Entwined Fates: Dominating Miya (8 page)

Read Entwined Fates: Dominating Miya Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Tags: #BDSM; Science Fiction & Space Opera

Alex got there just as Miya reached the bottom step. She stopped there, and graced him with her gorgeous smile that would forever make his heart flip. Standing on the bottom step allowed her to be eye level with him. He reached out and brushed her curls behind her shoulder.

“Dance with me,” she said as she grabbed his hands in hers.

Alex snorted. “No.”


He shook his head. He did not dance. Raising their hands, he put his palms against hers and entwined their fingers. “No.”

“Do you allow your subs to tell you no?”

He frowned slightly. “Absolutely not.”

“How is that fair?” she asked, a smiled playing at her full lips. “You can tell them no, but they can’t?”

Alex stepped closer and wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her hands imprisoned at the small of her back. “Who said life was fair?”

She tilted her head and had the most adorable pleading expression he’d ever seen. Their clasped hands were apparently not a concern to her, which surprised Alex. She didn’t once try to break free of his grip. “Please?” she pleaded. “I bet you’re really good on the dance floor.”

He almost gave in, then laughed softly. “No.”

She stuck her lower lip out in a pout, and Alex had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing again. Damn, she was cute. He moved in even closer. Her breasts pressed against his chest, and her pupils dilated. “I don’t let my subs pout either.”

Their mouths were just inches apart. He wasn’t sure why he’d moved in like this, or why he had his arms around her, her hands imprisoned in his. He couldn’t take his eyes off her, couldn’t move away from her. The desire to kiss her had quickly overridden his common sense.

“Besides,” he murmured against her mouth as he disentangled their hands and lifted his to cup her face. “I can think of a lot better things to do with you than dance.”

Before he could think to stop himself, he covered her mouth with his. He felt as well as heard her sharp intake of breath the second their lips touched. Alex felt it too, a spark of electric heat that cut clear through to his soul.

He brushed his lips slowly across hers, and Miya whimpered. Nibbling gently, he coaxed her to open wider; then he swept his tongue inside. Her moan of pleasure vibrated through his whole body. Miya slipped her hands around his waist, pressing her breasts against his chest.

She tasted sweet and fruity, like the drink she’d had. In that instant, he knew one kiss would never be enough. He slid his hand to the back of her neck, tilting her head exactly where he wanted it and then holding it there, he deepened the kiss. The other he put at the small of her back, holding her flush along his body.

Miya gave as good as she got, stroking her tongue along his as though she knew exactly what he liked.

He pulled back slightly and sucked at her bottom lip before deepening the kiss once more. Everything around them faded. The music, the crowd. Every bit of it. All he knew was Miya and how good she felt.

He had no idea how long they stood there and kissed. His cock was so hard for her he wanted to shove her against the wall and take her here, regardless of who saw them.

He would never do that to her. This was not the place for that.

Breaking the kiss, he rested his forehead against hers. With his hand still at her neck, and his other at her back, he held her there, not letting her go. Both of them breathed heavily, and Miya’s eyes were half-lidded and smoldering.

As a Dom, he should have better control than this, but he felt like he’d been playing with her for days, and the need to take her was quickly eroding his self-control.

“We need to get out of here, Miya,” he whispered.

Miya swallowed and nodded.

Chapter Ten

Miya sat in Alex’s small ship barely able to pay attention to the traffic as he sped through it. All she could think about was that kiss. She was still breathless. She hadn’t been expecting it. He’d been fighting her so hard. When he finally kissed her, she wanted to melt into a puddle.

was all she could think.

She swallowed again and stared at his profile. Those lips were wicked, and she shivered just imagining about all the other things he could do with them. Miya certainly wasn’t a cowering virgin, but there was a dominant and dangerous side to Alex that made her tremble.

Alex parked his ship on the hoverpad outside her building. Her legs shook as she climbed out and set her feet on the pad. Every part of her body was so hot for him right then she could hardly walk straight.

He didn’t say a word, just took her hand in his and led her into the building. They stepped into the elevator, and the poor young man from the other day practically cowered at the sight of Alex.

