Enlisting Her Heart (10 page)

Read Enlisting Her Heart Online

Authors: Willow Brooke

Back on the ranch, time had almost been at a standstill while everyone recuperated from jet lag. Even the kids had opted for another movie day, all piling in the front room of the main house with blankets and pillows. Vince chose to join them, taking his spot on the couch and was the official movie picker. It beat the hell out of farm chores, and with them all still running on one cylinder it made for helaciously long days.

“Uncle Vince, what are we gonna watch next?” Skyler asked, propping himself on Vince’s lap.

“We are going to watch the best movie ever made. Have any of you seen
The Goonies

“No, what’s that?” Heather asked, laughing.

“You’ll see. Lizzy, darlin’, can you pop the DVD in for me?”

“Sure. Can we get another refill of popcorn first?” Lizzy held up the empty bowl, swiping her finger across the bottom of the bowl to eat the buttery salt.

“Yeah, go ask one of the girls for a refill. See if you can sneak some of those cookies Mrs. Sanders baked.” Before he could ask for the extra chocolaty ones, his phone vibrated. He checked the screen, not recognizing the number. When he read the text, he let out a squeal. “Oh my God! Alaina! Violet! Bella!”

Violet and Bella came rushing in from the kitchen with Alaina and Mrs. Sanders closely behind. “What! What’s wrong?” Bella asked, her eyes instinctively falling on the kids to make sure no one was injured.

“You’ll never guess who just texted me.” He stood, handing them the phone.

“Nathan Mars?” Alaina’s mouth dropped.

“Oh my God, I knew it!” Violet took the phone, jumping up and down.

“Well then, if you’re going out tonight, we need to get you all sexied up!” Bella laughed, loving a distraction. It had only been a couple days since she’d last seen Joker, but already it was hard to keep her mind off the ‘what if’s’. Poor Vince was about to be center stage in their attention. Thankfully, he loved getting dressed up and being in the spotlight.

Vince laughed, shaking his head. “Oh Lordy, what have I got myself into.”

“Hopefully it’ll be a tall, dark, and handsome cowboy!” Alaina giggled.

“You’re awful! Let me text him back first before you girls go crazy.” He replied, looking at the clock on his cell. “Damn! He wants to meet in an hour. We’ve gotta hurry.” He glanced up at the girls who were already reaching to drag him off to get dressed.

“Well don’t be dragging your feet now, we have a lot to do!” Bella made a beeline for Vince’s room, determined to find the best shirt he had, which given Vince would be a task. His wardrobe was bigger than all the girls’ put together. Mrs. Sanders came in, carrying a plate of cookies.

“Thought we might need some snacks. I can’t have our boy leaving with low blood sugar.” She winked at him, giving him first dibs.

“Thanks, Momma.” Vince laughed, hugging her neck. The group began fussing over clothes, boots, and the normal, lost in the task at hand. For the first time in two days, the air around them was light, the smiles bright. Vince was eating up all the attention, more excited about sharing his date with them than the actual date itself. Then again, Nathan Mars was hotter than a tin roof in the summertime. Just the idea of the sexy cowboy in tight jeans made his stomach knot up.

Forty-five minutes later, Vince walked out into the front room, doing a dramatic runway model type spin. “Well, what d’ya think?” They had chosen a deep burgundy silk shirt and a pair of snug fitting Levi’s, paired with black boots. His big chocolate eyes danced with excitement, framed with the soft waves that whisked down on his forehead. He was flat out sexy. His built frame showed with each move, dragging ‘oooh’s’ and ‘aww’s’ from the girls. Michael and Hulk walked in just in time to see the finished product.

“Damn, boy, what’re you all gussied up for?” Michael laughed.

“He’s got a hot date,” Alaina sing-songed teasingly.

“We’ve only been home a few days, maybe you should wait awhile. You know, get over jet lag and stuff. Don’t want you havin’ your guard down, son. He may be a good guy, but all men have one thing on their mind.” Michael thought back to the last time Vince had gone out and cringed. If it were anyone but Dr. Mars’ kid, him and ol’ Betsy would chaperone.

