murmured, cupping them both by the chin to bring them close to share a kiss. As Ja’Rol stripped, Slone worshipped Brigit. “You have the sexiest mouth, pet. You can suck me anytime.”

Ja’Rol grinned when she blushed. He completely understood Slone’s sentiment. The woman was bewitching. When she lifted a hand to release the tie at her neck, Ja’Rol stopped her. “Leave it.” Meeting his gaze expectantly, he added, “For now.”

Naked, he knelt with them. Brigit’s eyes ate him up, rediscovering their bodies. She gasped lightly in surprise. “You pierced it!”

“Do you like it?” Ja’Rol asked, seeing Slone’s smile behind her, aware of what she’d found. He’d moved to begin massaging her shoulders, dropping delicate kisses to her bare skin.

“I love it!” She raised a hand then paused, waiting. “Is it okay? Is it healed?”

Ja’Rol nodded. “It only takes me a few days at the most to heal. It is still sensitive though.” Instead of the single bar, he now wore two gold rings with a single gold bead nestled on each. Her butterfly touch electrified him, creating a hiss of pleasure. His lashes closed over unfocused eyes.

“I thought it took a lot longer than a few days.” She leaned forward and blew a breath over his newest piece.

Clawed fingers dug into the carpet. “It does take longer for humans. Changing speeds the healing.”

She lifted an arched eyebrow. “Cheater.”

Ja’Rol pouted playfully. “I don’t like a lot of pain.”

Brigit leaned back into Slone’s chest with his silent tug, his strokes roaming over her shoulders and arms. His hands wandered further and were now cupping and teasing her breasts.

“That feels so good.” She sighed the last syllables, becoming lost in the growing heat.

He whispered into her ear. “You have beautiful breasts, pet. Full, lush, and I love your nipples. Not petite, so sweet.” Ja’Rol followed Slone’s motions, rubbing the sheer fabric of her lingerie to tease her nipples, their full peaks already rouged and puckered with need.

She shivered in Slone’s arms. Ja’Rol slid his palms upward from her ankles. Urging her relaxed self to lean further into Slone’s steady frame, Ja’Rol laid down between her thighs. “Beautiful, indeed,” he murmured.

Inching the thin strip of red fabric away from her glistening pussy, he swept her once with his tongue. She gasped and mewled in answer.

“I want to feel her between us,”
Slone’s voice whispered through Ja’Rol’s mind.
“I need her.”

“As do I,”
he answered. “
Tonight, she will be ours.”

Slack in Slone’s embrace, his hands rolling over her breasts and teasing her nipples had her squirming. When Ja’Rol spread her labia and thrust deep with his tongue, she moaned.

“Has anyone been here, sweetheart?”
Using extremely tender touches, Ja’Rol used the cream dripping from her slit to warm her rosette.

“Oh God!” She nearly shouted it as sensation shot through her, shocking them all with the depth of her reaction, a reaction that wasn’t frightened. She wanted. “No, never.”

Slone plucked a little harder at her nipples, causing quick flicks to Ja’Rol’s nipples in an echo of her pleasure. He purred, licking deeper, teasing her ass at the same time.

Rapid pants rocked her body. Ja’Rol sucked hard on her clit and she jerked. Cream glistened on her lips and he licked them, craving her flavor. When he teased her clit again, he eased a single digit into her ass on her release. She came hard on the heels of the first with a growled groan at the pressure.

Ja’Rol felt Slone’s body tense, his pleasure thickening in his blood.

“Breathe, pet. Let your body relax.”

Ja’Rol again sipped at her pussy, licking in slow teasing flicks until he was sucking hard on her clit. He stroked in and out of her passage, conscious of any pain. Brigit soared, her body craving, and he delivered.

“Oh!” She arched into Slone as her orgasm rushed through her body.

“Open for me, sweetheart. That’s it.”
Gently, Ja’Rol worked two fingers in and out of her body when she canted a leg.

“She’s so tight, Slone. So hot.”

Slone reached further down her body and began to rub and play with her clit. Between them, Brigit was nearly mindless with lust. Slone rolled her tits and fingered her pussy while Ja’Rol licked her juice, burying his mouth against her cunt. Gently, he worked her ass until she loosened naturally, until she began to push for more.

When she came again, it was a guttural shout that filled the office.

Slipping from her body, Ja’Rol stood, quickly locating condoms and the lube in the side drawer of Slone’s desk. Rolling one over his heated cock was excruciatingly erotic. He wanted to feel her body, needed to feel her satisfaction as much as his own.

Slone eased her to her feet, his arms locked around her body to walk her backward toward the lounger couch. Ja’Rol met them there, stretching out lengthwise over the mahogany leather. With a couple tugs, Slone worked the knot free of her slip of nothing fabric that she’d worn and slipped it off her body. Shimmying her hips, she helped him until it fell to the floor, more a pile of string than anything else.

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