Enter the Bad Boy (Sweet Surrender) (5 page)

"Now?" he said, yawning.

"Yes – right now. Come on let's get up!"

An hour later they were back on the highway with the lake vanishing in the rear view. And after a quiet morning of travel
, Ash asked, "So we're good now?"

He glanced with a cheeky smile.

"Yes we're good," Catherine responded quizzically. "Why?"

, you know how you were saying you always wanted to try sleeping with two men? And you know how I did that for you even though it was kind of weird with another guy in the bed?"

Catherine smiled through her blush. "Yes. So?"

"Well, we'll be coming up to that rest stop soon and I've always wondered how it would feel to get a blowjob through a hole in the wall."

Catherine laughed. "Well, that guy might be there again if you're lucky."

"Yeah, sure – but I was sort of thinking you might like to do it for me. I don't think I could come at another guy down there – pardon the pun."

"Well, I guess I could,” Catherine said a little shyly.
“Although you have to promise more weekends away without that stupid phone!"

Ash had a big grin. "I promise."

A little later the rest stop came into view with one car parked. They pulled up and waited. There was a woman in the car, and after a few minutes a man and young boy came from the men's toilet.

"Come on," Ash said, leading Catherine down the path.

"Okay, but go in and make sure there's no one there."

Ash checked and then pulled his wife inside. She went into the stall and closed the door. Ash unzipped and fed his cock through the hole. It was an incredible sensation to feel the warmth of Catherine's mouth
, and he gained an erection instantly.

She giggled. "Wow
– that's impressive!"

The hole was big enough for her to lick and suck his balls a little
. She did that while stroking with her soft little fingers. She brought Ash along and had him surging towards his climax when a fat guy in shorts and a t-shirt appeared at the door to the stall.

Ash was startled by his presence but it was too late and he started
cumming hard.

"You all done there?" the guy asked. He was feeling his cock through his greasy shorts, thumbing the head and working it.

Ash backed out of the stall and saw the fat guy feed his cock through the hole.

There was a moment where time paused and then Ash came out of shock and was about to tell the guy to forget it. But the guy suddenly gripped the top of the wall.

"Aw fuck yeah," he groaned, and he pressed his gut hard over the hole trying to get his full length through.

Ash backed away and stayed at the wash basin listening to the slurping and sucking sounds until the guy let out a loud groan that signalled he was finally ejaculating.

He walked past Ash and out the door. Catherine then appeared from the stall smiling through her blush.

“Fuck me,” Ash exclaimed shaking his head in disbelief and she just smiled more.

There was semen all over her face and in her hair. It was smeared from one of her eyes and there was a strand hanging from that cheek. It was incredibly thick and not really running at all. There was a thick glob almost covering her top lip, and as her head turned slightly Ash saw where one of the spurts had landed in her ear and was hanging from her earring down into her hair.

“Some of it’s from you but it’s mostly his,” she uttered.

“There’s no paper towel or anything,” Ash said. The dispenser on the wall was broken and hanging open.

“That’s okay,” Catherine said. “I don’t mind actually.”

“What – you –?” Ash didn’t know what he was trying to ask.

“Just check no one’s out there until we get to the car. After that I don’t mind if someone sees me,” she went on shyly.

Ash checked. “No one’s there,” he said, and he led his wife back up the path just as someone pulled into the car park.

A young couple got out of the car and they both went to the toilets.

“If he comes back first you could drive past slowly and let him see me,” Catherine said. “Is it still really obvious that it’s cum?”

“Blatantly obvious, love!
Even in your hair, and I can’t believe how thick it is on your face.”

She pulled the visor down and checked in her mirror. And just then an old pickup truck rolled in off the highway and pulled up right beside them. There was a bearded man driving and he was alone.

Catherine squeezed her husband’s hand. She was shaking a little and blushing deeply. Her window then lowered slowly and Ash saw her other hand was on the door rest with her finger on the down switch.

Ash couldn’t see the man’s face but he saw his upper body turn then he groaned
, “Fuck yeah.” Which made Catherine’s blush deepen even more.

The young couple were coming back together but were parked on Ash’s side and a fair distance away. There were long moments of silence while they got organized and finally back in their car.