Vince chuckled. “I’m counting on it.”

“Michael’s right. Maybe a dinner here at home would be smarter. We are still under lockdown until some things get sorted out and you going off to town alone ain’t the best idea.” Hulk propped on the arm of the sofa, sneaking glances in Violet’s direction. He’d been busy since daybreak with Michael tending to the ranch chores and hadn’t gotten time to see her since they’d arrived. Either she was busy with the women or there was an audience. Now was his chance. He’d been trying to corner her for the past few days, but now that he was but a mere few feet from her, butterflies flip-flopped in his gut.

“We’re just going to dinner, then back to his place. No bars or any place like that, guys. I’ll be fine. If something feels off, I’ll call, okay?” Vince’s expression was hopeful, his excitement pouring off him in ripples. Hulk and Michael shared a look before finally coming to agreement.

“Fine. But nowhere else, okay? You’ll be safe enough at the Mars boy’s place. Hulk and I will be here if you need us.” Michael walked over to kiss Mrs. Sanders on the cheek, bringing her to giggles before he pulled back. The sound of a truck pulling up had Vince jumping to the window.

“He’s here.” His smile said it all. The room all shared his excitement, glad their wonderful little Vince was finally getting a date worthy of him. As Vince started his goodbyes and walked to the door, Michael stopped him.

“Hold on, boy. He can come to the door like a respectable young man.” Michael’s old fashion ways were touching, although when it came to men dating, the rules weren’t as black and white. Vince shrugged and stepped back to wait. Michael had known the Mars’ since they were born, so there wasn’t much chance Nathan would be weird about it all. Instead of the normal text to announce his arrival, there was a knock at the door. Vince looked at Michael who grinned.

“Good man. See? I told you things work different ‘round these parts. Let him in.” The family waited while Vince opened the door.

“Good evening.” Nathan’s sexy drawl had Vince tongue-tied. He stepped in the house, all eyes falling on him in an embarrassing gawk fest. Nathan was about six foot eight inches tall, his sandy blonde hair brushing against the collar of a black button up shirt. His light sky blue eyes gleamed in the soft light, sending a shiver up Vince’s spine. The lower his eyes wandered, the tighter his jeans pressed against his dick. Sporting tight blue jeans that accented the sexiest Wrangler butt Vince had ever seen, Nathan was a walking gaygasm. Vince saw sparkles and rainbows swarm around him in a kaleidoscope of hot male muscles. If it weren’t for the family all being present, he’d have jumped his bones the second he walked in the house.

“Mr. Reynolds, with your permission, I’d like to take Vince out to dinner and back to hang out at my place to watch some movies for the evening.” Nathan’s cocky grin held more promise than movies and Vince felt his heart jump up in his throat.

“Why, I think that sounds like a good idea. You boys have a good time. It’s good to see you, Nathan. Hope to see you around more often.” Michael’s hint at not presuming Vince was one-night stand material rang loud and clear. The good-natured Nathan smiled and nodded.

“Yes, sir, I’m sure you will. Good night.” The two men said their goodbyes, Vince peaking his head back in the door once Nathan had walked to the truck to mouth, ‘Oh my God he’s gorgeous’ before shutting the door behind him. The others laughed, happy for him.

“That boy deserves a good date, and as far as I’m concerned, he couldn’t have done better than the Mars boy,” Mrs. Sanders said as she and the other girls started back to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Hulk waited for the others to be out of earshot and decided it was now or never.

“Hey, Violet? Can we talk?” She turned around, looking both surprised and scared. Hell, he didn’t want her afraid of him. “Please…” his voice dropped to a whisper full of emotion and desperation. Like always, her sweet smile eased his tension. Even though she was upset at him and Kodiak, she still was there to reassure him. Damn, what a woman.

“Sure. I could use some fresh air.” Violet walked out the door without glancing back, not that he wouldn’t be right on her heels at the opportunity. He waited until the lights from the house were behind them and stopped, turning her to face him.

