Everyone's Favorite Girl (14 page)

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Authors: Steph Sweeney

In the middle of the floor stood Flora, stark naked and heaving, and me.  Not five steps away, I saw Patton.  Sean, James, Kate, and Mr. Shriver stood in the circle of chairs.  Everyone else—including the president—had instantly obeyed Mr. Shriver’s command.

They were all drugged.  I could see it now.  Despite being barked an order, these powerful men suffered no loss of pride or cheerfulness.  The party raged on, only now in a narrow, congested film around the room.

It was quieter now, though.  I could hear the piano, some classical piece to which I do not know the name.  The sound of it filled me with an aching joy.

My Flora.  She was in this room.

Only it was too late to see her.  The show had begun ahead of schedule.  I could tell Mr. Shriver was annoyed, but he couldn’t mask his intrigue.  Here he was with the entire U.S. government at his command, and he watched me like I was the final piece to some intricate jigsaw puzzle wiggling myself into place.

Leading Flora between two chairs and into the circle, I pressed her button again and pushed her down on the bed.  She landed on her back, le
gs spread and bent at the knees—a position fit for the Showcase Hall.

Now the men inched forward, drawing the gap closed.  Before they engulfed Patton, who still stood motionless in the middle of the room, and went over, took his hand, and led him to the bed.

We stood face-to-face.  He was shaking.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered, looking right through me, like I wasn’t even there.  It dawned on me that he believed I’d been brainwashed, too.  Whatever James had told him to make the swap of Floras successful, he must have left out that part.  It made sense.  To James, I’d only expressed distrust in Patton.  As my loyal, brainwashed servant, he naturally adopted my thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

In that way, James was now my best friend.

I wanted to show him some sign of sympathy, forgiveness, but Mr. Shriver was watching.

Instead, I reached into his pants.  I’d absorbed enough of the Libido Drug from Flora that with a single grazing of fingertips his dick went from limp to fully erect in seconds.

I squeezed it, whispering, “Go fuck her.  She wants you to.  She loves you.”

He shook his head.  I squeezed harder.

“Don’t be an idiot, Patton.

I had to undress him myself.  This part of the show turned into a comedy routine to the audience.  For some reason, they found it hilarious, especially when Patton nearly tripped on his own pants.

Mr. Shriver and the president had taken their seats again.
  They watched intently.

I pulled Patton to the bed by his cock, but then I stepped around him and pushed him toward Flora.
  She had three fingers inside herself and she was thrusting her pelvis at him, moaning softly.

“Do it,” I said, no longer whispering.

“I—I can’t.”

“You have to.  When you have to do something, you do it.  Just hop on.  The rest will take care of itself.”

I was cold to him.  I feigned irritation, impatience.  In his worst moment, I couldn’t be there for him because my life depended on it.

Probably his, too.

Patton looked down at Flora.

From all around the room came random, hushed expressions of awe and admiration, like the voices of ghosts.  These men who led, represented, and were known by millions all buckled at the sight of Flora.  Any one of them, including the president, would do whatever Mr. Shriver asked while inside her.

I took hold of one of Flora’s feet and felt an instant surge of pleasure.  Pulling her leg straight, I brought her foot up and brushed it against his stomach.  He took hold of the foot, raised it higher, Flora’s leg now near vertical, and he stared down at the base of it.

I can’t say I wasn’t struck with insane jealousy.  I was.  That’s how I knew my feelings for Patton hadn’t gone anywhere—except behind a big brick wall like a wimpy kid hiding from bullies.  Once he had his hands on her, he couldn’t stop.  No one could.

He started by kissing the bottom of her foot.  Then her ankle.  Then up her leg—or down, as her position dictated.  Flora moaned louder with each kiss.  It was like watching a collision in slow motion.  I could tell she would reach orgasm the moment his lips touched her vagina.

When he passe
d her knee, I had to turn away.

Where I turned happened to be towards the bartender, who’d somehow fought his way to the front of the crowd.
  Knees bent, arms out, as if singly holding back the entire crowd, he looked like he was ready to pounce on her.

The sight of him gave me an idea, a way this could all work out without Patton having to rape his own student.

Turning back to them, I found Patton kissing Flora’s inner thigh, now using his tongue and inches away from her labia.

I ran my hand between Flora’s legs, over the hand she was using to masturbate, pushed my fingers between hers, and even managed to slip two inside her.  With sheer determination, I retracted my wet fingers and stuck them in Patton’s mouth

Patton clamped down on them immediately with his lips, running his tongue over them so expertly I facetiously wondered if he’d ever sucked a dick.

I backed away from the bed, and Patton came with me, reaching out and yanking me to him and kissing me with my fingers still in his mouth.  Pulling my hand from between our faces, I reached down and used Flora’s wetness to lubricate the head of his cock.

Then he slammed me to the floor.

I thought I was in for the pounding of a lifetime, but Patton just sort of fell on top of me, wrapping his big arms around my body, pinning my arms to my chest.  He rested his chin on my shoulder and skillfully entered me without the guidance of his hand or mine.  Not that it was a complicated task.  He was rock-hard and I was dripping wet.  You don’t need a key when the door is wide open.

“I have to tell you something,” Patton whispered.

It jolted me.  We both only had a mild dose of the Libido Drug, but even I, with a much higher tolerance for the chemical, didn’t know if I could concentrate to talk at this point.

And Mr. Shriver was only ten feet away.

“Shut up and fuck me,” I breathed.

“It’s about Brian.  I have to tell—”

I didn’t hear the rest because Mr. Shriver interjected with, “No, no, on the
you two!”  Then, at normal volume, to the president, “I have a clumsy staff.”