Catherine’s lips had parted slightly and the glob of semen from her top lip had seeped a little and was stringing between them. She rubbed her lips together and worked that glob into her mouth, licking at it and then swallowing at the taste of it.

“Been down to the hole
, eh?” the guy in the pickup asked.

“Uh huh,” Catherine uttered, glancing up at him and squeezing Ash’s hand even harder.

Some of the cum had dripped from her face, and she touched it with her other hand, wiping it around a little in the cleavage her dress was offering. She then undid a button, and then another. And she opened her dress away from her tits.

“Try not to get any on the seat though,” she said to the guy as she looked back up at him.

Still without seeing his face, Ash then watched the guy get out of his truck and poke his dick through the window with his fist closed around it and stroking fast.

Catherine edged closer to him and lifted her chin while opening her mouth, and she held her dress away from her tits and kind of thrust them upward.

The guy’s hand was suddenly still and he aimed at her face.

The first rope of cum slurped from her chin directly up the centre of her face, covering her nose and spurting up into her hair. The next pulse went right into her mouth and then he aimed a few spurts at her neck and breasts. He had produced a healthy load and he squeezed the last of it out and shook it from the end of his dick to land in Catherine’s lap.

And just as he started to bend down the window raised and Ash started the car and backed out. He sped back to the highway, and after a moment turned to meet Catherine’s smile.

She was rubbing her lips together and tasting the guy
’s cum. There was a huge splotch on her forehead and her dress was wet where she had covered her breasts without doing the buttons up. There was a wet mark on her lap between her legs where it had soaked in there but there was a jelly like glob in the middle of that spot.

Catherine laid her seat back and rested facing her husband. She tugged her dress up a bit until her panties were visible.

“In case you want to show me to any more road workers,” she smiled and closed her eyes.



It came down to just the three couples and one guy whose wife was called away at the last minute on business. Luke and Sarah were both in their late thirties. They had their three children staying with grandparents for the week. Keith and Barbra were mid-forties. Their children were grown and at home alone. Ash and Catherine were the youngest of the group with Catherine just twenty four and Ash only a few years older. Howard was the guy who'd be sleeping alone. He was mid-fifties, and was of the opinion that his much younger wife was having an affair with the senior partner who had called her away. Although he wasn't too concerned since he'd had plenty of affairs himself over the years and five marriages.

"I guess I'll take this smaller room," Howard suggested. The others were all checking the place out, haggling over who would be sleeping where. It had been advertised as a cabin but it was more of a lodge, with a huge open living area and a staircase leading up to the bedrooms and bathrooms. All bedrooms had balconies overlooking the lake, and in front of the house was a pool.

"Hey, Ash!
Is this what you call roughing it?" Luke called out, raising a bit of a laugh.

Ash and Catherine had been to the lake a year or so earlier and stayed at a guest house not far away. Ash had been the one to suggest the destination for a bit of a getaway.

"Well we're going to catch our own fish aren't we?" Ash shot back. "That's almost like hunting for food. Plus it's a fair way across to the village and that boat hasn't got a motor."

There was a rowboat tied to a small jetty. Keith shook his head. "Fuck that I'm driving to town."

Each of the men were on their own balcony. "No – we all agreed, no cars while we're here,” Ash laughed.” So it's row or walk, buddy!"

"Or there's a take-out menu on the fridge," Luke suggested. "Anything you want delivered in thirty minutes."

Down in the kitchen the women had begun unpacking the food and trashing the missing member of the group.

"That little slut," Barbra was saying. "She wouldn't have been game to let on that she wasn't coming earlier but I'll bet she had this planned all along."

It was the first chance the three women had to talk without any of the men around since they left home early that morning, which was the first they knew about Lola's sudden 'business trip'.

"Although I wouldn't mind a weekend at the Hyatt with Jason Worth," Sarah suggested thoughtfully.

"Oh really?" Barbra enquired. "Fancy a romp with a well-built black man, would you?"

– yes! Well-built and well endowed, no doubt."

Barbra turned upon Catherine. "What about you, sweetheart, have you ever been with a black man?"

Catherine blushed. "Uh huh. I've been with a few."

Both of the older women stopped what they were doing and turned.
"A few?" Barbra pressed. Obviously wanting more information.

