Erotic Influence (11 page)

Read Erotic Influence Online

Authors: Missy Jane

His friend chuckled but gave a slight nod, as if he could
clearly see Rick’s predicament. “Just a few more. I have a feeling it’ll be
fast and furious the first time.”

“Fuck. You’ve got that right.”

Annie heard their words but could barely discern the
meaning. She was lost in a haze of lust where all she knew was the touch of
Rick’s hands and the sound of Wes’ shutter. Was Rick going to make love to her
in front of Wes too? She hadn’t expected that but realized she didn’t care.
Right now she just wanted to pleasure and be pleasured by Rick.

“Put your fingers in her,” Wes said. “Go ahead and make her
come first.”

Her breath caught at the quiet command and her pulse sped in
anticipation. Rick growled a deep, heavy sound low in his throat that
reverberated through his lips to her neck. She shivered and tightened her hands
around her breasts. His fingers slid up her thighs and spread her labia before
one from each hand slowly sank inside.

“Oh,” she cried out.

The shutter clicked faster, almost in rhythm with the
movement of Rick’s fingers. He sank them deep before pulling them back out,
then again and again. She thrust her hips forward without thought to meet him

“Try not to move too fast, Annie,” Wes said. “I’m using a
slow shutter speed and you’ll blur.”

The words made no sense but she stopped the movement of her
hips and allowed Rick to fuck her with his hands instead. An orgasm built
steadily, working its way through her body with every expert touch. Within
heartbeats she was on the precipice.

“She’s tightening,” Rick said. “She’s almost there.”

He kept the steady rhythm with one hand and pulled the other
away. She almost cried out in denial but then he used it to find her lonely

“Yeah, that’s it,” Wes said. “Keep going.”

Rick added a second finger to his penetration while the
other hand rubbed her own moisture over her clit. She released her breasts
without thought and grabbed his thighs, pressing her ass against his cock. He
grunted but kept his hips still as he fully concentrated on her pleasure. She
vaguely thought he deserved a reward for that later.

Then her thoughts disappeared, shattered into a million
pieces as climax overtook all reason. She screamed Rick’s name and dug her
fingers into his thighs. He stilled his hands and the shutter clicked

“Fuck…Wes…fuck,” Rick panted in her ear.

“Yeah, man. Do it,” Wes replied.

Rick’s hands left her so suddenly she almost fell forward.
But then he grabbed her hips and lifted her the slightest bit.

“Annie, do you have enough strength to squat?” Wes asked.

She was dazed but opened her eyes to find him watching her.
He was still on his knees only a couple of feet in front of them.

She nodded. “Y-yeah. Yeah, okay.”

Rick had to help her to her feet, but then she squatted and
leaned back against his chest again. With their height difference the position
was perfect. She squatted low and found his cock right at her entrance. A
couple more inches and he was inside her.

Rick hissed as soon as he sank inside. “Fuck, yesss…”

He gripped her waist and held her still when she would have
started moving. She almost questioned him on it when Wes started snapping
pictures again. He was lying on his stomach before them, camera angled up to
get a full view of Rick’s penetration. This definitely wasn’t what she’d
expected and a surge of heat went through her. Did she mind? Was this okay?
Rick didn’t seem to care or even notice. She decided to reserve judgment for
when she saw the finished product.

“I gotta move,” Rick said.

The strain in his voice was accompanied by trembling in his
frame. Annie reached behind her and caressed wherever she could reach. He
hummed against the side of her head before kissing her shoulder.

“Okay,” Wes said. “Got it.”

Then Rick was fucking her in earnest, thrusting in and out
with an urgency that boiled her blood. She gripped his arms and held on using
his strength to ignore the burning in her thighs.

“Oh god, Annie.”

Rick surged against her, holding her tightly in place for a
moment. Then he pulled out so quickly she almost lost her balance. She looked
down to see his seed shooting from his glistening cock, right between her legs
in an arc that fell to the feathers before them. Wes had moved back and
captured every drop with the camera’s lens.

“Grab his cock, Annie.”

She obeyed without thought, gripping the slick skin and
pumping it until the last drop fell and Rick shivered against her. “Okay…okay,
baby. Stop.”

She released him reluctantly and her legs finally gave out.
Rick gently lowered her to the floor before collapsing beside her.

“Jesus. I’ll be in the bathroom for a few minutes,” Wes

She watched him leave the room before turning to face Rick.
He laughed and then kissed her hard on the lips. “He’s going to call Lynn and
masturbate into my sink. Then we’ll set up for the next scene.”

