Erotic Influence (10 page)

Read Erotic Influence Online

Authors: Missy Jane

“I sure hope y’all aren’t going to do that all night,” Tammy

Rick laughed. “I think I can control myself. Maybe. But I’m
not so sure about your sister.”

“Hey,” Annie said in mock anger as she lightly slapped his

Tammy just laughed. He grinned and led her to the front
door. “We’re ready to go?”

“Yup,” Tammy said.

“Yes,” Annie replied.

They all headed to his car.

He had considered taking them to the local diner but that
was where Tammy worked. He wanted to impress them a bit and spoil Annie. So he
drove closer to the city and pulled into a middle-grade restaurant. Once he
parked, Annie put her hand on his arm. He looked her way to find her glancing
at herself.

“Uh…am I dressed okay for here?” she asked.

“Of course you are,” Tammy said right away.

Rick would’ve laughed at the indignation in her tone if he
hadn’t noticed how worried Annie looked. He wondered if this insecurity was the
norm. “You look great, baby. This place is casual.”

She nodded and released his arm to get out of the car. He
followed suit and went around the car to take her by the hand. Tammy trailed
them into the restaurant. They were seated quickly and he was happy to see the
few customers were dressed very casually. Annie was almost overdressed compared
to a couple of them. She seemed to notice too and relaxed as she looked at the
menu. Rick had let the girls sit first and was glad when Tammy slid into the
booth across from Annie. He sat beside her and placed his hand on her thigh.
She just smiled at him.

“So what’s good here?” Tammy asked.

They spent the next few minutes discussing the menu items.
Neither of them had ever eaten there but Rick had a few times. He ordered an
appetizer and almost ordered a beer. But when Annie stuck to soda he decided to
as well.

“Hey, can I get a margarita?” Tammy asked.

Annie laughed while Rick shook his head. They both said,

Tammy pouted but ordered iced tea.

They talked about Annie’s job and then Tammy started
complaining about hers. Rick explained the IT work he did for his friend’s
company. Their drinks arrived and then their appetizer. By the time the main
course was set on the table they were all laughing and having a great time. He
couldn’t remember the last time he’d had so much fun just eating dinner.

Tammy proved to be much more than a pretty face and Annie
acted like her mom, even in public. It wasn’t so obvious anyone who didn’t know
them would notice, but Rick saw it. He also sensed Tammy seemed to expect it.
She didn’t complain or make a scene. Annie would say her piece and Tammy would
accept it. He could see Annie as the mother to his child.

“What?” Annie asked.

He mentally shook himself. “Hmm?”

“You’re staring at me with the oddest look on your face.”

“He’s wondering why he’s dating such a loser,” Tammy said
with a laugh.

Annie stuck her tongue out at her sister and threw a
crumpled napkin her way.

Rick just laughed and looked at Tammy. “Actually I was
wondering if you knew you were found under a rock.”


Annie laughed and leaned into his side. He wrapped his arm
around her shoulders and grinned at Tammy. “What?”

She glared but there was no heat to it. “I still think you
should let me try a margarita.”

“Dad would kill me,” Annie said.

“He doesn’t have to know.”

“Whatever. Like you’d keep that a secret for more than an
hour. You’ll have it all over the internet as soon as we get home and then one
of his friends will tell him.”


“Hey, if I’m not drinking, you’re not drinking,” Rick said.

That effectively shut her up and she finished her French
fries. She wanted dessert but Annie said no. Rick finally convinced her it
wasn’t too much money and ordered for all three of them. By the time they
walked out to the car he was worried the seat belt wouldn’t fit.

“My god, I’m stuffed,” Tammy said.

“Me too. That was really good, Rick. Thank you,” Annie

“Yeah, thanks.”

He opened the passenger-side door and pulled Annie to him
while Tammy folded into the backseat. “You’re very welcome. I’m glad you liked

He gave her a quick kiss before letting her get into the
car. They talked about music on the way home and the time passed quickly. When
he pulled into his driveway Henry still wasn’t home.

“Tammy, do you mind going home without your sister for a few
minutes?” Rick asked.