"Yes. Four actually," Catherine confessed. "Two at college and the other two more recently
…. Oh, and another one when I was younger."

"More recently?"
Sarah asked, her mouth hanging open. "How recently exactly?"

Catherine shrugged innocently.
"Umm – more recently than my wedding."

"Oh my god.
Slut!" Barbra declared, giggling. Sarah was completely gob smacked.

The men were coming down the stairs. "I want to know everything," Barbra said to Catherine. "Later, when we get rid of these guys, you're going to talk!"


It had been a long day driving and dinner that night came from the takeout menu on the fridge. That was followed by lots of beers and wine. All three women were well and truly relaxed when they were left alone and finally had a chance to continue their talk. The men had gone down to the lake and were sitting on the jetty chatting.

"So?" Barbra started, confronting Catherine. "You were saying something about two black lovers since getting married?"

"Well, what can I say? It didn't matter to me that they were black. There've been some white men as well of course."

"As well? How many?" Sarah asked, pulling her chair around.

"Oh I don't know.
A few."

“Like, who?" Barbra pressed excitedly. "Anyone we know?"

"No. It's usually when we go away. There's no one from where we live now."

"When you go away with Ash?" Sarah asked, whispering a bit and looking back over her shoulder, but the men were well out of earshot. "What
– do you leave him sleeping in the hotel and..?"

Catherine giggled. "No!
Of course not."

"Well what then? He knows about it?"

"Uh huh. He likes to – well not make me do it – but he certainly encouraged the other men and offered me to them."

"Oh my god.
What an asshole!" Barbra declared.

"No he's not," Catherine argued. "I could have said no anytime. But I didn't"

Sarah was fidgeting in her seat. "So, you'd go away together and he'd pick out some guy and invite him back to your room?"

– sort of…. One time it was when we went camping at a beach and there was this old English guy at first and then there were a few others as well during the week we were there. Then with a guy from our building before we moved. Then there was some guys from a hotel – sort of service from room service if you know what I mean. And some others as well."

"So, when was the last time?" Barbra asked. "I guess as long as you're willing."

"I think it's hot," Sarah enthused. "God I wish Luke would share me around like that."

Barbra gave Sarah a little look and smile.

"I mean with other men," Sarah added with a giggle and a playful push with her foot.

Catherine picked up the subtle hint immediately. "You mean
– you two?" she asked.

"Well, sometimes when the boys aren't around," Barbra confessed. "But I agree
, it would be interesting to be shared with another man.”

"Do you think we could get the boys to do something?" Sarah asked quite seriously. "I actually think Luke would go along with it. And I know Howard would."

"As long as they thought it was their idea," Barbra laughed. "I know Keith would jump at the chance to get it on with you, Catherine."

Catherine blushed.

"Sorry, love, but it's true. He can't keep his eyes off you, if you haven't noticed."

"Why don't we drop hints to the men tonight and see if they come up with any ideas," Sarah suggested.
She was motivated. "I think if we let each of them know that we girls are all okay with the idea they won't be able to resist.

“What do you think, Catherine? Are you okay with the idea?"

"I guess, but I'm more interested in what you girls have been up to. What's that like?"

Barbra smiled. "Well an orgy's an orgy. We girls are bound to experience some contact."

She touched Catherine's arm as she spoke, and Catherine's reaction wasn't all together positive. Sarah was actually the more appealing of the two women if it came to experimenting. Catherine imagined them together, and in that she could see Barbra as the dominant, butch, lover and Sarah as the submissive, more feminine type.

"So have you been with any older men?" Sarah had claimed Catherine's hands as she spoke. She was leaning forward, hushed but excited.

"Uh huh. Some of them have been quite a bit older."

How old?"

"I don't know. Some in their fifties I guess. Ash really likes watching me with older men, and I like being able to please them."

"To please who – Ash or the other men?"

"Well, both!"

Sarah was touching Catherine's thigh, pressing a little with her warm fingers. Catherine's heart was racing.

"I like the feel of the other man when he's getting excited
– when he's in me, or in my mouth. And I like watching Ash right then."

Catherine gathered a breath. The other two women did too. The men were right there and sometimes looking over.

"Let's go inside," Barbra said, standing and taking Sarah's hand.

