Enlisting Her Heart (4 page)

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Authors: Willow Brooke

Bud, Kodiak, and Maverick reluctantly woke the rest of the family, moving them all into the last hut. Bud took to patrolling the outside, covering the back. With the front and left side of the building surrounded by ocean, it made it the perfect defensive location. Vince seemed to be more upset about losing his beauty rest, complaining the bags under his eyes and puffiness would be the sole reason he didn’t land a native vacation romance during their stay. Mrs. Sanders had insisted on being armed, toting a .410 like a protective lioness. Michael only grinned, loving the fire his woman had and couldn’t help but get a little too touchy-feely in Kodiak’s opinion. He had to admire the couple. As different as night and day, the two matched in perfect harmony.

Violet, still clad in a pair of pink plaid pajama shorts that fell just below the curve of her ass and a matching baby pink tank top, made it hard to focus on much else. Her eyes were hooded sleepily, framed perfectly by her wild red curls that fell around her shoulders. Kodiak sighed in relief that he had opted to change into jeans and ditch the sweat pants he had gone to bed in. Walking around with a raging hard-on pointing like a flagpole would have been more than embarrassing. “Mmm. I need coffee,” she mumbled, leaning over on his shoulder. With seating snug despite the size of the two-room suite, he had intentionally found his place next to her. He fought the urge to tug her into his lap and cradle her back to sleep.

“Me too, darlin’.” Unable to resist his natural hormonal instincts, he rested his arm along the back of the couch behind her and waited. She took the bait and leaned over against him, resting her head against his chest. His heart pounded through his ribs. She raised up and smiled, trailing her eyes straight to the fly of his jeans and back to meet his gaze. The little minx was toying with him! He slid his arm down, casually draping it over her shoulders. There wasn’t a lot he could do that could go undetected in the crowded room, but he wasn’t one to back down from a game. She rested her head back down, scooting her leg over against his. The subtle contact had his cock engorged painfully. While some of the others tried to catch a nap, watch television, or have quiet conversations, he was stuck in blissful agony. She shivered, scooting closer. Maverick got up and handed him a blanket, winking. Kodiak’s eyes went wide in wonder, but the smirk on Maverick’s features said it all. The fucker knew. Instead of helping him get out of the situation, the asshole was playing an enabler.

“Thanks, man,” he grumbled, tossing the cover over her. Violet tugged the edge up under her chin. Instead of settling back against him, she used the rest of the blanket to drape over him too.

“You look cold.” Her eyes danced with wickedness. Like a gentleman, Maverick walked away to go help Bud patrol, his smirk shining in the dim light like the Cheshire Cat’s.

“Thank you.” He didn’t know what to say. Sure, he had flirted with her, but she hadn’t ever been more than just friendly to him. That all changed with the help of the glorious blanket. Violet adjusted beside him, so he moved, turning more sideways in the corner of the couch with one leg on the cushions. She snuggled up between his parted thighs, laying against his chest with one leg draped on his lap—right across his throbbing cock. Kodiak had to stifle a groan. She settled with her eyes closed, one hand resting on his peck. The warmth from her hand through his thin shirt scorched his flesh. Her little hands were so dainty and feminine. She slowly traced her thumb back and forth soothingly. Whether it was meant for him or a soothing motion to help her doze off he didn’t know, but it held the opposite effect on him than intended.

A long curl fell across her face and he couldn’t resist reaching down to brush it behind her ear. The soft little mewl that parted from her lush lips had his dick twitching. He had to keep reminding himself there were people everywhere, but the little vixen in his lap was making it hard to keep his thoughts pure. To add insult to injury, her knee kept readjusting, rubbing his dick. Unable to stomach the zipper tearing his manhood into hamburger any longer, he moved, repositioning himself, and his member. As he settled his head against the back cushion of the couch, her head slid down lower, resting on his ribs…along with her hand.

Kodiak fought his thoughts away from the sweet smell of violets and vanilla that teased his senses to will his cock to go down. Everything kept returning to the sweet little body pressed up against him. As he calmed his nerves, without realizing it, his fingers rubbed gently against her arm. Her breathing became slower to the point he thought her asleep and he sighed. Kodiak hadn’t ever just held a woman. He let his eyes close to rest, the excitement of the night catching up to him.

Violet crawled up the bed, her large breasts revealed through the sheer pink
baby doll
gown. Her eyes locked with his, revealing a craving so feral he growled. The tip of her tongue darted out, moistening her lips. Kodiak fought the urge to reach for her and throw her on her back. He wanted nothing more than to sink in her wet heat and take her, over and over again until she screamed his name. But instead, he remained still. The little temptress teased him, cupping her breasts and
the tight little rose buds that pe
ked through.