“You’re kidding.”

He grinned. “Nope. I’ve had to wait before while they had
sex between shoots. I usually eat lunch or something.”

“Here? In your house?”

He just shrugged. “I’ve come all over his studio. Seems only

She didn’t know what to think about that. His grin faded and
he smoothed her hair away from her face. She was on her back with him leaning
over her. “So, was that okay? No regrets?”

“Yeah. I mean, it was okay. I wasn’t expecting to do that in
front of him though. I thought we’d just be naked.”

The last trace of amusement left his face and he placed his
hand flat on her belly. “I’m so sorry, baby. I should have asked you first. Wes
and I didn’t plan it or anything. He said we’d just see how things progressed.”

He looked so worried she had to smile. She cupped the side
of his face with one hand and pulled him down for a kiss. He went willingly and
she tried to put everything she was feeling into it. Love, acceptance,
forgiveness, all her emotions passed from her lips into his eager mouth.

“It’s okay,” she finally said. “I’m not upset.”

“Good. I know this is a responsibility, but I want you to
enjoy it.”

That made her laugh. “It sure didn’t feel like a
responsibility. And I definitely enjoyed it. Couldn’t you tell?”

“Yeah. Damn you’re beautiful when you come.”

Even after everything, that made her blush. He grinned and
kissed her again.

When Wes emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later her
face heated again. He gave her a guilty look of understanding and shrugged.
“Sorry, Annie. Sometimes it’s hard to stay professional.”

Rick chuckled and she smiled. “That’s okay. I understand.”

“If it’s any consolation, you two are one of the hottest
couples I’ve ever shot. These pics are going to sell like hotcakes.”

“Yeah, you think so?” Rick asked.



They were still reclined on the floor surrounded by the
feathered boas. Rick had grabbed his towel to clean himself off then discarded
it again. They remained gloriously naked. It was very liberating for a girl who
used to wear extra baggy clothes to hide from the world. Thanks to Rick she
wasn’t hiding any longer. He’d opened her up to new experiences and she finally
felt like an adult, instead of a little girl pretending.

“All right,” Wes said, interrupting her musings. “Let’s get
these cleared out of the way and I’ll bring out the next fun prop.”

The next fun prop turned out to be a huge roll of bubble
wrap. Each bubble was the size of a silver dollar, making a cushion beneath
Annie’s bottom. Wes had her sitting between Rick’s legs as he stood above her.
Her head was tilted back so she looked up at Rick. He held his erect cock pointed
down at her face. Wes assured her the view was only of her chin and everything
below. No one would know it was her.

She sat cross-legged with a hand on each of Rick’s knees.
Her hair had dried and now rested over each shoulder, barely covering her breasts.
Wes had asked her to let her nipples peek out and Rick had taken great pleasure
in helping her arrange the strands. Now she looked up into his amused gaze as
Wes’ shutter clicked.

Rick stroked his shaft slowly while looking into her eyes.
He blew her a kiss and she smiled before blowing one back.

“Annie, slide your hands up his legs so you can touch his
balls with the tips of your thumbs,” Wes said.


She did as he said and gently nudged the lightly furred
sacs. Rick groaned and rubbed his shaft a little faster. “I’m going to come on
your beautiful breasts, baby. Is that all right?”

His whispered words were uttered for her ears only. She
licked her lips. “Yes.”

“Damn. Now I want to come on your wet lips.”


That image sped her pulse even more. “Whichever you want.”



His hand moved faster and sweat beaded on his furrowed brow.
She kept her thumbs in place and noticed when his balls tightened.

“Gonna come,” Rick grunted.

Wes kept shooting without a word and Rick threw his head
back. “Fuck.”

Just as white, creamy jets shot from his cock he jerked his
gaze back down to see them land on Annie’s neck and breasts. She gasped as the
warmth hit her and held his gaze. There was more than passion there. She spied
her love reflected back and hoped it wasn’t just wishful thinking.

“Damn. That’s a sight,” Rick whispered.

She stayed in position as Wes continued to shoot. “Touch the
tip to her chin, Rick.”

Rick did as he was told, slowly sliding the wet tip of his
cock from the bottom of her chin up and over her bottom lip. She stuck the tip
of her tongue out to taste him and he hissed in pleasure. “Fuck.”