“Vi, I’m sorry. We both are. Kodiak and I…we acted like complete assholes.” He paused, hoping she’d give him kind of a sign before he went on and made a complete fool out of himself. Her little fist planted on the sweet curve of her hip and his mouth went dry. Sure, she was pissed. But damn if she wasn’t the sexiest little firecracker he’d ever seen.

“Yes, you were. Don’t forget impossible, pig-headed, and jealous.” His eyes dropped to the ground.

“Yeah, and that. But, I’d like to make it up to you. I mean, we both care about you…a lot.” He didn’t want to say too much, but there weren’t words to describe his feelings. What, pour out that he was in love with her? That he’d had it bad since the first minute he’d laid eyes on her? Then what? What if she laughed? Or told him flat out she didn’t care for him that way? He couldn’t bear the thought. He’d said more than he’d wanted to and would have to just show her the rest. Some things were better proved.

“I have feelings for you both too. That’s why it’s probably better if we just stop all this before it starts. I don’t want to hurt either of you.” She turned and looked up at the stars, fighting the tears back. She didn’t want to walk away from either of them. Truth be told, she had more than just feelings for them, she was falling in love. But neither of them were the type to go for a ménage relationship. Both Hulk and Kodiak were pure alpha males but polar opposites, which was what fueled her attraction. Where Hulk was hot tempered, Kodiak was mild. Where Kodiak joked and played, Hulk was caring and protective. But together…together they were everything she had ever dreamed of and so much more.

She felt his arms wrap around her from behind and she closed her eyes, mustering up the willpower to resist. Hulk couldn’t let Violet walk away. Not without knowing how he felt. So, when he saw her pulling away, he panicked and did the one thing he knew of to stop the words. When she turned to tell him no, his lips crashed down on hers.

His tongue begged for entry, gliding across the seam of her lips between soft nips and kisses. His arm pulled her against him, his bulge pressed against her belly. She gasped at the contact and he moved in, possessing her mouth. His tongue sought out hers, gently coaxing it to entwine and play. When her arms found their way around his neck, he took full possession. He felt tingling in his balls with instant need and his tongue worked her the way he wanted his cock to. He gripped her tighter, lost in her sweet essence. “God, Violet…I’ve wanted you for so long,” he whispered into her mouth, needing more of her. She didn’t pull back like he feared. Her leg lifted around his thigh and broke the last bit of reservations he had. He pulled it up to wrap around his waist, his arms holding her weight. His lips trailed down her throat, sucking the tender flesh between his teeth. He sucked her skin, unable to get enough of the sweet taste that only belonged to Violet. Sweet Violet—prettier than any flower, sweeter than honey. “Damn…” he growled, moving back up to swallow her heightened breaths. Her tongue eased into his mouth with need. He let out a mangled groan, fighting himself for control. Their tongues entwined, lost in ecstasy. As fast as she heated up, she iced over.

“No.” She pulled back, still trapped in his arms. “Hulk… I can’t… I won’t choose.”

“And you don’t have to. Trust me, baby.” She reached for him again, her pebbled nipples aching against her clothing.

“I do.” And she meant it. She leapt up to wrap her legs around his waist and licked his lips tauntingly. They’d been dancing around this moment for a long time, and now as much as he wanted to stake his claim on her right here and now, he needed to ease off. He didn’t want to rush. He wanted to relish in every kiss, every touch, and every heartbeat. But most of all, he wanted to show her what was in his heart.

Hulk pulled back to look at her in the silver moonlight. “God, you’re beautiful.” He dropped kisses on her cheek, trailing them back to her sweet plump lips. She kissed him back with the same amount of hunger, their movements growing impatient and demanding. He had to slow things down. When he took her, he didn’t want her to have any regrets. When Hulk tried to lower her back to the ground, Violet’s grip tightened.

“No.” She pulled back, caressing his cheek. “You remember that volleyball game on vacation?” Hulk nodded, confused. “And how I told you
Top Gun
was my favorite movie?”


