Entwined Fates: Dominating Miya (14 page)

Read Entwined Fates: Dominating Miya Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Tags: #BDSM; Science Fiction & Space Opera

She rose up and looked at him, confusion flashing in her eyes. “How? You just keep going no matter what I say.”

“Yes, but what’s the one word you can say that will make it all stop?”

Her lips opened, then closed. She smiled slightly, some of the worry leaving her eyes. “Red.”

“That’s right. So you see,” he said as he lifted his finger and slid it into his mouth, licking off her cream. “You have all the control.” He grabbed her chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Now come here, sub, and give me a kiss.”

Chapter Sixteen

Miya threw herself onto the bed and buried her face in the pillows. Wrapping them around her head, she squealed into the soft down. Alex laughed, then leaned over her.

They’d spent the whole day together. He’d shown her around the resort and the changes he’d made. They’d enjoyed the beach and the pool. He’d been more relaxed than she’d ever seen him. He’d teased her and made her laugh. And he’d kissed her till she thought she might combust. Other than this morning by the pool, that’s all he’d done, and she was ready to strangle him.

Very slowly, he feathered his hand under her shirt and over her butt and back, pushing the shirt up as he went. He bent over and placed soft kisses against each of the red marks that covered her skin, sending tingles of lust swimming through her veins.

She sighed loudly and turned her cheek, laying it against the pillow.

“What’s the matter, angel?”

When she didn’t answer fast enough to suit him, he nipped at her hip. The bite of pain made her yelp. “Answer me,” he growled, only half serious.

“Your self-control.”

Alex rose up on his hands and stared down at her, a look of amusement on his face. She blushed and buried her face in the pillow again. Alex chuckled and turned her over, not allowing her to hide from him or his questions. Lying on her back, she frowned up at him.

“Talk to me, Miya.”

“I want to have sex, and you…” She sighed again, and Alex smiled. “You seem to be content with playing.”

“What’s wrong with playing?”

She scowled. “We’ve been playing all day. I’m beginning to think you don’t have one.”

Alex’s grin turned wicked, sexy, and Miya’s heart went nuts. “Don’t have a what?”

“A dick.”

Alex laughed. “I can assure you I have a dick.”

He took her hand and placed it over his hard cock. Miya’s eyes widened slightly as she smoothed her hand along his rigid length through his pants. Wow, he was big.

“And it definitely wants you,” he murmured.

She twisted her lips and then frowned in confusion. “Then—”

“Miya, listen to me. I can be a hard Dom. I expect a lot. I pushed some of your limits last night, and I’m glad it didn’t scare you away, but tonight, I plan to push harder.”


“Yes, harder. I want you sure, Miya. I want you to see exactly how I can be.” He leaned down and placed a kiss on her brow. “Just remember, angel, I’m not going to hurt you. I may push your limits, and I may slide a little pain in just to keep you on your toes, because whether you want to admit it or not, you enjoyed it. But you always have the ability to stop it. Understand?”

She nodded. “I do.”

If the pain he had in mind was similar to the flogging, she could handle that. Matter of fact, anticipating it was a hell of an aphrodisiac.

“Good. So, by the time I finally get around to fucking you tonight, you should be pretty well aware of what I plan to do. As well as thoroughly aroused,” he said, then nipped gently at her lower lip.

Miya smiled dreamily at him as he pushed off the bed and stood. “I need to head downstairs and speak with the bartender, so I expect to see you in the playroom in one hour.”

“What am I supposed to wear?”

He nodded to the chair by the French doors, and she frowned. She sat up as Alex headed to the door. “You can’t be serious,” she exclaimed.

“Oh, I’m dead serious. And don’t forget the boots.” With that, he shut the door, leaving her sitting there gaping at him like an idiot.

* * * *

Miya tried to adjust her sheer black baby-doll dress as best as she could. She wasn’t even sure why he bothered to have her wear this. She might as well be naked for all it covered. And where the hell had he gotten it anyway?

She spotted Alex over by the bar. He crooked his finger, indicating she should join him. Lowering her chin, she narrowed her eyes and headed toward him.

God, he looked good. He was dressed in black slacks and a deep purple shirt open halfway down the front and showing off a nice tease of muscular chest. The color made his eyes really stand out. He talked to the Dom next to him, with one heel on the footrail and his elbow leaning on the bar. The stance that screamed relaxed and in control suited him.

