Emperor of a Dead World (15 page)

Read Emperor of a Dead World Online

Authors: Kevin Butler

One of the men cut loose the ties that bound him. “They are meanest in the morning,” he smiled deviously.

Brad glanced at the other man. He was holding his sword and shield.

“You may need these,” the man laughed.

Brad tried to take his things but the man walked away and threw them onto a soccer field. The other man closed the trunk.

“What now?” Brad asked.

“You let these things get my brother,” the man said with his face close to Brad. “Now I am going to watch them tear you apart.” He shoved Brad onto the field then stuck his rifle in his back and pushed him along until he was about twenty feet from his weapons and about twenty-five feet from the car. When he stopped, he hit Brad in the back of the head with the butt of his rifle. Brad cried out then dropped to his knees in pain.

“Stay there,” the man ordered. He then fired several shots into the air and Brad cringed thinking the man had directed the shots at him. “Do not move until I say so,” he said as he walked back to the car and honked the horn several times.

Brad looked around and sure enough, the creatures were coming. “So this is it,” he called back to the man.

Both men laughed and sat on the hood of the car.

Brad stood and turned around. “I fight for my life for your amusement. Is that how this works?”

“You get the general idea,” the man returned.

”Why did you attack us,” Brad asked.

“I was bored,” he laughed.

“We came to you as friends,” Brad insisted. “Together we could have rebuilt the world.”

“I didn’t like the old world. Why would I want to rebuild it?”

“So what kind of future are you planning?”

“I don’t plan for the future. I just live for today and take what I want.”

“That is pathetic.”

“Well, you are not going to have to worry about that are you?”

“What about my friends? What happened to them?”

“We killed everyone that came with you,” he replied as he glanced at his cohort. “How many friends did you have?”

Brad thought for a moment. Maybe these people had never seen Tyrone and the others. “Just the three,” he answered.

The man glared menacingly at Brad but said nothing.

Brad diverted his eyes then looked around and the things were getting closer. “Can I have my weapons now?”

“In a minute,” the man sneered as he and his friend prepared to watch the gruesome event.

Brad shook his head and looked down. He could see no way out of this. Even if he ran over, got his weapons and actually did defeat the creatures these jerks would just shoot him anyway. While he reflected, he realized he was still wearing his coat. These fools did not know how to avoid the monsters. They did not know the coat would protect him. He slowly ran his hand across his head. Dried blood matted his hair and covered half his face. He looked back at the men and he could see creatures coming up behind them. He hunched his shoulders and walked slowly toward them. The idiots on the car did not realize all the creatures coming were his friends. All he had to do was lead the way and his new friends would tear these retards to pieces.

The men on the car stared at Brad with curiosity. The creatures were almost upon him but he was not trying to run away. He was not even trying to get to his weapons. Finally, they looked around and noticed these things surrounded them as well. When they looked back at Brad, the creatures were walking straight past him. The man holding the rifle looked at his friend then they both jumped off the car at once. This sudden movement attracted interest and the creatures headed directly toward them. The man with the rifle started shooting as his accomplice ran to get his weapon. As soon as the shooting started, Brad dropped to the ground. The noise, of course, excited the creatures and they came on in a fury. They needed to stop the noise and the more they tried to stop it the louder it became. The other man never made it to his gun. Before he could open the door, the creatures grabbed him and ripped out his throat.

Brad heard their screams and he knew these screams were supposed to be his for the amusement of his enemies. Not wanting to listen, he covered his head. He got no joy from the horrifying death these men had brought upon themselves.

Before the leader died, he shot down several creatures, many of which were lying near Brad. His intent was to kill Brad before these things killed him. Of course, in his attempt to kill Brad, the fool did not realize he was actually giving him cover.

Brad knew he must now only wait out the storm. It would take a few hours but eventually these things would get bored and leave. He could then get in the car and drive away.








Chapter 14


Driving along in a brand new Eldorado with the windows up, AC on and Led Zeppelin playing on the IPOD, life was good.
I could get used to this,
Brad thought. He wondered where he was but he was very hungry and he desperately needed a shower. Hoping to find a good neighborhood, he headed up into the hills and looked for a classy house with solar. Once he found it, he broke in and made sure the place was deserted. Convinced it was safe he went to the kitchen, opened the freezer and found a box of Omaha burgers still frozen solid - solar was great. Beside the burgers was a pack of buns. Who the hell freezes buns? Who cares? They were still good. He tossed the buns on the counter and put the burgers in some water then headed upstairs. When he got to the large master suit, he saw a king-size bed on one side of the room and a sitting area on the over side. After taking a quick look around, he went into the bathroom and found a Carrera marble shower along with a big whirlpool tub. He tested the water and it was hot so he decided to take a shower then inspect all his cuts and bruises.

After a long shower, he checked his battle scars while the tub filled. His head was sore and bruised but now that he was clean, he would heal. Inside the vanity were plenty of bandages and ointment to treat his wounds. He also found a new toothbrush and a new blade for the razor. Once he took care of his teeth and beard, he sat in the whirlpool and closed his eyes. After all, he was waiting for the burgers to thaw.

When he had had enough of the whirlpool, he dried off with Egyptian cotton towels then headed to the master closet. As soon as he walked in the light turned on.
These people had class,
he sighed
Unfortunately, no amount of money could save them from their terrible fate. He hoped they had escaped to safety, if such a place existed, but he was certain they were now mindless creatures wondering in the streets.