She got out of the car and just grinned at him. “Nope. Take
your time.”

She sauntered across the street without a backward glance
and he laughed. “That girl is too damn smart for her own good.”

“You don’t know the half of it,” Annie said.

They entered his house and he immediately pulled her into
his arms. He’d been aching for her all day and now finally he had her all to
himself. She wrapped her arms around his neck and lifted her face for a kiss.
There was no way he’d ignore such an invitation. He took her mouth slowly and
savored every breath he inhaled, every touch of her tongue to his. He used one
hand to loosen her ponytail while the other pressed on her lower back. Her hips
met his and he groaned.

“Damn, baby, I want you so bad. How late do you think your
dad will be out?”

“I don’t know.”

He kept kissing her and walked her to his sofa. She fell
willingly into his lap.

“Do you think we have time to make love?” he asked. “I’ll
behave if you don’t want to risk it.”

“I don’t want you to behave.”


He helped her off his lap and then out of her clothes. When
she stood gloriously naked before him he kicked off his shoes. He took his time
with his own clothes, testing her the slightest bit. Standing naked in his
living room didn’t seem to faze her and it gave him hope for the photo shoot.
Jealousy tried to rear its ugly head at the thought of Wes seeing her naked,
but he pushed it away. She needed the money and he knew it would be good for
her self-esteem too. She needed to see herself as he saw her and Wes had the
ability to make that happen. Once her beautiful body was on display she would
learn he wasn’t the only one willing to admire it.

After removing his jeans and briefs he sat back down and
opened his arms. He held a condom in one hand and she took it before straddling
him. She was becoming brazen. He loved every minute of it. She rolled the
condom down his length and he hissed in pleasure. Every touch of her hands was
pure bliss.

“Did you lock your door?” she asked.

“Yeah, baby. If anyone comes knocking I’ll take care of it
and you run into the bathroom.”


She went up on her knees and aimed him at her entrance but
he gripped her hips. “Wait. Are you ready for me?”


He held on anyway and used the fingers of one hand to test
her. He slipped two between her thighs, through her short-cropped curls and
into warm moisture. Oh yeah, she was ready.

“Ooh, Rick. That feels really good.”

“Yeah it does. You’re nice and wet for me. What were you
thinking about, naughty girl?”

She laughed even as her face flushed guiltily. “You. All
through dinner I was picturing you naked.”

That surprised a laugh out of him and he rewarded her by
kissing the tip of one breast. “Oh yeah? You like seeing me naked?”

“Yeah. I wish I could hang your picture on my wall, but
Tammy never stays out of my room.”

“Maybe I’ll have Wes print a miniature for you to keep in
your purse.”


She grabbed his shoulders as he slipped his fingers in and
out, pumping them through her slick folds. Her hips began to sway until she was
thrusting against his hand. He watched her face as pleasure overtook her into a
slowly building orgasm. Her fingernails bit into his shoulders and he moved his
thumb until he found her clit. It was hard and swollen, more than ready for
that last little push to get her over the edge. He rubbed it and sucked one
breast into his mouth.


She shuddered as she fell against him. He continued to
suckle her breast and hold her as she relaxed.

“Th-thank you,” she whispered.

“You’re very welcome. Ready for more?”


He held her hips again and this time let her slip his cock
inside her warmth. Elation filled him at the sensation. She was perfect. He
rested his head on the back of the sofa and closed his eyes as she started
moving on him. She set a slow, even pace and he had no complaints. He’d happily
sit there all night and let her ride him to another orgasm. But soon the easy
pace wasn’t enough for her and she started moving up and down faster, harder. She
almost slammed down onto his erection until he feared she’d hurt herself.


“I’m…I’m almost there.”

She was bouncing hard enough to make his sofa squeak and his
own climax was dangerously close. He started kissing her breasts while he once
again found her clit with his thumb.

“Oh, yes, Rick. Yes.”

