Entwined Fates: Dominating Miya (7 page)

Read Entwined Fates: Dominating Miya Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Tags: #BDSM; Science Fiction & Space Opera

As he stared at her, none of that mattered.

He lifted his thumb off her chin, but she didn’t move her head. Her lips were full and slightly parted, her eyes glowing.

He slid his hand slowly around the back of her neck and dipped his head. His mind kept screaming he shouldn’t be doing this. He would scare her, and it would crush him if she looked at him with terror in her eyes, but he wanted her with a passion he couldn’t remember ever feeling for anyone.

Was it because he felt she was taboo? Was the lure the secrecy? That they would have to keep things hidden from her father and brothers? That if her father found out he’d castrate him? He couldn’t afford to piss off Marcone or Christian, for that matter.

Then why the hell couldn’t he stop himself?

His lips were just inches from hers. He could feel her breath as it feathered over his mouth. She was so wrong for him. She wasn’t a sub. She was willful, stubborn, disobedient…and so damn beautiful. He could forgive her all her insolence when she smiled at him in that adorably devilish way that sent his heart racing.

He was half in love with her already. He was such an idiot.

Her dressing room door opened, and Sam stepped in.

“Oh, crap.”

Alex sighed and lifted his head, letting his hand fall back to his lap. Part of him was glad for the interruption. Another part was pissed.

Miya dropped her head back to his chest and buried her face in his shirt. Sam stepped back, then changed his mind and stepped forward again.

“I’m sor—”

“What is it, Sam?” Alex asked in frustration.

“Nothing,” he replied, before fleeing.

“Right now, I hate Sam,” Miya murmured, her face still buried in his shirt.

Alex smiled slightly and rubbed his hand up and down her back. He knew the feeling, but it was probably a good thing Sam interrupted them. If he hadn’t, he might’ve done more than kiss Miya.

“What time do you have to be at this club you want to go to?”

“Nine,” she said as she turned her face and rested her cheek against his chest.

“Are you going back to rehearsal?” he asked.

She sighed. “No.”

“Well, that gives us about seven hours to kill. So, how about you go with me to my office? I can get a little work done and pick up some things; then we’ll get some dinner. And in the meantime…” He kissed the back of her head and spoke softly into her hair. “You can be a good girl and remain quiet so you can rest your voice.”

She sighed again. “Fine.”

Alex fought a grin. She was such a damn imp.

* * * *

His nerves were stretched to the breaking point. His balls so damn sore he doubted he would be able to sleep later. Spending the entire day with Miya, even a quiet Miya, without kissing her had been hard. She’d hardly said three words all day. He knew she was resting her voice, but there was sadness in her eyes she tried so hard to hide, and it gripped his chest like a vise.

He knew his distance was hurting her. It was hurting him too.

He’d convinced himself it wouldn’t work between them. He’d convinced himself she wasn’t a sub, that she wouldn’t be able to take his sexual appetites, that she would never allow him full control and sexually submit to him.

Why would she? She’d spent her entire life fighting against the control her brothers had over her, proving she was old enough and smart enough to make her own decisions and take care of herself. And she was. Alex didn’t want control over her life. He wanted control over her heart and her body.

Miya stepped out of her bedroom, and Alex froze in his pacing. The woman was a knockout.

Leather pants that looked as though she’d been melted and poured into them, thigh-high stiletto boots that made his cock go rigid just looking at her in them, and a red-and-black bustier that cinched in her already small waist, pressing her breasts up and out. Alex’s hands tightened into fists as he fought the urge to run the back of his knuckles over her impressive cleavage.

She wore a little more makeup tonight than usual, and the eyeliner really made her eyes pop. Her hair was curled and the front pulled back, secured at the back of her head with a black clip. Around her neck was a black pearl choker with a red stone dangling from the center. It immediately put images in Alex’s head of her at his club, a silver collar around her neck showing everyone who she belonged to.

Alex had never collared a sub, but he wanted to collar her. Fiercely.

When she got close to the kitchen, she looked up at him and frowned. “What? Why are you frowning at me like that?”