“Well, I’ve dreamed of saying this since I was a teenager. Maverick, you big stud. Take me to bed or lose me forever.” She kissed him again, this time arching her body against him in invitation. His palm moved up to cup her ass, his fingers digging into the soft flesh to grind her against his erection. With that, she snapped his willpower. He carried her toward his cabin in a hurry, hoping he didn’t stumble along the way. Who was he to deny the lady’s demands?

"That I can do, but, baby, you may not want to say it anymore, though. I don't wanna have to kick Brody's ass for thinking you are talking about him by saying Maverick." He leaned in, kissing her lips, cutting off her giggles.

Chapter Eight


Violet stood, her skin glowing under the soft light. Hulk couldn’t think. He couldn’t breathe. His eyes took in every inch of her, soaking up the beauty that stood before him. Her long auburn curls hung down her back and over her shoulders, brushing against her pert breasts. The tiny little peach nubs peeked out between the strands in a tease, begging to be sucked. Her waist was small, her hips round and lush. She wasn’t stick thin like most girls and had the hourglass figure he’d adored since the first time he’d gotten ahold of his dad’s Playboy magazines as a kid. When his gaze met her mound, his mouth salivated. She shaved, keeping herself bare and clean, which was one thing he had always preferred. It gave him a clear view of her, and once his tongue sought out that baby soft skin, she’d feel every lick and suck. He hadn’t noticed his feet gravitating in her direction until he stood over her, his hands itching to touch her. “Fuck, Violet… I want to do this right. I want to taste every inch of you…” He walked around her, tracing his finger across her collarbone and down the spine of her back, “but you are making it damn hard to resist throwing you down on the bed and driving deep in your tight little pussy.”

She gasped at the harshness of his words, her flesh flushing from the idea. It wasn’t embarrassment, but pure, unadulterated desire. When he circled back around him, she licked her lips.

“You gonna take off those pants any time soon?” He fumbled with the button, a cocky grin melting her where she stood. When they pooled at his feet he reached down, stroking his dick with one hand.
Holy shit. He wasn’t wearing underwear
. She eyed his hand moving up and down the massive length, swallowing hard at how wide his hand encased his member. He was freaking huge! She took a step back, her calves bumping against the mattress causing her to fall back on her butt. Hulk laughed, stalking toward her, each step deliberate.

“What, don’t you like what you see, baby?” Amusement danced in his eyes.

She gulped back a gasp and nodded, fighting to find her tongue. From his head to his toes, the man was muscle upon muscle, all tanned except from the waist down. His body screamed strength, from hard manual labor and extensive physical training. “You’re gorgeous.” Her eyes dropped back to his groin. “And freaking huge.” Hulk’s laughter snapped her out of her haze, her face heating from embarrassment.

“Don’t worry, baby. I’ll go good and slow…letting your hot little body stretch to take every inch.” He walked toward her, crawling up over her forcing her to scoot to the middle of the bed on her back. When he lowered down on top of her, the partial weight he pressed against her had her fighting arousal once again. He rubbed his dick against her mound, earning a moan.

“Oooh,” she gasped. She raised her head up to reach him, brushing her lips against his in a silent plea. Having him on top of her like this set her blood on fire. She’d beg if she had to. She felt herself grow moist, her pussy clenching at the idea of what was to come. He smiled against her lips, keeping their mouths locked as he rolled to rest beside her. His free hand grazed down her neck, seeking out her breast. He cupped it, lifting and kneading its weight in his massive hand. She was large chested, but fit perfectly in his huge grip. “Mmm, I love your tits, Vi.” The rough pad of his thumb brushed over her pert nub, drawing it from puckered to throbbing. He took his time, touching every inch before moving to the other one.

Violet was so lost in the sensation, it dawned on her that she could play too. Damn if she hadn’t been waiting to feel every chiseled muscle. She touched and teased, following the ridges that ran down his abdomen that lead straight to another muscle—a large, rock solid, mouthwatering muscle. She didn’t screw around pretending she was going to touch him. In one movement, her fingers closed the distance and wrapped around his cock, stroking up and down in long strides. He moaned, it sounding more like grunting, and moved to touch her folds in retaliation. It took all her concentration to continue her task, wanting to tilt him off balance before she exploded. Her breaths came in short pants as he worked his finger in her, rubbing up and down her slit to spread her juices. He used his broad thumb to strum her clit, plumping it immediately out of its hooded barrier. “Fuck!” she gasped, her movements halting.