Then she was coming, moaning and moving on him almost
violently. He held on until he was sure every ounce of pleasure had been milked
from her body, then he let himself go. He came hard but quietly, only too aware
how thin his walls were to anyone nearby. Luckily Henry’s truck was loud
enough, Rick was confident he would’ve heard his return even through Annie’s
cries of pleasure. He relaxed and held on to her as she melted into his

“I think we should take a quick shower,” he said. She
nodded, then yawned. He chuckled and kissed the top of her head. “Or you can
just stand there while I wash you.”


In the end he carried a very sleepy Annie to the shower and
held her up the whole time.

Chapter Nine


Annie had just slipped into bed when the telltale sounds of
her dad’s truck finally came creaking down the street. A glance at the clock
told her it was after ten. He usually didn’t stay out that late when he had to
work the next day. She considered ignoring his entry and just going to sleep,
but knew there were things she needed to say to him. She hurried to the living
room and sat on the sofa just as his key turned in the lock. He walked in and
shut the door quietly, not noticing her until he turned around to go to his

“Hey, Daddy,” she said.

He froze a second before giving a slight nod in
acknowledgment. “Tammy asleep?”

“Yeah. Rick took us to that place in Kingwood, right off the
highway. The food was really good.”

“He pay for it?”

She smiled. “Yeah. Thanks for letting us go. We had a great

He nodded again and walked across the small living room to
the hallway leading to his bedroom. She thought that was the end of their
conversation but he stopped and looked at her again. “You serious about him,

Surprise kept her mute a few seconds before she finally
nodded. “Yeah, Daddy, I am. He treats me really well. I think he really likes
me a lot.”

He looked away and she thought he wouldn’t say anything
else. But then he turned back toward the living room and joined her on the
sofa. He just sat there for a couple of minutes and she didn’t know what to do.
Then he took a deep breath and released it slowly.

“Annie, yer a grown woman now. You pro’ly know more than I
do ’bout things with men and women. I just want you to be careful. That
man…he’s a slick one. If he really cares for you, good. If not…he might hurt

She waited almost a full minute to be sure he was done.
“Okay. I’ll be careful. I care about him a lot too. He’s always been real
honest with me about stuff.”

Henry’s head jerked up and he glared at her. “Has he tried
anything funny with you?”

“No, Daddy. Nothing funny.”

How she said that with a straight face, she’d never know.
The truth of the matter was Rick hadn’t tried anything funny like her dad meant
it. She had been onboard every step of the way, so she certainly didn’t feel as
though he’d misused her.

“Good,” Henry replied. “Good. I can’t watch you and yer
sister every minute anymore. Yer grown. Gotta watch yer own self.”

“Yes sir.”

He nodded as if that settled the matter and stood with a
groan. “I’m goin’ to bed.”

“All right. Goodnight.”


As he shuffled out of the room she fought back tears. This
was the longest conversation, and the most heartfelt, they’d had in a very long
time. Just when she was sure her dad didn’t give a damn about her one way or
another he tried to give her
the talk
. She laughed a little and covered
her mouth with one hand so he wouldn’t hear. Then she went back to her room and
crawled into bed. She was staring at her ceiling thinking about her dad when
she finally fell asleep.

The alarm woke her at seven thirty and she stumbled out of
bed. Rick had told her not to shower until she got to his place so she went to
Tammy’s room instead. Her sister was applying makeup with one hand and fluffing
her hair with the other. “Hey, sis.”

“Good morning,” Annie said. “What time does the bus come?”


“Did you eat breakfast?”

“I’ll eat at school.”

Annie wiped a hand over her face, still trying to wake up.
Tammy laughed at her and finished hair and makeup simultaneously. Annie was a
little envious. She’d never had the knack for prettying herself up. The best
she could do was curl her hair, and she usually burned herself when she tried.
With a sigh she headed for the kitchen to make toast.

Fifteen minutes later Annie was dressed and rushing Tammy
out the door. “Come on, come on. I don’t want you to miss the bus.”

“All right, I’m coming. Jeez. It’s not like Rick won’t take
me if I need him to.”

Annie rolled her eyes and followed Tammy onto the porch. A
glance showed Wes’ car already in Rick’s driveway. “Yeah, well, he’s got
company so he can’t.”