He opened his mouth to say he wasn’t frowning since he hadn’t realized he was, but she cut him off.

“I swear, Alex, if the words ‘does your father know you wear that’ come out of your mouth, I’ll cut out your tongue.”

He snickered as he leaned his hips against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest. “Big words for such a small package.”

Miya rolled her eyes and walked past him to order a cup of tea from the replicator.

“How’s your voice?” he asked.


“Fine,” he mocked. When she didn’t rise to the bait, he frowned. “What’s wrong, Miya? Are you nervous?”

“A little,” she replied, softly as she took her cup from the replicator. “We’re going to deliberately bait him.”

“He’s not going to hurt you, angel. I won’t let him.”

She scowled at him. “Oh, like you’re God and have that much power.”

Alex now knew the surliness for what it was. He grasped her hand and took the tea from her to set it on the counter. With a gentle tug, he pulled her into his arms. “Come here.”

“Alex,” she said and tried to move from his embrace.

He tightened his arms. “Hush, Miya.”

To his surprise, she actually did as he said and relaxed against his chest. She slid her arms around his waist and flattened her hands at the center of his back, hugging him to her as she rested her cheek just above his beating heart.

“It’s going to be okay,” he whispered.

She sniffed, and Alex tightened his arms around her even more. He didn’t want her to cry. He didn’t think he’d ever seen her cry.

“You’re going to make me cry, and then it will ruin my makeup,” she mumbled.

Alex chuckled. “Heaven forbid.”

She pulled away, and this time he let her slip from his arms. She grabbed her tea off the counter. As she took a sip, she looked him over with a critical eye.

“You’re wearing that?”

He glanced down at his black slacks and white shirt. “What’s wrong with it?”

Alex had never been much into fashion like some of the senators were. He wore what was comfortable.

She quirked her lips adorably. “You just look like you’re going to a business meeting and not a club.”

He shrugged one shoulder. “This is what I wear to my club.” And it was.

“Speaking of your club…“

He leaned forward, and crossing his arms over his chest, he brought himself eye level to her. “No, we are not speaking of my club.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Ugh, you’re such a prude.”

He straightened and raised an eyebrow. “A prude? I can assure you, angel. Prude is the last word you would use to describe me.”

She eyed him up and down, then snorted before walking away. In reflex, Alex reached out and slapped her hard on the ass.

She yelped and put her hand against where he’d slapped. She gaped at him over her shoulder.

“Keep it up and you’ll get another.”

She smiled slowly and deliberately, making Alex growl deep in his throat. The woman was going to drive him insane.

“Maybe I want another.”

“Miya,” he growled.

She rolled her eyes again, “God, you’re so easy.”

He made a move as though to go after her. She squealed and took off to her bedroom, her laughter making him grin despite himself.

Chapter Nine

Miya took Alex’s hand as he helped her from his ship just outside the club. His fingers were warm and firm as they surrounded hers, sending tingles of awareness up her arm to her stomach.

She’d enjoyed teasing him earlier about his clothes, but if the truth were known, she thought he looked incredible. The white really brought out his tan and those unusual eyes.

She adjusted her jacket around her waist, making sure the button was closed just above the waistband of her pants, and allowed Alex to lead her down the long walk to the entrance. The club was on the ground level of Rhinari and took up the bottom two floors of an old apartment complex that had been renovated into office buildings. Since nobody worked there at night, the noise from the club didn’t disturb anyone.

As they rounded the corner, Miya spotted all the media and froze. “I didn’t realize there would be so many.”

“Aren’t they always there?” Alex asked.

“No. Well, I mean not that many. I guess it’s because of the band.”

Alex nodded in agreement. “Probably. Are you ready?”

She took a deep breath and nodded, letting Alex pull her forward through the crowd. They made their way up the sidewalk, and several members of the media began to yell out Miya’s name.

She turned and smiled, holding tight to Alex’s hand. She wasn’t sure why she was so nervous. It would be all over the television in seconds she was here with the formidable Chancellor Dorn—a man ten years her senior and very influential in the senate. She could hear the speculations now. Would there be a marriage? Would the families of Marcone and Dorn unite? What did her father think of her dating the chancellor?

