Exposure (10 page)

Read Exposure Online

Authors: Elizabeth Lister





Chapter Thirteen


We ordered pizza for supper; Jeremy's vegetarian and mine with sausage and pepperoni.

"Do you know how much sodium is in that stuff?" he asked.

I shook my head and took a big bite. "Never thought about it."

He shrugged. "Okay, well, they're

I picked up my beer. "Cheers."

He laughed and bumped it with his glass of water. "Cheers."

After we finished we lounged on the sofa. I flicked through channels for a while and suddenly felt self-conscious. I looked over to see Jeremy watching me with a look in his eyes I knew well.


"I was just thinking how hot it would be to handcuff you to your bed."

I stared at him, my dick turning to steel. "Um..." I didn't know what to say. Obviously, my eyes and the bulge in my pants spoke for me.

He grinned. "Hmm. You like that idea, don't you?"

I took a shaky breath as he moved toward me. "Jeremy, I don't think...we should do that right now."

He stopped. "Why?" He looked confused.

"Well, it sounds kind of intense, you know?"


"Well, maybe we should just do something a bit more traditional, until your legs are better."

He looked taken aback for a minute. Then profoundly disappointed.

I continued, "I mean, they're improving, right?"

He nodded. He sat down next to me and looked at his hands. His lengthy silence made me nervous.


He looked at me with an expression of such sadness and regret that my heart dropped into my shoes.

"You're telling me that we can't play games and have fun with each other because my legs are numb and a bit weak?"

"Well, I just thought it would be better..."

"Only a hundred percent healthy people can have kinky sex?"

"No, I just--I don't know, I thought it might be too much for you." I could hardly speak with the fear of losing him. "I just want you to be okay."

"So do I. But I'm not going to postpone all the things I enjoy until my legs are better. And, it's just, if you're gonna handle me with kid gloves from now on, this just isn't going to work." He went on. "I feel great, my symptoms are improving, and there is nothing better than a huge, motherfucking, explosive orgasm to send endorphins and positive energy through my brain and my body. Not to mention that I might wake up tomorrow with no feeling in my dick."

My eyes widened.

"You didn't think of that, did you?"

I shook my head.

"Listen, Martin." He spoke quietly, as if to a child who had trouble understanding. "The most important thing this disease has taught me is to enjoy the fuck out of what life has to offer, every day. I
take care of myself. I eat well and I get as much sleep as I can. I've started this new medication and I swear I will take it religiously. Beyond that, I will not let this disease dictate how I live my life."

I couldn't say anything for a moment, the look he gave me so determined and strong. Then I took a deep breath and said, "I want you to handcuff me to the bed and do whatever you want to me."

He looked at me and his eyes widened. Then his lip twitched.

"I want you to enjoy the fuck out of me." I finished.

He smiled, and the tension and the heartache vanished, relief flooding through me.

"Are you sure?"

I've never been more sure of anything in my life
. "Jeremy, handcuff me to the goddamn bed."

"Okay." He looked me over hungrily. "Take off your clothes."

I started to do so.

"No. Slowly, please." He directed. "And look at me while you do it."

Holy fuck.
I was so his bitch right now and he knew it. I finished unbuttoning my shirt and slowly peeled it off, letting it drop to the floor behind me. My erection, scared away by the prospect of losing him, came back with a vengeance. I slowly unbuttoned my jeans and pushed them down, staring into his darkening gaze with an intensity to match it.

"Shit," he whispered. "Do you even realize how hot you are?"

I pulled off my pants and stood there in my boxer briefs. I blushed. "Only when you look at me like that."

He grabbed his cane and stood up. He held out his hand. I moved closer and took it.

"I want to show you something."

He led me over to the mirror that leaned against the wall and made me stand in front of it. He stood behind me, to the side. I was embarrassed to look at myself. I averted my gaze, making a slight sound of protest.

"Shhh," he quieted me. "Eyes forward, Martin." And that directive, the one I'd used so often in our interactions, caused a jolt right to my cock. I obeyed, taking in the sight of myself in the big mirror.

"Put your hands behind your head," he said and I did so, not even thinking about resisting.

He leaned his cane against the wall and stood behind me. We were almost the same height.

"You can close your eyes for a minute," he suggested and I did so with both relief and a surge of excitement. Then I felt his hands on my own. He ran them lightly over my biceps, my shoulders, and down my back. He skirted them around my waist and slid them up to my chest, resting them over my pectorals. He must have felt my heart and its rapid staccato beats.

He kissed the back and side of my neck as he stroked his hands flat across my nipples, once, twice, causing them to harden and me to moan quietly. I could feel moisture leaking from my cock into my underwear.

All I could feel were his lips at my neck and his hands as they glided slowly down over my belly, his fingers slipping under the waistband of my boxers. I inhaled a trembling breath as he freed my erection and pulled my boxers slowly, oh so slowly, down. My eyes stayed shut but I stepped out of them and waited with held breath for his next move.

"Jesus," he said. His warm hand wrapped around my aching cock. I moaned and he placed his other hand flat against my belly as he pressed his body against me. "Open your eyes, Martin," he whispered in my ear. I could feel the excitement in his voice and his own hard cock pressing against me through his clothes.

I opened my eyes and stared in wonder at the image before me. There was a tall, fairly slim, very attractive naked man before me, his skin flushed and his eyes dark with lust; his large, erect penis jutting beyond the grip of another man's hand and the man's other hand splayed possessively across his abdomen.

"How fucking sexy is that?" He murmured in my ear.

I shivered and he stroked my cock as I watched in the mirror. "That is...really...fucking...hot..."