Pushing these wretched thoughts from his mind, he searched the closet and found some clothes that almost fit. The pants were a little short and loose around the waste but he wore a fancy leather belt and he was fine. He also found a few extra-large t-shirts. For the final touch, he pulled on some white socks and tennis shoes. The shoes were a little tight but close enough for now. He would stop somewhere later and pick up some better fitting clothes. Before he left the bedroom, he glanced in the eight-foot by five-foot mahogany-framed mirror and smiled. He was handsome again.

Returning downstairs, he inspected the burgers and found them still frozen so he tossed them in the microwave and set it to defrost. Out in the backyard he walked over to the Barbeque Island. This thing was immaculate. He opened the lid.
Clean enough to eat off,
he smiled. His dad would be impressed. He lit it then went to get the burgers.

After throwing down three double burgers with ketchup, mustard and relish along with Pringles and a Pepsi on the side, he glanced at the mail on the table and learned he was in Santa Barbara. Why had they taken the trouble to bring him so far? Could they have been heading to the capital or did they just want to make sure he never found his way home if he escaped? He shrugged. It was a long way back and he had had a rough past few hours so he decided to stay the night. Besides, he was comfortable in this house and he would rather start out with a full day of sunlight ahead of him.

Now that he had determined to spend the night, he went to the living room and played a few games on the Xbox. When he grew tired of this, he made some Mac and cheese with hotdogs in it for dinner. Once he finished eating, he popped Planet of the Apes into the blue-ray player. After two Stoli martinis, he passed out.

When he awoke, the sun was rising and it was time to go. While eating breakfast, he sat at the table and tried to decide what he should do. It was over one hundred miles home and almost four times that far to Sacramento. It would be difficult alone but he did not feel right asking anyone to join him. He knew they would come but enough people had died because of him already. While he reflected, he got up to pace and his shoes pinched his toes.
That’s it
, he determined.
I will go get a new wardrobe then I will make my decision

He poured some coffee into a travel mug then grabbed some frozen steaks and hot dogs along with a few sodas. By the door, he found an NRA cap that he put on.
Sure could use their help right now
, he thought. One more pass through the kitchen to stock up on cookies, chips, crackers and some frozen bread. Supplies in hand, he went out to the car and tossed everything in the back with his weapons.

He now set out and was surprised to find very little activity on State Street. After passing several stores, he stopped in front of Macys. Since the front doors were wide open getting in would be easy. He put on his trench coat, grabbed his sword and shield then walked in. The place was a mess and everything was everywhere so it took a while to find clothes that fit him. While he collected the items he needed, he kept a sharp eye out to make sure he was not surprised. No creatures were in the store but a couple walked past the front.

Once he had everything he needed, he headed for the door. When he turned the corner to go out, he almost ran into a stark naked creature with a bushy white beard. He jumped back in shock as he pulled his sword and prepared to defend himself.

“If you see Kay Ed,” the thing smiled with a crazy look.

Brad lowered his sword when he realized the thing covered with blood and puss from head to toe was an old man.

“What’s your name?” the old man asked as he glanced around.

Brad stared at him for a moment then finally told him.

“Who’s your daddy?” the old man continued.

“What?” Brad replied in confusion.

The crazy coot snickered then shouted, “Beware.”

“Keep quiet will you,” Brad warned as he looked around the store.

The old man leaned close and whispered, “Is he rich like me?”

“What are you talking about? Who are you?” Brad demanded.

“The name’s Joyce, James Ulysses Joyce.”

“You look like the singer from the Grateful Dead.”

“I can do something he can’t,” the old man grinned mischievously.

“What is that?” Brad asked as he took a step back.

Joyce produced a wooden match from somewhere then jumped up, clicked his heels, lit the match on his bare leg, belched, farted and lit the fart while still airborne.

Brad was speechless.

“If you see Kay Ed, that is what we are,” he smiled then took off and ran around the store shouting, “If you see Kay Ed, if you see Kay Ed.”

Brad motioned for him to be quiet but the old man bolted out through the open front door and ran across the parking lot repeating his ridiculous phrase.

“It is the time of the season for crazies,” Brad muttered as he looked out the door trying to see where the apparition had gone.

Not seeing him, he gathered the things he had dropped when the old man startled him then went out to his car and drank his coffee. While he drank, he decided if he were ever going to go to Sacramento now was the time. He started the car and headed north on the 101.

While he traveled, he was amazed at how clear the freeway was. It was nothing like the LA area. When he got to Goleta, he stopped at Home Depot to get a pump and some hose so he could fill his tank. Once he had these items, he drove through the parking lot heading for the gas station. As he went past Costco, he noticed a large crowd of creatures. When he got closer, he was horrified to see a young woman running from them. Without hesitation, he took off to save her.

“Get in the car,” he yelled when he got next to her.

She shook her head.

“Are you crazy? Get in.”

“I don’t know you.”

He looked at the things following her and then back at the girl. “You need to get in now.”

“Can I trust you?”

“Can you trust them?” he said as he pulled in front of her. “Get in the car.”


“Do you want to die?”


Then get in.

She glanced back and reluctantly got into the car.

Brad shook his head and sped away.

After a moment she demanded, “Where are you taking me?”

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