Tammy halted on the bottom step and Annie nearly ran into
her. She would’ve complained if her sister hadn’t suddenly spun on her heel
with a look of horror on her face. “Who the hell is that? They couldn’t have
been there all night, right? I mean…I’m sure it’s not a girl.”

Annie almost laughed, but then she realized Tammy was really
upset. She set her hands on her sister’s shoulders. “No, no, it’s his friend
Wes. Don’t worry. I’ve seen his car before. I knew he’d be over this morning.”

“Oh. Good.”

Tammy adjusted her backpack on her shoulder and headed to
the end of the driveway. The bus was already driving around the bend as Annie
stepped up beside her. “You’re off today?”

“Yup. I’ll see you after school.”

“All right, but I go into work at four. Have a good day.”

The bus arrived and Tammy gave Annie a finger wave before
trotting up the steps. Annie watched the bus disappear around the bend before
making her way across the street. Her nerves began a jig and her stomach tried
a cartwheel. Luckily she’d only had the toast and a small glass of water.
Anything more would’ve threatened to come back up. She walked up the steps onto
Rick’s front porch and opened the glass door. Before she could even knock the
front door opened and Rick stood there smiling at her in nothing but a pair of
unbuttoned jeans. The hint of pubic hair at the open top told her it was
he wore. She licked her lips and stepped inside.

“Mornin’, beautiful,” he said as he moved to allow her

His husky voice sent a shiver down her spine. “Morning.”

He shut the door behind her and locked it. “Wes is almost
ready for us.”


“Let’s take a shower.”

He took her hand before she could protest and led her toward
his bedroom. Wes nodded at her before turning back to some complicated-looking
equipment. She noticed Lynn’s absence but didn’t comment until they were alone
in the bedroom. “Lynn’s not here?”

He shut the door and started pulling off her clothes.

She let him get her naked without bothering to help. He
didn’t require it.

“They didn’t get mad…when you asked her not to come?”

“Nope.” He gently plucked off her glasses and set them on
his dresser. “Can you see okay without those?”

She blinked and looked around the room. “Um…yeah. Far stuff
is kinda blurry. But I can see you just fine.”


He placed a swift kiss on her lips before leading her to the
shower. She fidgeted while he waited for the water to warm. As soon as he faced
her again he pulled off his jeans.

“Ready?” he asked.

She nodded and let him guide her into the shower. He washed
her hair and body with quick efficiency before doing the same for himself. She
wanted to linger and touch and play but was well aware of Wes waiting on them.
Too soon they were done and Rick stepped out of the shower. He wrapped a towel
around his waist but held hers for a moment. “Don’t dry off. Just wrap it
around you.”


He helped her out of the shower and wrapped the towel around
her himself. Then he took her hand again and they returned to the living room.
Wes was standing behind a tripod with a huge camera on it. Wires ran from the
camera to his laptop open on the coffee table. It was pushed against one wall
to accommodate a spread of feather boas strewn across the floor. A solid black
backdrop had been set up in front of the sofa, blocking that part of the room.

“Feathers?” Rick asked with a laugh.

“Yeah, that’s what this shoot calls for,” Wes replied. “They
actually look really good against the skin. You’ll see.”

Rick just shrugged and tossed his towel onto the floor away
from the camera’s view. He gently tugged Annie toward the feathers but stopped
at the edge of the scene. Once again her nerves let themselves be known. She
swallowed hard and gripped the towel with her free hand in a white-knuckled
fist. It helped a little that Wes hadn’t even looked her way yet, but she knew
it was only a matter of time.

“Hey…you all right, baby?”

Rick’s voice in her ear startled her and she jerked her
attention his way. She was practically in his arms and hadn’t even noticed.
“Uh…yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.”

He nodded but didn’t look convinced. “Want a beer? I don’t
have anything stronger.”

She shook her head. Anything more in her stomach was
definitely a bad idea. “No. It’s okay.”

“All right.” He ran a hand through his wet hair. “Hey, man,
should we dry off?”

“Nope. You’re both fine just as you are,” Wes replied,
proving he had in fact looked at her.

She released Rick’s hand to grip the towel in both fists.
“Sh-should I take this off now?”