After she got over the initial shock, she laxed her grip, which wasn’t much given her fingers didn’t touch around his girth, and traced around the tender sensitive ring that ran along the head. It was his turn to gasp, his hips thrusting up against her hand. “Easy, baby. I’m trying to take things slow.” He pushed two fingers in her, rotating them around to stretch her tight channel. “Fuck, you’re so damn tight.” She pushed down, eagerly sinking herself down to his knuckles.

“I don’t want slow. I want you in me. Now.” Her sweet disposition was gone, fueled by a sexual need like she’d never felt. “I want you just how you are, Hulk. Rough. Raw. And hard.” She slammed her fist down his dick, pumping it up and down fast.

Hulk held back a growl, gritting his teeth to keep from rolling on top of her and slamming in to the hilt. He’d wanted her for so long. Wanted to taste and touch every part of her, not take her like a wild animal. But, because Violet was Violet, she wasn’t taking no for an answer.

“Fuck me, Zane,” she said, raising up to straddle him. It took him half a second to figure out what she was doing and grabbed her arms, flipping her back onto the mattress with him hovering over her.

“Oh no you don’t, baby. I’m running this show.”

“Mmm. That’s better. You think you can handle it? Or are you gonna go all soft on me and make me take it how I want it?” Violet’s eyes danced, taunting him.

Hulk shoved his shaft against her folds, rubbing up and down her slit. When Violet gasped, he stopped and smiled. “Does that feel soft to you? Don’t push me, Vi, I’m hanging on by a string.” He leaned down and kissed her, his tongue demanding and dominating. When she arched into him and a muffled moan echoed into his mouth, he lost it. With his free hand he positioned the head of his dick at her opening and pushed in, keeping a steady pace until he was shoving against her cervix. Her pussy strangled him, squeezing so tight he thought he’d blow before he could move. He didn’t want to hurt her, but damn if the little vixen didn’t clench and arch up. Hulk let out a growl and pulled out, shoving all the way in.

“Yes!” she screamed, her fingernails digging into his back. With the next stroke she exploded, seizing under him as he fought to hang on. “Zaneeee!” Hearing his name on her lips had his balls tightening up and his spine tingling. He was so close, but wanted it to last as long as possible. It took effort, but being so lost in one woman and never wanting it to end fueled him on. He kept her rolling from one orgasm to the next, alternating from her G-spot to her cervix. He fought back his own release, wanting to give her what she needed. Her body arched and bucked, giving him a better ride than any rodeo. He fought her body as it pushed down against him each glorious time, tightening around his dick better than anything he’d ever dreamt.

After the seventh time she came, he couldn’t hold back. Her juices coated his balls, suctioning him in with every thrust. With one last drive, he threw his head back, his body going rigid above her. Both of his hands fisted the pillow on each side of her head, his roar vibrating on the walls.

Violet’s body went limp under him, her eyes hooded and glossed over in the sexiest sex drunk he’d ever seen. He carefully rolled to her side, still deep in her body, reveling in the aftershocks of their lovemaking. “Damn, baby.”

“Damn yourself, soldier.” Violet smiled, unable to resist touching him. Her hand came up to brush against his cheek. She knew what she wanted to say, but didn’t want to ruin the mood. His expression was enough for now. No confessions of love and labels tonight. Tonight, she got to share with the one man who had stolen her heart the first day she arrived on the ranch.

“God, you are perfect in every way.” Hulk pulled her closer, tucking her head under his chin. When her sweet little pussy pulsed around him, he felt himself getting hard again. Not being one to ever go more than one round in a generous amount of time, he grinned. Just being with her had him hard and wanting more, even after the mind-blowing orgasm he’d just had. He jerked inside her, her hips instantly pushing down on him. He chuckled, dropping a kiss on her forehead. “Keep that up and you won’t be getting much sleep tonight, princess.”