As she got close, Alex held his finger upside down and twirled it. “Let me see, sub.”

Her jaw dropped, but at his raised eyebrow, she began to slowly turn.

“Nice,” he purred. “I think the boots make the outfit, don’t you, Master Josh?”

“I would agree, but I’m almost afraid you’ll beat the hell out of me for looking,” Master Josh drawled, making Alex chuckle.

She stepped a little closer and whispered, “Please tell me this was not someone else’s outfit.”

Alex’s lips quirked, making the anger in Miya’s gut rise. “Is my little sub jealous?”

She lifted her chin. “I don’t get jealous.”

“No,” Josh said softly. “I bet that little one gets even.”

Alex snickered. He would bet she did too. “It came from one of the shops here,” he said, his lips morphing into a soft smile. “Earlier today while we were on the beach.”

“Oh,” she said, relieved. “Good.”


She gave him her most devilish look. “In this matter.”

Josh coughed, and Alex made a noise deep in his throat that was a cross between a snort and a chocked laugh. “It’s going to be like that, is it?”

“Oh,” Josh said, his voice full of amusement. “This should be interesting. Not in here five minutes, and she’s already issuing veiled challenges to her Dom.”

Alex pushed away from the bar. “Are you saying you’re not satisfied, pet?”

She took a step back. “No…that’s not what I meant.”

“That’s not what you meant…what?”

Miya sighed in frustration. Why couldn’t she remember to address him correctly? “Sir. That’s not what I meant, Sir.”

Alex’s deep chuckle had an evil sound to it that set her on edge.

His smile faded, and a hard look darkened his eyes. “Too late.”

He grabbed her waist and with no effort at all picked her up, and set her on top of the bar. Her bottom landed harshly against the cold wood, and she scowled.

“Lie back,” Alex commanded.

Her eyes went wide. “Wha—”

“You better not, Miya.”

She swallowed at the harsh look on his face and slowly moved to her back. Alex gripped her hips and tugged them to the edge. Miya closed her eyes, knowing inside what he planned to do and wishing with everything in her he wouldn’t.


He slapped her ass with his palm, making her gasp. “Damn you,” she snarled. He raised his hand back again, and Miya quickly corrected herself. “Sir. Damn you, Sir.”

She heard Josh and two others watching them chuckle.

“That’s a little better,” Alex drawled drily.

He grabbed one of her hands, and walking beside her along the edge of the bar, he lifted it over her head. “Hand me the ropes,” Alex said to the bartender.

Miya tried to jerk her hand free, but his grip on her wrist was too strong. “No!”

“Give me your other hand, sub,” Alex commanded, but Miya kept it down by her side.

The bartender grabbed it and handed it to Alex. Miya growled and tugged at her arms. “Damn it, you son of a—”

Alex pinched her nipple, making her go quiet instantly. She winced and squirmed as Alex wrapped the soft ropes around her wrist, then secured one end of the rope to a hook on the inside of the bar and the other end to the railing on the outside of the bar.

Her arms could go nowhere and neither could she. Outwardly, she was pissed, but inwardly… she was so turned on she could hardly stand it.

Alex moved back between her legs, and with a hand behind each thigh, lifted them so that her knees came almost to her breasts. Miya gasped in embarrassment at her position. What the hell was he doing?

When his fingers began to slide through the cream now coating her labia, she had a feeling she knew. She jerked and bucked beneath his touch, both fighting to get away and trying to get closer.


“You said you weren’t satisfied, sub. A Dom can’t leave his sub unsatisfied.”

“Don’t you—”

His tongue flicked across her clit, and she practically bucked off the bar.

Alex slammed her back down with both hands on her sides. “Hand me another rope.”

“No,” she squealed, but Alex ignored her.

The bartender secured the rope on the inside of the bar while Alex draped it over her hips, fastening it to the outside of the bar secure enough to hold her down. Miya tried to move but couldn’t. She growled in frustration, then threw a string of obscenities at him that had everyone at the bar laughing.

Including Alex.

He softly rubbed his fingers over her mound, then gently separated her labia. Miya waited, breathless. “You’re wet, sub. I hold to what I said yesterday. I think you protest too much.”