Sarah took Catherine's hand and led her along. Catherine was giddy from too much wine and her legs were weak. Once in the kitchen Barbra took Sarah in her arms and kissed her. Catherine watched.

"Do you want to try it?" Barbra asked, turning Sarah around to face Catherine.

Catherine shrugged. She felt herself blushing.

"Go on," Barbra whispered to Sarah and she released her forward.

Catherine was unsure. "But what if one of the men
come in?"

"They'll love it," Barbra answered. "Just relax."

Sarah stepped close and touched Catherine's hair, moving it from her face as she leaned in and kissed her cheek. Catherine was backed against the sink. She opened her lips a little as the other woman kissed her mouth. It was a soft kiss and it felt nice. She opened her lips again as Sarah's tongue extended a little, which felt sort of strange.

Sarah was then pulled around and Barbra kissed her again. She also felt her breast, gently fondling it and pinching the nipple.

Catherine was trapped in a corner with the two women leaning quite close. She felt the need to move away, and as Barbra's hand moved to her side and started lifting towards her breast she wriggled and pushed clear.

"Don't," she said shyly. "I don't think I want to."


Out on the jetty Luke looked around and noticed the girls had vanished. He kept his voice low anyway. "So, we could try to get them to do a bit of skinny dipping at least. I reckon Sarah would be in it."

"Yeah, that'd be sweet," Keith added, also looking back over his shoulder to make sure he couldn't be heard by his wife. "What about Catherine, Ash? Do you reckon she'd do it?"

She's more open minded that you might think," Ash answered. Then he downed the last of his beer.

"How so?"
Keith pressed. The other two men had shut up and turned with interest.

"Just that we've done stuff before," Ash added coolly. "You know
– played around and that."

"What, with other couples? Swinging?" Howard asked. "I've always wanted to try that."

"Well, not really with couples. Just with other guys," Ash explained, twisting the cap off another beer.

"No fucking way!" Luke demanded, again checking over his shoulder. "Are you fucking serious?"

"No, he's shitting us," Keith laughed. "Look at him. Lying arsehole!"

"Yeah, you're full o
f shit," Luke laughed, just about pushing Ash off the jetty with a playful shove.

Ash ended up with beer everywhere and sat wiping it from his legs while they continued laughing at him and going on about how to get the women naked. A game of strip was mentioned and the fact that the pool area was secluded meant that there would possibly be some topless sunbathing at least.

"Although, I seriously doubt Barbra would actually be in anything," Keith declared, lowering his voice due to the return of the girls.


The girls had fresh glasses of wine and settled back in their deck chairs. Sarah was a little hot and bothered after all the kissing. "So are we going to say anything to the boys tonight? See if they want to play?"

Catherine couldn't get the thought of being kissed, or worse, by butch Barbra out of her mind. She didn't want to hurt Sarah's feelings
and wanted to say something.

"No. There's no way I'm going to be used by a bunch of men," Barbra declared, scowling. "Sorry, love, but you're on your own with that."

Catherine was the first to head up for a shower and bed. Ash came in a few hours later and woke her when he got in beside her. She lay for a while staring at the ceiling then decided she was thirsty and set off in the dark trying to tread as lightly as possible on the bare squeaky floor boards. There was no sound in the house so she assumed everyone was sleeping, but in the kitchen she found Sarah standing by the light of the open fridge drinking water.

"Are you thirsty too?" Sarah asked. "I think I drank too much wine."

"Yes. Me too." Catherine collected a glass and Sarah filled it.

Sarah spoke warmly. "I'm sorry about earlier. I hope I didn't embarrass you."

"No. I didn't mind. Actually it was nice," Catherine said. "It's just that Barbra's a bit intimidating, and I didn't want her to – you know."

"To kiss you?"
Sarah uttered, swaying close and touching Catherine's hair.

"Uh huh.
I was a bit scared of her."

"I know. She's kind of pushy but I don't mind that.
Except it was nice to be the aggressive one for a change."

Both women were in satin. Catherine had on short pyjamas and Sarah was wearing a chemise. They were of similar build, with Catherine just a few pounds lighter, and both had smallish breasts. Their nipples were firm and pressed against one another as Sarah lean
ed close and kissed Catherine again.

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