He suddenly let go of me and backed away, taking his cane from the wall.

"Okay, first lesson over. Now get your beautiful ass onto that bed, Martin, and I'll see what else I can teach you."

I trembled in excitement, and a tiny bit of fear, and headed for the bedroom.

"I'll be there in a minute," Jeremy said and ducked into the kitchen, for what I could only imagine.

I crawled onto my double bed, my whole body humming with desire. What position did he want me in? I had no idea. So I waited there on hands and knees in the middle of the bed, breathing heavily and trembling. What was he doing? Why was it taking so long?

The longer I waited, the more agitated I became until I realized this was part of the exercise. He knew my desire and need would increase with the anticipation of his next action. I suddenly realized that, for all I'd done to him and with him during previous encounters,
was master at this game and I was nothing. I was absolutely his slave and I would do anything to please him. The thought forced more moisture from my aching shaft. I whimpered at the agony of waiting and wondering what he had planned for me.

"Now, that is a sight to behold."

His voice came from close by. It startled me. I turned my head to see him lean his cane against the wall and move toward me. He had removed his t-shirt and undone the top button of his jeans. His cock strained against them. I gasped and looked up at his face. I noticed he was holding the leather cuffs in one hand and a bottle of honey, the liquid kind in the little bear-shaped bottle, in the other.

As he knelt on the bed beside me, he asked. "Is the bedspread machine washable?"

I nodded, eyeing the cuffs and the honey with barely contained excitement. He looked me over again, shaking his head in amazement.

"As great as you look like that, Martin, I actually want you lying on your back with your hands at the headboard."

"Okay." I got into position.

He reached out and ran a hand along my neck and down over my chest and stomach, stopping just before he got to my cock. "That's perfect." He leaned over me and attached one of the cuffs to my right wrist. Then he threaded the other one through the bars and attached it to my left wrist. While he did so I stared at his gorgeous chest and inhaled his clean, musky scent, closing my eyes briefly in pleasure.

"How does that feel?" he asked, looking down at me and pulling on my restraints. "I think there's enough give for you to turn over when I need you to."

"Fine," I murmured. The cuffs were padded and very comfortable, the feeling of being restrained delicious. "Good," I admitted.

He backed off and picked up the jar of honey. "Well, it's a good thing you can't escape. It would be pretty hard for me to outrun you."

My lip twitched at his joke. "I don't want to escape...but don't we need a safe word or something?"

He looked at me funny. "Martin, I'm holding a bottle of liquid honey, not a cat o' nine tails. Although," he eyed me carefully. "That's something we could get into later on, if you want." He waggled his eyebrows. He leaned in close to me, his face inches away. "Look, just tell me to stop and I'll stop. But I think you're gonna like it." He kissed me sweetly and all my nervousness vanished as it always did when I was with him like this.

He pulled away finally, so slowly, holding my bottom lip gently in his teeth and then letting it go. I moaned and pulled at the cuffs. Fuck, why was everything he did so sexy?

He held up the bottle of honey. "Ready?"

I nodded.

He tipped the bottle upside down over my chest and started speaking in a strange voice with a weird French accent. "So, first we drizzle ze honey onto ze naked man's chest, ooh la la..."

The honey dripped from the nozzle onto my skin before I realized he was trying to channel Julia Child.

"Zen we make pretty designs and curlicues and, woopsie, oh oh, dear me, I'm getting it all over..."

I started laughing he was being so ridiculous. He drizzled it onto my hard cock and I gasped as the syrupy liquid hit and dripped along my length.

"Oh, dear me, I must clean zis up..." he tossed the bottle over his shoulder and bent over me, his tongue suddenly on my cock. He licked and sucked the honey off of me.

I groaned and pulled at the cuffs, bucking into his mouth as he slowly licked all the honey off. He moved up and licked it off my belly and chest. When he sucked one of my nipples into his mouth I gasped. He bit it gently and sent a jolt of pleasure right to my cock. He did the same to the other one. I moaned softly and whispered his name.

By the time I was divested of all the sticky sweet honey I was a quivering mess, my cock hard as steel and my nerves singing. When he told me to turn over onto my hands and knees I could hear the breathless excitement in his voice. As I got into position he pulled off his jeans and boxers and stroked his own aching erection a couple of times, looking at me.

"Oh man," he said, his eyes dark and filled with desire. "Where's the camera?"

I blanched.

He laughed shortly. "Just kidding. There's no time for that. Where do you keep your ties?"

I had to think for a minute. "Top drawer of my dresser."

He opened the drawer and selected a wide silk blue one. He knelt on the bed beside me. "Is it okay if I blindfold you? It will heighten the whole experience."

I nodded. "Okay."

He slid the silk over my eyes and tied it behind my head.

"You are being so good, Martin. And I'm going to make you feel so good," he whispered in my ear and stroked his hand over my head and neck, along my shoulders and down my back. He moved and the same hand stroked the skin of my bottom teasingly and slowly slid down my thigh.

I trembled and moaned. Being unable to see turned me on. It put me entirely at his mercy. I loved it. And the silk felt soft and cool against my skin, giving another dimension to my pleasure.

"Jeremy," I whispered, unable to keep quiet anymore. My heart filled to overflowing as my body quivered beneath his touch. "Thank you."

His hand stilled. "For what?"

"For finding me...and for wanting me..." my voice broke but I willed myself not to cry. I hadn't even realized how lonely my life was until he came into it.

I felt him close beside me. His hand turned my face toward him and his lips touched mine softly. He kissed me tenderly and passionately.

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