“Sleep’s overrated.” She smiled against his chest, giggling when he rolled her to straddle him.

The rest of the night, Hulk made love to her. Over and over, and when he thought there’d be no way possible they could go again, they would. The sun was peaking over the horizon when Violet finally collapsed and faded into a deep sleep. Hulk’s heart warmed as he glanced down at her. The image of her in the warm golden light being the last thing he saw before he gave in and passed out. Whether it be from pure exhaustion or Violet’s soft embrace, it was the first night Hulk slept. A deep, peaceful, night terror-free, sleep. No bombs or hostile fire, no images of Venus’s bloody corpse haunting him or pleas for help. It was a deep, mindless, mind-numbing rest that left him rejuvenated, with a new bounce in his step. His smile was impossible to hide.

The next morning at breakfast, Hulk couldn’t resist being beside Violet. He tried to keep it under wraps from the family, but his hands wouldn’t stay off her. He needed to touch her. Under the table he held her hand, and when all heads were looking the other way, he’d sneak a kiss. With Vince home from his date, all attention was on him, making their stolen moments go unnoticed.

Vince was glowing. There was no other word to describe it. He shared the same goofy grin Hulk did, and it didn’t go unnoticed. Michael tried to play off the dad roll, inquiring what time he got home and if Nathan had been a gentleman but the smile in his eyes said it all. “So, Vince, when are you seeing the Mars boy again?” Michael asked, looking over the rim of his coffee cup.

“He invited me over next weekend to watch the fights with his brother and their friends.” Vince tried to act nonchalant, but no one bought it.

“Good. Sounds fun. We need to have him over for dinner soon if you’re gonna be spending time with him.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll mention it to Doc this afternoon when he stops by.”

“Doc’s coming to the ranch today?” Michael sat up straighter in his chair, his facial expression growing serious. “Is everything okay?” He still worried about the trauma Vince had gone through. He knew Vince hadn’t come home until early morning, which led him to believe Vince might have reinjured

“Oh, yeah. I’m great,” he grinned. “He’s dropping in to talk to Hulk.” All eyes turned to Zane, who had turned fifty shades of red. Violet laced her fingers through his and smiled, jumping to deflect the attention off him.

“He’s been having some problems sleeping. Nothing to worry about.” Hulk let out a deep breath, giving her hand a little squeeze of thanks. She traced her thumb back and forth over his in a silent reassurance. Michael nodded, the others not questioning any further. The whole family knew of the struggles Hulk had been facing and the fact he was willing to be seen was a huge step. Their only concern being his welfare and mental state.

“Oh good. He’s helped me a time or two with similar problems. Got me on antidepressants after the misses passed. I’m sure he’ll fix you up, son.”

“So, Vince, how was dinner last night?” Mrs. Sanders said, quickly changing the subject. She stole a glance at Hulk, winking discretely. He smiled his thanks, turning back to the stack of biscuits and gravy on his plate.

Vince’s face lit up. “It was amazing. We tried that new steak house in town that just opened up. Good conversation, great food…it was a lot of fun. I learned a lot about the rodeo business. Did you know the Mars’ raise rodeo bulls and not just stock cattle?”

“I’d heard some about it. The boys have been on doc for years but he thought it’d be a waste of money.”

“Well, they are banking on the three they have. Gunpowder is the toughest. He’s undefeated still yet.” Vince grabbed another scoop of eggs.

“Humm. Might be something worth checkin’ in to. Well, I’m off to the south pasture. Got a heifer down there who’s having a rough go at her first calf. Calving season isn’t for another couple weeks, but I don’t think she’s going to make it that long. When you’re done with doc, come on out. We got a fence to patch and need to do a parameter check.”

“Yes, sir, will do.” Hulk relaxed back in his chair. He’d been shocked no one had pressed for more information about his condition and relieved to see nothing had changed. Maybe this PTSD crap would be okay after all. Violet had convinced him to seek treatment other than Mac, the troop’s doc, and reluctantly agreed. So far, his secret was safe amongst the people he held dearest. If he’d of known it wouldn’t be public knowledge sooner, he’d have asked a long time ago.

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