Both men finally looked at her and she froze. Rick glanced
at Wes and a hint of anger crossed Rick’s features. Amazingly that calmed her
fears. He was tense. She finally took the time to notice his stiff shoulders
and clenched jaw. He didn’t like this one bit. But she needed to do this. With
a deep breath of determination she finally released the towel. She kept her
gaze on Wes’ face, taking strength from Rick standing naked a breath away. Wes
stood with his hands still on his camera and let his gaze roam over her nudity.
When he finally looked at her face again she was surprised by what she saw.
Professional detachment.

“Both of you start on your knees in the middle of the boas,”
Wes said as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Annie took heart in that and moved to do his bidding. Rick
followed closely. He held her hand as she knelt then joined her. He remained
slightly behind with her facing the camera. They waited for further

“All right,” Wes said as he looked through the view finder.
“Rick, start caressing her slowly. Play with the water droplets wherever and
however you want, but fingers only. No tongue yet.”

Annie almost laughed at that last command, until Rick began
doing as Wes wanted. He started with her stomach, using the tips of the fingers
on one hand. The other he used to grip her hip and keep her steady. She was
grateful for the help since his touch always made her weak.

He trailed his fingers across her stomach slowly, stopping
to circle her navel.


Then he dipped his head and rested his lips against her


She dropped her head back, ignoring the bright lights as
best she could and concentrated on Rick’s touch. The feathers tickled her


Rick’s fingers left her navel and zigzagged their way south
just as he sucked on the skin between her shoulder and neck.


She widened her legs the slightest bit and his grip on her
hip tightened. He added pressure until she leaned back against his hard chest.


Soon the shutter fell into the background and was lost in
the sensation of Rick‘s warmth all around her body. The moisture from the
shower made her feel sensuous and a little bit naughty. It was like being
covered in oil and added slippery friction between them. She wanted to rub
against him like a cat in heat.

Rick finally dipped into her pubic hair, combing the light
pelt with the tips of his fingers. He cupped her just as he bit the side of her
neck and she moaned.

“Annie, palm your breasts.”

She jumped slightly at the sound of Wes’ voice and Rick
froze. She had forgotten where they were and what they were doing besides
touching each other.

“Baby?” Rick’s concerned voice brought her back to herself.

“Okay,” she replied breathlessly. “I’m okay.”

She relaxed against him again and cupped her breasts. Her
hands had been useless up to that point, just hanging by her sides as Rick
pleasured her. It was good to give them purpose.

The shutter began clicking again and Rick switched to the
other side of her neck. A light ache told her he might have left his mark
already, but she didn’t mind. She wanted his marks all over her. Having them in
the photos would be a bonus.

She kept her eyes closed as she tweaked her nipples and
Rick’s magic fingers continued to strum her need. Soon it wouldn’t be enough
but she hadn’t reached that point yet. He too would want more soon. His
erection was already prodding her lower back. For the moment he seemed content
to play, but she didn’t think there were any more water droplets on the front
of her body. Her breasts were heavy, her nipples hardened tips. She squeezed
and pinched, tugging lightly until she made herself gasp. All the while the
shutter continued to click.

Rick finally put both hands in play. He rested his large
palms on the insides of her thighs, holding them open until she felt the
indentations of his fingers. She had to lean back on him more so his body was
fully supporting hers. His hard cock branded her spine and she wanted it badly.
The shutter grew louder and she finally opened her eyes to find Wes much closer
than before. He’d removed the camera and was kneeling on the floor. His lens
was aimed at Rick’s hands and every secret of hers was exposed.

For the barest second fear spiked through her but then it
was wiped out by a sense of power. These men, and many others, enjoyed seeing
this kind of display. There would be people vying for a glimpse of her naked
body. Someone would even pay for it and keep it where they could view it at
their leisure. It was a heady realization and one of the most freeing moments
of her life. Another moan escaped as she looked down to see what view Wes was
capturing and realized moisture leaked down her inner thighs. She’d never been
so turned-on.

“Jesus, Wes. I need to be inside her soon,” Rick said.

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