A quiver ran down his legs and she smiled at the heady
sensation of making him tremble.

“You’re amazing, Annie.”

“You make me feel amazing.”

It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him how she truly
felt. Those three little words that she’d rarely had occasion to use. Never
with a man, not even her dad usually. Perhaps she had told him she loved him
when she was little, but she didn’t remember it now. She tried to remember to
tell Tammy she loved her at least once a week and Tammy always said it back.
Now she was on the verge of saying it to Rick and the thought scared her a


“Annie, wrap your arms around his legs so you can cup his
ass with both hands.”

Wes’ voice was like a splash of cold water, startling her
out of her reverie. She did as he said and spread her fingers wide. Bubbles
popped as Wes changed positions.

“Once we’re done, do we get to play with this stuff?” Rick

Wes chuckled. “Maybe after I get the other models on it too.
But you’ll probably have to share with them.”

Rick grinned. “I was thinking it would be cool to have sex


“Don’t worry. That’s next.”

Annie’s brows went up in surprise and she glanced at Rick’s
now-limp cock. He chuckled. “Don’t worry, baby. Just staring at your beautiful
body will have me ready again in no time.”


“All right,” Wes said. “Let’s take a break before we start
the last series for today.”

Chapter Ten


Rick watched Annie brush out her damp hair as she sat on the
edge of his bed and nearly forgot what he was doing. He’d seen her naked all
morning, had just spent the past few hours enjoying every part of her body, and
yet the act of brushing her hair caused his heart to race. It was such a
simple, domestic scene. He was tempted to grab Wes’ camera and take a shot of
it so he’d have it always.

She finally finished and pulled it into a ponytail before
looking up at him. “What’s wrong?”


She nodded down at the jeans in his hands. “Is something
wrong with them? You’ve just been holding them for like five minutes.”

He grinned and finished putting on the jeans. “Nah. I was
just…lost in thought.”

“Ah. So we get to see the pictures already?”

“Yeah. Wes is going through them right now and then he’ll
let us see. He prefers to delete any he can’t stand before anyone takes a

She smiled at that and stood. “Well, I’m ready.”

He grabbed a shirt and pulled it on as he walked to his
bedroom door. Though Wes had already seen every part of her, Rick had still
shut and locked the door before they showered. She had laughed at him but said
nothing about it. He wouldn’t have been able to explain his actions anyway. He
got over Wes seeing her bare while there was a camera between them, but now she
was strictly off-limits. He could finally understand Wes’ position on Lynn
modeling. It was no wonder she no longer did it.

They found Wes on the sofa with his laptop open on the
coffee table. All his equipment and props had been put away. He’d jokingly
given Rick a strip of the bubble wrap.

“These are phenomenal, guys,” he said without looking away
from the screen.

Rick sat beside him and pulled Annie onto his lap. She went
without protest and he wrapped his arms around her waist. They spent the next
few minutes looking at their four hours of work in both black and white and
color. Wes was able to manipulate the colors as they watched, and listened to
their input about which ones to convert. Overall he’d been right, they were

“That one,” Rick said as he pointed at the screen. “That’s
the one I want for my wall.”

Annie laughed nervously and buried her face in his neck. The
shot was of her sitting between his legs. His seed covered both breasts while
the tip of his cock was visible, barely touching her bottom lip. “I want it in
black and white.”

“You got it,” Wes replied. “Annie, see any you want?”

She lifted her head to look at the screen. “Um, yeah…but I
better not. I can’t put them on my wall.”

Wes grinned in understanding. “Maybe once you get your own
place. Just let me know. Every model gets one print and a digital copy of the
others. I can make a flash drive for you if you’d like.”

“No, that’s probably a bad idea too. My sister has no sense
of personal space or possessions. If she sees a flash drive she’ll probably
take it.”

“That would not be good,” Rick said.


“I’ll have the copies if you want to see them again,” he

She nodded and turned her attention back to the computer.
They finished looking through the photos and Wes closed the program. “I’m
really excited about these,” he said.

“Is a show already scheduled?” Rick asked.

“Yeah, in about three months.” He pulled two envelopes out
of his camera bag and set them on the coffee table. One had Annie’s name on it,
the other Rick’s. “Annie, I’m not sure if Rick explained the way the payments
work or not, but you get a flat sitting fee first. I usually wait until the end
of the shoot to give it to you. Then once the prints actually sell you’ll get a
small percentage. That can sometimes take a few months.”