When Alex put his hand at the small of her back and tugged her closer, she looked up at him. She realized he wasn’t paying the attendant any attention. He was dipping his head to kiss the soft spot behind her ear.

Miya wanted to just forget about the attendant and focus more on Alex and what he did to make her insides quiver.

“I saw you on the news earlier,” the young man said. “You looked nice. I didn’t realize you were dating Chancellor Dorn.”

Miya glanced back at the attendant “We’re not really,” she murmured, barely able to concentrate on anything but the feel of Alex’s mouth against her neck.

Alex snorted but didn’t say anything. The doors opened on her floor, and she quickly stepped out, Alex close on her heels. As she walked down the hall, she felt Alex put his hand at her waist, pulling her close.

When she reached her door, she tried to open it, but Alex moved in and softly bit the side of her neck, making her giggle and miss the lock.

“Alex,” she chided.

The tingling sensation the touch of his lips against her neck sent down her spine made her legs feel weak. Her fingers shook as she raised them to try again. Failing a second time, she dropped her hand and sighed.

Alex continued to softly nibble along the column of her throat, making her insides quiver. He took her wrist in his hand and raised it to the key panel. They swiped it again, together, and this time, the door opened. Out of the corner of her eyes, she spotted movement. Before she could do anything, she heard Alex grunt, then fall to the side.

“Alex,” Miya gasped, but couldn’t get to him.

The young attendant from the elevator shoved her harshly through her apartment door. She wobbled in her high heels and almost tripped. Fear for Alex gripped her chest. If Alex was out, she was alone. She put her hand against the wall to steady herself so she could turn and face her attacker. She knew a little about protecting herself, but she definitely wasn’t wearing the right shoes for fighting. If anything, the spike heels would hinder her too much.

The attendant glared at her with hatred, and Miya held her breath. Is this him? He’d been right under her nose this whole time? How had she missed this? He’d always been so nice. Her gaze dropped to the club he held in his hand. Is that what he’d hit Alex with? Was Alex okay?

“You don’t even know my name, do you?” he asked.


“Of course, you don’t. Miss Princess doesn’t care about the little people beneath her.”

“No.” She shook her head. “That’s not true.

Behind him, she saw Alex walk into the room. She almost sobbed in relief he was okay but tried to keep her attacker from realizing what her reaction was really over.

“Why did you do this?” she asked.

“I’ve loved you for so long, and you never even noticed me,” he snarled.

Miya wasn’t sure what to say. She had noticed him, but she was just never attracted to him. He wasn’t Alex.

“Hey,” Alex snarled.

Her attacker’s eyes went wide just before he turned. Alex raised his fist and hit the guy hard in the face, knocking him out. Miya sagged against the wall in relief. She’d never been so scared in her life.

Alex rushed forward and pulled her into his arms. “Are you all right?” he asked.

She nodded. “I’m fine. Are
okay, Alex?” she asked.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and put one hand on the back of his head. He grunted softly, and she felt a warm wetness against her hand. Pulling her fingers away, she noticed the blood.

“You’re bleeding!”

“I’m okay.”

She pulled out of his arms. “No, you’re not.”

Security rushed into the room and stared in shock at the attendant lying on the floor. “What happened?”

Miya frowned. “How did you know to come up here?”

“I sent them a message before coming back into the room,” Alex replied, then turned back to the security guard. “Took you damn long enough.”

Miya put her hand on Alex’s upper arm, trying to calm him down. The lead security guard narrowed his eyes at Alex. “It took us a few seconds to get up here.”

Alex pointed to the man on the floor. “He was stalking Miya.”

“We need a medical kit,” Miya ordered. “Alex is hurt.”

“Miya, I’m fine,” Alex said softly.

“Shut up, Alex.”

Alex turned a cold, hard stare toward her. “Excuse me?”

Miya swallowed but turned away, ignoring his anger. Wow. Was that what a pissed Dom looked like? And what would he have done to her if the security team wasn’t there?

She ignored him and spoke to the guard. “We also need the police. I want to press charges.”

One man nodded as he handed Miya a small med kit.