Neither of us moved.  Patton continued to fuck me slowly, in and out, in a savory sort of way.  I didn’t want him to stop.

A shadow passed over me and I heard footsteps near my head.

It was the bartender.  By the time I looked over, he had his pants down and was crawling atop Flora.

Mr. Shriver threw a fit, cursing and shouting and ordering the bartender’s removal from the party.

James stepped up and dragged the bartender to the floor, then got down on one knee and delivered punches to the man’s head until he fell unconscious.

A short burst of applause rose and fell, not gaining enough traction to spread across the room.  Everyone was still focused on Flora.  A few eyes might occasionally steal a glance at Patton and me, but the suspense of who would deflower Flora held everyone’s attention as though this event would decide the fate of the world.

“Mr. Shriver, if you would do me the honor,” said the president,
speaking at speech-giving volume, “I would love to give the girl a try.”

I closed my eyes and listened carefully for Mr. Shriver’s response over Patton’s breathing, Flora’s orgasmic cries, and the panting of the crowd.

“Oh, what the fuck?” he finally said.  “This whole show is a bust anyway.”

“There’s no end to your hospitality, sir,” the president said.

He stood and began to remove his tie, and this time everyone in the crowd cheered.  He turned to address them, but I don’t know what he said.

All I heard was what Patton said.

“Brian cloned you.”


~ ~ ~ ~


When Patton came, we both stood awkwardly, Patton crouching to grab up his clothes, and moved away from the circle.  We weren’t part of the show anymore.  Mr. Shriver sat proudly, watching the president endorse his top-selling product.

Patton and I went to the unmanned bar, where I popped the cap on two bottles of beer.

“What the fuck do you mean he cloned me?”

Patton took a breath.  He seemed relieved already.  How long had he known?

“Remember when Sean brought you here?”

“Yeah, I woke up strapped to a table, naked.”

“While you were unconscious, Brian took DNA samples.  He started growing a clone of you the day you got here.”


“For the new Favorite Girl.”  The one Flora talked about, the one Patton hadn’t found yet.  “That’s why I was so upset when you killed Brian.  Not because he was my brother—because he wouldn’t tell me where he keeps you…your clone.  I’ve searched this building up and down, but I can’t find her.  Now I’m confined to Level D, and I don’t even know if someone’s keeping her alive.”

Another me, floating in a jar.

Patton looked utterly exhausted.  He hadn’t even buttoned up his shirt.

I hesitated to ask what was on my mind, but there was a dead stillness in the air
, and I didn’t know when I’d be seeing Patton again.

“What’s the new Favorite Girl?”

He smiled and shook his head.  “Remember the deal we struck at the last party?  With the pharmaceutical company?”

It took me a moment to recall.

“Brian invented some kind of pain killer, right?”

“Not just any pain killer,” Patton said.  “This one turns your pain into pleasure.”

“What’s her name?”

I could have guessed in three chances.

“Torture Girl,” Patton said.


~ ~ ~ ~


"Lie down, please," he said.

Now would be the time to run, but I couldn't do it.  Kate's voice kept reverberating:
There's no way out.  Make them want to keep you alive.

I obeyed, returning to my original position, only I put my arms at my sides, praying he wouldn't tie me up again.

"Spread your legs, please."

He came around the foot of the table to the counter.  My heart began to race as his hand glided over the surgical instruments to open a drawer next to the small cart.  He pulled out a box of surgical gloves.

"Are you going to hurt me?" I asked.

"Not if you behave," he replied without turning.

I closed my eyes, drew my legs up, and spread them.  A moment later I felt his forearm press against my thighs, gripping one with his latex-wrapped hand.

He inspected me.  Why, I didn't know.  Maybe he planned to have sex with me and wanted to make sure I didn't have any diseases.  Or a basic cavity search. 
Either way, my arousal intensified and I began to breathe deeply.

Brian giggled.  "You're drugged, aren't you?  Kate thinks she's so crafty."

He applied pressure, rubbing slowly, and I felt the birth and rapid growth of an orgasm.  I slipped my hand between my legs and pressed my palm on the two fingers he was using to massage me.

Before I climaxed, he jerked his hand away and said, "You're quite the marvel, Melissa.  A natural beauty.  I think he'll love everything about you."


Suddenly he was next to me, the bulge in his pants a foot from my face.

Another giggle.  Brian crouched down so that we were face to face.  He was smiling, and I got lost in those strange, cosmic eyes.  "I bet you like to be on top," he said, and after a thought, "but only for so long.  Yes, at some point you want to be slung down on the bed and drilled.  Taken over.  Rendered into a flower, producing nectar for a bee."

I watched his mouth moving, barely comprehending his words, but when I rolled over to kiss him he grabbed a handful of my hair and jerked my head down.  "If only you were a virgin," he said.

I felt pleasure instead of pain, and I screamed, drowning out Brian's childlike laughter.


~ ~ ~ ~


I got wasted at the bar, becoming so belligerent that Patton finally got up and walked away.  I was mad at him for not telling me sooner, solaced by the truth behind his reaction when I killed his brother, and stumbling through a surreal world in my mind, searching for a test tube replica of myself.

I kept replaying my memory of waking up in this building over and over in my head, trying to recall if I felt pain from a needle recently plunged into my vein.  Then I drew out the Level B floor plan and tried to guess where Brian might have some secret room or closet.  A bookshelf that slid aside to reveal a door, perhaps?  Or maybe my clone was sitting conspicuously on a countertop in some lab Patton wasn’t allowed to access.

The party dwindled down to nothing.  I was so drunk I didn’t even notice how strange it was.  A big part of me believed Mr. Shriver was going to capture these government officials the same way he’d captured all those businessmen and local politicians.

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