Miya lifted her head and shot daggers at him through her eyes. Alex slapped his hand down hard on her pussy, making her cry out in shock, pain, and surprisingly pleasure.

“That’s for your mouth,” he growled. “This is for the other.”

He leaned down and slowly drew his tongue through her cream. Miya couldn’t stop the moan from escaping at the feel of his teeth nibbling gently at her pussy lips. He bit a little harder, then swiped his tongue gently over her pulsing clit.

God, he was making her crazy.

Miya closed her eyes as Alex’s tongue did a wicked dance between her opening and her sensitive clit. Occasionally, he would dip his tongue inside her, then return to his previous teasing. The things he made her feel helped her to forget the others watching them. In her mind, it was just her and Alex and that wickedly talented mouth of his.

He bit at one labium, making her gasp, then moan as his tongue returned to his leisurely exploration of the most private part of her. He bit the other labium, sending sparks of pleasure-pain to her very core. He did it twice more, biting hard one side, then the other. Miya was panting now, shocked that mixing pleasure and pain could feel so good.

“Pleeease,” she squealed.

Alex closed his lips around her clit and none too gently sucked. Miya screamed as her orgasm slammed through her so hard she saw stars. She had no idea how long the throbs lasted, or how long Alex kept sucking and licking at her clit until she finally sagged against the bar, limp as a rag doll.

“Satisfied now, sub?” Alex drawled and placed a soft kiss on the top of her mound.

“I hate you,” she sighed, making everyone around them laugh again.

Chapter Seventeen

Miya sat at Alex’s feet, listening to the low hum of his voice as he talked to the other Doms in the sitting area. A couple of other submissives had smiled at her, but none of them spoke. They weren’t allowed to at the moment. Miya’s lips twisted slightly. There was just something so wrong about how much she actually liked this.

She’d spent her whole life fighting the men in her family and their control. But with Alex, it was different. Right now, she liked it. How would she feel two weeks from now, though? Would she still feel the same, or was the sex clouding her head?

Alex reached down and rubbed the back of her neck, making her feel relaxed and safe. Of course, the little demonstration in oral earlier might’ve had a little to do with that too. The man was talented. If he was half as good at sex as he was at that, well…she probably wouldn’t be walking out of here on her own two feet.

And speaking of feet…

She shifted and winced at the pain in her calves. “Sir?” she said softly.

Alex bent low so he could hear her better? ”Yes?”

“These boots are killing my legs. Can I please get up, Sir?”

Alex rubbed her cheek with the back of his fingers. “Wow, what it must’ve taken for you to do that.”

He was teasing her, she knew, but she frowned anyway. “Please.”

“Come here, Miya.”

She stood slowly and winced as the blood began to flow back through her legs. Alex tugged her down to his lap, where she dropped with a sigh.

“Here,” he said as he put one hand under her calf, lifting it. “Let’s get these off for a while.”

She was shocked at how Alex helped her to remove them, then gently massaged her sore calves.

“That feels good,” she said with a sigh as she laid her head against his shoulder. “Thank you.”

He smiled at her softly, and his eyes crinkled at the corners. “You’re welcome, angel.”

He kissed her forehead, and she snuggled closer as his hands continued to knead her muscles. This side of his Dom personality surprised her. Although she’d seen other Doms taking care of their subs like this, the thought Alex might do it, especially after the high-handed way he treated her sometimes, really shocked her.

Alex sat back and lifted his arm around her shoulder, supporting her back. With his free hand, he tipped her chin up so he could see her face. “You look a little confused, angel. What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know. You were just—I thought I was here to do your bidding, and you’re taking care of me.”

He gave her a gentle smile and kissed the tip of her nose. “The Dom always takes care of the sub, even when she doesn’t realize she needs taking care of.”

He gave her a pointed look that made one side of her mouth lift in a grin. His fingers brushed over her cheek, then her chin as he leaned down to softly kiss her lips. When his tongue swept into her mouth, she moaned deep in her throat. Goose bumps rose along her flesh at the slow way he kissed and made her senses spark to life.

She felt his cock harden beneath her hip, and she shifted just a little, making him groan low in his chest. Miya slid her hand inside the opening of his shirt, enjoying the feel of his warm skin. Hard muscles quivered under her fingers, making her want to explore all of him.

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