“Okay,” she replied.

Though she made no move to touch the envelope Rick could
almost feel curious anticipation wafting from her.

“I was going to come back the next two days to shoot some
more, but I really don’t think I need to,” Wes said. “We got a lot more done
today than I’d hoped.”

He grinned at her and Rick knew exactly what he meant.
They’d both been wary of Annie’s sensitivity to being shot in the nude. It had
gone a lot smoother than his highest expectations. She was a natural.

“We’ll get invitations to the opening of the showing for
these,” Rick said.

She tensed and her brows went up. “Oh.”

“You don’t have to go if you don’t want to,” Wes added. “But
no one will know it’s you. I promise. Lynn loves to walk around and hear
people’s reactions to her poses. Then she engages them in conversation about
the piece without them even realizing it’s her body they’re talking about.”

Rick laughed but Annie still looked doubtful. “That’s…wow.”

“Yeah,” Wes agreed.

He shut his laptop and stood, sliding it into his bag
alongside his camera and lenses. Rick eased Annie off his lap so he could help
Wes load everything into his car. “I’ll be right back.”

Annie sat on the sofa without a word and just watched as the
men grabbed everything and walked out of the house. Rick found himself glancing
across the street even though it was much too early for Henry to be home on a
weekday. Tammy wouldn’t be out of school for a couple more hours either. He’d
have Annie to himself for a little while.

They loaded the car and Wes stood in his open door. He
glanced at the house before turning his attention to Rick. “She did really
well, man. I think I can add her to my list of regulars.”

“That would be good, for a little while at least. She needs
the extra money. But I don’t know how long I’ll want her doing this.”

Wes grinned in understanding. “Yeah, I get ya. But take it
from me, you don’t want to tell her she has to stop. It’s better to let her
reach that decision on her own. Lynn was stubborn enough not to let me pay any
of her debts when we got together. And she had plenty. She worked just long
enough to get caught up on everything then stopped unless I really needed her.”

Rick ran a hand over his face and crossed his arms. “Didn’t
it drive you nuts? Especially at the shows?”

“Hell yeah, it did. But then I saw the look on her face when
she got the first check. It wasn’t just the amount of money, it was knowing she
had earned it with her beautiful body. You know, I see a lot of how Lynn was in
Annie. When we first met, Lynn had a very low opinion of herself. Her ex had
really battered her self-esteem. But when she saw herself in twenty-by-twenty
and larger, up on the walls where everyone was staring in awe…it did wonders
for her. I think this will be good for Annie.”

“God, I hope so. I want her to see what I see when I look at

“She will. Just be patient with her. That’s what she really

Rick nodded and put his hand out. Wes grabbed it for a shake
and pulled him into a quick hug. Rick laughed and clapped his friend on the
back. “Thanks, man. I really owe you one.”

“Not at all. She’s a gem. Thanks for letting me shoot her.”

He dropped into his car and shut the door. Rick watched him
drive away then hurried back into his house. Annie was curled up at one end of
his sofa watching the door. She smiled at him when he walked in and he simply
stood watching her.

“What?” she asked.

He shook his head and smiled back. “You’re so damn beautiful
I could just stare at you all day.”

He made sure the front door was locked before closing the
distance. She smiled as he approached and straightened so her feet were
touching the floor, legs open to accommodate him when he knelt between them.

“Tell me how you’re feeling. What you’re thinking about this
morning,” he said.

She put both hands on his neck and played with the ends of
his hair as she seemed to think it over. “Well…I don’t know. It kind of feels
surreal, you know? Like it was me, but not really me the whole time. Like it was
pretend or something.”

“Yeah, I get that. This is the first time I haven’t needed a
beer or two before starting.”


“I wasn’t sure if it would bother you if I had one or not.”
Her surprise was evident. “I’ve noticed you don’t drink much.”

She shrugged and massaged his neck. “My dad drinks a lot and
I don’t really like it. I kind of hate the smell of beer to be honest.”

“I’ll throw out what I’ve got left.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I don’t mind. It’s not nearly as important to me as you

Moisture filled her eyes and she lowered her head. He kissed
her temple and waited to see if she would cry or ignore his comment. He meant
every word. The sooner she got used to the idea, the better.

“Am I really important to you?” she finally asked in a quiet

“Yeah, baby. You really are.” He gripped her hips and slid
her to the edge of the sofa. Amazingly he was hard again but he ignored it to
simply hold her in his arms. He wanted her to know she was more than a sexy
body to him. Much more than just sex.