What was her stalker thinking right now? Was holding hands enough to piss him off? Just how pissed would he get?

Miya tried hard to keep the smile plastered to her face. Alex must’ve sensed her distress, because he leaned down and whispered close to her ear. “You’re fine, angel. I’m right here.”

She smiled up at him gratefully; then the media began to shout, “Kiss her!”

Alex rolled his eyes and waved his hand. “Enough.”

With that, he tugged her through the rest of the media, ignoring their groans of disappointment.

“Unbelievable,” Alex growled as they entered the darkened club.

Miya smiled softly, understanding Alex’s frustration with the greedy media perfectly. At least in here, they were out of the limelight.

Music blared through the room, and Miya smiled as the heady beat began to vibrate through her body. She loved this club. The upper level was the bar, the center of the floor open to the one below so the stage could be seen from both levels. The dance floor was directly in front of the stage, and right now, it was packed. Matter of fact, the whole club was packed. A second bar lined the main floor, facing the stage.

Miya pulled Alex with her through the crowd toward the bar. They had to work their way through single file, so Miya lifted her hand, holding her and Alex’s clasped hands above her head.

Once at the bar, she smiled at the bartender, Seemus.

“Hey, Miya,” he said as he leaned over and kissed her cheek. “You look gorgeous.”

She smiled. “Thank you.”

“What can I getcha?” he asked with a wide, friendly smile.


“Oooh,” he said with a nod of approval. “Coming right up.”

Alex leaned in close. “Isn’t that a little strong?”

His voice so close to her ear sent goose bumps up her back. “Afraid you’ll get drunk, and I’ll take advantage of you?”

He snickered. “Not on your life, angel.”

Miya smiled, then turned to take the two glasses the bartender handed her. She slid one to Alex with a challenging grin.


ALEX EYED THE glass with the light blue liquid inside it, then Miya. He’d had forneitas before. They would knock you on your ass and that was the last thing he needed. If he didn’t keep his wits about him, he’d be all over Miya faster than she could say
drink up.

He couldn’t believe she was going to drink that. “What are you up to, imp?” he asked.

She looked at him with an innocent expression he didn’t believe for one second. “What makes you think I’m up to anything?”

“You’re always up to something.”

“True,” she said, then laughed.

Alex smiled.

She took a sip of her drink, then leaned in to say, “I love the taste of these things, but I can’t drink even half of it. It’s too strong and will knock me on my butt.”

Alex chuckled, slightly relieved she wasn’t planning to intentionally get drunk. The band came on stage, and the crowd screamed. Miya smiled and clapped as they began to play. It wasn’t harsh but not slow either; sort of a high-energy sound that brought the room alive. They actually weren’t half bad.

After about four songs, the lead singer pointed toward the bar. “There’s my girl,” he yelled.

Miya cringed and shook her head, as though knowing what he was about to do.

He laughed. “Oh, yeah. Get your ass up here, Miya.”

Alex nodded toward the stage, curious as to how Miya would sound singing something other than opera. “Go.”

She looked a little worried and bit down on her lower lip. “Are you sure?”

“I can see you from here. Go.”

“Get her up here!” the lead singer yelled. “Let’s go.”

The crowd began to clap, and Miya groaned. She took a big sip of her drink before passing the still mostly full glass to Alex. He set it aside and watched her make her way through the crowd to the stage.

“Wooh,” the singer yelled with a smile. ”Miya’s in the house!”

The crowd yelled as Miya walked across the stage and took a mic someone handed her. The singer kissed her on the cheek, then whispered something in her ear. Miya nodded.

Alex assumed they were discussing songs. She looked good up there, like she belonged. The music began, but Alex only had eyes for Miya. It was a slower tune, a duet that showcased her range and incredible voice. Wow, and Alex thought she could sing opera well.

“She’s got a hell of a set of pipes, doesn’t she?” Seemus asked.

Alex nodded. “Yeah.”

The song ended, and Alex made his way quickly through the crowd to meet her at the bottom of the stage. The DJ had begun to play again, and the thumping beat had everyone crowding the dance floor.

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