Yes. Tease me
baby. Show me what you like, he thought. He swallowed a protest when her movements stilled. Slowly she continued toward him, crawling up to straddle his thighs. Her hand grazed down his chest, tracing each muscle to his bellybutton. With one finger she traced it, drawing patterns lower and lower with each swipe. And then her touch landed where he needed it

where he craved it. Her palm grazed over his rod, slowly cupping its girth to stroke up and down in a gloriously agonizing
trepidation that had him leaking in anticipation. His hips arched upwards, grinding him against her palm harder. It wouldn’t be long before he stopped her little game and returned it until she submitted to him. His teeth clenched so tightly his jaw hurt, and still he allowed her

He grabbed her hand, squeezing it around his cock and pumped upwards violently. “Oh no you don’t
big boy. I’m running this rodeo. You’re just along for the ride.” Her voice hummed over his body like warm honey. Before he was able to show her the bull always ruled the arena, her lips crashed to his.

Hulks eyes flew open, his brow beaded with perspiration. Violet’s green eyes stared back at him, seeming to illuminate in the dark room. He darted his eyes away and frantically searched the room, seeing that everyone seemed to be going back to bed for a few hours and his shoulders dropped in relief. And then he felt it. Her hand rubbed against the rough fabric of his jeans, grazing over his engorged cock. When he looked back to her in shock, her lips curved up in a cockeyed grin. She didn’t falter her movements. Was this really happening? Before he had time to evaluate the situation any more, her fingers fumbled with the button of his jeans. He sucked in a breath, paralyzed. They were in a room full of their family, and she picked now to come on to him? One look at her expression and it was clear the little siren knew exactly what she was doing.

The sound of his zipper sliding down was camouflaged by the television in the other room, thankfully, but unless he wanted the whole room to witness him strip her naked and take her right then and now, he had to stop this. His hand moved to halt hers, only to be brushed away. She shook her head, grinning. When his cock sprung free, Kodiak lost it. His mouth crashed down on hers, prodding for entrance. When his hand skidded up the hem of her shirt and found her breasts sitting free of a bra, she gasped. His tongue plunged into the sweet crevice of her mouth, grazing against hers. His thumb grazed over her nipple, pebbling it immediately and she whimpered. Hulk smiled and palmed her breast, kneading it. Violet may have wanted to play with the big man, but she hadn’t anticipated him turning the tables on her.

Not to be outdone, she traced her finger around the head of his dick, smearing the warm liquid that already oozed from the tip. It had been too much of a temptation lying in his arms, and her desire got the better of her. Now she wanted to get the better of him. For months the big bear had been teasing her, rattling her resolve. It was time to return the favor. Between him and Hulk, Violet had stayed in a heightened painful state of arousal no amount of masturbation could cure. She craved a man’s touch. Technically, she craved two men’s touch, and if she had her way, she’d get it. When she fisted him and stroked down his length, he devoured her with his mouth. His hand fled from her breast and she wanted to object but his lips only hardened against hers. When she felt the rough callouses graze down the tender flesh of her stomach to the waist of her shorts, her body tremored.

Not to be showed up, Kodiak sought out her sweet spot. She was determined to test his restraint, so he figured he’d just up the stakes some and give her a taste of her own medicine. Her smooth skin felt like soft velvet under his touch. Kodiak didn’t rush it. Where he should have met the band of her panties, he found none. His cock jerked again. As his hand moved lower, it was like opening a present. The smooth skin continued to her folds. And nothing turned him on more than a clean shaved pussy. Her legs parted wider, granting him access. Who was he to turn down an offer? His finger slid down her slick folds, coating in her juices. He broke contact with her mouth enough to groan under his breath. “I want you,” he whispered against her lips. She tugged her bottom lip between her teeth, reflecting the same hunger he felt. There was nowhere to take her. They were stuck here until the threat had been assessed, but that didn’t stop her. Her eyebrows wagged and she leaned up to kiss him. As much as Kodiak knew this wouldn’t be enough, the alternative wasn’t an option. Her hand fisted his dick tighter and pumped up and down. He sought out the little bundle of nerves in her folds and flicked it, tracing circles around and around until she was writhing against his hand. She retaliated, quickening her pace. He felt his balls draw up and knew he wouldn’t last. He drank her sweet taste like a hungry beast, and thrust two fingers deep into her tight little channel. The walls of her pussy hugged his fingers, sucking him deeper. He curled them, rubbing against that special spot as he worked them in and out of her body relentlessly.

Violet’s grip tightened around his throbbing member, matching his pace. Kodiak knew she was as close as he was. Her muscles flexed and tightened, desperate for release. As his mind visualized the finish line, the door opened. Violet jerked away and laid down, her breaths coming in shallow pants as she tried to hide. Kodiak carefully tucked his detonated dick back into his jeans and fastened them, biting his lip to prevent crying out at the restricting pain that shot to his balls. Thankfully, the room was dark.

Bud walked up and shook his arm, assuming he was asleep. Kodiak lifted his head and went along with it, glad his brother was none the wiser in their forbidden exhibitionist activities. “Hey, man, your turn to pull guard,” Bud whispered. Kodiak wanted to protest but lifted Violet, smiling when she played possum. He rested her on a pillow and stood, praying his shirt covered the bulge.

Bud went to take his place on the couch and Kodiak growled. “I don’t fuckin’ think so. Find another spot to park your ass,” he hissed.