He rubbed her back with one hand while the other kept her in
place. Her face was buried in his neck and her soft breath warmed his skin. The
only way it could be more perfect was if they were both naked…and in bed. That
thought made him laugh.

She pulled back to look at him. “What’s so funny?”

“We just spent hours naked together, and I was just wishing
you were naked again. I can’t get enough of you, Annie.”

Surprise tinted her smile. “I like seeing you naked too. We
have time.”

He looked at the clock above his television and saw they had
at least a couple of hours still, but there was something they needed to talk
about first. He sat beside her on the sofa. “I’ve got a question first.”


“Are you on birth control?”

Her brow wrinkled as she shook her head. “No. I hadn’t
really needed it.”

“I’m sure you realize things got a little out of control
today. I hadn’t intended to actually have sex with you in front of Wes so I
didn’t think about what could have happened. He doesn’t like having condoms in
the pictures. I didn’t even think about them until after we were done.”

She wrapped her arms around her waist and sat back into the
corner of the sofa again. It created unwanted space between them but he let her
have it. Her expression was blank. He had no clue if she was upset or just
thinking over what he’d said.



“Can I take you to get on birth control? Do you want to?”

She frowned again. “I don’t have insurance, Rick. I’m too
old for my dad’s and not eligible at work.”

A jolt of surprise went through him. He hadn’t even
considered that problem. “Oh. Well…I’ll pay for it.”

“You don’t have to do that. There’s probably a free clinic—”

“No. It’s as much my responsibility as it is yours. I’ll pay
for it and take you to get it.”

She suddenly shot off the sofa and paced toward the door. He
stood quickly, thinking he’d have to run after her. However, when she got to
the door she turned and faced him. The look on her face was one of worry and
possibly fear.

He held out his hands as if encountering a frightened
animal. “What is it, baby?”

“You don’t have to do that. You don’t have to take care of

She crossed her arms against her breasts but she didn’t look
or sound angry. He lowered his hands. “I want to.”


With a sigh he stepped around the coffee table and slowly
approached her. She stood her ground and kept her arms crossed as a barrier.

“I really care a lot about you, Annie. Isn’t that a good
enough reason? Birth control is both our responsibility, not just yours.”

“You already buy condoms.”

“Yeah, but I said Wes doesn’t want them in the shoot. If we
do more modeling for him you need to be on birth control. The sooner the better
so it’ll be effective by the time we need it.” He lightly gripped her
shoulders. “Then eventually we can stop using condoms in the bedroom too. I
really like the feel of you right against my bare skin.”

She shivered and he watched the movement of her throat as
she swallowed. “Yeah…me too.”

“So, we can go get you on birth control?”

She nodded slowly though she didn’t look convinced and he
ran his hands down to her elbows before pulling her arms open. She allowed it
and stepped into his embrace. “Yeah, sure.”

He closed his eyes as he rested his chin on the top of her
head and held her close. It was on the tip of his tongue to say
I love you
but he didn’t want to scare her away. It was too soon. They’d been together a
matter of days. He’d been fantasizing about her for months, but she didn’t know
that and probably wouldn’t believe him if he told her. Making birth control a
responsibility was the best argument he could come up with on the spot. Though
truth be told, he wouldn’t even mind if she got pregnant.

A grin tipped his lips at the thought of her flat belly
rounded with his child. Before when the thought of getting a woman pregnant had
entered his mind it was accompanied by fear and apprehension. Not now. Annie
would make a wonderful mom and he didn’t want to think of her carrying anyone’s
baby but his. She made him feel like a Neanderthal. His possessive tendencies
were coming to the fore with every minute they spent together.


Annie held on to Rick as apprehension slowly drained from
her. So he wanted to buy her birth control pills. So what? She wasn’t even sure
why it had caused such a reaction in her except she didn’t want him to think
she was needy or using him. He didn’t seem to be concerned with either
possibility. How long would that last?

Though she had no real experience with boyfriends, she’d
seen Tammy’s relationships fail time and time again over the stupidest things.
Most often the boys accused Tammy of using them and Annie knew it was true.
Tammy was spoiled and liked to get gifts. She also had no qualms about asking
her boyfriends to do things for her when Annie or their dad wouldn’t. She had a
much-deserved reputation for being high-maintenance. Annie would be damned
before she let Rick think that of her too.

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