ALEX FROWNED AS Miya shoved him onto a chair and began to wipe away the blood on the back of his head. Had she really just told him to shut up? And was he actually going to let her get away with it?

Behind his eyes throbbed. Damn, he’d come close to blacking out. He wasn’t sure what he’d been hit with, but whatever it was, it hurt like hell.

She pressed a little too hard, and he winced.

“Sorry,” she murmured.

“For pressing too hard or telling me to shut up?”

“Both, I guess,” she said softly.

Hearing the sadness in her voice, Alex decided to let it go. She wasn’t his sub. She wasn’t his anything. And she never would be. Miya would never agree to the kind of relationship he wanted. He didn’t want a Master-slave relationship. He didn’t want her to cater to his every whim 24-7, but he would require obedience in the bedroom, and he doubted Miya would want to give up even that small amount of control.

She already hated the control her father and brothers had over her. He would just be one more person telling her what to do. She would hate him, and that would tear him up more than letting her go now would.

The police came in and took statements, then cleared out the unconscious attendant who still lay sprawled on the floor. They said they would search the young man’s apartment and get back to Alex on anything they found.

Once everyone was gone, Alex sighed and stood. “I guess I better let your dad know it’s over.”

He couldn’t bring himself to look at her and see the hurt he knew would be in her eyes. Hell, it was his own damn fault. He should’ve never kissed her.

“You’re leaving?” she asked.

“Yeah,” he said as he walked over and grabbed his bag. “The guy’s been caught. You don’t need me here now.”

“So that’s just…what about…”

Alex looked across the room to see her glaring at him in anger. He deserved her anger. He’d led her on, and now he was walking out like a fucking coward.

“Damn you, Alex.”


“Uh-uh,” she growled, but her voice quivered when she spoke as though she fought tears. It took everything he had not to go to her. “I don’t want to hear it. You’re not any different from the rest of them, are you?”

“This isn’t about being afraid of your father, Miya.”

“Then what is it?”

“It’s about you being afraid of me.”

Miya shook her head. “I’m not afraid of you.”

Alex’s eyes narrowed. “You should be.”

“Oh, Alex, give me a break! I’m not some innocent virgin who doesn’t know about the world. I know what you do. I know what you like. That doesn’t scare me.”


“No! This isn’t about me being afraid. It’s about the fact I don’t fit into your little box of a perfect sub.”

“Exactly!” Alex snapped. “I’m a Dom, and you are most definitely not a sub.”

“Does it matter?” she yelled. “Is it that important to you I obey everything? All the time?”

“Not all the time, Miya. But I know you. You don’t want to give up even the tiniest bit of control. And I would demand it of you. I can’t change who I am. After a while, you would hate my dominant side, just like you hate how your brothers try to control you.”


MIYA BELIEVED DEEP in her heart he was wrong. She tried not to cry, but she couldn’t stop the tear that slipped from the corner of her eye. Was he right? Would she end up hating him? No. She didn’t believe that.

He walked toward her door, leaving her, killing her hopes he wanted her as much as she wanted him. Could she be a sub? Could she give him absolute control of her body? Did she trust him enough?

Yes, she did. But Alex made it obvious he would never give her the chance to prove that. He didn’t even want to try for fear it would put a wedge between him and her brother. This was all so screwed up.

He put his hand on the doorknob, and Miya said, “If you walk out that door, Alex, don’t you dare come back.”

Alex left without a word, and Miya’s heart shattered into a million pieces. She sank to the floor and sobbed.

* * * *

Alex tried to wait patiently for Christian to finish his call before he told him about Miya. Christian would be relieved to know they’d caught the guy. The police had called Alex earlier this morning and told him the attendant had a small shrine to Miya in his apartment. Alex cringed, wondering what exactly this guy would’ve done to her if he hadn’t been able to stop him.

His chest still ached at the hurt in Miya’s eyes when he’d left last night. He hadn’t wanted to. He’d wanted to stay more than anything, but she would never give him full control of her, and that would never work in a Dom-sub relationship.

He should’ve never kissed her. He knew that, and he wasn’t sure if getting one taste of her would last him a lifetime or haunt him forever.

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