Bud held up his arms in defense and snickered, lowering to stretch out on the floor. Before Kodiak turned to leave, he reached down and covered her up, leaning inches from her ear. “We aren’t done here,” he whispered, only loud enough for her to hear. The little smile that tugged at the corners of her lips made him grin. He couldn’t wait until all this shit was over and he could get her alone.

The drive was short. It wasn’t long until they were pulling up at the docks where some of the ships were already unloading. Two of the team members jumped out and stayed in the shadows, getting into position. When they radioed they were in a concealed spot, Dom drove away, pulling down a dirt road and let the man out. Three soldiers came up and took him into custody, keeping their greeting to a minimum. Dom returned back, ditching the car in a thicket of trees and brush. They jumped out, grabbing their weapons and surveillance equipment. “Okay here’s the deal. If we can keep our covers, no one make a move. Our best plan of action is to collect evidence and video of the operation going down and get out. If things get nasty, be ready to go to war, ladies. Without knowing if Homeland Security and the Secret Service are involved, it’s best to assume the worst. Let’s move.” Dom gave the command and the team hunkered down, creeping into the night.

With the sun glowing just under the horizon sending a warm glow over the bay, people began to scurry about. The team held tight in their hiding spots, praying they had stationed themselves where they had an ample view of whatever was to come.

The Smurf’s theme disrupted their silence as everyone looked around to see its source. Pop sighed, shaking his head. “Sorry. I left in such a hurry I forgot to turn my ringer off.” He swiped across the screen, his face grimacing. “Go figure. She’s bitching again because I didn’t tell her I was leaving. As if she’d have taken it lightly if I’d have woken her up after I slept on the fuckin’ couch again.” He didn’t respond, clicking off the sound before securing the device back in his pocket.

“Really? Smurfs.” Dom shook his head.

“Joker. He changed my ringtone and I can’t figure out how to fix it.” He shook his head. Vice laughed, but thankfully didn’t make a scene even though he was sure he’d catch hell from everyone later.

At six-thirty on the dot, a convoy of SUVs pulled up and blocked off all entrances to the ship in front of them. “Bingo,” Dom whispered over his earpiece. “Get the video rolling. Juju, you’re on audio.”

“Roger,” Juju and Joker responded. A group of heavily armed men in black stepped out, scanning the area. They took their time, scouting the perimeter before opening the back door of the middle truck, still standing guard. Out stepped Senator Nelson, and the Vice President of the United States.

“Son-of-a-bitch,” Vice growled in a whisper over their earpiece.

“Easy, Vice,” Dom warned. She prayed for the opportunity to dot the treasonistic bastard between the eyes. She followed the two through her scope, her finger itching to reach for the trigger. Going to prison for assassination wasn’t on her ‘to do’ list, so she took a deep breath, numbing her emotions. A group of four Middle Eastern men stepped off the boat, followed by grunt workers who carried wooden crates. Their conversation could only be heard by Juju who relayed an edited footnote version of what was taking place.

“They are discussing money. Target number one is arguing down the price, but Nelson is holding firm.” The team remained silent while he gave them the short notes of the conversation. “The exchange has been made. Kovack asked the status of some plans that are scheduled. From the way they are talking, I think there is an attack against the White House. They are planning a bomb!”

“Fuck. When?” Dom asked.

“I don’t know. They’re talking in code. From what I can gather, the number forty-four keeps coming up.”

“Forty-four? It’s a month and date. July fourth. Independence day,” Romeo growled. “The son-of-a-bitch is planning on attacking the Nation’s capitol on fuckin’ Independence Day.”

“Zoom in. Make sure we have enough evidence to have this mother fucker locked in Guantanamo Bay and pray he gets fucked in the ass as hard as he is ramming it to our country before they fry his ass,” Pop growled. It wasn’t like him to show feelings, especially on assignment, but the one thing he stood for was his country. He had pledged his life to defend it, and whoever stood in the way was signing their death certificate, Vice President or not. This was the biggest scandal to hit America in all of history. With Secret Service on location with the Senator and Vice President, there was going to be a public uproar and an immediate takeover from the governmental officials to secure the Nation’s safety. Terrorists were now coming in the form of the country's leaders. The shit was going to sling so far the stench wouldn’t ever be erased.

Once the crates were loaded, the suits left. The team stuck in position, just in case more went down. By midafternoon, they packed up and called the General. Instead of handing over the only copies of evidence, they made a duplicate and kept a copy in case he was intercepted on his way back to the base. With the stakes of the mission higher than ever before, and now that they had the proof to back it, they couldn’t be too safe.

The General met them on an off the beaten trail away from civilization. He couldn’t believe the information they had gathered and knew he had to be careful who he entrusted with the evidence. Instead of taking a military flight back to the States, he opted to fly from a private airstrip into the mountains so he would hopefully go undetected.

“Soldiers, your country thanks you for the risk you took to protect her. What happens from here is out of our hands. Go back to your vacation and forget it all, but be careful. This mission is completed.” The team let out a loud ‘hooah’, knowing that victory hadn’t been reached just yet, but they had completed their job to the furthest they could take it. Until action was taken, all that was left to do was hold their breath.

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